The Globe Trotter

by Carrier of Heartbreak

5. Familiar

"Oh, your form is so slim! I can't wait to try my hoof at designing something for you. Such a feminine figure, but with a masculine air. Eee~! This is going to be such a fascinating experience! What colors do you like the most?"

"I like white."

"...Because it's the color of snow?"

"I love snow!"

"Hm-hm. So I can see, darling."

"Did you see this one yet?"

"Not yet, Snowy...ooh! That was simply divine! You're simply a master of your, so to speak."

"I'm not a master of any dough manes."

"Quite. Well, that was lovely! That last one looked almost like a true blizzard! It's astounding how you can do that in such a small space. I couldn't even see you in that storm! Amazing~"

"So, what are you writing?"

"Oh, I'm just sketching down some early ideas for what clothes I could make for you, once you're out of your globe."


"Yes, clothes. The garments that a lot of ponies wear? Either for fun, fashion or functionality, clothing covers a vast array of uses. Have you...have you never worn clothes?"

"Hm...I think I've seen some sheets on ponies that ancient book mare. She had something on her."

"Snowy, you can't tell me that you've never worn so much as a scarf before!"


"What?! This can't be! I simply won't stand for it! On my honor as a mare and as a designer, I swear to you that you will wear, at the very least, a scarf before the week is done!"


"Eh-hem, mm....sorry, darling. Sometimes, I get quite...passionate about my work."

"So...clothes to you...they're like my snow?"

"Well, yes, actually! We both share a love for beauty; the forms they come in just differ between us."

"As much as I love that you two are getting along so well, would you mind blocking me out of it unless you need something? I haven't been able to focus on anything since I left..." Twilight mumbled in complaint as she walked through an empty castle hallway. The link went silent for a few moments before Rarity responded, her tone hinting that she had become quite flustered.

"Er, sorry, Twilight. I forgot that we weren't the only two involved. Though, couldn't you block the line yourself?" Rarity asked, her blushing so intense that some of those emotions crept into Twilight and brightened her cheeks.

"Well, yes..." Twilight sighed. "But if I closed my end, then I wouldn't know if you were trying to contact me. If you block me out instead, then you can just reopen the link if you need me."

"But what if you need to contact us?" Snowy asked, his sudden mental voice surprising the two mares.

"Then I could just teleport to you. Besides, you're just staying in the library until I get back. There's very little chance of anything happening there, especially with that librarian lurking around," Twilight answered. A chill echoed over the line, originating from Rarity.

"...I think I can see her watching us. She's not listening in on the link, is she? Would she know how?" Rarity asked nervously. Twilight shared her shiver at the thought of that ancient mare somehow listening to their thoughts.

"I...I don't think so. I hope not, at least," the lavender alicorn thought uncertainly.

Snowy had stopped paying much attention at that point, and was singing a little song in his head. It was a cheery little tune that reminded both mares of the warm songs they usually heard every Hearthswarming.

"Snowy...?" Rarity suddenly asked. The buck didn't respond. "Okay, I think I figured out how to block a certain line. Twilight, can you still hear me?"

"Yes? Is something the matter? You apparently don't want Snowy to listen," Twilight said, her face twisting in confusion. Around her, the only sound she could hear from outside her head was the steady clopping of her hooves as she walked along the marble floor.

"Somewhat...just a little question about our dear friend," Rarity started, was interrupted by the mirthful chuckling of Twilight.

"Deer friend, Rarity~" Twilight teased. A tingling of exasperation reached her from Rarity's end of the bridge. "Okay, okay, sorry. That was just...heh..."

"...Quite. Now, Snowy seems to have acquired some, um...'wealth'?" Rarity asked. Twilight blinked before the memory of his towers of bit coins reappeared in her mind.

"Oh, yes. He had a crowd of ponies this morning that gave him tips for his show. He's taken to calling them 'yellow disks', I think. He wanted to spend them on things for his audiences, but at the same time, didn't want to have to give them up. I think he sees them as gifts from ponies who liked his snow," Twilight explained. Rarity didn't respond right away, but the burning 'smell' coming from the other end of the line let Twilight know that she was just thinking.

Rarity didn't appreciate that joke too much.

"He's been trying to give them to me. I'm not sure what I, I think he thinks I'm some sort of goddess. As flattering as that might be, I don't want him giving away his hard-earned belongings just because my coat is the same color as his snow," Rarity said over the line.

"Is he trying to do it right now?" Twilight asked.

