//------------------------------// // Chapter 2: World Of Friendship Is Magic // Story: The World Of Equestria // by ANDIE //------------------------------// “Some of us are quite scared and worried about your presence here, but it seems that you are no threat to us, because Princess Twilight Sparkle said that she seen creatures like you before and had brought you here about an hour ago.” Said Nurse Redheart. “Wait madam am I in the Ponyville hospital?” said Joe. “Yes you are, but how did you know about this hospital?” said Nurse Redheart in curiosity. “I’ll explain later” said Joe, that’s when the gear in his head is on. He remembered about Tsukasa said that for now only him can save Equestria along with ‘others’ that Joe is really confused. “Well anyways, did Twilight Sparkle say something to you before she brought me in?” said Joe in a hint of concerned. “Not much sir, but she said she found you unconscious near the Everfree Forest with your suitcase and she’s a little bit worried about you because you looked similar to one of her friends from another dimension” said Nurse Redheart with a small giggle of how she mentioned about the mane six in the Equestria Girls world. “Oh, well I think I’m in good shape now and is it alright for me to leave the hospital yet?” said Joe. “Almost sir, we have to send a message to Princess Twilight about your recovery and signed some papers for the doctor before that” Said the nurse. “All right then” Joe said, during his waiting for the Mane Six to arrived, a lot of thought’s going through his head ‘Ok, this is getting weirder by the minute, first I was sent to a voyage and talked to Tsukasa about saving Equestria, then I woke up in the Ponyville hospital and now the Mane Six is real?, if only I had an answer to all of this.’ Joe’s thoughts keep growing until the doctor came with some documents. "Well then sir Joe, it seems that you're condition is not saver at all from the x-rays and testing on you while you're unconscious." The doctor said and Joe nodded. "Thank you doctor, am I able to leaved the hospital?" Joe ask and the doctor gives a good nod for approval. "Indeed, now I just send the letter to Princess Twilight to inform her about you're consciousness. She and her friends should be arrived in a couple of minutes." The doctor said and Joe begin to sit on his bed to past his time. Few minutes later there's a knock on the door "Come in!" Joe said and Twilight and her friends walked into his room, they looked at Joe in a mix concerned and curiosity. At the same time he looked at them with a wide eye face and a twisted mind ‘I can’t believe I’m actually looking at them.’ “Hello sir my name is-” Twilight was slowly about to say something before Joe interrupt. “Princess Twilight Sparkle, the princess of friendship and her friends.” Joe yelled in excitement and points at her friends. “Pinkie Pie, Applejack, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy and Spike!!!” As he really recognized all of them and shaking their hooves at the same time. “Hey wait, how you know us?!” Said Rainbow Dash in a curious and an angry tone and flies eye to eye at him. "You see, the thing is do you think Twilight's friends from Canterlot High are the only humans who know you guys are?" Joe said and everypony respond. "Yes!?" The ponies said. "But that doesn't answered my questioned though!" Rainbow said as she gives a stare in Joe's eyes. “Well that depends?" Joe said. "On what?" Applejack said with a dangerous edge of her comment. "Well the thing is. Twilight do you know what is a TV?” Joe answered in a hesitated voice and asked Twilight. “I've seen it before from the other world and Sunset Shimmer instruct me about it a little why?” Twilight ask. “You see, in my world you all are cartoon characters in my TV show” Joe said and immediately shield himself with the bed's pillow. He felt a small silent before peeking back at the ponies who confusingly staring at his deference. Twilight was perked up, while the rest of the six was confused. “Was that a compliment or an insult” said Applejack. “Sorry about all of this, to be honest I have a hard time of understanding of all of this and it’s just that you girls are one of my favorite characters from my world” said Joe in a shameful voice. “Girls, I think he’s telling the truth. If you are from a world where we are made up characters and you like us than you are no threat to us” said Twilight in a sign of joyfulness. “Were