//------------------------------// // Irreverent Imposters // Story: Chaotic Dreams // by Czar_Yoshi //------------------------------// Starlight led Sunset out to the front of the school, where a gaggle of people with some vans and cameras were pressed against the wall. Demon Sunset chortled. "Well, well. What have we here?" "I didn't investigate," Starlight responded. "That is your job." Demon Sunset looked out at the gaggle of onlookers, prompting them with a raised eyebrow. "Well? What do you want?" Shock rippled through the crowd. "Did you hear that!?" "It can talk, man!" "How long do you think it was observing us to learn to do that?" "They could be everywhere!" Weirdos, Demon Sunset thought. "I said, what do you want?" she boomed. The crowd stilled, and began to pull back nervously. A mildly uncomfortable middle-aged man was pushed forward, his peers silently electing him to speak. Gathering his courage: "We're the Committee for Launching Unofficial Examinations into Landings of Extraterrestrial Sentient Species! Due to recent events that have transpired here, we have arrived to study everything! Fear not, for you will be understood, alien!" Starlight looked up at Demon Sunset, nonplussed. "They're UFO chasers. They think this is an alien invasion," the demon whispered. Aliens! Oh, that's priceless! Especially when it's technically true. Should I pull their legs a bit, lead them on about pastel ponies? Knock yourself out, Sunset grumbled. Demon Sunset's eyes lit up, and she hopped into a theatrical pose. "That's right!" she crowed. "Aliens! Where I come from, we have an advanced civilization, with magic that lets us animate stained-glass windows, and write by holding pens in our mouths! It's spoooooooky!" "Knock that off!" Starlight ineffectually kicked Demon Sunset, who stuck out her tongue in return. Starlight turned to the crowd and drew out her red megaphone, blaring. "Formerly, this was Canterlot High School, a place of inequality where students were foolishly instructed to stand out! They competed against each other, attempting to gain social influence to outdo their peers! They separated themselves into cliques, reducing mutual cooperation! They attempted to force others to the bottom of the ladder, in order to gain influence and prestige like the monsters they are! But no more! Thanks to Sunset Shimmer, who stands before you now, all of that senseless posturing has been destroyed! "Now, we work together in perfect order for the greater good! In time, the greatness of what we can achieve together, as a perfect body devoid of randomness, impurities and outliers, will eclipse all else, and the entire world will bow to this glorious, cooperative way of life made possible by Sunset Shimmer! Now, I will make my offer: kneel! Sacrifice everything that you hold dear, everything that makes you who you are, the deepest parts of yourselves, and become our equals! Then you may join us in building this glorious utopia! Who among you will be first to submit?" Demon Sunset yawned. "Boooring. I'm going to get some breakfast. Let me know if you want the shield raised to let anyone in..." Starlight's eye twitched, but when she turned back to the UFO chasers, they had all fled. Fuming, she stalked after Demon Sunset, legs scurrying to keep up with the demon's massive stride. Why are you doing this? Sunset asked as her demon strode across the school grounds, en route to the cafeteria. Doing what? Is something out of line? Demon Sunset silently responded. You know. Being... weird. Last night, you were cackling and ordering people around and moping about the portal and generally being... evil. Now, you're just... being silly, I guess. You joked at the people outside- people you could have easily enslaved- and have spent the entire day teasing Starlight. Teasing her? Isn't that what you wanted? She wasn't very nice to you, you know. Well, yes, but... why? Simple, Demon Sunset explained. Because I want you to remember me, to welcome me back, to love me and use me again and take pride in doing so, and apparently pretending to be you wasn't working. So, I thought I'd be myself, instead! Am I on the right track now? Eeurgh... Sunset groaned. If I had a head, you'd be making it hurt. You know what I want, and won't give it to me. I don't know yet if I believe you when you say you can't, but you're still the only one here who can hear me and isn't fully a product of this stupid dreamscape! Tormenting my enemies is... well, fine, since they're not real and can't care. But it's not what I want. What I want is my world. My friends. My life. And, outside of this dumb dream, I already have all that! Demon Sunset sighed, and continued on her path, bursting into the cafeteria. The student workforce was presently standing around doing nothing. No food was anywhere to be seen. "What is this!?" Demon Sunset