"Yes. I don't think he realizes that I blocked him from the link. He's pointing at the stacks with his darling little hoovsies...sorry...and then he looks up at me. It's honestly very adorable, but I worry about him. Every time he smiles at me, I can't help but remember his little 'episode' when he first saw me. I know you said you didn't know how long he's been locked away inside that snow globe of his, but...oh, I just want to help him! He's such a little sweetheart, and it hurts to see him suffering like he is! Twilight, do you really think the Princess will be able to help him?" Rarity ranted. Twilight's mood took a sharp turn for the worst as her thoughts were pulled right back into the realm of tragedy.

Poor Snowy.

He just wanted to be be loved.

"Oh, that's another thing," Rarity piped up suddenly, breaking Twilight from her sadness. "He's told me that he loves me a few times already...again, it's flattering, but just as concerning. Does he behave like that around you?"

"Yes, that's just how Snowy is. He's a very lovey little reindeer," Twilight answered, a smile spreading across her face. She was so caught up in her conversation that she didn't notice the obstacle blocking her path in the hallway until she collided headfirst into it. Twilight jumped back and shook her head, trying to regain her bearings.

"Your sense of surroundings needs work, Twilight Sparkle," said a very regal voice from the same spot Twilight had smashed into.

"Princess Luna?" Twilight asked, her face flushing a dark purple and her breath catching in her throat. The dark blue alicorn blinked sleepily down at the smaller princess and nodded once. Her starry mane was traveling in all directions, the multiple constellations torn beyond recognition. Princess Luna's eyes were squinted and cracked, showing just how recently she had awoken from her usual slumber.

"Yes, it is I. At least, it was the last time I checked..." Luna mumbled before opening her mouth wide and yawning. Her yawn was long and expressive, yet still somehow commanding. She might have been able to sway a room full of angry ponies with such a yawn.

"Awake early?" Twilight asked, her eyes wandering over Luna's sorry state of exhaustion. She was answered with a slow shake of the head and another yawn.

"Nay, Twilight. I was awoken by a group of young fillies making off with an assortment of the cushions from my room. I tried chasing them down as they ran, but, silly me, I forgot to remove my sleepy mask and ran into a wall," Luna grumbled irritably. Twilight lifted a hoof to her chin in thought. Something about that sounded awfully familiar...

"Did you get them back?" Twilight asked curiously. Luna started to shake her head, but shrugged after thinking about it for a moment.

"Nay, though I know where they are. I found the group of thieving fillies wandering around looking for their chaperone. I just returned from helping them find their careless guardian. They informed me that they left my cushions inside of the library, for whatever reason," Luna explained, her eyes opening a littler wider. Her body was waking up, regardless of how much she just wanted to go back to sleep. Her large, piercing gaze traveled over Twilight's slightly anxious form. "You are coming from that direction, actually. Knowing you, you were probably just in the library. Am I correct?"

"Y-yes, Princess," Twilight answered bashfully, subconsciously scuffing her front hoof along the marble floor.

"Did you happen to see where those young ones left my belongings?" Luna asked, taking a step closer and looking past Twilight, towards where the library entrance was. Twilight shifted from side to side nervously, a feeling of panic starting to spread through her. Rarity and Snowy were still there, doing whatever it was they were doing. What would Luna do if she saw Snowy? Snowy seemed absolutely terrified of the mere mention of Princess Celestia's name...would he react the same way to Luna?

"Twilight Sparkle?"

"Oh! Uhm...y-yes, actually. I...I just saw them leaving before I walked out myself. They left a bunch of pillows laying around on the floor," Twilight stuttered in response. Luna's frown increased slightly.

"On the floor? Ugh, they will have to be cleaned...perfect. Fantastic. Just the way I wanted to spend my time for rest," Luna ranted under her breath. Twilight flinched at the anger brewing deep within the Princess of the Night. This is not the mood Twilight wanted the princess to be when she met a being she might already be hostile towards.

"Would you mind showing me where exactly it was they were left?" Luna asked. "I do not want to spend my time searching for them, and I refuse to ask that ghoul of a librarian. The last time I walked by too loudly, she hopped out and started threatening me. On my life, I swear, if she wasn't so obviously senile from age, I would have had her removed from Canterlot."

Despite the tension from the potentially volatile situation coming up, Twilight couldn't help the smile that came to her lips from the thought of that nasty librarian trying to intimidate an immortal alicorn. She was starting to sound more and more like an old dog barking at a predator much younger, faster and stronger than itself. Regardless of her limitations, she just had to be heard.

"Sure, uhm...I mean, of course, Princess," Twilight answered before turning herself around and marching back the way she had came. Behind her, Princess Luna followed sluggishly, her steps uneven and clumsy. She gave several more yawns as she went, not even paying attention to Twilight's nervous lip-biting. All she had to do was follow the purple blob in front of her until she found her pillows, then she could go back to bed. Cleaning them could wait.

