Daily Life In Canterlot High

by Banchoking

Loosing Your Cool: Part 1

It was lunch time.

Rarity and Applejack would normally be getting something to eat as usual but Rainbow Dash never showed up. It wasn't too unusual for someone to skip lunch but Rainbow Dash had been acting pretty distracted earlier.

Curious, they went to look for her.

They found her by the sports track, behind the bleachers. She was peeking her head around to look at something.

The two walked up behind Rainbow to see what she was looking at. Running around the track was a boy with light blue skin and dark blue hair.

Rarity smiled, "Oh dear. Could it be that our dear Rainbow Dash has finally discovered boys?"

Rainbow jumped and spun around to see her friends. She quickly hid something behind her back.

Applejack grinned and put her arm around Rainbow, "And here I was startin' to think you were playin' fer the other team. If ya don't mind the sports metaphor."

"I have no idea what you guys are talking about!" she huffed.

"Oh really? Then what's this?" Rarity reached behind Rainbow and grabbed what she had hidden. "A letter? 'To Soarin.' "

Applejack blinked, "Isn't that the guy who beat you for captain of the track and field team?"

"Falling for the boy who bested you? Rainbow Dash, how Amazonian," Rarity giggled.

Rainbow Dash snatched the letter back, "Knock it off you guys, it isn't like that. I just think he's cool. We're the two best athletes in the school so of course we should be friends. That's all!"

Rarity shrugged, "Oh of course, of course. Whatever you say, dear. But hurry up and give him the letter, lunch is almost over. If we're late to class we'll have to spend free period in study hall."

"Alright, alright I'm going!"

Applejack and Rarity watched as their tomboyish friend delivered her message.

"Oh Applejack, Rainbow Dash is finally growing up."

"Yup.......So what are the odds of this goin' bad?"

"Pretty certain."