pouted, flinging her arms in the air. "Starlight, did I not put you in charge of the food? Did I not do so because you specifically requested that I not do as I please? Where's the food? Why is the food gone?" Starlight snapped back, "If you didn't require constant oversight, I could have gotten around to it earlier! Now you're going to have to wait like everyone else." She threw a smirk over her shoulder, and knelt down to withdraw a sheet of brittle gray muffins from a nearby oven. Her smirk was broken when Demon Sunset patted her on both shoulders, leaning in enough to sustain far more bodily contact that Starlight was clearly comfortable with. "Oh, I'd never," Demon Sunset crooned. "Don't worry, I'll just take care of myself, then." Starlight punched her in the face. Snips and Snails gasped, hands to their cheeks. Demon Sunset shrugged it off, took flight, and wordlessly blew a kiss in Starlight's direction before floating backwards toward the supply room, cackling. You sure don't seem to care what she thinks of us, Sunset thought as Demon Sunset melted open the lock on the supply room. "Oh, please," Demon Sunset responded, not bothering to avoid speaking out loud. "It's not like there's anything she can really do to hurt me. Trying to beat me up just makes her more adorable!" You think she's adorable? Sunset thought back. "Well, nothing suitable for a long-term relationship, but very fun to tease!" Demon Sunset rummaged through shelves, throwing objectionable items over her shoulder. Well, for your information, she's not my type. So this isn't really helping your case. "Case? What case?" Demon Sunset pulled up a can of pineapple slices, opened it with a sharp claw, and dumped the contents down her throat. Gulping loudly, she continued: "Last I remember, you ordered me to tease her! Is that not right?" I grudgingly gave you permission to tease her, not that I can do anything about it. "Hmm. What a pity," Demon Sunset said, quizzically inspecting a potato. Also, maybe you can't feel it, but when she attacks us, it hurts. I'd very much appreciate it if you could stop trying to get us mauled. "Meh," Demon Sunset grunted. "Maybe. Say, she's stopped watching us now." She, uh... has? "Oh, yes yes yes. She probably thinks this is just a room with one entrance and exit and she doesn't need to keep an eye on us when we're in here, don't you think?" Where are you going with this? "Up!" Demon Sunset stretched upwards and knocked a panel off the air duct running along the ceiling, beginning to haul herself inside. What? We're sneaking through ventilation ducts? But you can just walk right past Starlight, and... and freeze her in place with telekinesis, or something! I don't... Why? "As I said before, now that I no longer have to pretend I'm you convincingly enough to convince you, I can be me! And little old me thinks it's more fun this way. Besides, you didn't tell me not to." Demon Sunset stuck out her tongue. Do you really think you'll fit? Demon Sunset finished squirming into the duct, and replaced the vent with telekinesis. "Apparently, I do!" She began to slither down the pipe. Had she control over her body, Sunset would have facepalmed. Down below, in the cafeteria, Starlight Glimmer sought to instill order among a crowd of dazed, hungry students who were being useless and incapable of forming a line for food. Amid the low din, she neither heard nor saw any indicator that someone twice her size was sneaking around through the ducts above. Several hallways away, an air duct burst open in an empty classroom, a long red leg sticking through the hole. Demon Sunset dropped down, chortling. Glancing around, she walked to the door and opened it. Hey, Sunset thought, this is the hallway with my locker. I wonder if... "What's that you say?" Demon Sunset piped up. Nothing! "Interesting... There's something in your locker you don't want me seeing? Even though I have all of your memories from this point in time, and you can't do anything right now without me? Oh, this I've simply got to see!" Demon Sunset strode toward her locker. What!? You... have my memories? How? "I told you! We used to do everything together! You never went anywhere without me! If you don't believe me, quiz me. Go ahead, I'm listening!" Seriously? Sunset thought. A quiz? Demon Sunset clasped her hands, grinning. "Of course it's a quiz, that's what I just said! You game, Sunnybun?" Sunset shrank. I'd rather not... "Tut, tut! Can't come up with questions? Is that it? Having writer's block already?" Demon Sunset turned to a nearby mirror to admire herself. "Well, why don't I ask the questions instead, and when you answer, I'll tell you how truthful you're being with yourself? Sound like fun?" Sunset was silent. Demon Sunset took it as a yes, pumping a fist in the air. "Fantastic! Now, for our first question, let's see... Ah! For