Silent Dazzlings

by RedPegasus

The Show Must Begin.

"Alright my young stars, we will go to the final test."

Shouts the drama teacher to all students newly dresses.

"I congratulate you on the costumes, Rarity, just fantastic."

"It was a pleasure dear teacher."

All students ensure that their suits are properly placed. Including Flash, who moves his shoulders a bit to accommodate his costume Victorian gentleman, blue and white, with a sword scabbard hanging on one side of her waist.

"Remember my dears, tomorrow is the big night, not for me but for all of you, and I want everyone to give their best."

The students nods in good spirits.

"He has been saying that all week, it's a bit annoying."

Flash turns toward the voice and sees Sunset stop nearby, dressed in an elegant Victorian golden color suit.

"Wow, Sunset, you looks fantastic!"

"Thanks, really I'm not used to dresses like this, but Rarity knows how to make them, you also look good, I bet that Twilight would love to see you dressed like that."

Flash blushed. "Pl-Please don't said that..."

Sunset just laughs at the boy's attitude

"Sunset! Flash!" Claim the teacher. "Please come, let's start!"

With that both they meet with the other students and start practice.


Trixie is dressed in a black suit leather, with an opening in her long skirt that reveals only one of her legs, and a long coat at same color.

"Servant, introduce yourself to me!"

Sunset approaches her, showing a somewhat fearful attitude.

"Y-Yes my Mistress, in what can I serve you?"

"You've probably heard of that meeting in that small town."

"Yes, my Mistress, what about it?"

"I have curious to see what that group is proposed."

"Can I ask the reason for your curiosity?"

"The lords and authorities present, are very important personalities in these lands, but I see no sense to have such a closed meeting where not engage state authorities, so I want you, you infiltrate between them and find out what they're up."


Testing continues. Now It is what looks like a swordfight between Flash and other students dressed in costumes similar to armor.

The blue-haired boy is winning, after that he approaches to Sunset who was sitting on the floor.

"Are you all right, my lady?"

"Yes, thanks for your help, kind gentleman."

"You not need to thank me."


Spend about 30 minutes and reach one of the final scenes, with Sunset with her back to Flash while he looks down.

"... You... You really gonna go?" Asks the boy with hurt voice.

Sunset has her eyes closed and her head bowed "... All my life I been serving Evila and their peers, but now, with its congress eradicated, and the new society that you and yours will create, I can finally make my life as I wish."

"And can't I be part of that life?"

Sunset turns to him with a pained expression, but smiling. "... You belong here, your life is here, the mine, else somewhere."

Flash takes the hands of the girl. "I want to go with you!"

Sunset smiles and caresses his cheek. "This people needs you, and the society you will create even more, you must stay."

"... Stay too."

"I wish I could, but is a whole new world for me out there, a world I want to know."

"I will miss you."

"I will miss you too, my beloved gentleman."

Sunset is separated and walks slowly. "Thank you, my beloved, you have shown me the light, and you have delivered me from my bonds, but now, my destiny is to follow my way, and you must follow yours, if you missing me a day, search in the wind, messages I'll leave you from a distance."

"Bravo! Bravo!" Exclaim the teacher applauding. "Excellent! Oh my dear boys, I could not have done better, emotion, drama, everything is great! Come up with the last scene, and we can give the final test as a success!"

Both, Sunset and Flash let out a tired sigh.

"Being a star is not easy." Says the boy.

"You can say it again." Answered the girl. "But you're doing fine, the role of gentleman goes well with you."

The boy does not prevent a blush at the compliment. "Heh, thanks, you... you do well too, I mean, you role"


"Flash!" Call the teahcer. "Come please we need you for the last scene!"

"Yes I'm going!"

"Good luck gentleman."

"Thanks Sunset, and hey ... I ... when we're done, the whole of the play, we should see us, go somewhere, you know, like friends."

"That would be fine"

They share a smile and he retreats.

Sunset hear the sound of her cell phone ringing in her jacket hung on a nearby chair. Takes the device and see a newly sent message.

-"We will meet in the Dazzlings's department tonight"-


Twilight looks at the unconscious siren in bed.

"... how long she has like that?"

"... days..." respond the young siren. "Barely wakes up for a moment, and then, just back to sleep."

Twilight take the Adagio's hand "... she is... cold..."

"... And her skin starts to tear."

Twilight notes as small pieces of skin in her fingers.

"... I do not think... that she can take much more." Tears threaten the eyes of the young siren.

"... Do not worry, tomorrow, we can repair the charms, I'm sure."

Despite her words, her face makes clear that it is not so sure. Aria either.

After a couple of seconds, both leave the room.

In the linving room meet with the rest of the group and the missing siren.

The plan is explained to the two sirens, they can not understand the reasons, but ignore it, they are not in condition to question, so only nod in agreement.

"Will be the best time to do it." Explains twilight. "Everyone will have their attention there, so we can reach them all."

"And how we get in?" Aria question.

Sunset responds. "As everyone will be watching the work, you can to enter through the back."

Twilight continues her explanation. "Once we use our magic, you must mingle with the people, the magic will go to your charms, and that should fix them."

Sirens once again nods keeping their silence.

Sunset take the word. "The work begins at five o'clock, and lasts about 30 minutes, so you must be in school before 5: 30."

Sonata speaks in a worried tone. "What ... what do we do with Adagio...?"

"If you want I can come and take her on my back," says the farmer. "I'm used to carrying things."

"I'm not a baby."

All are surprised by the voice and tumbled to see Adagio walk to the living room, using the wall for support.

"Adagio!!!" Exclaim Aria and Sonata.

"Don't get up, you're weak!" Aria shouts shocked.

"Shut up... I refuse to show weakness against the Rainbooms."

