//------------------------------// // Chapter 1: Society and Secrets // Story: Heart of Fire // by Night Spinner //------------------------------//         Formal events in Canterlot were always glamorous affairs; scenes of well dressed mares and stallions mingling to the accompaniment of gentle music. With a calendar year full of such parties, balls, dances and lesser galas, even the unfortunate socialites that failed to gain entrance to the grander events still had their chance to show their quality. Unfortunately for Twilight Sparkle and Rarity, the true quality of most of the ponies they were surrounded with was a perfect mix of self preservation and overblown pride, coated with a thin veneer of politeness. Though the evening had started with promise, the duo had already run the gauntlet of sycophants, flatterers and pompous fools before the gathering had subdivided into quieter cliques towards mid evening. "Well, that's twenty minutes of my life I will never get back," Twilight grumbled as a particularly opinionated member of the elite trotted off with a slightly frightened expression and all the grace and delicacy of a spooked manticore. The princess levitated a half full glass to her lips, hoping the beverage would take the bad taste out of her mouth from having spoken with him for so long. "Well, at least this one didn't begin by proposing political marriage like the last three," Rarity said wryly. "Though if he had chose to go into more detail on his thoughts on The proper place of the hornless in society, I might have done something very unladylike. You calling him inaccurate and ill informed was putting it mildly." Twilight chuckled as she finished her drink, setting down the glass on a nearby table. "Believe me, if he hadn't beat a hasty retreat when he did I was going to give him a full lecture," the alicorn muttered, a decidedly hard gleam in her eye. The overbearing noble had been just aware of how close to crossing the line he was, but Twilight silently promised herself the next one to start talking such rubbish would not get off so easy. She took a moment to look over the assembled guests, many of whom she spent the better part of the night greeting as one noble caught her attention after another, each trying their best to act as if she was their best friend or that they alone were the last sane pony in Canterlot. Though by the end, she strongly had her doubts about the mental state of most of the ponies in the room. She glanced over to Rarity, who had helped spare her from the worst of it, filling her in on each socialite as they came. "You know," Twilight mused. "When it comes to the who's who of Canterlot elite, you have about as much comprehensive knowledge as I do about magic." The fashionista almost visibly puffed up with pride, the delicate feathers that adorned her latest masterpiece rising from her collar like the tail of some ethereal peacock. "Darling, should it surprise you?" she asked with a sly smile. "After all, it is in my professional and personal interest to be fully armed against this pack of Timber Wolves in pony's clothing," she said, sweeping her hoof at the assembled crowd before adding with a laugh "Although, that may be unfair to packs of Timber Wolves everywhere."   Twilight laughed and levitated a pair of fresh drinks from a nearby serving tray and passed one to Rarity. "I might have to agree with you on that one," she admitted, her eyes falling on one of her would be ‘suitors’, a tall unicorn that was old enough to be her father and whose only redeeming quality was that he had served in the guard. "It seems like everypony here is trying to get something out of me," she muttered sadly, "Either some royal favor or to make it seem to their peers like I'm supporting their opinion on something without knowing what the opinion is first or..." Twilight let out a sigh and her wings drooped a little. "...or they're destroying my faith in relationships," she admitted at last, looking over at Rarity who was staring at her with a raised eyebrow. "It all seems to be nothing more than a transaction to them, an arrangement for power and favor, nothing more." "Yes, it does seem that way at times," Rarity conceded, taking a sip from her glass before giving Twilight a gentle smile. "However it isn't all like that. Your brother and Cadance, for instance, found true love and, although they may be an extreme example, there are many ponies who find happiness." Despite her own words, Rarity frowned a little and looked into her nearly drained glass. "Though it is often in spite of the nobility that they do," she admitted more quietly, before her smile returned. "At least tonight hasn't been a total loss, you did get to reconnect with those old teachers of yours, er, Style and Scribble I think you said their names were?" Twilight chuckled and shook her head, a smile creeping back on her face. "No, no. They were professor Swift Stylus and Professor Solemn Scribe, teachers of Runic Enchantments and Advanced