Devil hunter among Ponies

by Dusk Stalker

Mission 15: Early Start for Purity

Authors Notice: Well here we go, the dance between Most of the Seven Armies and Dante, But hey you will see more action in the 2nd Secret Mission. And I assure everyone I haven't forgot about Dante vs Discord it will come very soon. Rambling again Man i hate when I do that at times, This Party is gonna Get Crazy! LETS ROCK!

“Man you’re starting to liven up the party even more." Dante said gesturing to the whole set of Demons that appeared, they didn't attack, which was strange as they kept bearing down at Dante hoping to catch him off guard and attack at that point. Discord burped up a bit of smoke at his reply, “Well, this party does deserve some attention, despite the lack of chocolate milk."

“HEY I RESENT THAT!" Pinkie yelled as she was yanked down by Rainbow Dash, it seemed all the ponies in the room managed to get out of there before any steel and ash started to fly everywhere; Spitfire and the others managed to see Dante staring down Discord and the creatures, while some of the other ponies, including some of the Royal Guard who fresh out of their training, were now shivering in place. Rainbow Dash wanted to see what was going to happen but Pinkie yanked her down to.

"I swear, you’re sometimes like Jester, I likes the guy, wanted to blow off his head whenever he starts talking, but still liked the guy; sucks he died," Dante pointed Rebellion, "You, you’re different for three reasons, for starters you took my pizza." Dante held up a second finger, “Second off, you don't shut up, and I swear I repeat myself at times but it bugs the crap out of me when someone talks more then I do." Dante then finally held up his third, “And finally, you’re barging in and you didn't bring any babes."

Discord for the first time, literally was bewildered at Dante, “You know what, Dissy? that's strike three in my book, and since I like ya for bringing the party here and making it crazy." Dante brought Rebellion to the ground, " You’re gonna enjoy this." Discord then suddenly ordered all the demons to attack as Dante, as the demons were closing in, he could see Dante standing their with a crazed smirk on his face.

‘Déjà vu.’

(Taste the Blood)

In a loud resonating sound, they found Dante holding out Rebellion and Ivory held out in front of him, stopping the blades of each of the scythes and staff's in there place. Dante then pushed the demons back with great force as they slammed themselves against the wall.
“So, who’s first?" Dante gestured to all of them as they all rushed forward; Discord, on the other hand, was high up in the air clutching his heart. The first bundle of Prides leapt towards Dante as the Lust followed, the ponies in the back were either watching or yelling for him to look out, but that didn't deter Dante as he killed the first Pride with Rebellion and killed the other with Ivory. Dante could only grin as each hit was enough to keep the party going, as he dispatched a couple of Pride Demons, the Lust were weaving swiftly through the mess as they tried to keep putting the pressure on Dante. But to their dismay, he was already above them spinning downwards with a flurry of shots.
Pretty soon the Sloth Demons were already in the mix with the other demons, Dante managed to dodge both scythes from the demons as he skipped onto one of them and booted them both right in the face, sending them packing towards the wall. Dante threw Ebony and Ivory up in the air as he landed neatly on a table and kicked it up, he then proceeded to slice the table in half and kick it towards a group of Wraith Demons, which blew up their packages on their backs and caused the windows in the ballroom to shatter, throwing glass everywhere at blinding speed. Dante jumped right on top of a Prides back and kicked off, making the Pride Demon slide across the floor. Dante caught both his guns and got them ready, but what was in front of him was a line of Gluttony Demons, sand was rushing to the front of them as the ponies in the background were yelling for Dante to jump off and get out of there.

‘Gotta keep them entertained.’ Dante said to himself, he then pulled the trigger on both guns as they released a tornado of bullets everywhere as they ripped through every single demon and the Gluttony Demons in front of him. As they disappeared in a pile of sand, Dante kicked himself off the Pride Demon that he used as a platform and watched as it slammed right into the wall at breakneck speed. Dante turned in mid air to see Greed Demon's already in play as they jabbed their coffins in the ground. As the coffin's opened to reveal a large twister of white smoke gently towards the ground.

All of a sudden, a couple pillars of sand rocketed out of the ground to reveal more Lust and Pride Demons, Dante sighed at this as he aimed both his guns at the Greed Demons, but he could only see them collapsing right in half and a trail leading right across from them. Dante landed right in the center of the circle, guns to his side, “Look at you, do you have a habit of stealing the spotlight all the time, bro?" A blur of blue appeared behind Dante to reveal nothing but Vergil, “You think I do it just to take away your fun?"

