//------------------------------// // Chapter seven. Question's // Story: The End to every story // by Thestoryteller //------------------------------// Nightwing was thrown out of the throne room like...a pile of leaves swept out of a room by a broom. The broom Discord summoned vanished, and the doors behind Nightwing shut. Nightwing stood up and with rage in his heart, he looked up and roared in frustration. And in doing so a bunch of dust fell from the ceiling and into his mouth. Nightwing choked on the dust and coughed. *BANG!* A loud noise echoed throughout the hallway. One that seemed very familiar to Nightwing. *BANG!* The loud noise was heard again. It shook loose dust that hadn't been cleaned on the ceiling and walls. Nightwing stood up and walked down the hall, following the loud noise. *BANG!!* The noise was getting louder, and with that it started to hurt Nightwing's sensitive ears. Nightwing folded down his ears as the loud noise echoed through the hallway even louder. *BANG!!!* The sound was starting to get unbearably loud. Nightwing pinpointed the sound's origin behind a wooden double door that shook with the unsettled dust. Nightwing approached the door, recoiling in pain each time he heard the loud 'BANG'. After what seem to be an immense amount of recoils Nightwing finally reached the door. He lifted the ring handle and pulled the door open. The room walls were built out of stones embedded in cement. Some pony shaped target dummies that were stuffed with straw were strapped to some of the wooden pillars. There were racks of several weapons such as swords, spears, bows, crossbows, and what seemed to be strange gauntlet's. *BANG!!!!* The sudden and loud noise sent a ringing in Nightwing's ear. He looked to his right and saw the cause of his ears ringing. On the far right side of the room was Flash Sentry, his right hoof deep into the stone wall. Chunks of hardened cement and rock were scattered across the floor behind him. The stone wall he was punching had an impact mark on it, a big one at that. It was as if Flash was trying to punch a hole through it. Flash reared back his left hoof, a lightning ball formed in it. He was about to punch the wall once more had a blue aura not wrapped itself around his hoof. Confused as to why his hoof was currently stuck in midair Flash whipped his head to his hoof, then to Nightwing. "Something on your mind friend?" Nightwing asked, releasing Flash's hoof. The lightning ball Flash had vanished, "What gave it away?" He asked. "Normally whenever a stallion is going through a troubling times he usually starts punching something to make himself feel better." Nightwing explained. "Really?" Flash raised an eyebrow. Nightwing pointed behind Flash to the wall with a major chunk of it missing. "Oh...right." Flash rubbed the back of his head. "Flash, I'm your friend. So you can tell me what's going on." Nightwing's tone saddened, "Is it about Lightning Strike?" "No, it isn't." Flash answered simply. Nightwing was taken aback by what Flash had just said. "What?! How could that not be what's on your mind? He's your brother and he's dead! Don't you feel sad about that?" "Of course I'm upset." Flash sighed, "But there are more important things to worry about right now than grieve over my dead brother." Nightwing stared at Flash with his mouth slightly agape, "You're not Flash." He glared. "Pardon?" "You're not my friend. You can't be...the Flash I know would be bawling his eyes out at the news of his dead brother. Yet here you are, not a single tear to shed for him." Nightwing then realized what was going on. "Twilight Sparkle." Nightwing growled, he gritted his teeth and his eyes flash dark red. "This is her doing. She's messed with your memory again hasn't she? Don't worry Flash I'll fix this." Nightwing turned to the door, "Right after I got pay Sparkle a visit." A lightning spike sunk into the ground in front of Nightwing, causing him to halt. Nightwing turned around to Flash, who had a pissed off look. "I'm sick and tired of everyone blaming Twilight for giving me false memories." Flash growled. "Flash what are you doing?" Nightwing asked. "Can't you see I'm trying to help you?" "But I don't need help Nightwing!" Flash roared. "I've already gotten rid of the false memories that Twilight gave me!" Silence filled the room. Nightwing stared at Flash with shock and confusion, "Flash. I know that you might think that those false memories are gone but-" "When my family took you in we had to flee our home to protect you. We fled to Cloudsdale so that we might be able to keep you safe with our cousin, only for the Order to kill Soarin's parent's