//------------------------------// // Pizza Cheese // Story: The Best of Twilight Sparkle's Twilight Time // by Greatmewtwo //------------------------------// As Twilight looked at the raw videos of the segments, she could not help but think that in all her science training, in all her chemistry, her biology, or her physics, she never thought to put much of it in practice in real life. Eventually, she got to one involving Applejack asking her about what pizza cheese was. Apparently, after a date between Shining Armor and a potential suitress who called herself Chrissy revealed a plot to trap him in a loveless marriage for his alleged intelligence and riches, Twilight always had this issue with cheese. Chrissy was one of those girls who were into the musics, cooking, and science; at one point in time, she aspired to be an obstetrician/gynecologist specializing in reproductive technologies. The big issue with her, however, was that not only was she so interested in Shining only for the love and attention she craved, but she also had this odd fascination with cheese, bugs, and non-Newtonian fluids. American, Cheddar, Edam, Emmental, Gouda, or Provolone, it was not uncommon for her to eat cheese with every meal, even if it meant that it would disrupt the regulation of her gastrointestinal tract. At one point, Chrissy and Shining Armor even took her out for pizza, only to not get the chicken pizza she asked for and witness the two kiss with the hot mozzarella cheese in Chrissy's mouth. Traumatized by the incident of relentless and unrequited love, she went again to the camera and recorded another video clip. "Okay. So this Twilight Time was an interesting one," she started as she was playing with a blob of glue-based putty. "You are probably wondering what's up with this Smooze that I'm playing with right now. Well, this next one isn't about the nature of non-Newtonian fluids, but it's not too far. I have eaten a lot of pizza on Fridays, including with pepperoni, pepperoncini, spinach, chicken, and even olives. Honestly, it was always so weird that the pizza we got in the school was always so cheesy and greasy, and that the cheese was always so stretchy like it could block your stomach. Anyway, this one involved pizza cheese and what it truly is." With that, the next segment began: "So, our next letter comes in to Twilight Time from @sweetapplejack, and she says:" Dear Twilight, We were eating pizza yesterday and the cheese on the pizza in the cafeteria was stretchier and it tasted like oil. What’s that about? "Okay, sweetapplejack, I was actually looking into where the pizza comes from, and judging by the ingredients, they use what is called a cheese analogue, or an imitation cheese. People usually make this imitation cheese stuff with oils, flavorings, colors, the active protein in cheese, casein; and other chemicals such as stabilizers. That's why they're easier and cheaper to make. Real cheese, on the other hand, is made primarily from milk, curdled and acted upon by enzymes and microbes. The texture, flavor, and even the way it melts can be affected by the way the agents act on the milk and how long it ages. This would also explain why those cheap pizzas we get from the frozen food aisle are sometimes so cheap...and so cheesy...Shining, I didn't want to eat the pizza, I wanted chicken! SHINING!!!" After watching herself break down in front of the camera like that on a live video, Twilight found herself laughing and coming to terms with what happened with her brother. She even laughed at that childhood memory after realizing how far he came to marry her old babysitter, now deaness of Crystal Prep, Cadence. Every now and again, she would think of their baby, Flurry Heart, and all the issues they went through during Cadence's pregnancy.