An Interesting Proposal

by RandomHumanBeging4112

Here we go again...

"Time to wake up dear brother! Today's your six month anniversary with Twilight!" a chipper voice said.

"Oh yeah, wasn't I supposed to do something else too, what time is it?" a sleepy voice asked.

"Yeah, it's 3:30 and you said that you were going to "take the plunge" A.K.A. PROPOSE TO HER!" The chipper voice yelled.

"Oh yeah! Crud. I gotta go get my suit! And a ring! Why didn't you remind me Glorriosa?!" the no longer sleepy voice asked franticly.

"I just did. Now go on out there, Timber!" Glorriosa said while pushing Timber out the door.

Timber immediately stopped once he got outside.


"Well, it is spring." Glorriosa reminded.

"Today!? But pollen makes me snee-ACHOO!"

"I'll go get the allergy medicine."

"This'll be interesting." Timber muttered under his breath.

By the time Timber made it to the ring shop, he had sneezed about fifty times..

"Hello-achoo! I would like to-achoo! buy an engagement ring-ACHOO!" he managed to say.

"Yes, of course. Now, what's her name and would you like something engraved?" the salespony asked.

"Well,-achoo! I am proposing to Princess Twillight-achoo!"

"Oh really, sir, I'm going to have to have you fill out this survey to make sure you aren't harassing the princess."

"Yes-achoo! of course."

After Timber filled out the survey...

"Well sir, everything seems in order, and I would like to apologize for the inconvenience." the salespony said.

"It's okay, ACHOO! Now, I need a ring by tonight, you got any that can be done by then?" Timber asked.

"Yes, actually, and it's fit for a princess!"

"Good. ACHOO!"

"You want a tissue sneezy?"


After the salespony gave Timber a tissue, he showed him to a locked up room. When they walked in, Timber was amazed at the beautiful ring that was on a pedestal.

"Wow, it's beautiful!" Timber exclaimed.

The salespony walked up to the pedestal and took the ring with his magic.

"Now, this ring is worth over a million bits and was made from the dust of the elements of harmony a thousand years ago. But, since this is for princess Twilight, it's on the house. Be careful with it!"

"I will!"

"No sneeze?"

"The medicine's starting to kick in."

"I see. Now, I wish you luck!"

"Thanks! I'm gonna need it! Goodbye!"

"Time to wake up Twilight! You need to get ready for tonight!" Spike asides he tried to wake up Twilight.

"What's tonight?" Twilight asked sleepily.

"Your anniversary date with Timber!"

"Oh yeah, but that's not until five, right?" she asked.

"It's three."

"It is? It is! Oh no! I gotta get ready! Why is it that I'm never organized when it comes to Timber?" Twilight asked, jumping out of her bed.

"I don't know, maybe it's because you love him so much." Spike said while checking of the last few things on a checklist.

"Shut it and go get my dress!"

"Um, Twilight? Your dress is waiting for you at Rarity's."


"Yup, you gonna go now?" Spike asked.

"I suppose."

Twilight got up and got ready to go over to Rarity's, putting on a big hat so she wouldn't get mobbed by tourists. She walked out the door to find that it was 3:30.

"Oh come on! It's a Saturday and Rarity's closes at 3:30! Oh well, we are friends, so she might make an exception." Twilight thought aloud.

Knock knock knock "Rarity, it's me, Timber Spruce! I need to pick up my suit for tonight!" Timber yelled, trying to get into Rarity's.

Just then, a mare wearing sunglasses and a big floppy hat knocked in a pattern, and was let in! This didn't seem fair. He tried the pattern, but was never let in.

I wonder why she got in and not me, I mean, Rarity knows that I need my suit for tonight! Maybe she's just waiting until the square is empty. Yeah, that's it. But I still wonder what's going on in there.

Twilight took off the floppy hat and sunglasses and walked over to Rarity who had somehow, managed to get to the other side of the boutique to work on a dress.

"Hey, Rarity, is my dress ready?" Twilight asked.

"Darling please! Of course it is! It's right in here waiting for you." Rarity said as she pulled a curtain over, revealing a beautiful dress.

"Oh, thank Celestia, I thought that I was dead meat! I mean, I slept in!" Twilight exclaimed.

"Please Twilight we all know that whenever it comes to you and Timber, you lose your sense for organization!" Rarity said.

"I do?"

"You live with Spike right?" Rarity asked sarcastically.

"Well, yes and-ohhhh. I get it now."

"Good, now take your dress and go! Timber's outside waiting for his suit!"

"Got it!" Twilight said as she walked out the door, forgetting her hat and sunglasses.