sorry if we make you nervous a little bit back there." said Fluttershy. “It’s no trouble at all you girls, after all I’m not so sure how I even got here in the first place.” Said Joe to make the six feel more comforting. “Everything will be just fine darling; after all you do have quite an accessorized style of clothing although it needs some improvement.” Said Rarity to compliment on Joe’s Tsukasa clothes. “Thank you Rarity, it’s true that you have an eye for fashion. Oh by the way, my name is Joe Herten, but you can call me Joe” Said Joe. “Hey, Joe are you really a human, because you looked slightly different from the humans back at Cantherlot High” Spike questioned. “Well, the only huge difference between the humans from my world is that we don’t have colorful skin and hair because that depends on what region they were born, other than that there pretty much the same” said Joe. “YYYEEEPPPEEEHHH, WE ARE GOING TO HAVE SO MUCH FUN JOEY I THINK WE SHOULD MAKE A WELCOMING PARTY SINCE YOU FIRST CAME HERE !!!” says Pinkie as she bounce around the room. “And I would be looking forward to it, but I should grab all of my stuffs first” said Joe as he started to pack up his suitcase. When he is done he realized he is missing one more thing, his Decade costume and then he came to the hospital’s reception. “Excuse me, nurse is there anything else I have that is still in the hospital?” said Joe. “Yes, there is this strange looking device that you have” said the nurse as she picked up the Rider Booker and the Decadriver, “It looks like some kind of belt buckle” said the nurse in confusion. But Joe was still having a serious face as he said: “Is that all I have when I came here?” “Yes, other than your suitcase clothes and this there is not anything else. I even checked twice” said the nurse. “Twilight, is this all I have when you found me near the Everfree forest?” Joe ask Twilight for insurance. “Yeah, that’s all why do you ask?” Twilight questioning Joe. “Never mind, it’s not that important anyways” said Joe, despite saying it he’s still baffle “that’s strange, where is the rest of the costume?” said Joe in his mental mind. “What is that thing anyways Joe?” Twilight asked. “Oh, it’s just a toy” said Joe as when he grabbed it, it’s not made of plastic anymore, but more of a metallic like feeling to it ‘that’s odd, it doesn’t feel like that before?’ Joe baffled a little. “Anyways, let’s get moving by the way Twilight is it alright that I will be staying at your castle? I don’t know if there are any other places for me to go though” Joe said. “Definitely, after all it is a huge place; there are extra rooms in the castle” said Twilight in a joyful mood. “Alright yee all, let’s have a tour around Ponyville for you Joe ” said Applejack. “No need for that, I’ve already seen Ponyville, but taking a look around shouldn’t be too bad though” said Joe. As they leave the hospital, Joe looked around Ponyville, everypony around the town saw Joe in a mix of fear and curiosity. “Sorry about that Joe, this is the first time they have seen a human” said Twilight. “No problem Twilight, after all you’re for now the only pony who seen a human and came back to Equestria after that incident with Sunset Shimmer.” Said Joe. “Just how much do you know about us anyways, am I that awesome when you watch me in that TV thing that Twilight mentioned when she first came back from Catherlot High?” Asked Rainbow Dash. “You’re always cool Rainbow, besides it’s not like there is anything that happen that going to show off your coolness” Said Joe, as on cue a scream can be heard nearby and many ponies started to run. “ Run everypony, it’s a monster!!” said BonBon with Lyra running with her. “It’s on the town center!!!” Lyra yelled out. Joe heard this and said “Did Lyra and BonBon said that there is a monster?” “One way to find out” said Twilight. When they did get to the town square, they were shocked to see what’s in front of them. It was a dark skin humanoid buffalo like creature which wear an armor like substance and two bandage arms. However the one who is shocked most is Joe as he recognized this monster, it’s a buffalo Grongi a monster from Kamen Rider Kuuga. Joe quickly ran out of the area and headed to an alley to keep distance from the creature. But the six started in their battle positions, “What is that thing and it needs more accessories!?” said Rarity in disgust. “I have no clue Rarity, but whatever it is it looks dangerous and we