Scrolls, respectively," she corrected, staring at her friend incredulously. "I'm surprised you forgot so quickly, both of them are members of two of the oldest families in Canterlot." "Yes, well," Rarity began defensively, though her smile was still there. "As I was trying to make light of earlier, I learn what I can about the social elite and, prestigious as they are, both of them weren't exactly what I would consider as my usual clientele. I mean, my stars, darling. The jacket Professor Scribe was wearing had to be at least a decade out of fashion!" "Longer than that I'd imagine," Twilight agreed, searching the crowd for either of the venerable scholars. "I wouldn't be surprised if he has only ever owned one suit." Having failed to see either of them, she glanced back at Rarity, whose gaze seemed focused on something in the crowd before shaking her head and looking away. "Rarity, I've been meaning to ask," Twilight began, drawing the attention of her friend. "You don't seem to be enjoying yourself tonight and well, you seem almost bitter about it. Did..." The unicorn interrupted her friend, raising a hoof sheathed in a delicate shoe that gleamed with silver. "There is nothing you have done, nor has anything specific happened to put me in an off mood, Twilight dear," she said soothingly. "I'm afraid I've been growing more than a little jaded towards what was once a dream of mine, ever since our first Gala, if I'm being honest." Twilight could only listen sympathetically as Rarity went on. "If I seem out of sorts, it's because I've realized how flawed that dream was and how fleeting. These ponies are the elite of Canterlot, with family lineages and titles going back centuries and you know what? I have found nearly all of them to be deplorable," she lamented, staring at her drink with a sour expression. "With remarkably few exceptions, every time I have had to interact with high society and actually get a chance to see underneath the glamour, I've found that it is less appealing than the last." An uncomfortable quiet fell between the two friends as their gloomy thoughts hung in the air. After a moment of letting nothing but the noise of the party fill the air, Twilight spoke up. “Perhaps it’s me,” she mumbled, her brow furrowed with thought. “What? Darling no, you…” Rarity started to say, her eyes wide with shock and concern at her friend’s statement, but she was cut off when Twilight locked eyes with her. “No, wait, hear me out,” the alicorn said, waving a hoof frantically before glancing out at the crowd. “Your other experiences aside, you’ve been by my side this whole night and, ever since I’ve set hoof in here, the only ponies we’ve met are those that were either old acquaintances of mine or who were looking to get something out of me.” “That’s true, I suppose,” Rarity conceded, uncomfortably glancing away from Twilight’s earnest gaze. While she couldn’t find fault with her friend’s logic, she still felt guilty about agreeing with it. “Now,” Twilight continued, in the tone she reserved for friendly lectures. “I think if you went out into the crowd on your own, got a chance to be in your element where you can focus instead of worrying about me, then I think you’ll have a better time tonight,” she concluded, matter of factly. “Darling, I am not about to ‘ditch’ my friend, as the saying goes,” Rarity objected, but relaxed as a genuine smile spread across Twilight’s face. “You won’t be ditching me Rarity,” she said, glancing towards the trickle of ponies arriving from the main entrance. “I’m telling you to go enjoy yourself. I’ve gotten enough experience tonight dealing with these high and mighty nobles that I feel more than comfortable holding my own and, who knows, maybe you’ll find that one special and rare somepony that makes the night worthwhile.” Rarity couldn’t help but chuckling. “I see you’ve started reading those romance novels I gave you,” she teased, to which Twilight could only sheepishly nod her head. Sighing in mock defeat, Rarity set down her glass. “Very well. As you have been such a dear to give me the freedom to escape this unpleasant parade, I am duty bound in friendship to make the most of it,” she said with a dramatic flourish of her hoof before trotting off into the crowd. Freed from her station at Twilight’s side, Rarity navigated the little clusters and islands of ponies that surrounded her. The hall was one of many that formed part of Canterlot’s palace and it was split into two levels, the upper running around the perimeter of the room with a musician’s gallery at the back and the lower being mostly open space with trio of wide steps connecting them. Rarity glanced down into the ponies that occupied the lower level of the hall, most were either new arrivals or taking advantage of the livelier music to dance and she couldn’t help but smile bittersweetly at the grace that came when so many were following the formal steps. In contrast, the ponies in the upper area of the hall were almost immobile, carefully gathered into small