Snow Kingdom

by DisneymlpZeldalover

The Ponies Who Love Us

“Why are we going to Ponyville? Ponyville of all places? I mean we could go to Canterlot or Maris or-”

“Do you have a grudge against Ponyville?” Randy chuckled. Ashy Breeze snorted and they continued walking.

“I wonder why my mother told me to go there, it's awfully strange.” Flurry Heart murmured, using her magic to hold out her scrapbook of events.

“I know her!” The girl suddenly cried, making the rest of them jump.

She thrust the book in Randy’s face.

“Look! That pony right there!” Flurry said, pointing to a picture of the changeling Queen being hurled away.

“What do you mean, you know her?” Ashy asked, flying up.

“Well, I don't know her name but I saw her before, in a dream.” Flurry Heart said.

“Her name is Chrysalis and, news flash! She wants you dead!”

“But why would she want Flurry Heart dead? I mean, she’s an alicorn but a small one, it’s not like she could hurt somepony….” Randy trailed off remembering her outburst at both her rescue and that breakfast.

“Not only her. King Sombra and Lord Tirek want you gone too.” Ashy mumbled.

“What about the creepy draconequus?” Flurry Heart asked.

The two turned to her. “What’s a draconequus?” Randy wondered.

“How did you know what he was a draconequus?” The breezie asked.

“What’s his name?”

“Discord… His name is Discord and h-he just might help you.” Ashy Breeze whispered, flying ahead.

Flurry Heart and Randy looked at each other, blushed then ran after him.

“B-but, why can't we just make an agreement? You know, I won't rule if they rule wisely, build the kingdom back…” Flurry Heart whispered, trying to catch her breath.

“You gotta be kidding me.” Ashy Breeze groaned.

“Why would I be?” Flurry Heart asked, a little disappointed her plan might not work.

“You silly alicorn princesses, the lot of you always think alike. “The peaceful solution will be the best for the whole of Equestria.” He mimicked somepony that Flurry Heart realized she did not know.

“You'll end up dead, princess. That's where peaceful solutions get you.”

“Oh, where are they?!” Sombra yelled, getting impatient.

Tirek rolled his eyes. “They are taking forever.” He muttered.

Chrysalis wasn't paying attention but rather looking at Discord. He hadn't talked much, then again, he never did but this was so odd.

The doors opened and a changeling came in dragging Applebloom behind him. Her eyes were red and bloodshot, her mane was a mess. Her pink bow had been ripped from her even though it was the only thing to remind her of her family that had been killed by these monsters. Her three battle scars were still ever present. But the most notable thing about her appearance was the lack of her cutie mark. Tirek had stolen her magic.

“Captain Thorax, what a surprise. I thought you were never coming back.” Hissed Chrysalis.

Thorax looked up. “I'm sorry, my queen, she put up quite a fight.”

“So, how do you feel after your treatment today?” Sombra asked Applebloom.

“Ah’ have nothing to say to ya’!” Applebloom growled.

“Wow. How very different of you to say.” Chrysalis murmured.

“Why do y'all want the camp?” Applebloom asked, trying to stall.

“Because, your settlement could rise up any moment with the leadership the rest of your trio and the alicorn. Besides, where could her highness go but to us when she realizes that all her precious friends will be here?”

“I'm never telling you where they are.” The young mare grunted.

“You know, I knew a young lady just like you once,” Tirek whispered.

“She thought she was so very brave and smart and noble, just like you. But she was weak, and ignorant child who thought the magic of friendship would save her!”

Applebloom narrowed her eyes. “Twilight. Princess Twilight Sparkle. That's the one. She beat you.”

“Why you little-” Tirek started before Chrysalis waved him off.

“So what? That princess is dead. Old news. Besides, you are a completely different story, aren’t you dear?” The queen cooed.

“What are you saying?” Applebloom growled.

“You are going to tell us where the rebel camp is or your little friend will face our… Disappointment.” Sombra said.

A changeling guard came in and was dragging behind him a young colt. He was orange with a purple mane and Applebloom knew him well.

“Tender Taps?” Applebloom whispered weakly.

Captain Thorax of the changeling guard had snuck away while Applebloom had been questioned and had escaped to his personal chambers.

