Silent Dazzlings

by RedPegasus

Dazzling Day

Sunset and Twilight had returned to the department. Sunset drinks her cup of coffee while Twilight drinking her tea. both maintain a pained expression on their faces.

Sunset lets out a sigh. "All things was more complicated than I expected."

Princess nods to the statement. "I just hope than Rainbow will be fine."

"Fluttershy went to talk to her, if anyone can make Rainbow leading to pull on her chest, she is. So we just have to trust"

Twilight just look at the small bag that carries the jewel and sighs.

Sunset takes the script of the play "And to torture me more, I must memorizarme this thing"

"It is long?"

"No, but it is annoying, condemned Discord, forces me to act on this unhinged work."

"I don't think it's that bad."

"Discord has no magic but still remains a lunatic."

"Maybe you're right."

"better I get to read this thing"" takes her coffee and rises. "can you entertain yourself for a while?"

"Oh sure, I will investigate a little more about the gems, to see if I find something."

"Well, let me know if you need anything.

With her libretto and her Coffee rate, Sunset sit on the bed and starts reading. Twilight gets to work on the computer.


Rainbow sat on her couch in the living room, with doors and windows closed, just looking at the floor and try to ignore the knock at the door, after a while the blows stop, she listen to the tone of her phone on the table , to see the screen her see the name of her friend, but does not answer, the answering machine answers the phone and hears the soft voice on

"Rainbow, I know you're there, please let me in, I want to talk."

Rainbow doubt look at her phone.

On the other side of the door, Fluttershy with her phone on her ear expects some response from her friend.

"... Rainbow, please ..."

After a few seconds put down her phone and wait, finally can hear the door unlocked, but not opened, with some doubt take the knob and opens into the house, inside even in the dim light manages to see her friend sitting on the couch with downcast eyes, with concern sits beside her and look at her, a silence between the two is made.

"... You come to scold me too?"

"No, Rainbow, I want you to tell me that happens to you."

"I said! I don't want to help these harpies."

"Rainbow I know is not just about that, please tell me what you have."

"… I have nothing…"

"Rainbow, I've known you since kindergarten, you're not like this, tell me what's wrong."

"I say that's nothing!"

"you lie!"

Rainbow stands up and angrily looks at Fluttershy. "I say that I have nothing!! I do not want to help those three and that's it!!"

Contrary to what one might expect Fluttershy is not intimidated by the tone of her friend. "No Rainbow, I know you're scared about something and I demand to know what is!!"

Both stare at each other, everything around seems to disappear while watching intently to the other, as if it were a struggle. Rainbow keeps a stern look at her eyes. Fluttershy only show determination, after what felt hours but were only seconds, the "battle" ends resulting in the defeat of Rainbow, who turns and closes her eyes and fists. Fluttershy look at her with concern, but before she could speak hears the voice of her friend.

"When ... when Sunset separated us all... I felt... I felt I was failed..."

Fluttershy is shocked to hear that. "...What you failed...?"

"... Even though I knew that I did nothing wrong ... a part of me felt ... it was my fault ... I was not there ... I felt ... I could not keep our friendship ..." the athlete begins to tremble "... I felt that I lost my friends forever ... and I had not even the courage to fight ... just ... I just could practice, I wanted to forget everything, so I practiced and practiced, but I could never get out of my head that I had lost my friends ... I felt alone ... empty ... "

"... Rainbow ..."

"... When Twilight came ... and when AJ came to me ... I forgave her without hesitation, did not want to feel that ... I wanted my friends, more than anything ..."

The shy girl comes up to her and gently hug her behind placing her forehead on the back of the athlete.

Rainbow feels the hug, keep talking. "... And then Sunset... also became our friend... everything was happy... until... they came..."

"... The Dazzlings..."

"They... they made us fight!! ... They magic corrupted us and made us fight again, I nearly lost my friends... again..."

Fluttershy can feel the tears threatening her eyes. "Rain-"

"That's what I want say... but is lie!!!"