groups that spent most of the night never leaving their small cliques. Still, it was in this unfriendly atmosphere that Rarity began to maneuver herself. A new client here, an acquaintance there, a brief discussion with the special somepony of so and so who was wearing one of her designs. Like a fine thread, Rarity wove her way between cluster after cluster, talking, gossiping and networking. While she may not have enjoyed the evening thoroughly, she would at least leave it satisfied, without having wasted a single step or word. The unicorn was so in the zone and focused on her targets that it was a complete shock to her when she collided with another pony. “Ooof! Oh my, I…” Rarity had nearly fallen over from the force of the impact, but a hoof rose to catch her, sparing her a severe amount of embarrassment. She took a half step back and did a quick check of herself to make sure nothing was out of place before looking at the other pony. “My apologies, I should have been watching where I was going.” The voice was kind, though edged with nervousness and Rarity was momentarily stunned at the appearance of its owner. The stallion was an earth pony wearing a simple formal jacket that just barely began to cover his heart-shaped cutie mark.. His coat was a rich purple and his brushed back mane and tail were of a light green, but what struck Rarity most were his eyes, two pools of emerald green that seemed, to her, very familiar. She couldn’t help but stare as a single thought burned inside her mind, the thought that if Spike had been a young stallion instead of a baby dragon, he would look like the pony before her. Twilight’s parting words came flooding back to her and Rarity couldn’t help but begin to thread together a deeper meaning out of everything. Was this what Twilight had meant? Did she find some spell to turn Spike into a pony so that the two of them could have a date? Or was this something more innocent, just a way to allow them to have a pleasant night together, a gallant rescue from the foul experience the night had been so far? An embarrassed blush crept into the unicorn’s face as she realized that the pony had been speaking to her since the collision and was now asking her something with a concerned look in his large eyes. “Oh, my apologies dear,” she said, quickly regaining her composure. “I was er, rather lost in thought for a moment.” The stallion let out a sigh of relief and a nervous smile crossed his face. “That’s good, I was afraid that I had caused you injury Lady… er…” he trailed off, as if unsure of the name. Rarity smiled mysteriously, looking at him through half-lidded eyes. She was more certain than ever that she had figured it out, after all, he even sounded like Spike might if he was the same size. Still, it would not do to worry him by becoming lost in thought again. “Rarity, my name is Rarity” she said gently, taking the moment to get a better look at him. Spike certainly had made for a handsome stallion, she had to admit, though it could be seen as almost cruel to entertain this as anything serious. Still, it would be a shame to have all of his and Twilight’s efforts go to waste. “...and what, may I ask, is your name?” The stallion bowed his head respectfully. “Fire Heart,” he replied, his smile never fading, though a nervous blush was creeping into his cheeks. “I had been rather lost in thought myself,” he said after a moment. “Again, I offer my sincerest apologies for…” “Nonsense,” Rarity said quickly, cutting him off. “You apologised for that little collision already and we were both to blame for that, I think,” she continued soothingly. She could see the poor dear was nervous and the last thing she wanted was to make him panic. Fire Heart visibly began to relax, relief clearly written in his eyes as Rarity wondered just how prepared Spike was for this disguise. It wouldn’t hurt to tease and test him a little, after all, she wasn’t going to make this too easy on him. Batting her eyelashes, she took a step closer to the stallion, wearing an almost predatory smile.  “However, if you feel you do still owe me an apology, in the interest of showing how a proper gentlecolt acts, you can make it up to me by keeping me company for a time,” she cooed sweetly, causing the poor stallion to turn into a veritable tomato. “Umm… er… ah,” Fire Heart could only stammer at first, petrified by both Rarity’s invitation and her intensely hypnotic stare. With extreme effort, the stallion managed to regain his composure and smiled uneasily. “Of course Lady Rarity,” he managed to say without stammering, offering his hoof to her. “It would be my honor and pleasure to accompany you.” The unicorn accepted and fell into step alongside him as they maneuvered to a less crowded part of the upper floor. All the while, Rarity found herself stealing glances at her companion. If his appearance wasn’t enough, the way his eyes lit up when he glanced at her and his Fire Heart ruby cutie mark had convinced her more than ever of her suspicions and left