Short Shorts

by Coranth

173. Cut!

"You know nothing of the Changelings, or what it takes to be their Queen!" Chrysalis snarled, picking Starlight Glimmer up in her magic. Then, the Queen of the Changelings hurled the poor unicorn, into a piece of stone jutting up through the throne-room floor. Starlight hit the stone back-first...

... and then, there was heard a terrible crunch as the poor mare let out a terrible, agonized scream. Almost immediately, there came a cry of "CUT! CUT! CUT!" Almost immediately, a horrified Chrysalis, along with several of her - mortified - drones, moved to comfort a sobbing Starlight. "Oh, Celestia; I am so sorry..." the horrified Queen said even as she made to gather the mare to her, checking her for injuries. Terror gripped the Changeling Queen's guts as she soon discovered that something wasn't right with Starlight's spine... "Oh god oh god oh god..." she rasped...

... Then she and her friend were being separated by medical personnel as - "... SAID SAFETY SPELLS EVERYWHERE! EVERYWHERE, CELESTIA, DAMN IT! HOW COULD YOU NEGLECT THE ONE PIECE OF STONE WE WERE ACTUALLY GOING TO USE FOR THIS SCENE?!" - a furious director blasted a trembling, knock-kneed unicorn effects technician. "YOU MORON! ONE OF MY BEST ACTORS HURT BECAUSE OF YOUR NEGLIGENCE..." Everything became a blur, then; Chrysalis, distraught, burst into tears as she raced to follow the doctors and her friend; begged to go with them as they loaded poor Starlight into an ambulance...

... With all the confusion, time seemed to blur from one moment to the next...

Hours later, poor Chrysalis wok to find that she was resting - with her friend - in a hospital bed, and that Starlight's back was in a brace! Tears filled her eyes almost immediately, but before she could collapse sobbing again, there came the voice of a unicorn doctor. "She's lucky," he stated softly as the Queen held Starlight gently. "When you threw her into that piece of stone - a little too hard, I might add - she slipped a disc in her spine; though fortunately nothing more than that. Of course, your friend shouldn't have been injured at all; there was a padding spell that should've been cast on that stone - it would have mitigated any damage - but for whatever reason, the former special effects technician neglected to cast it; whether from lack of sleep or something else, I don't know. Nevertheless... though she'll have to wear a brace for a while, your friend will be fine..."

Chrysalis didn't remember thanking the Doctor; all she remembered was burying her muzzle into her best friend's mane, taking in the unicorn's scent, holding her close, apologizing over and over, as she wept like a foal...