and captured my mom. We all then fled to Canterlot, where we stayed with my dad's friend Falling Star. There we met his two kids Comet Tail and Sunset Shimmer. Fallen Star betrayed my dad and killed him, he then took all of the credit for capturing you and sent you off to the city of Oraldon. You were kept as a slave in that city for three years until you escaped. You fled into a forest and waited to be eaten by some hungry animal. Only for Princess Luna to appear and took you in as her student." Flash told the backstory of Nightwing. "Ringing any bells?" Nightwing found himself staring at Flash once more, this time with a mixture of awe, shock, confusion, bewilderment, and a tiny bit of joy. "You have all your memories back." Nightwing said. "Yes. Couldn't you tell that I wasn't lying?" Flash asked. Nightwing rubbed his ear, "I would, if Somepony wasn't causing such loud noises throughout the entire castle." Flash rubbed the back of his head awkwardly, "Ah...right. Sorry about that." "It's fine, the ringing will go away. Hopefully." Nightwing said, "So...if it's not Lightning Strike that's on your mind. What is?" A sad expression crossed Flash's face. He sighed before speaking, "You know how Comet Tail said he needed time away from us because Starlight was posing as his lost sister?" Nightwing's eyes lit up, "Oh that's right. We've been gone for thirteen years, I hope Comet Tail's been doing all right since we left." "That's just it Nightwing." Flash choked, pain in his voice as he spoke. "On the moon...I met Comet Tail." "You saw Comet Tail on the Moon? Flash that's not possible." Nightwing said. "For all you know it was probably someone who disguised himself to look like Comet Tail." "No...it was Comet Tail. Our Comet Tail. I don't know why or how...but whoever orchestrated the attack on the Crystal Empire and the weapon on the moon...they did something to Comet Tail. They turned him into some kind of...monster." "Monster?" The room became silent once more. Fear loomed into the room like a thick fog. Nightwing and Flash's minds were on autopilot, slowly turning to the left they saw a black ooze dripping from the wall. The dripping turned into a stream of black ooze that formed a puddle on the floor. The puddle started bubble, black tendrils erupted from the puddle and wrapped around other tendril's. The tendrils started to take the shape of a pony. The black puddle of ooze had turned into a unicorn Stallion with a pale yellow coat, crimson red mane with black tips, and he had crimson red eye's. His cutie mark was a light blue shooting star with light blue tail behind it. The Stallion's name was Comet Tail. "Now is that anyway to address a friend?" Comet Tail asked. "Comet...Tail?" Flash spoke with disbelief. "The one and only, and I must say. You two haven't aged a day since I last saw you." Comet Tail smiled. "Comet Tail...what happened to you?" Nightwing asked. Comet Tail frowned at Nightwing, "What happened to me?" He repeated what Nightwing had said. "Moonstone is what happened to me. She used Sombra's horn on me, and turned me into the creature you see now. But there's no need to worry, I'm still the Comet Tail you knew. Or at least a part of me is." Nightwing gritted his teeth. The thought Moonstone not only took away Lightning Strike, but now Comet Tail. The thought sent rage through his entire body. Nightwing took a deep breath and cleared his mind, "Comet Tail. Come with me, let me help you-" "Help me?" Comet Tail laughed. "Trust me Nightwing, I'm far from being helped. In fact, the only reason I came here was because I haven't seen you guys in thirteen years. But don't get me wrong it's still splendid to see you. So how about you give good old Comet Tail a hug?" Flash started to walk towards Comet Tail, his mane turned black the tips of his mane turned red. His eyes changed from sky blue to crimson red. The tips of his feathers turned red as well. "I don't know what you are, where you came from, or what you plan to do." Flash growled. "But I will only ask you once, let Comet Tail go. Now." "Awww," Comet Tail cooed. "I appreciate your concern Flash, but your talking to the real Comet Tail. But if it's a fight you want then I'm gonna have to leave you empty hoofed. You see no one but you two know I'm here, and I plan to keep it that way. But before I leave I'll tell you a little secret." Comet Tail smiled, "Seven Demons of Tartarus." And in the blink of an eye he vanished. Silver stood frozen in place, his mind flooded with jumbles of random thoughts. The unicorn Stallion that had embraced him and called him his brother was Fancy Pant's. "Wait...I thought he