her feeling more than a little guilty that she was leading him on. Still, she reasoned that tonight must have been as much for Spike’s benefit as for her own and, although there would likely be a very, very awkward conversation when this all ended, a part of her heart was saddened by the knowledge that it would end. It was nice to be reminded of her dream. “So, Fire Heart,” she began when they had finally found a place where they could talk comfortably. “If I may ask, what does your cutie mark mean?” she asked as innocently as she could while admitting she had taken a good look at her companion’s flank. “I know that gemstone rather well, but I’m curious as to what significance it holds for you.” “Of course, Lady Rarity, I’d be happy to tell you,” Fire Heart replied without missing a beat. “It symbolises my passion and drive to excel, to push myself to my limits at whatever I set my heart on achieving and to go beyond them when my heart is on the line.” Rarity listened intently with a pleased smile. It was a good answer, plausible, yet vague enough to not require a specific skill set and, in her opinion, suited her dear Spikey Wikey to a T. She was suddenly taken aback as the stallion took a step towards her as he went on, unconsciously taking up her hoof in his. “Wherever my heart leads, Lady Rarity, I’ll follow it, no matter the consequences, no matter the risks.” The fashionista’s eyes had risen to meet his at the conviction in his voice and she felt a heat rise in her cheeks at the stallion’s touch. For a terrible, fleeting, moment she wanted to give in to the illusion as all her little fantasies about what romance should be flooded her thoughts. It took all of Rarity’s self control to keep herself from blushing like a filly on her first date and she found her gown suddenly restrictive and far too warm. “V...very impressive, Fire Heart,” she managed to say, forcing herself to focus. If she got lost in the moment and let things go too far it could be a disaster. “I must admit that it suits you well, very well,” she said with a slight waver in her voice as she took a step back, withdrawing her hoof. Despite her words, Rarity’s body language told a very different story and Fire Heart’s expression fell almost immediately, his nervousness returning. “My apologies, Lady Rarity, I did not mean to make you uncomfortable,” he muttered, looking away from her as his ears drooped. “I will leave, if you wish me to.” Rarity watched his change in demeanor with a mixture of guilt and regret and found herself beginning to panic. “No!” she exclaimed, a touch more loudly than she intended, causing Fire Heart to wince. “Er...  no,” she repeated more quietly, followed by a polite cough. "I was just surprised is all, I’m fine, really,” she insisted, staring earnestly up at the stallion. Inwardly, a part of Rarity’s mind scolded her. After all, this little faux-pas would have been a perfect way to end the charade before it went further. However, there was a part of her that was glad she didn’t take the opportunity. Still in command of the moment, Rarity caught a glimpse of something that gave her an idea and her smile became slightly sinister. Not far from where they were talking, Twilight Sparkle stood in an aggressive pose, glaring daggers at an overdressed noble mare who was quickly beating a hasty retreat. Rarity could only guess at what had set her friend off, but a distraction was desperately needed for all three of them. The unicorn’s eyes moved back to her nervous companion and when she spoke, her voice was all poisoned honey. “Fire Heart, I was wondering,” she cooed, hoping to calm him down. “Did you come to the party alone? I would hate to think I’ve been keeping you from your friends.” To her surprise the question seemed to make the stallion more than a little nervous. “N… no, Lady Rarity,” Fire Heart began, adjusting the front of his jacket. “I arrived alone and while there might be a few familiar faces in the crowd, I wasn’t planning on meeting anypony tonight,” he explained as his expression softened, a smile forming on his lips. “I was quite fortunate to have shared in your company tonight.” “I’m glad I’ve been able to make your night more enjoyable,” Rarity replied, finding it easier to keep her cool than before with her mind focused on seeing any cracks in Spike’s disguise. Overall, she had to admit that she was impressed with his performance, the little dragon hadn’t let anything slip that couldn’t be explained away. Still, the time to test the other half of this little conspiracy had come and Twilight, Rarity was certain, would not be able to be as plausibly deceptive as Spike had been. “However, I did arrive in the company of one of my dearest friends,” she went on, gesturing towards Twilight. Fire Heart’s eyes had followed Rarity’s bejeweled hoof and visibly began to grow nervous when he saw just who she was pointing at. “P..Princess Twilight Sparkle!?” he stammered, his eyes darting between the royal alicorn and the unicorn in front of