"Basically... yeah." Dante answered, the ponies and most of the mane six were still dumbfounded to see both of them talking like it was a normal sunny day in the park.

"What? You believe these freak shows and that big freak” Vergil was gesturing towards Discord, who was kneeling over with his hands over his heart, his eyes seemed to change color a dark red as he was struggling to keep it the same, "Think they deserve to be our entertainment for the time being, now do you?"

"Take whatever we can get for fun." Dante said, “And trust me” Dante grasped Rebellion, “The fun has already just started, wouldn't you agree." Vergil stole a quick stare into Dante’s eyes, a small grin adorning his and Dante's face as Vergil bumped Dante's blade with Yamato as they both charged towards their side of the circle.

“DANTE!!" Dante turned to see Princess Celestia hovering above them, glaring right at Discord ready to fight, but below them was Twilight, levitating each of Dante's Devil Arms right to him, figuring she must have heard the sounds of combat in the ballroom. Dante slung Cerberus to his backside and stored Agni, Rudra and Nevan in his coat (The mystery still remains on how he holds his weapons in his coat) as soon as he got Beowulf; he threw it unstrapped towards Vergil, it flipped forward as the gauntlets and greaves started to strap around his feet and hands.

“Now the fun begins!" Dante cheered out loud, Vergil gave a quick nod as they both leapt up towards their respective pile of enemies. ‘Again...Déjà vu.’ Dante thought to himself as he whipped out Nevan, ready to shred the demons to ash.

Dante released a barrage of bats towards the group of Demons, as he released the scythe at the base of the guitar and slammed right into the tiled floor, releasing a flux of invisible energy around him and throwing the demons to the walls. As soon as that happened, a handful of Lust skidded towards Dante as their scythes went to their sides, Dante then whipped out Cerberus and spun it around him, clothes lining each of the Lust Demons, he turned around and bashed one of the Pride Demons upside the head and spun his whole body in a corkscrew as Cerberus and Dante were picking up speed to release one giant bone crushing hit on the floor, killing some of the Pride and Lust.

Vergil was blocking hits with both Beowulf and Yamato, each block was a deadly counter attack leading demons to die on the spot or imploding from the force of the counter attack. Vergil then disappeared and a trail of purple orbs were following suit killing and slicing every single demon in its path. Vergil went back to the center as he sheathed Yamato back into its black scabbard. As soon as the blade was in, every single demon that was surrounding Vergil suddenly had their upper part of the bodies sliding off, Vergil turned his attention to Dante, who released his Tempest move with Agni and Rudra to disperse his circle of demons. Dante regrouped with Vergil as both of them got ready to face the Demons in front of them.

“Damn, these guys are more persistent than usual." Dante said.

“It would seem so." Vergil huffed a bit from their determination, above the Celestia could only watch as Discord was changing, veins were almost at the point of bulging from his head and a dark gooey aura started to swarm around his body; from what she could tell the pain was almost deafening to everyone but the one dealing with it.

“Well, as much as I would like to entertain you Celly-." He winced a bit as his fur started to change, “But...That's all folks!" He suddenly had a cane in his hand and tried to skid off to the side like they do in the theaters, but in pain, that seemed almost impossible to accomplish as he managed to snap his fingers, disappearing in not in a flash of light, but a dark mist floating out the window. Celestia held out a hoof, but it was too late as she looked towards the horizon to see Discord's mist disappear under the light of the moon. Celestia had other pressing matters to attend to as she looked down to see the last of the demon's vanquished by Vergil's Lunar Phase move, he got up gently and stretched his arms, as did Dante.

(Battle Over)

"Man, these bastards are fun when they are actually trying, don't ya think bro?" Dante asked.

“The matter at hand is more important right now Dante, but yes, it is." Vergil replied, the ponies outside watching the whole battle meekly came in, except Rainbow Dash who flew straight towards them in a matter of seconds.

“That was awesome! How you dealt with those guys, scary, but awesome as hell!" Rainbow Dash couldn't contain her excitement, but what caught most by surprise, including Vergil, was the fact Rainbow Dash managed to say 'hell' instead of 'hay'.

“What?" Rainbow Dash turned to the crowd to seem most of them confused, “It’s catchy."

"Be that as it may," Everypony immediately bowed to Celestia as she landed right next to Dante and Vergil, "We have more pressing matters to attend to, from what Vergil told me, there will be an attack soon." Everypony, except Dante and Vergil, gasped at that bit of news.