wasn't your brother." Button said from inside the kitchen. Fancy turned to Button and said, "Well of course he's my brother, can't you see the resemblance between us?" He asked, standing beside Silver. Button squinted at the two, "Well...yeah you two do look alike." Button gasped, "Silver Platter is related to Fancy Pants!" "I...um..." Silver looked down ashamed. "Yes...Fancy Pants is my brother." It was now Rarity's turn to gasp. "Silver is related to Fancy Pants! This is just simply splendid, I had no idea I was dating someone so famous!" Fancy's ears perked up, he turned to Rarity and asked, "Miss Rarity, did I hear you correctly? Did you say that you were...dating my brother?" Fancy Pants raised an eyebrow. Rarity, a bit nervous by Fancy's gaze, responded, "Why...yes. Yes I am." Fancy frowned, "Miss Rarity, I know that you a generous and kind pony. But you wouldn't happen to be dating by brother for his status, would you?" Silver glared at Fancy, "Fancy how could you? I never told Rarity that I was your brother or that I had a status. She saw me as what I told her I was," Silver's expression saddened, "just a lowly butler." Fancy growled, "There you go again." He spoke in a hushed voice, "Calling yourself a lowly butler. Thirteen years, and you still call yourself a lowly butler." "It's what I am." Silver said. "No it's not!" Fancy shouted. "It's what She called you. But you don't have to do what she say's anymore Silver. She's gone!" Lustrous Platter started to whine and cry due to Fancy Pants outburst. Fancy Pants eyes were wide with shock and regret. Tears started to build up in Silver's eye's. Fancy reached for Silver, "Silver I-" Fancy's body became entrapped in a dark blue aura. Fancy was lifted up off of the ground and thrown through into one of the dressing rooms. Fancy was rammed through the wooden door, smashing it to pieces. "Fancy!" Fleur shouted. Silver ran past Fleur and out of the Carousel Boutique. "Silver wait!" Rarity shouted, but Silver was to far for him to hear. A groan escaped from the dressing room. Button had rushed over to help Fancy Pants up. "Thank you." He groaned in pain, standing on his own he started to make his way to the door. Only for him to collapse. "Fancy!" Fleur rushed to her husband's side. "I'm fine Dear. Just a bruise, nothing more." Fancy tried to get up, but collapsed once more. "You're not fine." Sweetie Bell spoke. "Your back is badly damaged. I can heal it but it'll take some time." Fancy turned to Rarity, "Miss Rarity...please...if you would be so kind...go catch my brother...I can't lose him...not when I just got him back." Fancy said in pain. But Rarity had already bolted out of the door. Pegasi were starting to bundle and mash together dark and grey clouds in the sky. Rarity ran all over Ponyville searching for Silver, but wherever she looked he wasn't there. Rarity then felt something small drop on her back. Then there were more drops. It had begun to rain. Countless droplets of water rained down from above. Ponies scattered out of the street, seeking shelter from the rain. Rarity however didn't seek shelter, her mane and coat were drenched in water, causing her mane to droop and lose its form. But for once, she didn't care. She didn't care that her mane was getting ruined, she didn't care that the temperature had dropped thirty degrees, none of it mattered. All that mattered was trying to find Silver. Rarity walked across the bridge, the water stream beneath her had risen. She leaned against the railing and shouted, "Silver!" Rarity shouted his name. Her response was the sound of booming thunder. The railing Rarity was leaning on cracked and broke off from the bridge. Rarity lost her balance and fell. Or, she slid I should say. Just as Rarity was no longer touching the bridge, a Crystal structure extended from the bridge and caught Rarity. The Crystal bent and warped itself into a slide, which carried Rarity all the way to the grass. Rarity stood up and faced her rescuer. "What do you think you're doing?" Demanded Silver Platter, whose mane and coat were soaking wet. "I came looking for you." Rarity said. "Why did you run off?" Silver avoided eye contact with Rarity, "I don't want to talk about it." "Well I'm sorry Silver darling but you're not going anywhere until we talk about what happened." Rarity said sternly. "I want to help you Silver, but I can't do that unless you let me help you." Silver looked to Rarity, "You're not gonna let me go until I've told you are you?" Rarity nodded. "Fine." Silver sighed. "But first, let's get out of this rain." The ground rumbled, crystalline structures erupted from the ground. The