him. “Indeed!” Rarity replied cheerily, putting on her most innocent expression. “Would you care to meet her?” she asked, pleased with the reaction she had gotten from him. If he was reacting this way he must have realized the game was up. “I wouldn’t want to impose,” the earth pony replied shakily, taking a nervous step back. Perspiration began to bead on his forehead as he looked for a way out, but standing where they were, his only escape would be to take a flying leap to the lower level and aim for the punch bowl to break his fall. His fate was truly sealed however, when he felt the insistent tug of unicorn magic on his collar. “Oh, it will be no trouble at all!” Rarity insisted, pulling him along behind her. “Before I bumped into you we were both having such a dreadful time. I’m certain she’ll find it a relief to have the chance to talk with a proper gentlecolt,” she explained, relaxing her magic when she felt him begin to follow her with a sigh of resignation. “In fact,” she went on, unable to contain her excitement at seeing Twilight try and explain her way out of things. “I’m certain you’ll be talking like old friends in no time!” For her own part, Twilight Sparkle, Princess of Friendship, had endured just about all she could of the gentry and, with Rarity being safely distant to spare her any embarrassment, had begun to tell the more unpleasant ones just what she thought of them, titles or no. Fortunately, the most stuck up ones were also the ones that clung to their titles the most fiercely and few were willing to challenge a princess, though some unlucky ones tried. Fresh from her latest mini lecture on socioeconomics, Twilight had a feeling of satisfaction usually felt by warriors after victory in battle. She tensed for a moment, one ear turning to listen as she heard a fresh pair of hooves approaching and whirled around to meet them, eager to put another ill-informed, stuffed shirted, entitled snob in their place. Instead, her brain came to a screeching halt as she tried to process what she was seeing. It was her friend, so that was good. She had a pony following her, but she did not look irritated, that was also good. Visibly relaxing, Twilight smiled at the pair. “Rarity, glad to see you made it out of the fray alright. Who’s your friend?” she asked with a smile, turning to greet the unicorn’s companion. “Twilight, this is Fire Heart,” Rarity explained, keeping a close eye on her friend before turning to the earth pony beside her. “Fire Heart, this is Twilight Sparkle,” she introduced, though found herself surprised. For all her expectations, the reaction each pony had for the other was decidedly different from what she had thought. “P… princess, it is an honor,” Fire Heart stammered, bowing his head low and refusing to look her in the eye. Though it wouldn’t be obvious at a distance, it was clear that the stallion was almost terrified of the pony before him. Twilight’s reaction was one of unease and she nervously tried to wave away the display of prostration. “No need for titles, Fire Heart, any friend of Rarity is a friend of mine,” she said quickly, adding “Please rise, there’s no need for you to bow,” just in case the pony didn’t quite get the message. Rarity watched as Fire Heart rose from his display of fealty and noted that Twilight’s demeanor had changed to one of searching curiosity. As the alicorn took a good, close look at the earth pony, Rarity also couldn’t shake the fact that Twilight was staring at him like she would stare at a rare book she wasn’t allowed to open. “Twilight darling,” she said coolly, “You’re staring and I think the poor dear is afraid he’s offended you.” “Oh yes, sorry,” Twilight apologized, snapping back from her focus as she realized the pony in front of her was sweating with fear. “I’ve probably started to earn a reputation for biting ponies heads off,” she admitted, rubbing the back of her neck with her hoof. “I don’t, really and…” Rarity only half listened to Twilight’s rambling apology and a feeling of doubt began to eat away at the back of her mind as her eyes darted between the princess and Fire Heart. Twilight could be a decent actress at times, but this was far beyond what she expected. “Was it possible…” she muttered to herself as she tried to reassess the situation. Whatever her doubts, she could see that things were deteriorating into social awkwardness and with Twilight’s apparently recent sparring with the socialites present, Rarity could not allow things to collapse completely. She had wanted the charade to end, to enjoy the evening with two of her closest friends and to have a long talk about it afterwards. However, between Twilight’s scrutiny and Fire Heart’s visibly growing terror, a small seed of doubt had begun to take root in Rarity’s mind. She had to do something, anything to stabilize the situation. From the corner of her eye, she saw just such an opportunity. “Twilight, dear,” she began, drawing the attention of both her companions as she gestured to a finely dressed