Snow Kingdom

by DisneymlpZeldalover

The Child in The Snow

Once upon a time… In the land of Equestria, there was a place called the Crystal Empire… It was home to the crystal ponies and their leaders, Princess Cadance and Prince Shining Armor. Cadance had given birth to a little girl… Her name had not been chosen but the Crystalling was coming up.

The little princess happened to be an alicorn with incredible powers. But they lead to great peril. The baby had screamed so loud that the crystal heart had shattered. The icy cold approached the empire. Twilight Sparkle and her friends tried their best to stop it but couldn't. The empire was engulfed but not before the princesses put a protection shield around it, sealing the ponies away. Little did they know that the smallest alicorn had flown away on accident, getting out of the place before the spell hit. And so, the Crystal Empire was engulfed in a snowy disappear… And it's young princess had seemed to vanish…

It was so cold… So unbearably cold… A young girl fluttered open her eyes. She stared around at the world. Where was she? Who was she? All she could remember was being alone with only images of things… Four unicorns with pegasus wings

were always there in her visions, but it was so blurry. A shining light always came too, off some shape… until the darkness hit, then there was nothing… Nothing but dark, cold… And fear.

The child brushed snow out of her pink, purple, and blue mane. The girl was so confused and frightened. She wanted somepony to come and tell her it would be alright, but nopony would, she knew. The pony looked around and fluttered something

that reacted to the cold. She turned to look, silent and afraid. There were wings on her back! Then, looking up, there was a horn on her head. What type of pony was she? Then she heard a noise, a gasp.

"Look! A little girl!" Said the voice.

She turned and saw three young mares with brown cloaks on them.

"Hey, don't be afraid, girl, we're here to help you!" Said one with a white coat and pink and purple curls tied into a stylish knot.

The child backed away slowly then tripped over a mound of snow.

"Whoa! Are you-" An orange mare with violet hair stopped when she saw something.

To prevent herself from getting in the snow, the foal used her humongous wings to hold her up.

"You're an alicorn…" The yellow one whispered.

"An alicorn? Bu-" The earth pony covered the white unicorn with pink and purple's mouth.

"Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle, if they find her…" The yellow one with a red mane whispered.

The three looked around as if the wind could hear them.

"Come with us, girl. We're here to help." Sweetie Belle said, gently putting a hoof on the girl's shoulder.

The alicorn kept noticing the one called Applebloom looking at her on the snowy walk to what the three called camp.

"So…" Applebloom started.

"How are you an alicorn?"

The girl didn't know. She knew how to speak at least.

"I-I'm sorry…" She started, a bit raspy.

"I don't know-" Suddenly, a brown cloak covered her.

"Shhhh! There are spies everywhere." Sweetie Belle whispered.

"What's your name?" Scootaloo asked.

The alicorn stopped.

"My…. Name?"

"Of course, what do they call you?" Sweetie Belle said.

"I don't know." Was all she said.

"Can you remember anything about your family? Where are they?"

"All I can remember is four alicorns and a shape… A heart maybe?" The girl whispered.

The three looked at each other, clearly worried.

Then there was a piercing alarm.

"Oh no!" Scootaloo cried.

"What's that?!" The alicorn yelled.

"Come on!" Applebloom growled.

"What?!" The girl said.

"We have to go! We have to go now!" Sweetie Belle cried.

Suddenly, the alicorn was swiped up by Scootaloo and was put on her back.

"Let's go!" Scootaloo barked.

Applebloom nodded then suddenly, Sweetie Belle gasped.

"My clip!" She cried.

The alicorn turned. "Can't we leave it?"

Sweetie Belle froze.

"No." Was all she whispered.

"Go! Get the alicorn to the camp! Keep her safe!" Applebloom yelled, going to help her friend.

"But Applebloom-"

"That's an order! Go!" Applebloom cried.

Scootaloo suddenly took off.

The alicorn gasped as they raced off. Her long hair flipped around the wind and she turned to see if Applebloom or Sweetie Belle were there but she couldn't see them. All she saw was a black cloud.

She squinted then saw it wasn't a cloud. It was some kind of insect ponies.

"Changelings," Scootaloo explained.

The word made shivers go down the girl's spine and she cuddled the brown cloak closer and made sure it was over her head.

"Hang on! We have a pick up to make!" The mare cried.

They swooped down and Applebloom grabbed her friend's hooves, Sweetie Belle was holding onto her.

The alicorn saw a clip in the unicorn's hair. It was of three blue diamonds.

They looked forward.

"Alicorn! See that stick ahead of us?" Scootaloo yelled.

The girl shook her head suddenly. She had been staring at the changeling army. Why were they chasing them? Why did they want these mares?

She turned to see a stick a bit above them ahead.

"I see it!" She cried.

"Good! When I say, pull it!" Scootaloo yelled.

The time had come and the girl pulled the stick.

Scootaloo sped up and the alicorn gasped when she turned around. A changeling was so close then he grabbed her long mane. She screamed and blasted a golden beam with her horn, sending the whole army backwards behind the rocks the stick had been


Her hair had been let go but she was still frighted.

They landed swiftly and quietly. The alicorn leapt off and looked around. They were in a cave but it was closed off by rocks.

"Oh no! Those changelings must have closed in the rest of the camp!" The girl cried, trying to take back the rocks.

The three only smiled.

Sweetie Belle suddenly thrust herself into the wall and she was gone.

The girl gaped in shock.

"Come on. Let's go!" Applebloom said, stepping in.

Scootaloo nodded to the girl and flew in.

The alicorn slowly walked to it and went in.

The villains of Equestria ruled. For twelve years they had. The alicorn princesses had vanished along with the heroes.

Their names were Sombra, Chrysalis, Tirek, and Discord. Discord remembered his friends, missed them too. But when the villains came to him like he knew they would, he didn't even try to fight.

"Where are those stupid changelings? We sent them hours ago!" Tirek groaned.

Chrysalis hissed in retaliation. "How dare you insult my dear changelings!"

Sombra chuckled darkly.

But Discord wasn't listening. A few minutes earlier, he had felt some kind of shift. Something like a spark had been lit. He had sensed great magic… Alicorn magic. But it was impossible, wasn't it?

Suddenly, the snowy changeling army entered.

All the rulers sat up.

"Your majesty's! Report from the north. We caught sight of the leaders of the rebels!" One said very proudly.

His queen looked around. "Well? Where are they?!" She growled.

"Er… We didn't exactly catch them, my queen."

They all groaned.

"You can't catch three wimpy little girls?!" Sombra yelled.

Discord snickered. "Little girls? It's been twelve years! They're practically adults. Sisters of the elements of harmony, what did you expect?"

"But more news. They had a child with them covered in a brown cloak. We couldn't see her face." The leader continued.

"A child? What news is a filly?" Tirek growled.

"This child had powerful magic. Magic that our army has only seen once before…. She seemed as strong as a…. Alicorn."

The room was silent when Sombra chuckled.

"Bring us this child."