crystal's warped themselves to form a bubble, which shielded Silver and Rarity from the rain. "There, now...I guess I'll tell you everything." Silver sighed, two Crystal chairs erupted from the ground. Silver sat in his chair and Rarity sat in hers. "Like Fancy Pants said...I am his brother. I'm connected to him by our fathers blood. Our mothers however...that's a different story." Silver began. "You see...I was the first born in our family. But my mother died giving birth to me, and I...I was about to as well. I was born defectively, my lungs didn't form right. They had to hook me up to a machine that gave me oxygen. But my father knew that I wasn't going to live. So he sought out an old temple, and from there he found this." Silver extended his hoof and a grey oval gem hovered above his hoof. "The doctors placed this on my heart and just like that my lungs were properly formed." Silver's voice was filled with pain as he continued, "When I was nine my father married another mare, and she gave birth to my brother." "Fancy Pants." Rarity summed up. Silver nodded. "Our mother adored Fancy Pants. But she hated me. She would dress me up as one of the servants and forced me to what they would do. Serve the nobles, clean the house, and sleep in the servants quarters. I wasn't even allowed to sit at the table with my family, she'd just pour me a bowl of food and throw it at me." Rarity gasped, "How awful. Didn't your father do anything to stop her?" "He couldn't. My mother casted a spell on him that made him obey whatever she said. And Fancy was to scared to do anything to stop her. And one day..." Silver's voice started to fill with pain. "My mother was in a foul mood, worse than her usual. She started complaining about every little thing that Servants did. I was in charge of serving my family at the dinner table. I don't remember what I did, maybe it was the way I set the table, or maybe it was the food that displeased her. Whatever it was...she completely lost it. She flipped the table over, shattering the glasses and spilling the plates and silverware. She looked at me with this...wicked look on her face. She demanded that I picked up the mess she made." Silver choked, tears started to roll down his cheeks. "Silver stop." Rarity placed her hoof onto Silver. "I'm so sorry I forced you to do this. Please stop, this is clearly hurting you." "No...I've kept this a secret for too long. You deserve to know." Silver rubbed his eyes before continuing. "I approached the table and picked up a cloth to use to pick up the glass. My mother yelled at me and demanded that picked it up with my hooves. I dared not disobey her, so I picked up the glass with my hooves. I cut myself several times...I ignored the pain and was about to start cleaning the silverware. But she grabbed me and pinned me to the floor. She levitated a knife in front of me, I can still see her face. The crazed look in her eyes, that haunting smile she gave. She wanted to kill me...she wanted to so bad. She played with the knife, twirling it around my neck. Then she started...started calling me names. Names that...I'd prefer you didn't hear. But then...she started insulting my mom, the one who gave birth to me. She called her names worse than what she called me. And then..." Silver's throat was dry. "Something inside of me...just snapped. Crystal's erupted from the ground, piercing her body and pinning her to the wall. I was filled with rage, and I channeled that rage into the crystal's. Then...my mother began to turn Crystal. Her body was turning into Crystal, she screamed and hollered at the top of her lungs, I could practically taste the fear in her screams. Soon her whole body was crystallized, a look of horror on her face. I walked up to my crystallized mother, picked up one of the metal dishes that had been spilled. I lifted up the dish...and I smashed it against her. Her body broke into pieces like she was made of made out of glass." Silver started to cry. "I killed her. I turned her body into Crystal and I shattered her like she was made of glass." Rarity didn't know what to say. Here Silver was, open and vulnerable, and she was doing nothing. She wanted to say something but millions of words were stuck in her throat. She inhaled through her nostrils and then exhaled through her mouth. "You shouldn't feel sorry for her." Silver looked at Rarity in bewilderment. "W-what?" Silver stammered. "You heard me. If this 'Mother' of yours was truly as evil and wicked as you say she was...then she deserved what she got." Rarity said. Silver shook his head. "You weren't there Rarity...you didn't see the look on her face. A look of horror