//------------------------------// // Tragic News // Story: A Rose's Brother // by Glen Gorewood //------------------------------// Equestrian Times Breaking News: Famous Florist Found Dead! Equestria 1XXX, October 31, Nightmare Night Tragedy struck the small town of Ponyville today when a local florist was found dead in her renowned floral shop. Cause of death is currently unknown, but suspected to be poison of some kind. The Equestrian Yard is currently looking into the possibility of a homicide, according to the florists friends she was happy and cheerful and had no reason to do such a thing to herself. Considering this particular florist was one of the top in the nation, and highly sought after, it is possible that this was an attempt to remove competition by a rival. There was a note found at the scene, and her relatives have been contacted. We await news from Equestrian Yard on the matter, and hope that Faust may guide this poor mare's soul to the hereafter. May you rest in peace Roseluck Floria. Article by News Flash Equestrian Times Breaking News: Equestrian Yard say Famous Florist did the Unthinkable! Equestria 1XXX, November 2 The Equestrian Yard have officially deemed the cause of death of the Famous Roseluck Floria to be suicide by poison. The details are too gruesome to recount, but they said she likely did not feel much soon after the poison took effect. Due to evidence at the scene and reports from her therapist, it appears Miss Roseluck had been suffering for a long time from recurring depression and paranoia. Her close friends admit that she had seemed a bit off lately, and not her usual self. They thought it could be due to problems with her parents, though considering the source they could be biased. Considering they said the late Roseluck rarely talked about her parents, it's possible she was lying to her now distraught friends to save face. These friends even suggested that they could have stopped her from doing this deed if they had listened, but those who treated her saw it differently. The therapist did verify that a relapse was possible, especially due to her history of previous attempts, but said it would take a very severe trigger. This is possible, or maybe the mare, enchanted by the fame she had achieved, fell back into her old ways. With her first recorded suicidal idealization being in her childhood, due to claims of abuse that were never substantiated, such a thing unfortunately must be considered highly probable. Her parents deny this claim of abuse, saying their beloved Roseluck had often suffered unfortunate fevers of the mind. Often hallucinating things that were not there or never happened, even going so far as to slam herself into walls and practice self harm. They had no choice but to restrain her and try to talk her back to reality, to lose their child after trying for so long to save her must be destroying them. Her brother, a Lieutenant in the Solar Guard, could not be reached for comment. Her mother is the renowned and esteemed home designer Vintage Luck Floria. Famous for her many homes for the rich and noble; as well as a very charitable mare active in local foundations. Through tear soaked eyes she barely managed to tell me about how much this hurt her, to lose something so precious. In her words I now type with shaking hooves. "I can't believe it, after all we did to try to help her, all the resources we used to try to aid our..be..beloved daughter *sniffle*. Why would she do this? We gave her everything, we loved her, why! We had dinner..just..just the other night. She seemed so happy, and had even agreed to come visit us *sob*. She hasn't been home in years, if we'd only known, if we'd been there for her...To show her another way oh why! My baby girl, why did you do this to us!" The poor miss Floria broke down before my eyes as her husband, the late Roseluck's father, held her close in his hooves. Her father whose visibly red and swollen eyes indicated tears shed prior to this interview. To have such a father as Abundant Times Floria, renowned investor, contractor, and housing mogul this mare had everything going for her. Mister Abundant Times nuzzled his wife before me before turning to speak for the both of them in a tremor filled voice. "I knew this would happen..she wouldn't let us treat her for her illness..she wouldn't listen. If only she'd heeded my advice, if only she'd returned to us instead of feeding this fantasy world of hers. We tried..That last night she was alive we..Give me a moment..I need to center myself." After taking a few deep ragged breaths Abundant Times Floria continued. "We spoke to her at a reconciliation dinner the night she..left us. She seemed upset, but happy; in the way only the ill of mind are. We tried to tell her to come back with us, so we could get her help. But she was so far gone in her mind, I could see it. She refused my offers and requests, snapped at her mother. We tried, oh Celestia we tried..But it was too late. If only we'd stopped her from going to Ponyville years ago, time away just made her condition worse. And now.. She's gone!" The poor wealthy magnate sobbed into his wife's mane as I took my leave from them, leaving them to their unimaginable pain. It is a sad day in Equestria today, to lose such a bright and shining talent and light of joy to such terrible illness. And to do so by her own hooves, we can only pray that she is happier where she is now. And free from her life of torment. For in life her mind tormented her, perhaps in the afterlife she will find peace. I suggest to all readers, that in her memory, you plant a rosebush in your gardens. It is the least that can be done for a life ended so young, with so much left to give, that should never be forgotten. A funeral wake for the late Roseluck Floria will be held on November 9, starting at 8am and ending at 6pm, at the Canterlot Funerary Grounds. By the families request, the late Roseluck will be entombed in an ornate mausoleum, that was hoof crafted for her from birth, as is tradition for the family. Though the main family is interred in Marelington, it is not