"Rainbow ..."

The Rainbow's tears begin to fall. "It was not just them...! I... I behaved like an idiot ... believing I'm the best...! I ignored to all you! Even blame Sunset when she tried to help... I failed you, I failed you all..."

"Rainbow, you did not fail."

"... yes I did, I started everything, if there were no... I want to blame the sirens, but in fact, I also my fault, I try not to think about it, but ... when I see them ... when I see them, I can't help thinking about it, my mistakes, my failures ... and I think I'm going to fall back into that loneliness ... I don't... I don't...!

Fluttershy let her tears falls "so... your magic ..."

"I thought at first he wanted to help, but ... in the end, always, always thought, what would happen, and part of me ... I wanted to destroy those things... to make sure, they not..."

Both fall silent and tears fall to the ground, Fluttershy gets stronger her hug and Rainbow remains in place without moving.

"... I'm ... I'm aweful..."

"Rainbow you no-"

"Yes! Yes I am ... for my selfish desires ... I'm letting those three die... even they no deserve that!"

"Rainbow you're not selfish! All we want to remain friends, all we fear, all fear that they make us fight again."

"... But I'm the one who does not want to help ..."

"... you want, just... you are afraid ... Rainbow, we are with you."

"... But ... if lost you... again ..."

"We're friends, we missed each others once, but now we are together, our friendship... our friendship is stronger than all... even if they rebuild it, we can face her spell, and remain friends, you are not alone Rainbow... never again, never again ... "

None spoke, Rainbow just turned and shared a hug with her friend, both crying and holding tightly to the other, sharing their concerns and strength.


A new day.

Six of the seven friends meet at the practice room, unlike other days, they are quiet, and have no interest in playing.

The door opens, and the missing member appears.

"Dashie!!" exclaims the party girl and gets her friend a hug. "you're better?"

"... yeah I... sorry for what happened yesterday." she says corresponding the hug.

"Don't worry about that darling" Responds Rarity with a smile. "All we are stressed."

"Yeah, I just needed to talk to someone, I guess."

Rainbow look at Fluttershy, she smiles.

Pinkie breaks the hug and look expectantly at all. "well, what we do today then? We try again the magic of one on one?"

"I do not think that works, at least not yet..." responds Rainbow downcast.

Applejack looks at Rainbow worried, but decided not to touch the subject. "... then, what shall we do?"

"We will to see Sonnie, Arie and Addie!" Pinkie answered animatedly.

"See them?"

"Yes! If you still can't repair the gems, at least we can visit them and brighten them the day."

"I'm not sure they was glad to see us." says the farmer.

Pinkie does not listen and insteadtake her phone make the call, and a few seconds later talk.

"Sonnie, the girls and I go your home to visit you!" She pauses. "Eh? you are not?" another pause, "Oh, and where are you?"


"The Seaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!"

With that cry, the blue siren runs to the water wearing her white swimsuit one piece decorated with small bows and a semi transparent skirt.

the rainbooms observe a moment the place, somewhat curious.

"So, a day at the beach." Says the former equine.

"I guess it makes sense" tells the farmer. "Because they are sirens, ... yes?"

Pinkie pie appears in a swimsuit one piece with three colors. "To swiiiiiiiiiiiiiim!" runs into the water.

"This is not public beach area" said the princess. "It is good that we are here?"

"Relax Twi, it is not a prohibited area or anything." answers her equine companion.

"Yeah but ..."

Aria dressed in a green suit of a piece with straps that frees her back take the word. "In my opinion, if there is no" no ", then it is permissible."

Rainbow turns to see Adagio sitting on a nearby rock, with a golden piece suit that reveals her belly.

"And ... why you came here?"

"How your hatter friend said, we are sirens, water is our element, helps us to relaxing"

"But you're not swimming"

"I like to feel the sun too"

For the rest of the afternoon, the Rainbooms accompanied the sirens on their day at the beach.