and fright." "And she should've been afraid. She should've been terrified if anything." Rarity said. "She was going to kill you Silver. You said it yourself, 'she wanted to kill you...she wanted to so bad'. You were young, scared, and didn't know what you were doing. I know this might seem... cruel of me to say, but...but she got what she deserved." Silver stared at Rarity, his eyes red and pink from his tears. He didn't know what to say, a million words were stuck in his throat. "But I must know...why do you treat yourself so poorly, when you don't deserve it." Rarity asked. Silver found himself looking away from Rarity. "After I killed my mother-" "Don't call her that." Rarity hissed. "A mother is someone who cares and loves her children. That mare isn't your mother, and doesn't deserve such a title." "O-okay." Silver's lip quivered. "After the police arrived and inspected the body...my father took all the blame. He was arrested and was given the death sentence. The estate was...intentionally left to me. But I changed it so that everything would be left to Fancy. I then served as his Butler. There would be times when he'd tell me to sit at the family table and eat with him and Fleur. But I would refuse and eat with the rest of the servants. Fancy would offer me a room that I could sleep in every night, and every time I'd decline and sleep where the servants slept. I was a servant to Her, now I am a servant to Fancy Pants." "But you're his brother." Rarity protested. "He wants you to be happy and enjoy everything that was promised to you. Why won't you let him?" "It...it's because of what I did to her. I blame myself everyday for what I did. Forgive me for opposing what you said earlier, but your wrong when you said she deserved to die. She didn't deserve what I did to her, she didn't deserve to die. I shouldn't have killed her...there could've been another way." Silver choked. "Rarity...I appreciate you trying to comfort me...but right now I want to be alone." Rarity wanted to stay. She didn't want to leave Silver's side. But she could see the pain in his eyes. She didn't what else to do, so she simply nodded and stood up. Silver used his magic to create a doorway out of the Crystal bubble. He also created a Crystal umbrella for her as well. Rarity took the umbrella with her magic and walked out into the rain. The crystal's filled the doorway back up. Rarity sighed, a pain pulsed inside her heart. She felt like she could've done more for Silver. But there was nothing else. She couldn't give him comfort or help him. And Rarity hated that. She hated the fact that she couldn't do anything. She hated that she did nothing when Silver was tearing himself apart. But there was nothing else Rarity could've done. With sadness in her eyes Rarity walked away from the bubble, heading for the Carousel Boutique. The rain poured down harder than before. Speeding downwards like it was hail. The rain dropped violently against the Carousel's roof. Rarity walked through the door. Fancy Pants was sitting on one of the circular model platform, Sweetie Bell was using her magic on his back, Fleur was comforting Lustrous Platter, and Button was in the kitchen making everyone snacks. Rarity closed the door behind her, everyone turned to her. "Did you find him?" Fancy asked concerned. Rarity remained silent, she took the umbrella that Silver gave her and leaned it against the side of the wall. Rarity looked to Fancy and nodded. "Where is he?! Is he alright?! How-Arrrgh!" Fancy recoiled, as a loud crack cane from his back. "I need you to be still Fancy Pants." Sweetie frowned at Fancy. "It won't heal if you keep moving." "I'm terribly sorry." Fancy apologized, before turning back to Rarity. "How was he?" "Not well...he's very upset." Rarity said, looking to the floor. Fancy looked at Rarity before he came to realization, "He told you...he told you about Her didn't he?" Rarity slowly nodded. Fancy sighed, "I'm sorry you had to hear that......Rarity...if you don't want to associate yourself with Silver after what you've heard, I won't hold it against-" "I never said I wanted to leave him." Fancy looked at Rarity stunned. Rarity turned to Fancy and looked him directly in the eye's, "Lord Fancy Pants, your brother is simply amazing. He's kind, gentle, caring, honest, and would rather die than betray my trust. He is a stallion that is to good for anypony to let go of so easy. Which is why I'm going to do everything in my power to help Silver out of this dark hole he's been plunged into. No matter what." Fancy was at a loss for words. His eyes were as wide as dinner plates and his mouth was unhinged. His