need to stop it!” said Twilight. “Twilight run! I know you fight monsters before but that thing is unlike anything you have faced before, get out of there before it’s too late!!” Joe yelled out a warning. “We appreciate your concerned Joe, but if that thing causes harm than we can’t just sit by and watch” Twilight let out a confident command. “Yeah, it can’t be that hard” said Rainbow Dash as she fly up high and try to dive bomb it. Only for the Grongi to duck and grab her tail as she almost hit the target and threw her to the ground next to the by standers. “RAINBOW!!!” the six yelled. After that Applejack tries to run towards it and jump in the air to do a jump kick. At the same time Twilight charge at it with her horn glow. Only to have it rolled to the side and have the two of them hit each other and the Grongi kicked Applejack aside and grabbed Twilight by her neck. She tries to blast her magic at it, but little to no effect. Joe was sitting on the side line and depression grows from him “How is this possible. How is there a Grongi in Equestria? If no pony came to help, the six lives could be on the line” Joe said in desperation. Rarity charged it with her horn glow to blast her magic at it to help Twilight. But it still have no affect on the Grongi as it throw Twilight at Rarity and they fall to the ground in a solid thud. “Twilight, Rarity!!!” Spike yelled and in anger he breathes fire at it. But only to make it even angrier, the rest of them gathered together to tend their wounds, but not before the Grongi charged at them. “That’s it!! This is gone too far Grongi” Joe said in frustration and charged at the Grongi, knocking it off from the group. He tries to punch and kick it, but his attacks proven to be nothing to it as it gives a powerful punch at Joe’s face, knocking him in front of the Six and Spike. “JOE!!!” all the six and Spike yelled. “I'm alright everypony!” Joe respond. “Listen Joe darling, we know that you are concerned to us, but there is no need to put yourself in danger like this.” Rarity said. “I appreciate that, but I can’t stand here and watched you guys suffered” said Joe in determination. “If only I’m a Kamen Rider!” Joe yelled. As soon as he said those very words, the next thing he noticed is that he came back to the same voyed where he met Tsukasa. And one cue, Tsukasa appears once more “You are a Kamen Rider Joe, you have the very thing to be one.” Said Tsukasa. “You mean these?” Joe said as he held out the Rider booker and Decadriver. Tsukasa nodded and said one last word “Only you can be this world’s Kamen Rider Decade” before Joe got back to reality where the Grongi came closer to them. This time Joey stood tall and used himself as a shield to protect the six of them. “Joe what are you doing it’s too dangerous!!!” Twilight yelled in feared and concerned. “Don’t worry Twilight, I know what needs to be done. If what I’m about to do next works. Then I might have a chance to beat it. But if not, at least I’ll try to distracted it long enough for you to call Princess Celestia for help” Joe said as he grabbed the Decadriver and placed it on his abdomen with a metal belt slot came out of it. Then he placed the Rider booker on the left side of the belt and opened it to take out a card that has a picture of Kamen Rider Decade. Joe held up the card in front of the Grongi . “Henshin” Joe yelled out loud as he flipped the card and placed the Rider Card inside the driver. When he did a voice came out and a holographic word appears in front of the driver. =KAMEN RIDE= After that he press both two metal handles from the driver =DECADE= What happens next shocked everyone, even the Grongi. Nine circle like silhouettes which had different logos appears around him now formed into holographic figures and all collided to him, forming an armor they had never seen. As the armored formed, card like objects came out from the belt and place into his helmet, forming a masked like appearance. When the armor is formed, it’s most dominant color is black and magenta, with some white piece of armor on half of the legs and arms the chest has an X shaped to it. The most promising feature is the helmet which had a face similar to a barcode, having a green lighter in the middle and two green compound eyes. All of them have their jaws dropped before Twilight slowly respond “Joe is that you?” “Yes, Twilight but you can call me Kamen Rider Decade” Joe said as he in his fighting stand at the Grongi.