The CHS Poltergeist

by Will-o-Wisp

It Follows

Last week I was pranking whoever I wanted, Monday I started targeting the bully population of the students and now I'm surprised to say that I haven't gone back to doing whatever. I guess It's a nice change of pace but I'd be a liar if I said that it wasn't more fun pranking whoever. I should turn off my alarm before someone else wakes up.
"Another night of no sleep for me," I say hitting the damn alarm to make it stop, "great. I should do something about my insomnia. At least it gives me more time to do my homework." I say looking over to my computer desk and the notebook laying on it, "Oh yeah need to get Nox and remind him about today."
I head upstairs and walk over to open a window and let the bird in. Within a minute a crow is perched on the windowsill of the living room announcing himself with a caw.
"Morning friend. Remember you're helping me today." another caw, "Glad you asked. All I need you to do is follow two people all day, stare at them maybe drop a feather near them at first so they see you, just creep them out. Can you get some friends of yours to help out? I feel it would freak them out if when they exited the school and there were a bunch of crows after being followed by one all day." A few caws this time, "Oh yeah you haven't seen the targets for this fine Thursday." I say looking through my notebook and finally showing two pages, each a with picture and schedule to the bird, "Silver Spoon and Diamond Tiara, they have all their classes together so it should be easy for you." Nox cawed and started fidgeting, "Alright calm down, let me get ready. No need to be so excited Nox, you're just creeping out some snobby girls."


"Alright Nox you know what they look like so proceed however you wish. I expect good things from you." I say pointing to the bird on my hand, "Perch on the roof and wait for them." Nox caws and does what he is told, "Alright now to go get some coffee, should I ask Striker if he wants any? Probably not even awake yet knowing him."


"Why do I still drink this? It doesn't do anything to help at this point. No one should be in the halls but there is a chance. Screw it I'm not standing outside and drinking this." I mumble walking into CHS pulling up my hood. As I walk further in to the school I notice a black feather on the floor in the right side of the hall, "A bit early friend."
"I thought an early bird was good?"
I spit out my coffee in my terror, "Where?" I pull up my mask and hope that she didn't see the rest of my face. Quickly scanning the hall in front of me there is no one but when I look back sure enough there she is, Pinkie Pie. This is going to be interesting for me.
"I scared the Poltergeist! Do I get the title now?" How can someone be jumping and happy this early in the morning?
"You wouldn't want the title." I say a bit unnerved. How did she sneak up on me?
"Yeah I don't think I'd want to be a ghost besides I think you do a good enough job." She said in her cheerful tone.
"Thanks I guess?" I say completely confused.
"You're welcome!" She said closing her eyes and putting on a giant grin. The silence that followed was incredibly awkward for me.
"People are usually don't approach me. This conversation is really weird to me."
"Is it?" She asked with a confused face.
"Yes it is." I say rubbing my head, "It's too early for this." I mumble.
"Why do you wear a mask and have your hood up?" Oh boy.
"To hide my features. Don't want people figuring out who I am." Last thing I need is people figuring out that the poltergeist is actually the personification of anger known as Firesprout.
"So poltergeist isn't your real name? Ha! Limestone owes me milkshakes." She said in a sing song voice, "So what's your real name and can I see your face?" She asked getting closer with each word.
"Hell no. Sorry if that is a bit mean but I just said that I don't want anyone knowing that." I say backing up and turning around, "If you knew me better then yes."
"So what you're saying is, if we become friends, you'll show me the guy behind the poltergeist?" She asked excitedly.
"No because I'm not in the mood for making friends right now." The look on Pinkie's face would have you think I was speaking 5 languages at once.
"I'm gonna try." She said confidently.
"Try what?" I asked dreading the answer.
"To be your friend silly!" She announced cheerfully, "Now let's start with-," She was cut off by the sound of the bell and students filling the hallway, "Oh I didn't realize the time, hope the teacher isn't mad that I was gone for the rest of class. Anyway, when do you want to continue talking?" She asked no one, "Oh he's good."
I have never been happier to go to my Physics class but I have a feeling that my day is going to be exhausting.