five hundred points: what do you think of Twilight Sparkle?" Really? Sunset groaned. That's dumb. I'm not answering that. "It's a perfectly valid question!" Demon Sunset's face was a picture of comical mortification. "Unless, of course, this means you believe I already know everything about you, and you don't desire proof?" It means I'm not interested in finding out whether I'm being possessed by a crazy spirit who simply says they've been stalking me my whole life, or actually has been! Sunset deadpanned. "Oh, but I am!" Demon Sunset crooned. "Tell you what! You can answer the question, or I'll sit here for the next hour admiring your wonderful complexion and telling dad jokes. Deal?" Sunset just groaned again. "Hmmph. Fine! So a guy walks into a bar carrying a dead guy on his back-" Immediately, Sunset cut her off. Twilight brought me back to reality from a very dark and misguided part of my life. Later, when the whole school was against me and my friends were treating me like wallpaper, she was the one who still believed in me. She has my utmost respect, and as a fellow Equestrian and former student of Celestia, she's the only person in the human world aside from me with any real understanding of where I'm from. Happy? Demon Sunset gagged. "Sunset, what is wrong with you!? Brought you back to reality? Utmost respect? Bleagh. Sentimentality doesn't suit you, Sunset, not at all." Sunset flinched. Seriously? Did you ask me that question just so you could make fun of my answer? "Rubbish," Demon Sunset muttered. "I was searching for your own thoughts on the chemistry you two share!" Wow, Sunset deadpanned. You think me and Twilight have chemistry. You, a big, ugly monster that thinks a good time consists of enslaving people and crawling around in air ducts. Do you even know what that word means? "Har har." Demon Sunset flicked a finger. "Someone's snarky today. Obviously, it's a measure of how much someone deserves for you to own them." I... Own? You're disgusting, Sunset spat. And for your information, this isn't how you endear yourself to someone. Creepy, I can deal with, but now you're being weird, annoying and creepy. It's... just knock it off, okay? "Oops. Silly me!" Demon Sunset tittered, ignoring Sunset's request. "Of course, you're right. I keep forgetting that you're just not yourself these days! Can't blame you for being out of touch with who you are. Here, I'll give you the true answer, and perhaps it'll jog your memory!" Uhh... "Twilight Sparkle: you're scared of her, because she has more power than you've ever been entrusted with. You're jealous of her, because you wanted that power for yourself. Personally, I don't understand why, seeing as you had me, but moving on... She also happens to hold all that power and influence, while still being perfectly sweet and naive, which seems to be your thing. Flash Sentry was the same, after all. See? Perfect chemistry! It's like she was made for you!" As Demon Sunset raised her arms in emphasis, Sunset sighed. I am not scared of Twilight, nor am I jealous of her. And even if I was, fear and jealousy have nothing to do with how love works. Now, I told you what you asked for, and I said no more and no less than the truth. So would you kindly take a hike and get out of my business? "Love?" Demon Sunset's brows rose. "Who said anything about love? Too much equality. Pleh, sounds like something Starlight would say. But that's not how things work for you, Sunset. You aren't mutual. There's no give and take when I'm involved, merely you getting what you want! Of course you don't want to be in a relationship, those are far too restricting and too much work. Isn't it smashing that you have me here to set you straight?" Okay, Sunset said. Your goal is to get me what I want? Fine. I want to wake up from this dream. "Nope!" Demon Sunset waggled a talon at the mirror. "I've told you already, I can't do that. We're not getting sidetracked on this again, Sunset Shimmer. Instead, I think it's time for question number two!" Sunset wanted to thump her head against a locker. "Who..." Demon Sunset paused for emphasis. "Did Starlight remind you of when she got out of that car?" Aria Blaze, Sunset snarked. Demon Sunset strummed her talons with a lopsided grin. "Oh, the suspense! I don't even know who that is! What if you're telling the truth? Is this Aria someone you've met since we parted ways? A new heartthrob of yours, perchance? Oh, I can't wait to meet her. I hope she's not too good-looking, though. We don't want to run into any troubles getting Starlight to give us permission to have a harem!" What is your problem? Sunset snarled. You've got an entire school full of innocents to terrorize, and you spend your time annoying me? I don't know you! I've never met you! Leave me alone! Demon Sunset folded her arms and stuck out a lip. "Fine, then. If