//------------------------------// // Prologue - All Day Moonlight // Story: The Mare who knew too much // by Cynical //------------------------------// Chapter 1 - All Day Moonlight Twilight woke up to a peculiar sound, or rather, the lack of it. Opening her heavy eyes, Twilight looked around her, and was startled at the results. She'd honestly thought that she'd dreamt the whole ordeal, what with Celestia banishing Twilight, Her star student and Protégée at Canterlot, to the Moon. Twilight was... calm... surely, it was all just a misunderstanding, and she'd be brought back to Equestria sooner or later. It was probably just the stress of the wedding that had finally taken it's toll upon the alicorn. To clear her head of the whole situation, she began to wonder why she was still alive. She knew her basic science, she should have died the moment she appeared on the moon. Vacuums are apparently quite unforgiving. Twilight reasoned that Celestia had created a little bubble of air for Twilight, which sparked further questions. 'Is the air supply going to last?' 'If it doesn't, how long will I have?' 'Will anypony notice if I die up here?'. To which she mentally gave herself a shake, and decided to have a look around her temporary home. Ten minutes later, she had done so, and found out that the moon is actually quite a monotonous and sad place to be. Twilight smiled as the thought of Pinkie Pie seeing this landscape and having one of her 'decorating parties', Which pretty much summed up pinkie, a pony with a party for any occasion. This did get her to thinking though, what if the princess forgot about her, here upon the moon, and she was here for ever... Her thoughts, already running rampant, gave her the rope, then watched as she hung herself from it. How would Dash react, she'd think that I was disloyal, and had run away from it all, AppleJack, who would assume that I'd lied to her about coming to her Birthday, which was tomorrow night. Even Fluttershy, Rarity and Pinkie Pie would wonder, they would hate her, probably assuming that she'd abandoned them. She could see each of their faces. Pinkie Pie, her bubblegum pink hair flat and lifeless as she stared right through her. Rarity, giving her a look of disgust, disgust as how she just up and left the baby dragon with no rhyme or reason. Fluttershy. That was a difficult reaction to think about. but the image came up anyway, the meek pegasus crying into her hooves. AppleJack, who wouldn't even look at Twilight in the eye, she probably couldn't bare to look at my shame. There was no rainbow coloured mane though, no cyan pegasus who always seemed to have a comeback, and a way to raise her mood. Go figure. Disloyal friend, disloyal imaginary friend. She wished, at that moment then, that there was at least somepony else to talk to, not having someone there could be disastrous for Twilight, and just as her imagination jumped to take the lead, Twilight caught it, then removed that particular train of thought from her mind... best not to dwell. Then, deciding to take action, her horn burst into indigo aura's and shapes, and then there they were. Her best friends. Twilight paused a moment to take stock of her creations, then froze in shock. Her friends were there, they were all standing up, facing the unicorn. Yet there was something wrong. The eyes were glassy, and the jaw was too stiff, even the hair looked fake. After a moments hesitation, Twilight started forwards to inspect the very still creation that was Rarity. She stood in front of the impeccably groomed pony, and waved a hand in front of her face, there was no response whatsoever. Twilight sighed, and turned away, only to spin round, waving and screaming at her friend. Who didn't even bat an eyelash. Intrigued by this failure of a spell, twilight went around the other ponys and attempted the same routine again and again, with the same results. The joke was beginning to wear thin on Twilight, and in her frustration at the unfairness of it all, she kicked the immobile unicorn in the back of the flank. Hard. Feeling immediately sorry for the display of violence towards her friend, she turned back to apologise, and her jaw dropped. Rarity was floating slightly, caught in the rays of the sun, creating a magnificent picture in space. But that wasn't what had caused Twilight to gasp. On the flank that Twilight had kicked her, Rarity now sported a cut, no a rip, and as she looked closer, the droplets that were coming out of the rip were actually white, and seemed quite fluffy. Much like cotton wool. Using her horn to gather the Rarity... thing. and the white stuff that had leaked around the low gravity of the moon, she placed Rarity on the ground where she once was, and put the white stuff inside the cut, making sure to seal it when there were no more pieces of fluff to be found anywhere. Twilight turned towards her new audience and said in a loud, sing-song voice: "Who wants to play Hangman?" Her ear flapped once.