//------------------------------// // Chapter 3 // Story: Control // by Cherry delight //------------------------------// I jolted awake as soon as the sun hit my eyes. I rubbed my bleary eyes, folded my ears back and tried to fall asleep. However the sun kept shining and in the end I just got up and looked round. I was in bed in a strange room. The room was filled with posters of other ponies and squashed in the other corner on the room was another bed. Being in the room didn't confuse me. I had accepted yesterday that when you fall asleep in this world you end up waking somewhere else. Suddenly a loud bang of the door opening shocked me out of my ponders. I looked over to see The Rainbow standing in the doorway looking sheepishly at me. I stared at her inquisitively and tilted me head at her loud entry. The silence was elongated into an awkward 30 second before The Rainbow finally blurted out "Can you fly?" She then looked at me like she was ashamed. I backed away slowly from The Rainbow. First the weird name and now she thinks that I can fly. I noted her confused look when I burst into laughter. It was only when I stopped laughing that I realised she wasn't joking. I raised an eyebrow at her. Due to my lack of words I just shook my head at her ridicules question. However instead of I don't know... Excepting the fact that thinking you can fly is INSANE, she instead looked at me like I have two heads.(Which if I did considering this strange world I wouldn't be surprised.) The Rainbow made a big sigh and placed her hoof on her head. The Rainbow flexed the two lumps on her back. "These are wings" She said slowly like she was talking to a foal. " They make you fly." I looked in shock at her wings. Soo... She was a bird. I didn't know birds could talk. I think my jaw hit the floor at this point and my brain just went to white noise. The Rainbow, oblivious to my internal break down, went to my back and lifted up a lump a lot like hers. My blood froze when she said "This your wing." I blinked and my mind went into sleep mode. No literally. I fainted. I awoke to The Rainbow bird looking at me with worry. I stared back. How had I not realised I was a bird? "Hey squirt, are you okay?" I looked at her. Squirt? First finding out I am a bird and now being called a burst of water, I didn't think this day could get any weirder. Boy, was I wrong. Next thing I know I am outside. And, by outside I mean standing on a cloud and breaking physics. I could feel my legs shaking and my "wings" fluttering in panic. I think The Rainbow is trying to show me something but I can't hear her over the sound of fear in my head. Suddenly a quartet of blue hooves landed on the cloud I was standing on. I slowly looked up and saw the face of The Rainbow staring sympathetically into my eyes. I look at her in fear wishing for her to help me. "Hey mabey I can help you fly." These are the last words I remember before being lifted into the sky. I let out a shrill scream as I was zoomed through the sky, being clutched in the crazy hooves of Rainbow. I choked as the wind zipped through my lungs. I watched as the ground whizzed beneath me and I prepared for my inevitable demise. After a few minutes I realised I might have a chance of surviving. I looked down again and a feeling I never felt before struck my body. Adrenaline filled my body and my blood pumped faster. Against my will a huge smile enevloped my face and I let out a small whoop. I honestly don't remember much after that except for an extreme felling I can't explain. I think my logical self tuned back in when we landed. My hair was a mess and my eyes were wild. I looked at Rainbow who was standing next to me with a smug grin on her face. Some rebellious part of my body was grateful to Rainbow. However finally the logical part of me came back. I turned away from Rainbow and stalked into her house, head held high. I ascended the cloud stairs to the room I woke up in earlier. I entered the room and sat down embarrassed. I had become an animal out there. I had just lost my logical side completely. I looked down at my pale cream hooves and wondered what I had become. I felt the bed press down beside me. slowly I looked up to see Rainbow staring worriedly at me. I looked back blinking rapidly to keep tears out of my eyes. I wondered what she would think of me. I wasn't worthy to be considered of as logical or normal. How was I suppose to know what normal. This places version of normal was completely different from what I had ever known. "Hey, are you ok?" I looked at Rainbow tears in my eyes. as I looked at her anger filled my every bone. against my better judgement I pointed at her and yelled "All fault. LEAVE ME ALONE!" I slammed my head down onto the bed, pinned back my ears and sobbed. I felt the bed lift up as Rainbow left. What had I ever done? I was well behaved and happy with my life. In this world happiness is not allowed. All must conform to the way society expects. I hate Rainbow. She is the cause of all my problems. I wish she would die. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Rainbow Dash sat downstairs nursing her throbbing head. Nopony told her that having foals was such hard work. Scootaloo always loved it when Rainbow helped the filly she seemed happy and then, she just changed. Rainbow groaned just stopping herself from head slamming the table. Suddenly a loud bang at the door alerted Rainbow. She frowned. It was getting quite dark and it was well past the time the post offices closed. Never the less she stood and walked over to the door. Opening it slowly, for fear of a prank, she noticed a small slip of paper lying on the ground. Craning her head she saw a note scribbled on the paper. Gently Rainbow picked up the note and walked into the kitchen. When she got to the kitchen she placed the note down and started to read. Dear Rainbow Dash, It has come to our attention that you have a filly in your house. Unknown to you, this is our filly and we find it quite rude of you to take her. We wish to get her back. If she is not returned to us within a week we will have to take her back by force. Simply leave her on your door and one of our agents will deal with her. Do not try to watch. Just leave her on your doorstep and never look back. If you go against our wishes the consequences will be, for a lack of a better word, deadly. Remember this filly is not what she seems. Rainbow felt shivers travel down her spine. Even through her fear, Rainbow could feel her anger rising. The consequesnces may be "deadly" but Rainbow would make sure the filly was safe. Even if Rainbow was killed in the process.