brother, Silver Platter, had told this mare that he had murdered his mother. And she didn't see him as a monster. She saw him as a scared and frightened little colt who had every right for what he did. "You...you really care about him don't you?" "Of course I do. He's someone that deserves to be cared for." Rarity said. Fancy smiled, he smiled harder than he had ever smiled before. An idea popped into his head, his horn glowed as he pulled a piece of folded paper out of his coat pocket. He levitated the paper to Rarity, "I've been holding onto this for years now. Our mother found a way to legally make Silver her property. She kept this in her safe so that Silver couldn't take it. It took me a long time but I figured out the combination." Fancy said as Rarity unfolded the letter. "I know that it won't solve everything Silver's been through, but I know that it will help a lot." Rarity scanned the paper from top to bottom. She looked at Fancy and said, "This is..." Fancy nodded. Rarity gripped the paper, "Why are you giving this to me?" "Because you care for Silver...more than I ever could. I wasn't there for him when our mother tormented him everyday, and I couldn't be there for him when he became my servant." Fancy said sadly. "But you don't have to be like me. You can do so much more for him, and it can all happen if you show him that paper." Silver crawled himself into a ball, he was lying on the ground with tears streaming from his eyes. How could he have been so stupid? He had just told Rarity that he had killed somepony. That made him a murderer, Rarity would never love a murderer. Silver's chest was filled with pain and anguish. Every fiber of his being screamed at him, 'Don't let her go'. But Silver knew that this was for the best, he didn't deserve someone like Rarity. Someone who was kind, caring, generous, and not to mention she was drop dead gorgeous. But she was too good for Silver, she deserved someone better than Silver Platter. 'How could someone do pure and beautiful ever love someone like you?' A voice inside Silver's head hissed. 'Face it, you're nobody. Always have been and always will be. You're not even worth a hoofful of dirt. How could a goddess like Rarity love a lowly servant who's worth less than dirt?' *knock, knock, knock* A sudden tapping snapped Silver out of his trance. On the other side of the bubble was a pony figure. Silver used his magic and created a window. "Rarity?" Silver said, not believing what he was seeing. Rarity stood firm and frowned at Silver. Her mane and coat were drenched in water, causing her mane to droop. Silver turned away from Rarity and said, "I said that I wanted to be left alone, go away." "I'm not leaving Silver." Rarity spoke. "I'll stand out here for days if I must, but I'm not moving." Rarity smiled triumphantly, "Would you leave a poor mare like me out in the cold?" Silver sighed in defeat, "Damn you chivalry." Silver muttered, creating a doorway in the bubble. Rarity walked in and said, "I understand now why you didn't try to stop her when she had you as a servant." Rarity summoned the piece of paper. "It was because she forced you to sign this isn't it?" Silver cringed in pain upon seeing the folded paper, "Where did you get that?" "Fancy Pants was kind enough to give it to me. Silver, this is a blood oath." Rarity presented the paper. "A contract between to living things. I assume she forced you to sign it and made you her servant. Worse thing about a blood oath is that it can't be broken unless the two who've made the contract have decided to break it. But it can be passed down from pony to pony." Rarity levitated the paper over to Silver and unfolded it. Silver read what was on the paper. I, Silver Platter, do hereby agree that I shall serve my owner without any resistance or complaints. I will do whatever is asked of me, whenever it is asked and wherever. I will only accept the lifestyle that befalls those who are servants. I, Silver Platter, do hereby agree that I shall serve my owner Rarity Silver finished reading what was on the paper and stared at Rarity with wide eyes. "You..." "Yes Silver...I'm your new owner." Rarity said. "And starting today you will do everything I say without any hesitation or questions. Understand?" "Yes ma'am." Silver stood up. "What is it you ask of me?" "Well... the rain is going to let up soon. What say you and I go for a stroll in the park?" "Your wish is my command." Silver bowed, eager to serve his new owner. The griffon Empire. Eagle Eyes walked down the halls towards a double doorway. Two large griffon guards wearing armor and equipped with spears stood guard at the door. Eagle