you're going to be that way, I'll stop beating around the bush. It's a shame, really; laughter is a personal favorite of mine. The correct answer to that question was Countess Coloratura, by the way." Countess who? Ignoring Sunset's cluelessness, she continued. "Final question! What does your Cutie Mark do?" I... What kind of question is that? Sunset asked in confusion. "A simple one, I hope." Demon Sunset examined her nails. "Surely you know?" It's about magic, obviously. Scholarly unicorn mage, very powerful, vague, flashy mark? What else? Sunset tried to shrug. "More specific than that, dear Sunset," Demon Sunset pressed. "What kind of magic?" Well... Sunset thought. I got it while I was making a magic amplification charm, which was just a regular assignment from the princess. So it's probably something to do with powering up, which makes sense because I transform all the time here. Happy? Demon Sunset's expression soured. "I'm neither happy nor surprised, though you are being honest. Convinced I know everything about you, Sunset?" The only thing I'm convinced of is that you're annoying and like making fun of me. Go away. "Mrrrgh... Fine. It doesn't matter. Now, let's see about this locker..." Demon Sunset pulled open the door to Sunset's locker, and began rummaging through. Eventually, she reached the box containing the book- only, it wasn't there. You can stop looking now. It's not here. "What's not... Oh, you mean that old diary we used to communicate with Princess Celestia? Most interesting. I suppose it is indeed missing. A pity for you, I suppose. Perhaps the wisdom contained on its pages could help you with your little issue. Never mind, then! Onwards to our original destination!" Demon Sunset got up and strode off. Her destination turned out to be the school gym. Snips and Snails were presently stationed outside the entrance to the girls' locker rom, apparently slacking off. When they saw Demon Sunset, however, they jumped to attention. "Mistress!" "Yeah! It's lady Sunset!" "I have new orders for you!" Demon Sunset barked. "Starlight Glimmer is in the cafeteria. She's sad, lonely and stupid, and needs a pick-me-up, so I want you two to go give her the nicest, biggest, sappiest hugs she's ever had. And she needs a good laugh, so if she asks you any questions, the answer is 'donuts.' Got it?" "Yes, mistress! We'll do as you say!" "Mmmm, donuts..." The two gargoyles flitted off, and Demon Sunset smirked. "Two birds with one stone, yet again. Never has an annoyance been so useful! I have to say, Starlight's not very good at posting guards..." Uhh... Where are you going with this? Sunset cautioned. "I made you a promise this morning, didn't I?" Sunset bristled. And what, exactly, does fulfilling it entail? "Oh, just a bit of chemistry." You know, I'd really rather you didn't, Sunset replied. "I know!" Demon Sunset ineffectually tried to toss her hair. "But you shouldn't. And that's why I'm doing it. To help you remember who you truly are! After all, all I want is for us to be reunited... Is that really so much to ask?" Apparently so, Sunset growled, because the more I see of you, the less I want anything to do with you. When we met last night, I knew nothing about you. You had a blank slate. You had every opportunity to be helpful to me, yet all you've done is be annoying and invasive. You've gone out of your way to embarrass me, you've gotten me punched and kicked and beaten up, and now you're trying to disrespect images of my friends? I'm done with you. Do what you like; I'm not talking to you anymore. If having my company means so much to you, you're going to have to earn it. "Sunset, you're not supposed to care about friendship! I listened well, and all the past few hours have convinced me of is that the new you simply has to go. You control things! It's who you were, who you are, who you're meant to be! Now, you want Twilight, and if you won't acknowledge that and take her for yourself, I'm giving her to you, and I won't stop until you remember just how powerful we are!" And Demon Sunset strode through the doorway, into the girls' locker room. Twilight Sparkle was very much awake when Demon Sunset appeared on the far side of the room. Still tied down on a bench on her back, she had been wiggling, simultaneously to break free of her bonds and not become horribly cramped from the hard surface. She looked up, lavender eyes confused and defiant. "Sunset, what's going on?" "Hmm? Why, to whatever are you referring, my dear?" Demon Sunset cast a sultry glance at Twilight. "You. Me. The school! Tell me, what happened!?" "Oh ho ho," Demon Sunset chortled. "Do you really not remember? Or are you just giving me permission to gloat?" Twilight glared. "Hmm. Unfortunately for you, I'm not really feeling up to a monologue right now. Suffice to say that I have a goal and you can help me