"And then a demon said to put the alphabet in math. Seriously what the actual hell is Pre-Calculus?" I grumble walking out of the hell that is math class.
"Pretty sure it's a class to get students ready for Calculus."
"Yeah but... wait a minute." I quickly look to my left and see Pinkie walking beside me, "Oh no."
"Oh yes. It's very rude to just walk away from someone while they're talking without saying anything by the way." She said in a scolding way, "So what is your next class? Mine is Chemistry."
"If you must know it's my English class." I hear students yelling about a crow further behind me, "Hope he's pestering the right ones."
"I think you could have done better than that."
I turn and look at the pink girl, "Why are you still following me? There is nothing to gain here for either of us except stares from the other students." At that last statement four people turned their heads away, "Thought I didn't notice?" she draws way too much attention.
"We can gain a new friend from this and I am always happy to have a new friend!" She exclaimed in her usual cheerful way.
"I need to get to class Pinkie and so do you, let's have this conversation again never." I say walking as quickly as I can away.
"He will come around, they always do." Pinkie said walking toward her class.


It's not normal for the Poltergeist to be in the lunch room, it's also not normal for the Poltergeist to announce his arrival by slamming open doors but here I am doing both these things because of a pink being of energy following me and asking non stop questions. Needless to say everyone is looking at me.
"What's your favorite color? What's your favorite food? What's your favorite type of music? When's your birthday? Do you like sweet things? What am I saying, of course you do! I haven't meet anyone that doesn't! Hey Poltergeist, why is your eye twitching?"
At that last question Striker bolted up to us, "Pinkie I think you should leave him alone. I know that look and it is not a good one, trust me when I say this."
"But we're becoming friends. I'm sure he was about to answer my questions."
Striker just shook his head, "This is not how you become friends with him Pinkie." he turned to me and put a hand on my shoulder, "Go to your usual spot, I'll make sure she stays here." I nodded and headed out the door and Pinkie must have tried to follow but I heard a stern "Don't even think about it" from Striker and then the doors to the cafeteria close.
"I need a nap after that and how does she keep finding me anyway?" I say holding my head, "She couldn't find me before but now that I apparently had a small interaction with her she can suddenly find me no problem." As I make my way to my usual spot I can only hope the rest of the day goes well.


Exiting the school and seeing at least 26 crows surrounding a terrified Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon makes my long day worth it, "Alright Nox, tell your friends that's enough." several caws later and the murder flies away leaving one crow perching itself on my shoulder, "So how was your day Nox?"
"That flying pest of yours terrorized us all day!" Diamond yelled.
"Yeah that was the point."
"You'll hear from our parents!" Silver stated.
"Will I?" I say walking toward home. I was almost off the school grounds when I heard people behind me, turning I see an annoyed Striker and Pinkie, "Oh no."
"Yeah, sorry. I know you want to head home as quickly as possible but Pinkie has something she'd like to tell you." He said walking over and leaning on me, "Trying to explain to her that she was trying to befriend you wrong was like trying to get Vinyl away from her music, damn near impossible. I'm skipping practice today and heading to your house don't care what you say."
"I'm sorry," I turn to Pinkie who now has my full attention, "I shouldn't have done that. I got too excited at possibly being your friend that I got a bit carried away. I only see you with Striker so I thought that I could just jump in and make quick friends with you but I guess I only succeeded in annoying you. If you only want one friend I can't force you to have more."
"I don't want only one friend."
"What?" Pinkie asked looking totally lost.
"I don't want only one friend but before I make more bonds with people I need to fix the ones I broke. I was friends with Striker and three other before I severed all connections with them. The only reason I'm friends with Striker again is because he approached me and we easily fixed what was broken. Two more old friends go to this school that I want to be friends with again but I think I'll have to approach them. After that I will gladly be your friend Pinkie."
Her reply was a joyful yell and a bone crushing hug for me and Striker.