Sirens enjoyed the water and sand. Just Pinkie had taken a bathing suit, but still the others enjoyed some playing on the shore.

there were sand castles, and Fluttershy found some hermit crabs nearby, Sonata seemed interested in them.

It was not long however, before the sun began to set. Adagio notice that,

"Well come on, it's time to go home" Says the leader siren to her companions.

"Awwwwww but we're having fun" Reproaches pinkie being buried up to the neck in sand.

"If you want you can stay, we're leaving"

"Um ... Adagio"

"What's wrong Sonata?"

"Before we left, we could go to a last place? Please?"

Adagio looks at Sonata, her returns a beseeching look, the leader just sigh.


With the sun about to disappear into the horizon, the nine girls watch the show from a hill guardrail not far from the beach where they were. The Dazzlings had changed their usual attire

"This place is very nice." Coment Fluttershy

"I saw while I was swimming" Says Sonata. "I thought we would have a good view."

"You not wrong, the view is divine." Says rarity contemplating the landscape

Sonata look at her sisters. "Aria, Adagio come and see."

"Pass" respond Adagio. "I'm thirsty, I'm going for a soda."

With that said walking to a nearby store.

Sonata looks at her, then turn to Aria. "... And you Aria?" smiling to her

Aria just turn the gaze. "ummm ..."

Twilight looks at sun "The sunset is more beautiful in this world."

Sunset responds. "That's because there's not a princess to move the sun, is slower, more ... magic?"

"... Or not magic...?"

"Whatever is more beautiful."

Sonata sighed "This brings me back memories."

"Memories of what?" ask Aria.

"Don't you remember when we were little, and Adagio let us see the sunset?"

"That was not so interesting."

"But it was fun because we did it together."

"... yeah ... whatever."

Sonata smiles "I like to remember those moments."

"Awwwww you three are so adorable" Pinkie says joyfully.

Aria rolls her eyes. "You should not think about those things Sonata"

"But I want to do, you are my only family"

The statement makes impacted at all. Sonata realizing answers the question never made.

"... My mother died when I was still very small."

All the girls are shocked to hear it. Aria turns her head but says nothing.

"To say truth, I have no memory of her, her face, or her voice, nothing ..."

A little mermaid swims through the water, soon it is reached by a siren older and as if you talk begins to guide her to a cave, there is a much greater siren, clearly an adult, which holds between its legs so can be classified as a newborn mermaid, the two younger sirens approach see little.

"Adagio is the older, so, after mom died, she was in charge of taking care of the two."

An adult siren lying lying on the floor, the younger one stays on the sidelines, while the older one of the three approaches to see her. A little siren, almost newborn is restless, the older one approaches to the two, makes a similar gesture to hug, and taking the smallest, she swims away, the young one flips a moment to see the adult still in the floor, then follows the other.

~ ~ ~

"Adagio always strived so we could be happy, taught me how to swim, sing, I protected from predators and anything that could hurt me, Aria was also there for me but Adagio was the one who was for both, always watching over us."

Time had passed, the little one was already a bit older, swiming and chase small fish to play, the young mermaid had also grown and accompanied the little girl in her games, near them lay which was now a almost adult mermaid, watching them and around them.

"Even having to face the loss of mother, managed to stay strong for us, she gave me ... everything a mother had given me."

Aria looks down with glassy eyes, rubbed her face with her arm to avoid mourn.

The girls around could not hold back the tears, even Rainbow tried to look elsewhere for these are not noticed.

Sonata also let her tears fall. "I never met my mom, but Adagio was always there, so now, when I try to think about my mom, I just think Adagio... and that... makes me happy."

All the girls, with tears still falling, drawing a smile.

Nobody notices the moment when Adagio return to the place.

"Sonata, Aria"

Sonata wipes her tears "yes?"

"... are you ready to go?

"yes, let's go."

Aria doesn't respond but nods.

"Rainbooms, we're leaving"

Sunset take the word. "We should also return, we have school tomorrow."

The two groups separated, the day had been relatively short, but somehow, all them had learned something.