pony that was approaching. “If I’m not mistaken you’re about to be introduced to Lord Adder and I think it would be best if I take my friend well away from the blast radius,” she explained sympathetically. “That bad, huh?” Twilight asked as Rarity nodded and glanced at the dark maned unicorn, who had paused only long enough to sneer at a nearby servant before continuing in the trio’s direction. “I think moving to a safe distance might be a very good idea,” Twilight said before glancing back at the earth pony, “It was very nice to meet you, Fire Heart. I hope we get a chance to meet again in less confrontational circumstances,” she said with a warm, apologetic smile before turning in the direction of the oncoming noble with a gleam in her eye that sent a chill down Rarity’s spine.  Rarity led her companion away from the princess and the verbal duel that was about to happen. While she hadn’t noticed it at first, her companion was physically shaking and kept glancing around as if searching for an escape or, perhaps, for somepony in the crowd. “My stars darling,” she said, unable to hide the concern in her voice. “Whatever is the matter? You’re shaking like a leaf.” Fire Heart, to his credit, managed to stop shivering, “Lady R...rarity, I… um, that is…” he stammered, unable to look the unicorn in the eye. So it seemed the moment had come at last. “Fire Heart,” she began, a serious edge in her voice. “Is there something you’d like to tell me?” she asked, searching his face for any hint of revelation. “I, er…” Fire Heart replied, before shaking his head and looking around. “Let’s talk over there, the balcony is more private,” he said, gesturing to one of the outdoor balconies just beyond a set of ornate glass doors, affording the attendees a breath of fresh air and a view of the gardens. Rarity gave her friend all the time he needed as they stepped out into the night air. Luna’s charge hung full and bright in the sky and, with the echo’s of music filtering out from the hall, the unicorn felt a thrill go through her. For a moment she wanted to give in to her old fantasy, to let the romance of it all to sweep her away. A bittersweet smile formed on her lips as she glanced at the earth pony. It was better to get this over quickly. Fire Heart took a deep breath and for fleeting moment, met Rarity’s eyes. “I… I’m sorry for causing a scene, Lady Rarity. I panicked when you introduced me to the princess and…” A flash of annoyance crossed Rarity’s face and she could not help but frown. Spike may have been willing to cling to the illusion, but Rarity was ready to have it all out. “Why?” she asked, cutting him off. “Why are you so nervous, what are you trying to hide?.” For a brief moment the stallion tensed and then hung his head low. “I’m not supposed to be here,” he said, continuing before Rarity had a chance to prompt him again. “I’m not a noble, I’m not anypony special. I was able to slip in midway through by following in a large group.” Rarity’s eyes were wide and questioning, she had not expected this answer and listened intently as the stallion continued, daring to look at her. “I’m just an aide to a fairly high ranking noble mare, little more than a glorified secretary,” he admitted, shame burning in his cheeks. “While I was on my own I could blend into the crowd, but when I suddenly found myself in the company of such a stunning and graceful mare, I realized that I would be under more scrutiny,” he explained, causing a Rarity to blush in the moonlight. “Then when you brought me to meet the princess,” he continued with a heavy sigh. “I was certain somepony would recognize me and call me out. It would have been embarrassing for you, her highness and I would certainly never be able to show my face in Canterlot again.” Rarity’s mind was reeling and a storm of emotions swirled inside her. This was not the confession she had expected to hear. A part of her still clung onto her original assumption but more and more the doubts and, more insistently, the hope that she had been wrong boiled to the surface. She realized with a start that if she was wrong, then what had she been doing the whole night? Leading on a strange stallion, toying with him, by his own admission putting him at risk of social ruination for not only himself but also his employer, whoever she may be. Even more mortifying, she had been close at several points of flatly accusing him of being a baby dragon in a pony suit. No, she had to be certain, or at least more certain before she made any further mistakes. “With all those risks,” she began tentatively, trying to get her own bearings and figure out just who she was talking to. “Why seek me out? I find it hard to believe our little ‘encounter’ was just a mere accident.” A change seemed to come over Fire Heart as he stared at her. Though the fear and doubt still seemed to cling to him, the conviction and emotion he had spoken with before returned, pushing through the gloom. “It wasn’t an accident, Lady Rarity, and I will not apologize for