accomplish it," Demon Sunset crooned. Sunset growled wordlessly. Was that an expression of impending pleasure, dear Sunset? Demon Sunset raised an eyebrow. Or was it a threat? Threats aren't your style, you know. You're doing nothing save for further convincing me of the importance of my mission. Now get back in character! Twilight held her gaze, growing more confused as Demon Sunset simply stood there. "...What are you doing?" "Oopsie. I guess I got a little distracted there. Sorry about that, beloved Twilight. Here, allow me." Demon Sunset snapped her fingers. Teal magic sparked from Twilight's restraints, and they shattered instantly. Twilight gasped, sitting up, hope blossoming in her purple eyes. "You're... you're freeing... Wait a minute." Her eyes narrowed. "Beloved?" "Freeing you? Oh, something like that." Demon Sunset shrugged. "Too bad you never specified from what." She leaned in, and jabbed a crackling talon into Twilight's forehead. Twilight spasmed, crackling with light... and then darkness. A haze pooled at her feet, and in a shimmering line, the color drained from her body, flowing out through her swirling eyes. Even her clothing succumbed to the gray monochrome, hair sparking and flattening until it hung more limply than ever before. She blinked, shaking her head, and her eyes, too, became colorless shadows of their past selves. "Well, beloved?" Demon Sunset crouched down, meeting Twilight's eye level, smiling sharkishly. "Feeling alright?" Sunset growled again, but still held her tongue. How about you, then? Demon Sunset asked. Feel anything yet? Twilight blinked again, wobbling, holding a hand to her forehead. "I... I think so? What... I remember, the map summoned me here, I was helping... helping a friend?" Helping a... a... WHAT!? Sunset exploded. That's the real Twilight! She must have come through the mirror, and... Let her go, right now! Oh, really? You mean we don't have to make do with a fake? How wonderful. Thank you for informing me! Demon Sunset turned to Twilight, rubbing her hands. "Nothing of the sort. You were kidnapped and tied up by a couple of insolent troublemakers. I've just finished saving you." Twilight sighed in relief, a smile growing on her face. "I'm so glad to see youuu..." Get out of her head! Out! Out! It is not wonderful, it's evil, and you're controlling her! Demon Sunset held her hands up in front of her face, pursing her lips as she examined her claws. You don't say. Rest assured, Sunset, that I am not making her do anything. I am merely offering suggestion as to what would be pleasant and desirable! In this case: what you want. Very handy, don't you think? Sunset wasn't in a very thankful mood, but had she been, not needing to breathe would have been at the top of her list. This is not what I want! What you're supposed to want, Demon Sunset growled. I can take anyone you like, mold them into anything you like, and force all randomness and chaos in the world to assume whatever you deem to be its most pleasing form possible! How could you possibly not want that? As if! I want my friends safe and free, so they can be who they were meant to be! And clearly, you are not capable of doing that! Doubting the powers that are yours by right? Tsk tsk. Demon Sunset's grin grew wider. What your "friends" were meant to be is subservient to you! Little Twilight here, all goodie-goodie about the magic of friendship and how it was destined to rule her life? Destined without your say-so? Watch and learn, Sunset, watch and learn. Twilight had finished clearing her head, and was examining the locker room. "We should probably leave before Snips and Snails and Starlight come back, right?" Demon Sunset smirked mightily. "I, for one, think that's a fantastic idea. We could have a celebratory night out, perhaps? I could just slip us out and lock everyone else back here, in this school?" Twilight's breath caught in her throat. "Really? A celebratory... Just you and me?" Hesitating, Demon Sunset waggled a finger. "Well, that's what I was thinking, but aren't you forgetting a little something important?" Twilight ignored her, having lunged over to give Sunset a hug. "That sounds so nice..." she purred. Sunset panted inwardly, cringing from Twilight's contact. This is not the Twilight I know, or the Twilight I want. Give her back! Not done yet, Demon Sunset replied. Hold your whiny little tongue until I've showed what I want to show! With a hand, she separated Twilight from her chest. "I'm afraid we can't leave just yet, Twilight dear. There's still work to be done before we can call the day ours." Sadly, she blinked down at the princess. "What? What happened?" Twilight's gray eyes watered back up at her, and Sunset was too frozen to think. "Well, it's just..." Demon Sunset stroked Twilight's chin. "I haven't seen Rainbow Dash all night. Pinkie Pie or Rarity