Eyes stood in front of the door, the two guards looked down to Eagle Eyes. The guard on the right spoke, "He's been expecting you." The guard on the left spoke, "You may enter." The two guards look back towards the hall, Eagle Eyes walked to the door and opened it. Before entering she said to the two guards, "You two saw nothing." She said, entering the room and closing the door behind her. The room was very spacious in size. Furniture-wise there was a wooden dresser, a large bathroom, a walk in closet, a bookshelf filled with books, the floor had a dark olive green carpet, and in the center of the room was a big griffon sized nest. In said nest was Gideon, who was reading a book with covers draped over him. "You're late." Gideon said, not looking away from his book. Eagle Eyes removed her helmet and shook her head, letting her feathers get some movement. "Well excuse me your Highness. But sneaking past a bunch of your father's guards isn't exactly a picnic you know." Gideon closed up his book and sat it down. He removed the covers draped over him and jumped out of the nest. He walked over to Eagle Eyes and stared down at her. He smiled and bent down. And then gave her a tenderly kiss on the lips. A soft moan escaped Eagle Eyes mouth as she pushed back against Gideon, returning his kiss. Eagle Eyes pushed Gideon down onto the floor, continuing to kiss him passionately. Eagle Eyes pulled away from Gideon, her eyes half open and a satisfied smile on her face. "I missed you." Gideon nuzzled Eagle's neck. "I missed you too." Eagle Eye's embraced Gideon. "How have you been doing?" "Fine I guess." Gideon sighed. "I wish that father would've showed more praise for what I did." "You don't need his affection and you know it. You did a good thing Gideon." Eagle Eyes said. "But did I do the right thing?" Gideon asked. "I disobeyed father's orders and did what I thought was right." "What's wrong with that?" Eagle Eyes asked. "Father hasn't been wrong once. Everything he's done has been for the good of the Empire. What if disobeying father was a mistake?" Gideon said. Eagle Eyes sighed, she hopped off Gideon and sat next to him. "If you're so worried why don't you go ask him yourself?" Eagle Eyes suggested. "That's just it. It's impossible to please a Griffon like him because he never tells anyone anything." Gideon growled. "All he does is spend his days in his study going over books. It's...it's just so...so infuriating!" "Infuriating?" Eagle Eyes and Gideon whipped their heads to the double door. There stood Descend, wearing his royal attire. Eagle Eyes scampered off of Gideon and bowed before Descend. "A-a-apologizes your highness. I didn't expect your arrival." Eagle Eyes hid her blush. Descend smiled upon the small embarrassed Griffoness. "My dear Eagle Eyes." He purred. "There is nothing you need to apologize for. Gideon however," Descend looked to Gideon, "I believe you called your father...'Infuriating' was it?" Gideon avoided eye contact with Descend, "Yes...infuriating is the word I used." "Well it's normal for children to be angry with dads on certain occasions." Descend sighed. "But what you said before was correct, everything I've done has been for the good of the Empire. That includes its Citizens. While you did disobey my orders, your heart was in the right place. So I guess you pass or something." Descend rolled his claw. "Well, carry on you two." Descend said as he made his way to the door. "Wait father." Descend stopped and looked over his shoulder. "What boy?" He asked. "Did you just come in here to say that?" Gideon asked. "I was simply passing by that's all." Descend shrugged as he then exited and locked the door behind him. He took a single step and his claw made a splash. He looked down to see his claw was drenched in blood. He lifted his claw and shook off some of the droplets of blood. "Can't you go five minutes without killing someone?" Descend growled at a giant snake like creature which was chewing on one of the body's of the griffon guards that stood in front of Gideon's door. "I'm sorry your 'Highness'." The snake mocked. "Have I displeased you?" "Watch your tongue Devorandum." Descend growled. "Did it ever occur to what might happen now that I've got two dead guards, who I have to now make up some random excuse for disappearing?" "Oh please." Devorandum sighed. "Like anyone's going to miss two guards." "Your becoming to reckless Devorandum." Descend warned. "If you're not careful you'll blow our cover and everything will be ruined." "Fine, fine. But I did come here to tell you something." Devorandum smiled. "Inferum says that the time is drawing closer."