The trip back to the library was both the long and short. It was long in the sense that the marble hallway seemed to stretch on forever, teasing her with a destination she wasn't sure she wanted to reach. At the same time, it was over far too quickly, and by the time she had lead Luna through the library doors, she was no closer to planning her next move than she was when she had walked into her.

The two passed by the librarian, who was following in a colt's shadow as he carried a book under his wing. To Twilight, he wasn't breaking any rules, but she knew that ancient mare would find something to take offense to. She cursed herself when she realized she had only been paying attention to the librarian's antics as a way to distract herself from the tension.

"Rarity? Snowy? Can either of you hear me?" she tested over the link. She had been trying over and over to reach her two friends, but again she was rewarded with silence. It seemed that after her last request, Rarity had listened and blocked her from listening in on herself and Snowy. Twilight cursed herself yet again for her lack of foresight. Now, thanks to her advice, she was going to have to have Luna walk right in on them without a single shred of warning.

Just then, the line tingled with a connection.

"What color is my fluff?" Snowy asked innocently.

"I-it's white. Please, Snowy, it's not appropriate for you-"

"I know this fluff is white! I'm talking about this fluff!"

"It's white! It's white, it's white, it's white, now please! Lower your posterior!" Rarity frantically thought.

"Oh...okay," came Snowy's simple response. Twilight wanted to immediately shout through the link to warn them, but that sudden transfer of words beat every single straight thought she had out of her brain. Her mind was somehow stunned into silence. The implications of what was going on...Twilight shuddered at the mere mental image of Snowy shaking his little reindeer booty at Rarity. The white unicorn's mental panic was fitting enough.

They came out from a row of shelves, right into the clearing Twilight had spent the better part of two days in. The purple alicorn's breath caught in her throat when she saw that Rarity was sitting at the table, her eyes still focused on the living being inside of the snow globe. She was still fairly far away, but she could see that Snowy was still moving around, doing another series of tricks for his snow-white goddess. Rarity watched him attentively, a small smile gracing her face. They were both oblivious to the two new arrivals.

Luna's eyes were at first drawn to her pillows still scattered around the floor of the library, but the series of movements coming from a snow globe on the table caught her attention. Her eyes widened when they locked on the little buck's performance.

Twilight froze.

Rarity looked around and saw the two princesses standing there, her own eyes widening in response.

Snowy pushed up a bit of snow and threw it in an arch over his head, creating a snowbow. He didn't notice the others locked in a battle of silence; he was having too much fun playing with his snow.

About a minute passed by in which only Snowy moved. Then Luna came back to life. She stomped forward towards the small orb of glass resting on the table. Twilight's body twitched as she tried to force it back into action. She needed to protect Snowy! Whatever he did to cause that glare of horror on Luna's face, he didn't deserve to be punished any further!

Rarity was frozen and silent, her eyes watching the dark alicorn as she came closer and closer to the table. Her face was even whiter than it normally was.

"S-stop! Princessprincessprincess, wait! He's not-!" Twilight's words died in her throat as she watched Luna stop her march right in front of the table. Her large blue eyes stared down into the ball of suspended water, watching the tiny figure of Snowy as he played. A few more moments of silence passed as Luna stared, unblinking, down at the imprisoned buck.

Snowy flinched out of nowhere and looked up, tilting his head at the new visitor. Twilight waited for him to try contacting Rarity or herself over the link, but his side remained oddly quiet. Luna and Snowy started making facial expressions at each other, as those in a conversation would do.

Twilight blinked in confusion. How was she-? Oh, the linking spell. Something like that was obviously well-known to a ruler who had to travel to distant lands and communicate with creatures of all shapes and sizes. But what were they saying? Snowy was acting fine enough; he didn't appear terrified of her at all. In fact, he looked positively enthralled at being able to show off his snowy to yet another giant pony. Their inaudible conversation was accompanied by the tiny buck's playful teasing of the snow inside his globe.

After a few minutes of mysterious communication, Luna turned back around to Twilight and took a few steps her way. The purple alicorn cleared her throat, getting ready to speak, but Luna shook her head and walked by, motioning for Twilight to follow. Twilight let out the breath she had been holding and obediently followed along. The two walked between two rows of bookshelves, deep enough that they were out of earshot of the table.

Twilight stole a glance up at Luna's face, almost letting out a gasp when she saw the look of horror she was wearing. Luna turned to meet Twilight's gaze and opened her mouth to speak.

Nothing came out at first.

" long has he been in that glass prison?" Luna asked shakily. Luna looked down at the ground, trying to figure out how to respond to that question with anything other than 'I don't know.'