neither, for that matter. Come to think of it, I can't remember seeing Applejack or even Fluttershy! They're your friends, Twilight. All-important, allow you to do anything? If we left now, we'd be abandoning them to a horrible fate!" Twilight scoffed, trying to look tough. "Do you see them here, helping to rescue me? I don't. I just see you. What's the point in having friends if you never get anything back? If they're here, they can stay here for all I care." Friends are useless, Sunset. See? Take it from the Princess of Friendship! Grinning hugely, Demon Sunset wrapped herself around Twilight, placing her head between the princess and the exit. "And what about Flash Sentry? Not worried he'll be jealous if we spend a little time together?" Giggling nervously, Twilight straightened her blouse. "Flash Sentry? I don't know, he might be mad? It doesn't really matter, I never really liked him liked him. I was just... using him to become more popular, so I could win the Fall Formal, you know?" Demon Sunset pumped a fist. "Yes!" She spread her arms. "Victory hug? It's just like in the stories, Twilight! Truth and justice prevail again!" "Hmmmmm..." Twilight leaned in happily, eyes closed. This isn't the truth! Sunset cried, having regained her composure. What do you mean, truth prevails? You're a horrible fraud, you leave Twilight alone! I don't want this, and I don't want you! Give the real Twilight back! Now she's not the real Twilight, you say? Props to you for trying to manipulate me to get what you want, Sunset, but nobody can trick me. This Twilight's as real as she's ever been, because truth. Is. Relative. Relative to you and what you want- right now, you want Twilight, and you want her to want you. As a result, that she wants you is now the truth! Isn't getting what you want wonderful? Softly, Demon Sunset ran her talons through Twilight's hair, still torn but too limp to matter. Shut up, Sunset demanded, you're wrong. Maybe you want this, maybe you think I want this, but I don't! I want my friends to be able to act and think and choose on their own, not dance your dance simply because you're strong enough to make them! I know about this! I forced a whole school under my knee, I... There's no fulfillment there! There's nothing but loneliness and regret, and I do not want to be alone again just because of some stupid flame monster with an ego so big it thinks it can tell me what I'm supposed to do with my life! Now let. Twilight. Go! A dance? What a wonderful idea! "Hey, Twilight!" Demon Sunset patted Twilight's head. "How about a dance?" "Um..." Twilight pulled away, biting her lip and looking up. "I'm not very good..." "How about I teach you?" Demon Sunset smiled sweetly. A slight discoloration appeared in the gray of Twilight's cheeks, and she bunched her skirt in her hands. Stop it! Sunset screamed, stop it stop it stop it! Whatever you're trying to get me to agree to isn't worth this, especially if you think I'm supposed to be having fun right now! Nah. I'm having far too much fun myself! It really is tragic that you've forgotten how to indulge yourself, Sunset, but if you refuse even to partake of this as a lesson, I suppose it will just have to be me rewarding myself for my own diligence in attempting to return to you. Demon Sunset blinked. "Twilight, beloved? What are you doing?" Twilight was looking shyly down, hands clasped in front of her chest. "I, um... I brought you a gift, that I was meaning to give to you..." Hopefully, she looked up. "A gift?" Demon Sunset clasped her hands in turn. "How cute! Twilight, you're the most adorable friend I could possibly ask for!" "Sorry!" Twilight cringed, one eyelid twitching. "F-friends... Sore subject? Friends... Here!" Stiffly, she reached out, and in her gray hands was a flat, dusky capsule adorned with a pulsating lavender star. Sunset inwardly gasped. Twilight is... Quickly, she cut herself off before she could follow that train of thought, instead focusing on the pendant. Hey, that's nice. Bet you've never seen it before, huh? "What's this?" Demon Sunset took it and eyed it curiously. Twilight rocked back and forth in the background, not withdrawing her hands. "Is it a wedding ring, perchance?" It's a magic pendant, Sunset answered, and would have smirked had she been able. And I'd say it's probably... oh, five or six times as strong as that crown you're wearing. Unfortunately, you can only wear one at a time, so... Demon Sunset turned to a mirror and blew a raspberry. Fat chance. I've heard that trick before! You just want to trick me into giving you back control by taking off this crown! This is probably a bomb, anyway. I guess I'll just put it somewhere safe where nobody will ever find it, hmm? Hahah! Sunset crowed. Gotcha! I didn't really care about the pendant. It's probably not charged up, anyway. I just wanted to trick