uncommon for a family member to be interred elsewhere. The grieving family informed me Roseluck herself requested the change of location to Canterlot, and will not deny her wish. The funeral proper will be held at noon, lasting till 3pm with time to pay your respects. The grief stricken Floria family have generously offered to host a Memorial service on November 10 in Marelington. Friends and family of the late Roseluck are invited to attend and share in their grief. Alas as they say, a Rose blooms but briefly, and without care will die. Once more, may Roseluck's soul be happier wherever she is. Article by News Flash A large white earth pony stallion with a deep red and rose red mane sobs silently in a side corridor of the main hall of Canterlot Castle. His eyes are already red from crying for days, his body shudders as if struck by some great force repeatedly. His cutie mark, an ornate sword with rose motifs embraced by thorns with rose buds; stands out against the white coat and gold armor of his guard uniform. Upon that uniform, indeed in the very form of the armor itself, are the insignias and emblems that mark him as a Lieutenant of the Solar guard. Normally such a thing would bring any pony pride to wear, but currently it serves another purpose, to lesson the visible shame of what lies beneath. Beneath it he knows is a light yellow almost opalescent coat, closer to white than yellow. Once a sign of pride in his family it only serves to remind him of what has happened, what he has lost. What he didn't do, and could have done, to prevent this. As long as he is in service to Celestia, he won't have to see it again, but he knows it's there. Just as much as his mane and tail, the colors similar to the one pony he had sworn was stronger than himself. He was wrong. The thought brings more sniffles to life, as tears slowly dry up, having been near spent over the past few days. His red tinged eyes surrounding his green and blue hetero-chromatic pupils in a sea of red sorrow, one of which he dare not look at. For it is a color he shared with her, and now every time he sees it all he can think of is that mare. That eye reminds him of the one he should have protected, but thought was strong enough on her own. He was too blind to see it, all that pain, because they had flattered him so. All that praise, it had made him unable to see what was going on, what they were doing. Then when she left, he'd figured it was over. She was fine, and he had focused on his career. She had messaged him often enough, the letters had made her sound so happy. And then when she'd catered the wedding, he had seen it on her face, that pure joy. He had been so proud of her, she'd always been so strong and determined. She was why he had joined the Solar guard, her encouragement and support had helped him not give in to those who would rather he do things their way. All those years she had stood up for him, defending him, keeping him from as much harm as she could. The stallion had always seen her as the strongest pony alive, the one that they would never break. Even after he had gained the strength to defend her, he saw no need, after all she was so strong and always in control. It wasn't like she needed his help....He should have known better, he should have known deep down how much she was hurting. How much his sister was being tormented and destroyed, he'd been so blind and so damn confident that she could take it and overcome it. Just like she always had, he'd never even thought to ask her and now.. A hoof slams into the wall leaving a dent in the marble as the distraught stallion cries out in anguish over his inaction. The rest of the guard knew better than to interfere, the princess had told them to let him have time to cope with his loss. Lieutenant Rose Blade knew they would have come rushing otherwise, and through his sorrow he knew it was wise for Celestia to order them to stay back. After all, right now his mind was caught in a turbulent storm of pain and regret. Why couldn't he see the signs? The letters had been filled with hints, but he'd been so damn proud of her for trying to reconcile and make peace with them. If he hadn't been so ignorant, so blissfully unaware of how bad it was, maybe he could have done something. Why hadn't he? In a hoarse and pained voice the stallion answers his own question. "Because our parents..they lauded over me and proclaimed how proud they were. They'd slathered me with praise, boosting my ego, blinding me to what was going on. I should have known better, I'm so stupid!" Another hoof cracks into marble with a resounding echo through the halls, one more dent to match the others. A row of them upon the section of wall he'd retreated to after hearing the news. The worst news a brother can ever hear, he hadn't believed it at first. Then when they'd shown him the pictures of her body...It was too much. He ran away to this corridor and refused to comment, to voice how he felt; to let them know the truth. Because they wouldn't believe it, it was too outrageous, besides Rose Sword knew that his parents had already sent them on a trail that would satisfy curiosity. Just like they'd done every other time. Gritting his teeth and snorting in pain and anger, he thought back to all those other incidents they'd managed to hide by sending others after another lead. The one where his sister was held down and screamed at till her ears rang for daring to want to be an artist. The many many times they'd tried to force the obsession with flowers and art out of her, in the worst ways. He still remembered his father belting her with that ragged whip with thorns embedded in it. She'd cried for him to go hide, or they'd hurt him too. He remembered the first time his sister grew a garden, to have their mother stomp it down and drag her to the bathroom to clean her. When she came out her fur was raw, and swollen in irritation. She didn't cry though, she has just rushed over to him and whispered in his ear. "They can't break me, I won't let them. I have to be strong, for me and for you. One day we'll both get out of here, together." That was