taking that risk. I saw you moving through the room, as graceful as a snowflake in winter winds and saw that wherever you stopped, the room seemed to brighten.” A warmth filled Rarity, creeping from her barrel up to her cheeks as she realized one detail that had been lost. While Spike could be very flattering, he never had spoken like this. The baby dragon lacked the mannerisms and vocabulary this stallion had displayed through most of the night. It was another nail in the coffin for her assumptions and as the stallion poured out his heart, she found her own feelings responding in kind. “It was worth the risk, worth any risk,” he continued,”to have gotten the chance to be in your company for even this short time, Lady Rarity and I understand that I…” He was stopped mid sentence by a gentle hoof on his lips. Rarity knew full well where that last train of thought was going and she would not stand for it. “You have stated your reasonings very well Fire Heart. However, I am not going to let you excuse yourself in this manner.” The stallion stood frozen in place as Rarity withdrew her hoof, smiling up at him. “While I enjoy hearing my name spoken so formally, we can dispense with the ‘Lady’, I am not of noble birth myself and among my close friends, just Rarity will do,” she stated, earning a nod of understanding from the stallion. “Given that,” she went on, doing her best to clear the air. “It might no longer surprise you to know that, while I can appreciate the legacy of noble titles, when it comes to who I keep company with I don’t really care if you’re a noble or not.” For the first time that evening, she saw Fire Heart truly relax. “As you wish, Rarity,” the stallion said, smiling at her as he offered to guide her back inside. Rarity accepted without hesitation and the pair returned to the golden glow of the hall. “Perhaps we should held to the lower floor?” she asked, nodding in the direction of the nearest stairs. “The atmosphere up here is a little too... intense I think.” “Indeed,” Fire Heart agreed, happy to be away from the closer scrutiny of the nobles around him. The pair descended the stairs and stayed close to each other, smiling and passing the time with inconsequential talk as they escaped the press of the more numerous nobility. Once they had room to breath, the stallion looked at Rarity and smiled invitingly. “Perhaps now that we…” His words were cut off by the sound of a large bell ringing the time and the appearance of a large group of fashionably late arrivals. Fire Heart visibly scowled at saw the parade of finery and sighed. “Forgive me, but while I had hoped to have more time, I must go,” he said with an air of sorrowful urgency. A pained expression crossed Rarity’s face and she looked up at him. “Really? Why?” she asked, a feeling of loss gripping her heart. “Must you go?” “Yes,” he said sorrowfully. “While I know I cannot cause you any shame, I still have to think of my duties,” he said grimly, glancing around to the other ponies spread thinly about them. “Even with so sparse a crowd, I may be seen for what I am and I cannot lay down my responsibilities to her.” “Your employer?” Rarity asked, any remaining hopes crushed as she saw him nod. At last, she gave a sigh of resignation. “I understand,” she conceded, stepping away from him, though her heart could not let go so easily. “I wish I had something to write on, I could at least give you my address,” she lamented, glancing to nearby tables in the hopes of finding a pen and paper, but seeing none, the unicorn’s poise began crumbling as she grew ever more frustrated. Rarity turned her eyes back towards Fire Heart as the bell tolled out for the second time. “Will I ever see you again?” she asked hesitantly, though her heart lightened when she saw his smile. “I sincerely hope so Rarity,” he said with a gentle grin. “You told me where your shop is in Canterlot, I’m sure I can find some way to get a message to you,” he promised, reaching out and holding her hoof in his. “I…” Whatever he meant to say was lost as Rarity lifted her head and kissed him gently before backing away, a gleam of satisfaction in her eyes as she blushed fiercely. “Now it’s a sealed promise,” she said with a serious edge in her voice, though her eyes blazed with affection. “Go and don’t leave a lady waiting too long, it’s the height of uncouth behavior.” Bowing in acquiescence, Fire Heart took his leave and Rarity watched him cautiously make his way out of the party. His exit was hardly what she would call graceful, but it wasn’t meant to be. She could tell by watching him that he was trying to avoid drawing the attention of the group of ponies that now were surrounding Princess Twilight and when he at last slipped out the door, Rarity released the breath she didn’t realize she had been holding. With her head still spinning and not knowing what was real anymore, the fashionista turned and made her way back to her friend, intent on either rescuing Twilight from the nobles, or the nobles from Twilight.