My Heart's Content

by Doctor Disco

1 - Where It Began

Where… where am I?

Am I… dead?

No, I think. I can’t be dead. I can still feel. I try to move… but I immediately regret it.

“Gahhh!” I shriek in pain as I sense my bruised, battered, bleeding body. I have no feeling in my hands or feet, nor is there a part of my body that isn’t hurting. A faint ringing still echoes in my ears, but I can’t place why it is there. Trying to think is like walking through molasses, my mind is working at a bare minimum.

Definitely still alive.

I can feel tears streaking my cheeks. I whimper as every small movement I make causes me unbearable agony. I try to flex my fingers; I try to wiggle my toes, but there’s nothing there. Something is wrong, more so than my broken figure. More than the wounds that so currently dominated my figure.

What am I doing here? What feels like a rod thrust through my head causes me to bite down on my cheek. I nearly yelp. My temples are pounding. I can’t think too hard right now… With my eyes still closed, I can only make out where I was from what I could feel. A soft warm breeze blew over me. I can hear the chirping of birds and the constant drone of bugs in grass. I can feel that same grass tickling my sides, and some of it is warm and slippery from what I now suspected was my blood.

Panting and trying not to move at all, I open my eyes only to breathe in sharply and close them again. The afterimage of pure white light now burned into my retinas, I slowly open my eyes once more, breathing in concentration. Slowly, the world came into sharp focus. The white light faded into all the variable hues and shades of the spectrum.

Now able to see clearly, I notice one of two things. One: it hurts to move my eyes to either side so I have to make do with what I can see ahead of me. Two: I seem to be in a relatively tiny impact crater, with a trail that seems to indicate that I had skidded to a halt, or that I even fell at all. It hadn’t been enough to kill or burn the grass, and I shallowly suspect the grass may have cushioned my descent. Looking around, I see what appears to be a village in the distance. I can see figures moving far away, but close enough for me to make out their shapes. In my peripheral vision, I see an ominous forest, a place that just sends to me all the wrong vibes. Ahead of me are a few wispy clouds, but nothing more. Birds flew overhead.

Now that I can view my surroundings, I try to assess my own situation. I know I’m already in shock as I can feel a sort of numbness and lack of feeling of injury. With the amount of pain I’m in, I think it’s safe to assume I have at least broken something. I can also sense areas of my body that were sticky and wet. I had already suspected it before, but if there was any doubt before of my bleeding, it was banished away. Still not receiving sensory information from my arms or legs, I close my eyes and begin to breathe heavily. Mustering all the strength that I can, I thrust my arms forward. I begin to cry again at the motion, but I try to hold my tears back, knowing I need to find out what’s wrong. With my eyes scrunched close, I slowly open them once again and blink my tears away, only to tiredly raise my eyebrows in shock.

No hands.

My arms ended in large stumps. Even more worrying was that they were covered in fur. A soft light blue hue that was dominated by crimson red splotches of my own blood. I then frowned as I still tried to flex my fingers, but nothing. Not even the tendons or muscles reacted. My fingers are gone, therefore those nerve endings are as well. Since the same feeling is in my legs, I can only assume the same fate has befallen them. I begin to mourn their loss.

What am I?

Even my hair has changed. The few strands that I can see are white, a warm orange and a cherry red. Why am I… Why is…? Lightning arcs across my mind and I shut my eyes in pain. It’s too much for me right now. I can’t think properly, and the only thoughts I can have right now are simple. With the way my body is right now, one final thought clears everything aside and sets itself into overdrive.

You need to move.

I tell myself this and it starts to repeat over and over. Move, move, MOVE! I begin to crawl in my immeasurable pain. Slowly but surely, I start to move. Centimetre by centimetre, inch by inch, I  make grounds toward the centre of population I had seen in the distance. It seems like an eternity away now. Something that was impossible to reach. But I still tried. I need help, I knew that much. I moved.

I was close now. It felt like ages since I started. What once was far away now seemed closer than ever before yet still out of reach. With the world spinning and a hoof outstretched, I collapsed fully to the ground, unmoving. I croakily cried out for help, but I knew no one could hear me. I could see them now. Was it just me, or did they look like horses?

I hear something drop and glance painfully to my left. I see a load of packages, mail, and some muffins now rolling to a stop.

“Oh my!” I hear a concerned voice softly gasp. I then feel wind rush against my back and see four pairs of legs land beside me. Already half-conscious and drained of everything I have, no energy remained for me to fully grasp whatever it is that’s standing beside me. All I know is, it may be able to help.

“What happened?...” I hear her softly whisper as I sense her assessing my situation. With nothing else better to do, I do the one thing I can do.

“... h… el… p…” I choke out before my vision starts to fade. Black is struggling to overcome the edges of my sight but I do my very best to hold it at bay. I have to stay conscious. Just one more moment, one more! I hear her fretting over me and the flapping of wings (wings?) when she calls out a name.

“Octavia… Octavia? Octavia!”

“Ms. Hooves?” I hear a british voice say. I then fuzzily cast my eyes to the voice's direction as I hear this voice gasp as well. I hear the crunching of dirt-packed road and the crushing of grass. This voice then stops beside me and I also see that they are quadrupedal as well. I feel the pressure of someone touching me and involuntarily flinch at the contact.
“Derpy! What in the heavens happened here?!” I hear her exclaim.

“I don’t know! I found her like this and I didn’t know what to do!” I hear the first voice say. I note that both of these horses, whatever they may be, have different shades of grey as their fur color. Seeing as how their own structure is identical to my new arms, I logically assume that I must be one of them now. But these thoughts are quickly forgotten when another needle of pure hellfire lances through my brain, prompting a scream from me. I shut my eyes and just as painfully grab my head as I can mentally sense these kind souls jumping away from me in fright.

“We need to get her to Ponyville General, as soon as we can!” I hear posh voice say. With how she said it and considering my current state, I infer she is meaning a hospital. Finally, with my own life in good hands, my pain began to slip away and my mind slowly edged into oblivion.

As the world around me dies away, I can make out three final words before passing out.

“Stay with us!...”

And I fall into a painless bliss.

I feel myself return to consciousness. Everything is blurry, I can't make anything out. Lights are whizzing by, voices are smearing together, faces are smudged and indeterminable. What is happening? Where am I? I can hear a person telling me that I'm going to be alright, but I just want myself to die. A feeling of pure self loathing and sadness comes over me, and I feel tears starting to form again. A memory flashes by, but it's too brief for me to grab it. I fall back into purgatory and a blackness surrounds me once again.

Am I dead?


I hear something. Something gracious, something awe-inspiring.

I hear myself singing. A song that my Mom sang to me as a child. The lyrics fill me with a sadness now, despite it's happiness and gentle tune. It was a memory from good times. Happier times. The melody intertwined with the air, carrying with it a beautiful energy and endless potential. My friends... they loved to hear me sing. It revitalized them. It reminded them that not everything was horrible in the corrupted world we live in. But now... now there was just me... only me.

Tomorrow says 'Hello my friend'!
Your future's bright, not make pretend
Though your mind may be troubled today,
Lift your spirits up, be well I say.

Have fun, make friends, imaginate away,
A universe awaits, explore to your hearts content.
Now, my child, go out into this world,
Spread your silly thoughts, reality is your own.