He pulled out a musty and yellowing paper from under his bed and picked up a gnarled pencil. He started scribbling, drawing a picture. When he stopped, it was a detailed picture of a certain pony.

It was a young filly in a flowing light gold gown and her long mane held back by a golden headband looking up at the crystal heart above her.

Thorax gave a sigh and put it under his bed again.

He turned to a crystal ball and flinched. He hated the fact that any moment, somepony could come in and see the queen’s stolen device.

Thorax walked up and it lit.

“Show me the little alicorn…” He whispered to it.

It faded to a scene of the young girl flying up a hill and Randy chasing after her.

Thorax heard Flurry Heart’s giggle as she pushed Randy down playfully. He growled.

“You don’t deserve to rule, Princess, you never did and I’ll make sure you never get the opportunity to.”

They had finally made it, to Ponyville, but as Flurry Heart flew over the hill, she saw nothing but snow and ice.

“No.” She whispered.

The filly bolted to the ground and looked to the distance, finding it really buried in snow.

“No, no, no!” She yelled.

Randy had caught up to her and saw the sight.

“There's nothing…..” He murmured.

Ashy Breeze looked at Flurry Heart. “I'm sorry, I guess it was all a drea-”

“This isn't a dream! I can feel this!” Flurry Heart cried, showing the scrapbook with her shaking magic.

Randy nodded. “But the villains got here before us, we can't do anything but go with the original plan.” He said, putting a comforting hoof on her shoulder.

“B-but my family….” She said weakly.

“I know but right now, the ponies and creatures need you to be strong and will be your family once you take back leadership.”

The girl was silent, tears still going down her face.

“No. I shall not settle for that!” She suddenly boomed.

Randy jumped and watched her eyes turn pure white.

The alicorn used her massive wings to fly in the air, creating whirlwinds behind her.

Her horn lit with gold magic that surrounded the snow in front of her that went miles deep. With fury in her eyes, she made a choking sound with all the snow she had picked up and slammed down on the ground, causing it to rumble. The snow vanished with impact and the town of Ponyville was uncovered.

Applebloom meanwhile had raced to her friend and he tried to hug her but his bonds prevented it.

The mare saw a limp in his leg and she gave a little sob.

“T-they hurt you?” She whispered.

Tender Taps nuzzled her. “Applebloom, thank Celestia you’re alright!” He cried.

Applebloom got away and looked to the villains with anger. “You hurt him!” She yelled.

“Yes, and we will hurt him even more when we kill him.” Tirek laughed.

Tender Taps and Applebloom gasped and the mare slowly looked to the stallion.

“Applebloom, whatever they want from you, don't tell them, okay?” He whispered.

The mare hesitated and gave a short, pained laugh. “But they’re going to kill you-”

Tender Taps suddenly thrust himself forward and kissed her. Applebloom was surprised and knew this wouldn’t last long but she gave away and kissed him back, blushing.

“Ah, the power of true love, do you think that will save you?” Chrysalis laughed.

Tender Taps suddenly was torn out of their kiss and Applebloom gave a cry as he was flown over to the villains with Tirek’s magic.

“Hm, sorry, dear, but I just hate when my enemies feel hopeful,” Tirek said, Tender Taps struggling beside him.

“What are you going to do to him?” Applebloom growled.

“Nothing, if you tell us where your camp is.” Sombra reminded her.

The mare looked into Tender’s violet eyes and saw he didn't want her to give in.

She nodded.

“I'm not telling,” Applebloom said, failing to keep the shaking out of her voice.

“You’re not…” Tirek murmured, sending a chill down Applebloom’s spine.

The mare gave a firm grunt.

“Oh, so I see,” Tirek said.

Tender Taps suddenly started to choke and cough, gasping for air.

Applebloom held back her scream to stop but only because of his strong violet eyes, they were so strong and brave and determined, that would keep her going.

The only sight she could see was his eyes. This is what would keep her in this world, only his eyes.

But the strength suddenly faded as they flickered with pain and started to dull.

“No…” Applebloom choked.

Tirek saw her fear and knew he had put the key in the hard to get lock.

“Well, this is taking too long.” He yawned.

Tender Taps met the mare’s eyes, both had tears. He moved his lips to form a “Don’t.”

Applebloom bit back her urge to start screaming as Tirek was about to kill him.

The centaur was so very close to shutting his fist and ending Tender Tap’s life.