Sonata's eyes glaze over. "Adagio…"

Adagio cover her mouth when coughing. "... Ugh ... school ... 5: 30, gym ... there something else?"

The princess tries to overcome her surprise and fear to respond. "I... I think not, just, mix with the people there, and-"

"And we hope it works this time, fine." Looks to the princess. "Can you give me back my charm?"


The princess takes the gem and returns it to its owner. She takes and presses it against her chest.

"... I want to ask you something... .. no matter what happens to me, I want you to help Aria and Sonata."

"... Adagio..."

"Please, I know I have no right to ask anything, but..."

Twilight is in silent while watching the face of seriousness and regret the leader siren.

"... I promise."

"... Thank you..."

Adagio falls, luckily Twilight gets catch her.

Adagio is carried her back to bed, and after being all according to the plan, the Rainbooms are removed, leaving the two sirens alone and thoughtful.

"... Aria"


"Adagio ... will be fine?"

Aria is silent, she does not know that answer. Sonata expected that.


Comes the next day, classes are suspended, and instead, the whole school works to prepare everything for the afternoon.

decorations are hung in the halls, a banner at the main entrance announces the anniversary of the place.

A poster invites students, teachers and families to participate in the celebration.

In the gym, a scenario is armed and decorated in which will be held the main event.

Vinyl Scratch, with her sunglasses accustomed, prepare her console for play music.

She turns her gaze and see Sunset approach.

"Hi, how is everything?"

Vinyl lifts thumb in approval.

"I wanted to thank you again for your help, it is important for us"

this time there are two thumbs up.

Sunset smiles and removed leaving the DJ continue their work.

Between arrangements, ornaments, serving snacks on tables and other, time passes, people and guests begin to arrive. Music, dance, the day was definitely fun for everyone.

Even Sunset and her friends were allowed a moment to relax and relieve all the accumulated stress in recent days.

4: 00 pm show the clockes, and the drama teacher called his students.

"Well my young stars, we will soon, please prepare and review their dialogues, tonight I'm sure you all shine."

With the call, all players are separated from the rest of the people, are each placed their costumes and prepare mentally.

Sunset, wearing that gold dress, attempts to clarify her thoughts.

"Calm down Sunset" Thinks to herself. "Just follow the work, and when the time comes, you play with the girls, use magic, and we save the Dazzlings, easy ... easy ..."


She turns meeting with Flash, bringing that gentleman costume.

"A little, yes..."

"Yeah, me too, I didn't think so many people came, I hope not to forget my lines ..."

"Take it easy, you don't want to look bad in front of Twilight"

"T-Twilight is here...?!"

"I not told you? yes she came to see the play"

"Now I'm really nervous ..."

Sunset lets out a laugh. "Calm down, just acts as in the trials"

Needles mark the 4: 30 when actors meet backstage.

The teacher begins a dramatic and inspiring speech, although most only laughs at his crazy gestures.

Silent laughter when a faint rumble is heard, everyone turns around, see Snips and Snails standing on a ladder, they were apparently fixing the curtains when they lost their balance.


Is heard screaming when the ladder falls to the actors, all they move immediately to avoid, for bad luck, Flash stumbles and falls to the ground.

"Flash!!" Sunset cries to see how the ladder falls on the boy.

The cry of the boy es heard for everyone.


The Redheart nurse immediately checked the boy, Sunset, her friends, the directors, the drama teacher and the boy's parents anxiously awaiting the result, the nurse wrapped the boy leg with a bandage.

"Luckily it was not a very hard blow, you have some pain, but it is not serious, although it is better not move for a few days."

"What about the play?" worried question.

"I'm sorry but you can not act today, maybe the next week."

"But I have to act in the play !!"

"I doubt you could not even keep standing alone, if you do not want to have a real problem in that leg, it is better to stay seated, I'm sorry."

the boy left speechless, yet manages to thank the nurse, she leaves the room leaving the boy's parents go to see him worried, the nurse gives a gesture of apology to the directors and removed.

Teacher's nerves are evident.


"I told you, you had to find substitutes, but you never listen to me." says the Principal Celestia reproachfully.

"The theater is life! And in life there are no substitutes!"

"And because of that now we are without one of the protagonists." responds the Sub Principal Luna.

The teacher begins to have nervous twitches. To anyone who saw it would be afraid, but it clear that Celestia and Luna are already accustomed to man.

"What now sister?"

The principal sighs in resignation. "We'll have to cancel the play"

The seven friends are shocked and terrified at that.

"What are we going to do now?!!" question the exalted athlete.

"Believe you that the Dazzlings can withstand another couple of days?" Applejack question for all.

"I... Idon't think so..." responds Twilight. "Adagio was very bad the last night, actually... maybe she not resist one more day."

"Then we have to make the work today!" Exclaims Rainbow.

"But how? Flashie not can rise."

Sunset is lost in thought, forcing her mind to find a solution.

"This is our last chance..." Thinks for herself. "If we don't do it... then..."

Images of the three sirens, and Adagio, lying in that bed flooding her head.

"We have to do it today! But... without Flash... how?! we need a... substitute..."

One thought comes to her head, a madcap.

"I will do it!!"

All turned over to the cry of the girl.

"... What you do?" Ask de sub principal.

"I will take the role of Flash in the play"

Surprise of everyone not long in coming.

The principal looks at the girl. "But Sunset, if you do the role of Flash, who will make yours?"


"W-What?!! M-Me?"

Sunset flips to her equestrian companion. "You've helped me with my lines, you know them all!"

"Y-Yes but... I..."

"Twilight is our only chance."

Twilight looks at her, look at her friends, fear, and determination of all reflected in the eyes of all. She remembers the promise she had made to Adagio the last night. That's enough to decide.

"Let's do it"