“So, I advise everypony here to evacuate from the city immediately and seek safe haven." Celestia said, the ponies in the room including the wonderbolts went out in a bit of a hurry, to spread the news. As soon as all of them were gone and the doors closed, Celestia had a caring grin adorning her face," It is a good thing that I ordered the guards to start evacuation early." Celestia turned on the spot at the Mane six and the demonic twins, " Now seems we need to hasten right now."

"What do ya mean princess?" Applejack asked, a little worried at the events she just witnessed tonight.

"It seems Dreadwing is hastening, but the most puzzling fact is all three of us cannot sense him nearby, but from what Vergil has told me there are two demonic lords at the forest."

"Well, bring them on!" Dante said, "Me and Vergil can handle those jokers."

"That’s the thing Dante, you can't stay here."

"But Princess, don't we need both of them to help you fight off the invasion?" Twilight asked.

Celestia was a little quiet, her eyes closed as she heaved a sigh, "That is why I need you six to go to the north, in his journal, it seems he has hidden the Elements of Purity there."

Bewildered and confused looks dotted the Mane six, except for Twilight, "The Elements of Purity...they are the foundation of the Elements of Harmony, the plans I found to create the Elements were derived from plans in the ruins of mine and Luna's old home; They eclipse the Elements of Harmony power wise because it represents the purity of what any creature can give, pony or anything else."

"So, you’re saying that I have to go up there with them to make sure that no demon get in the way." Dante put it bluntly to Celestia as she gave a solemn but serious nod.

"Yes, I will need you to defend them, who knows what dangers Dreadwing put in the Tomb of Skayhir." That bit of information again put most in a state of confusion, Celestia explained, "He always had a fascination with dragons, from one of his entries, he wrote a poem he always loved when he was a little colt." A soft 'oooohhh' went through the six as they nodded to each other, "But I must warn you girls, Time is essential, once you get the Elements you need to get back here immediately." All of them nodded, understanding Princess Celestia's orders.

" And Dante, I beg you...keep them safe, get the Elements back for Equestria....please." Celestia could only see Dante's eyes, she could see him calculating, but there was something else...He was serious and virtue was leaking from every part of his body from this. It was rare to see Dante in a situation when he wasn't jesting, as long as she was looking, she felt something grab a hold of her hoof and shaking it up and down and letting it go.

"I me." this surprised Her, as Dante let go of her hoof, he turned to Vergil, "Promise me you won't nail the Moon chick while I'm gone."

"If you are talking about Luna-" Celestia was cutoff by Vergil smacking Dante on the back of the head with his scabbard, a lump was slowly growing on the back of Dante's head.

"You know I will keep both of them safe...besides, we still need to settle our score." Vergil said with a smirk. Celestia was looking at Dante and then Vergil. as she start charging her teleportation spell at Dante and the Mane six. As soon as the spell hit Dante, returned the smirk back at Vergil before he got teleported.

"I know you will."

At that last word, Dante and the girls were gone, away to do their part. Celestia stood there, thinking what to do next; she never really had faced demons, changelings were one thing but demons were in a whole different ball park. She looked at Vergil, she felt relieved to know that he’ll lend a had to them, she needed to prepare and needed Vergil's assistance. Vergil was walking out the hall,with his mind full of thoughts about the upcoming battle.

"Come, we need to get ready." Celestia followed Vergil, it seemed that his human side won against the demon one.

There is always a first for everything.

Outside Canterlot

Having entered the forest, air in, air out...fatigue and pain were settling into Discord. He couldn't believe the pain he was in, just trying to resist it, the veins bulging in his head like a drum and his eyes were blood red, no pupils or iris to be found in his face. He couldn't believe it, Discord, the Entity of Chaos itself, was brought down to a broken down Draconequus.

"Accept it...." Discord recognized the voice of Dreadwing, but his voice...his voice...was very different, his vision was blurred, he suddenly saw a dark figure in front of him, it wasn't pony like, it wasn't anything. But what did he know? He couldn't tell who it was or what it was, for all he knew it was Dreadwing.

"Be a good boy...And accept it."

Dread, pain, loneliness started to set in...why was everything going away? Why did it feel like his personality was slipping into something more bloodthirsty and malevolent? Why was always ‘why’ the question?


Then he felt...nothing.

Nothing at all.

Authors Notice: Next up is the Second Secret Missions, two parts of course for two demon lords. Don't be afraid to comment and I hope you enjoyed the Mission:).

Big shoutout to LyonAzakura for looking over this chapter and proofreading it, Thank you bro. :)