The stallion drew his last breath and Tirek slammed his fist on his throne.

“STOP!!!” Applebloom finally shrieked then collapsed to the ground. Tirek let go and Tender Taps breathed hard for air as he staggered up to his love.

“Never do that… Again.” Applebloom whispered sharply, looking at Tirek.

“Never will, if you answer me… Where are your little friends?”

“Okay…” she said weakly, holding back tears .

“I’ll tell you.”

A few minutes later, Sweetie Belle had finally let her hair down from its usual tight bun and was brushing her pink and purple curls. She glanced over at Scootaloo who was sitting on her bed theirs and Applebloom’s room

Scootaloo had taken off her fake, mechanical wings and fluttered her own tiny ones. She turned the wings over and over again.

“What's the matter?” Sweetie Belle asked in her high voice.

Scootaloo sighed and shrugged. “Nothing, Sweetie…”

Sweetie Belle grinned mischievously.

“Come on!” She giggled.

They both flinched at her laugh. They hadn't heard one of those since Flurry Heart and Applebloom left.

“Tell me right now.” Sweetie said, plopping down next to her.

The mare used her green magic to lift up a water puddle and turn it to ice, showing Scootaloo’s reflection. “Now try to tell me that's the face of confusion right there.”

Scootaloo sighed, putting down her wings.

“I just… Wonder if I'm making Rainbow Dash proud or not. I mean, Applebloom’s so smart, clever and brave, and you… You're so pretty, Sweetie Belle and Princess Twilight taught you all she knew, everything! You're now a magic legend. And then there’s me. I can't even fly.”

“You gotta be kidding me!” Sweetie Belle laughed.

Scootaloo looked at her. “No. I'm not.”

“When we were twelve, I couldn't hold on to my protection shield on the town any longer and Applebloom went to support me. My magic couldn't carry on and Applebloom couldn't think straight with all her stress so you were the one that rallied up Ponyville when it was falling, I think that's pretty impressive.” Sweetie Belle said.

“Is that what I should have done, though? Is that what Ra-”

“Look in this mirror.” Sweetie Belle demanded.

Scootaloo looked and saw herself vanish in the ice and was replaced with her sister's, Rainbow Dash’s face.


“Magic.” Sweetie Belle whispered.

Scootaloo was staring at the reflection when Sweetie Belle continued.

“But it's an illusion.”

Scootaloo slowly turned away from the mirror.

“You aren't Rainbow. You're you and that's the better than most.”

Scootaloo bit her lip. “But what about Rarity? How do you know if you’re making her proud?”

Sweetie Belle looked in the ice and saw her perfect pure face look back, she was absolutely beyond beautiful, just like her sister had been. Her jade green eyes dimmed a little. “I'm a pretty face… Just like she'd want… I think.”

“Sweets, the ponies who love you know you're more than a pretty face,” Scootaloo said, putting a hoof on her shoulder.

There was a sudden jolt in Sweetie Belle’s mind and she leaped up.

Scootaloo raised her eyebrows.

“What is it?”

“I… It's nothing.” The unicorn tried to remain calm but was failing.

There was a sudden slam on the door and they jumped.

The door flung open and in came the changeling captain, Thorax.

“I'm sorry, I have to, I don't hate the ponies just-” He started.

Scootaloo let out a battle cry and ran to him. Sweetie Belle slammed her hooves down and her magic encircled the room. Thorax snarled at the pain and shoved Scootaloo off him. Sweetie Belle ran to her.

“Are you okay?” She cried.

Scootaloo nodded then her eyes widened.

“Watch!” She started.

“Out.” Thorax whispered as his spell knocked Sweetie Belle out, leaving her sprawled on the floor.

“How did you find us?” Scootaloo growled, checking on her friend.

The changeling looked to the mare with interest. “I don't want to hurt you both. But you two are the most precious things to that alicorn and when I lure her to me, after she's dead, we'll all be friends.”

Scootaloo let out a snort. “Friends? Friends?! Why would we be friends when you want to destroy the true heir to the throne?!”

Thorax looked between her and Sweetie Belle. “You'll see. She is too young, naive, and stupid, don't you get that?” He whispered.

“No,” Scootaloo said. “What do you really want?”

“I want her gone so she can't ruin everything.”