TWILIGHT!? SHE WAS THE MARE IN THE HAT AND SUNGLASSES?! Well, I guess it makes sense, it is tourist season and-oh no the allergy medicine's starting to wear off! Great. I'm gonna have to go to the pharmacy! Just great! Timber thought.

"Come on in Timber, I have you suit already for you." Rarity said.

"Okay, thanks." Timber said as he walked in. "Why did you let Twilight in when you knew that it was me beforehand?" Timber asked.

"Because I wanted to make sure that Twilight was ready before you." Rarity answered.

"Well, I know that you like to do that sometimes, but tonight I think I might need to be a little bit more ready than Twilight." Timber said as he pulled out the ring.


"Keep it down, I don't want all of Ponyville to know! Especially Twilight!" Timber whispered.

"Yes, yes. Now, please tell me where you two are going tonight!" Rarity demanded.

"Well, I got us reservations at Taste of Canterlot." Timber replied.

"Ooooh! I actually have reservations there tonight with Thunderlane!" Rarity said.

"That's nice. Can I have my suit now?" Timber asked impatiently.

"Yes of course. Here it is, good luck! See you at five!" Rarity said as Timber ran out the door.

When Timber walked out of the boutique, he was swarmed by the paparazzi.

"Hi, I'm Wild Variety from Crowns and Dresses magazine! Are you Timber Spruce?" a journalist asked.

"Yes, why are you asking?" Timber asked.

"Well, one of our scouts saw you at the Ponyville ring shop buying a ring for Princess Twilight! Is this true?"

"That is classified information. Now if you'll excuse me, I have some things to do!" Timber said as he pushed through the crowd.

"Spike! What time is it?" Twilight asked.

"4:30! You have 30 minutes! So get ready!" Spike replied.

Twilight walked down the long set of stairs into the common room of her castle.

"How do I look?" Twilight asked.


"Is everything on the list checked off?" Twilight asked.

"Yes." Spike replied.


"Are you sure that you're ready Timber?" Glorriosa asked.

"Yes, for the thousandth time, I AM READY!" Timber replied.

"Are you sure? You're sweating bullets!"

"Well, I already bought the ring and payed for dinner, so I kinda have ti be ready-ACHOO!"

"Uh-oh." the siblings said in unison.

"This is bad. Very, very bad!" Timber exclaimed.

"You'll be fine. Look, it's time for you to go." Glorriosa said.

Okay, just knock on the door. You'll be fine, right? What if she says no? Or what if she wants to break up tonight? What if Flash buts in again? What if he's spying on me? What if I go to jail? I DIDN'T MEAN TO STEAL THE PEN! Stop worrying. I'll be fine. Hopefully... Timber thought.

Knock knock knock!

"Hello?" Twilight asked.

"Happy anniversary! Sorry I didn't get you any flowers." Timber said.

"It's okay. So, where are we going?" Twilight asked.

"Well, we have to take a short train ride to Canterlot. You in?" Timber asked.

"I always am!" Twilight replied.

"Good, let's go!" Timber said, feeling less nervous.

The train ride was mostly normal, there a few bumps along the way, but all in all, it was alright. Timber and Twilight spotted Rarity and Thunderlane, and decided to sit by them. Rarity noticed that Timber was sweating bullets and had a nervous look on his face. She decided to cover for him in case Twilight noticed.

"Wow, it sure is hot in here darlings, I can totally see why Timber is sweating like a dog." Rarity said, giving Timber a wink.

"Hey, I'm not sweating like a dog!" Timber said.

"Sure, oh look! We're here!" Rarity pointed out.

"Good, I'm hungry!" Twilight said.

When the couple got into the restaurant, the paparazzi was everywhere.

"Uh-oh." timber said.

"Here, I'll go ask the mare taking reservations to make them leave." Twilight said.

But before Timber could protest, she was already half-way there. The paparazzi swarmed her with cameras and microphones. Timber's plans were about to be ruined.

"Princess Twilight, we have proof to believe that Timber Spruce is going to propose to you tonight! What do you have to say about this?'

ACHOO! Timber sneezed, catching Twilight, and the paparazzi's attention.

Twilight ran over to Timber and grabbed his hoof and lead him out the door. She took him all the way to the Canterlot gardens where only the princesses and ponies with the princesses were aloud.

"So, were you actually going to propose to me?" Twilight asked.

"Yes." Timber said quietly.

"What?" Twilight asked, trying to hear what Timber had said.




"Yes." Twilight said, catching Timber off guard.

"Wait, did you just say yes?" Timber asked.


"You mean it?"



"I'm glad you're happy, now let's go give the paparazzi the what-for!" Twilight said.

"Great idea!" Timber said.

And so they-ACHOO!did.