his beloved sister, things would have been much worse for him if she hadn't protected him. Taking the brunt of their parents rage at their choices, their perceived rebellion, so he wouldn't be hurt. Eventually it had gotten so bad she couldn't take it, she'd cry into his forelegs and say things he now knew were born of desperation. Somehow Rose Sword knew she'd already tried to get out. Though the marks on her legs were not from her own hooves, he knew the ones that hurt the most were not visible. They were the scars, no wounds, that bled without stop. Yet despite all of that, she'd persevered, through all the horrible "training" and "education" on how to be successful; she'd never lost herself so far she couldn't return. Behind their backs she'd grown a tiny garden. A secret rose garden where they would go when their parents were gone. He wasn't sure if they knew about it, but he knew that to his sister, that place was where she was happiest. He had enjoyed it too. After all the flowers, especially the roses, his sister Roseluck grew were always so vibrant in ways he couldn't explain. Despite all that was expected of them, despite the punishment, they'd always had that place; and their bond. And then it had happened. The day she got her cutie mark, the most momentous occasion of any foal or fillies life, their parents had been livid. Not a cutie mark for business or "useful" arts. No instead it was of the one thing they'd tried so hard to keep her from doing. A worthless rose, a pretty thing that meant she was destined to work with the thing she loved and they despised. That night he'd heard her screams, begging them to stop. And instead of aiding her like he'd promised, Rose Sword had hid beneath his covers. He heard his parents destroying the one day that should have been one of the happiest of her life. And he felt when the ground rumbled, and smelled the sweet perfume of roses. A crash from the room where his parents and sister were, accompanied by his mother shrieking hysterically. "Monster! Freak! Fiend! Get out of my house! If I see you here in the morning I'll send you to a place you'll never return from!" That was the first night she had truly run away, for a few weeks his sister was missing completely with no trace. Without her, Rose Sword felt lost, and was for better or worse now the sole focus of his parents efforts to create a success. Despite being a young colt, his father had forced him to get a job at a contracting company. A few weeks later, by the time his sister returned with an award for flower arrangements, the family dynamic had already changed. No matter what she did, or how many awards she won they never acknowledged her besides screaming and demeaning her. Even getting into a prestigious school by her own two hooves, nothing was good enough. During this time he began to be treated better, and as she withdrew even more he thought maybe his sister was just busy. After all she was so strong, how could she possibly not be. To the young version of himself, his sister was the strongest thing in existence, and he didn't see the cracks in her due to this. The sound of hoof steps still echoed as clear as day to his ears, the sobbing of his sister and the smell of roses. That night had been a particularly awful fight, she'd just graduated from university with a degree in Botany and Floral Design. None of them had showed to her graduation ceremony, though he'd sent a card, his parents had barred him from attending. She'd come home livid, and what followed was the worst fight in years. It was also the last one that would take place in the family home with his sister living there. The next day he'd entered her room to find everything gone, she'd packed all she had and truly left for good. Now he was all alone, the young teenage colt that would one day be a lieutenant of the Solar Guard sobbed and ran across the room. Desperately searching for anything of his sister's, He couldn't imagine how some pony so strong could just leave. His eyes had noticed a slip of paper in a crack in the wall, pulling it out revealed a notebook. Inside were accounts of everything they'd done together. It was a copy true, but it documented all their sibling experiences. The good and the bad, turning it over Rose Sword remembered his eyes lighting up when he saw the note. Written on it was all the information he needed to keep in contact with his sister Roseluck. Over the years they'd kept in touch, each accomplishment she had accomplished made him so proud of her. Just as their parents had proclaimed how wonderful it was he became a Solar Guard, filling him with so much pride in both his sister and himself. So proud had he been that he'd ignored all the signs, when they started up again. And this time he could have protected her, like she had him, he should have! But he didn't.. And now.. Now she was gone forever. The tears had stopped falling, and the stallion finally backed away from the marble wall weary from his mourning. Celestia had given him the week off so he could attend his sisters funeral. It would be held in two days time, he'd spent the previous five in this corridor. Eating, sleeping, crying and smashing dents into the marble wall in his pain and misery. His heart still felt heavy with loss, but at least now he could return to his room and prepare. As his large hooves clacked a somber beat down the hallways, his head hung low and tired eyes staring at something lost; Rose Sword made his way through the palace. Mind occupied with thoughts of her as he wandered into the guard wing, and towards a great oak door with his cutie mark on it. He opened the door and entered his room, locking it behind him. Ensuring it was secure, he walked over to his perfectly made bed and collapsed onto clean sheets not soiled by days worth of tears, sweat, and spittle. Drifting into the realm of dreams with an eagerness that only those who need true respite can muster, his mind was still focused on the one he had lost. Whose memory would now be tainted by their lies to the public, but whom he would never forget. His dear sister Roseluck...