you into confirming my theory that if you take off the crown, I get to be me again! Now I know your secret weakness! Demon Sunset's lips curved into a grinchlike smile, still staring at the mirror. I know that trick too, dear Sunset. Letting me know I've been duped, but misleading me about where the deception lies? I already know you're just stalling for time before we get back to Twilight, but I almost think I'm proud enough of your craftiness to indulge in it for a while! What's next, Sunnybun? Sunset gave a sharp laugh, Twilight safely out of her peripheral vision. Don't look now, but the rest of my friends are standing right behind you with their Elements, ready to turn you into a smoking crater and set me free. Okay, that one was bad, Demon Sunset deadpanned, you're losing your touch. Obviously, you're just waiting for me to turn around, so you can be all 'just kidding', aren't you? And I still am. I dare you to turn around. Demon Sunset's eyes narrowed. I smell a fish. Just what is it you're trying to goad me into not looking at? She spun to the side, facing Twilight. The gray girl was hugging herself and shivering uncontrollably, face scrunched and eyes closed. Demon Sunset looked at her in alarm. "Twilight? My love? What's going on?" She leaned in, and put a claw on Twilight's shoulder. Twilight's eyes flew open- deep, piercing, purple eyes. Her face morphed into a snarl. "Get out of my head!" Eyes widening in shock, Demon Sunset raised a hand to snap her fingers, but Twilight was faster. With an open hand, she slapped it away, before slamming her fist into the demon's face with all her strength. C-CRACK! "Bluuurghhh!" Demon Sunset staggered backward, hand to her head. She broke free!? How is that possible? A wavering line of color beginning to creep down the top of her head, Twilight shrieked, lunging at Demon Sunset. "Raaaaaugh!" Grappling onto Demon Sunset's head, she clawed and scrabbled at the lavender crown. "I won't forget my friends! You can't take that from me!" "GWAARRR!" Where Twilight's hands touched the Element of Magic, bolts of energy lanced out, burning as they came in contact with Demon Sunset's skin. Furiously, she reared to her full height, smashing Twilight against the ceiling over and over. "Gyaaah!" The princess lost her grip, tumbling to the floor with a crunch. Demon Sunset's abandoned bedding broke her fall, but as she struggled to get up, a red talon closed around her throat. Demon Sunset slammed her up against a locker, dangling a foot off the ground. Leering into her face, she snapped with her free hand over and over, assaulting Twilight with waves of teal and gray. "You will not dare resist me! Kneel! Kneel! Kneel to Sunset Shimmer!" "Urkk... Gah!" Twilight futilely kicked and struggled, eyes flashing from violet to teal to gray and back. "No! Leave me alone! And whatever you've done with Sunset, give her back!" See? Sunset bellowed. Your idea of truth is fake! Your idea of me is fake! You can't change who I am, just like you can't change who Twilight is! Leave, now, and never come back! I'm not finished yet, Sunset, Demon Sunset growled. You'll see who has the last laugh in the end, and it won't be anyone who opposes you. As if on cue, Twilight stopped struggling and went limp, eyes closing. A light smoke rose from her body. "See? Twilight, who do you love?" "Y-you..." Twilight whimpered, not moving a muscle. No... Oh, yes! Gently, Demon Sunset set Twilight on her feet, patting her shoulders. "Terribly sorry about that, beloved. A bit of residual dark magic I had to clean up. If it brings up any unpleasant memories, I'm sure I can find a memory spell later to fix them." Twilight was silent, and still. "...Twilight?" Demon Sunset tilted her head. "Can I tell you a secret?" Twilight whispered. Demon Sunset grinned haughtily, and lowered an ear to Twilight's level. "Anything, beloved." Twilight's eyes flew open once again, and they remained purple. "Surprise!" Bracing her back against the locker behind her, Twilight lashed out with both feet, impacting Demon Sunset and sending her staggering back with a howl of surprise. "Again!? Celestia's sweet buttery biscuits, how do I keep falling for that? How does she keep doing that!?" Twilight kicked off the wall and charged at her, slamming her again as she teetered. One of Demon Sunset's high boots became lodged under the bench where Twilight had been tied before she could stem her momentum, and she toppled over, crashing to the concrete floor. Stop getting beaten up, Sunset yelled as they struck the ground, it hurts! And while you're at it, stop doing things you deserve to get beaten up for! Demon Sunset didn't respond, instead rolling over and getting up to her hands and knees. Suddenly, a heavy boot smashed into her side, and she collapsed again, wheezing. Above, Starlight Glimmer rolled her over, Sunset's sledgehammer held in one hand, face thunderous. Demon Sunset made to snap her fingers and summon a wave of telekinesis, but Starlight was too fast, stomping down on the offending hand. With a screech, Demon Sunset arched her back. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Starlight swinging the hammer like a golf club, but before she could so much as lift a finger- SMASH! She dropped to the floor like a log. FLAAAAASH! "Are you all right?" "Umm... I'm a bit shaken..." "You were distracting her, weren't you? When you saw me come in?" "Yeah, I think so. Sorry, could you give me a minute?" "Of course. Take your time." Footsteps. Sunset opened her eyes. She was laying on the floor, head fuzzy. Several feet away lay the unconscious form of Demon Sunset, and she realized that she was back in her proper body, presumably once again due to being unconscious. She called out. "...Can anyone hear me?" There was no response. Twilight was sitting on the bench, a grimace on her face, focusing as she banished Demon Sunset's grayness from her body. Starlight Glimmer watched her from nearby, leaning on the sledgehammer she had apparently hit Sunset with. There was no sign of the orange flame. Sunset got to her feet, and picked up an item from the ground. It left a familiar faint afterimage, indicating that it hadn't really moved. She turned back to Twilight. The lavender girl's eyes were closed. She was colorful once again, but her hands lay limply in her lap, and she shivered. A tear ran down her face, and she whispered something too low to hear. Sunset leaned in to catch Twilight's words. "...forgiven! Sunset, I... I had no idea... I won't... I can't... I can't do this, I... Snkkt!" She wiped her nose on the frayed sleeve of her blue blouse. That's odd, Sunset mused. I guess Twilight can postpone meltdowns while under pressure? She decided not to focus on the fact that she would probably have to have a meltdown about this herself, sooner or later. A pink hand was lain on Twilight's shoulder, and Starlight sat down beside her. "I don't think you're alright. You look like you're going into shock." Sunset stood and watched. Twilight didn't answer, so Starlight continued: "I don't know everything that monster put you through, but it's clear she was thoughtlessly using you to sate her evil desires. It's a good thing I arrived when I did, because I know she's capable of worse." Wow, Sunset thought. The disrespect earlier must have ticked Starlight off far more than I suspected. Twilight hiccupped. Starlight rubbed her shoulder, avoiding looking directly at her. "I'm sorry this is the way you were introduced to my utopia. That... thing," - she pointed at demon Sunset, voice dripping with rage - "has made itself very useful in constructing this paradise, but is clearly destructive to the point where it will sap any happiness and contentment we can gain from any way of life. I regret not being able to make it understand this. If I could, perhaps, despite its nature, it could still be used for the greater good. One can, after all, fight fire with fire." Sunset growled, clenching her fists. Odds were, once she came to, her demon would continue bothering Starlight until she did something far worse than simply knocking her out- and she now had no illusions that the Element of Magic could protect from that. "What happens if I die here?" she wondered aloud. Twilight pushed Starlight away. "You're not helping," she sniffled. "You know my words are true," Starlight said. "Sunset Shimmer is nothing more than a force of malevolence and destruction. In time, you will come to appreciate this. But it is no matter. For now, I will take you somewhere safer, where she won't find you." Twilight hesitated. Starlight extended a hand. "Do not make me carry you. After how much you've been through, I doubt it would make things any easier for you." Twilight got up, ignoring Starlight's hand. Suddenly, her eyes fell on something, and with a faint squeak, she darted to the corner of the room, kneeling down to pick something up. Seeing the quick motion, Sunset moved closer... and saw a flash of dark metal as Twilight fussed with the top of her blouse. "She took back the magic-stealing device!" Sunset gasped. Unfortunately, there was now no way she could examine it to see whether it was charged, as it was now hidden in Twilight's shirt. Ghost or otherwise, there was no way she was going to go there. "What are you doing?" Starlight queried, raising an eyebrow. "Getting something I dropped," Twilight mumbled. Starlight sighed. "Ready to go?" she asked, picking back up the hammer. "I think so," Twilight said, visibly calmer, tears still visible in her purple eyes. Starlight nodded and took Twilight's hand, shifting the hammer to the other, and led her out the door. Sunset followed close behind, determination in her step.