Nothing came to mind.

"I...I'm not really sure, honestly..." Twilight admitted. Luna nodded her head in reluctant acceptance. "What did you and Snowy talk about?" Luna tilted her head in surprise.

"You've spoken to him as well? Ah, I should have figured. You are rather bright when you are not wandering blindly in hallways," Luna tried to joke, but the mirth quickly fell from her face. A pit of worry grew in Twilight's chest. Whatever Princess Luna was thinking about, it was bothering her greatly. "And to answer your question, I just asked some basic questions about himself. He's quite the little he's more fawn than buck. His snow seems to be all he can really think about, and when I asked him a question about his past..."

"Did he freeze up again?" Twilight asked, concern shining in her violet eyes.

"Yes...but that wasn't all. His memories aren't just forgotten, there's...I felt a force blocking the flow in him. When he tried recalling his history, I could feel something inside of him, pushing back and causing him discomfort. Whatever it is that's inside of him, it's not just a spell. It's alive. There's a presence inside of the poor buck that is selectively hiding memories from him and using pain to dissuade him from thinking about those topics further," Luna explained, her eyes shimmering with forming moisture. "There's...another thing he mentioned, when I asked why I had never seen him in the dream realm."

Twilight tensed up, already aware of what was truly bothering Luna so much.

"He can't sleep in there," Twilight answered gloomily.

" being's mind, regardless of power or mortal status, needs sleep in order to compartmentalize thoughts, store useful information, and generally clean up. Sleep gives us the ability to start each day with a fresh slate, so that we may take in another collection of information to be stored. However, when a being is deprived of that sleep..." Luna stopped talking and simply moved her mouth, words trying to come out but failing.

"The mind becomes cluttered and starts to degrade..." Twilight filled in yet again. Luna just nodded slowly.

"I...I could feel him. His mind's...Twilight Sparkle, he is very far gone already. I do not condone the actions of whatever it is inside of him that is blocking his memories, but without them...he would have shut down by now. I also took a look at the age of the wood. I'm not an expert, but I can tell aged woodwork when I see it. It doesn't matter how long he's been in there right now, Twilight, what matters is that we get him out of there and help him." Luna ended her declaration with a firm stomp of her hoof. The sound echoed into the vast emptiness of the library, causing an ancient librarian to hiss out in irritation.

Twilight took a few moments to let everything they had just said to each other sink in.

Something was inside of Snowy, keeping him from remembering his past.

He was already very far lost in the realm of insanity, and the thing blocking his memories was inadvertently saving him.

Snowy had been in his globe for at least a very long time.

None of that mattered at the moment. What mattered was removing Snowy from his globe.

He needed to be free.

"Should we...should we ask Princess Celestia for help?" Twilight asked shyly. Luna's head whipped around and her response was sudden.

"NO!" she shouted into Twilight's face, blowing her back. Angry shuffling started to move towards the two of them from somewhere farther down the row of books. "AND DO NOT COME ANY CLOSER, YOU OLD WITCH! THIS IS MY CASTLE!"

The shuffling stopped and was followed by a distant, angry grumbling as the librarian slunk back into the shadows.

"Twilight, I know Celestia's work when I see it. I know that she's the one to put poor Snowy into such a horrible prison, for reasons unknown. Between my banishment and my return, something happened that caused her to trap and suspend a being inside of a solitary prison where he could not sleep," Luna said, her tone dark and seething.

"Should...should we be worried about why she did it...?" Twilight mumbled. In her heart, she knew that Snowy was not the kind of being who would do something deserving of such a harsh fate. In fact, the punishment he was given was one she wouldn't have even wished upon her worst enemy. Luna huffed and kicked at the ground.

"Nay. Her reasoning is unimportant. I know of how long periods of existing in solitude can affect one's mind," the princess sighed, looking out of the library window and into the open sky. At the end of the day, her previous prison would be visible, just as it always was.

She wasn't completely aware for the duration of her banishment, something she was endlessly thankful for. She couldn't even imagine what staying awake for hundreds of years could do to a po-...reindeer.

"Like I said previously, right now, we need to focus on safely removing him from the globe. If there is still a reason for him to have been locked away, we will deal with it once he is free. I did not feel any sense of darkness or hostility coming from him when we conversed, so I doubt that he will be a problem. He just seemed like he wanted to play."

Twilight licked her lips and swallowed after noticing how dry her mouth had become. "Do you have any ideas of how to help him? I was searching for hours, but found nothing..." she lamented to herself. Luna tilted her head in thought before nodding once.

"Yes, I believe so. Follow me, please," she requested. Together, the two set off into the darker ends of the library.