Dark Secrets

by SwiftShad0wWing1

Chapter 8

When Rainbow's friends entered the room they were a bit surprised to see her there, but did not comment. Shining Armor and Twilight looked a little frustrated, so Rainbow could only assume that they had been bouncing ideas off each other on how to catch the mystery mare. Pinkie, as usual, as skipping into the room while whistling a happy tune, and Spike just looked tired. Cadence was glancing at her husband and sister-in-law, probably going over their ideas and comparing them with her own.
"So... Morning- er afternoon?" Rainbow said in way of greeting.
Everypony seemed to sober slightly at her voice and exchanged their own greetings. They sat in front of the thrones and looked at each other expectantly. The three unicorn guards that had previously been assigned to the three mares entered and took positions at the back of the room, apparently already having their orders from Shining. The Prince looked slightly troubled as he spoke, "More magical essence was found in town," Rainbow feigned worried as the others gasped at his words. "Guards have been positioned in every district and patrols have been doubled, but I don't know if it will be enough." At his defeated tone and worried look Rainbow felt kind of bad for not telling them.
Should I tell them now? Or wait a little longer, until I'm positive they won't react badly? The pegasus was having an internal debate with herself as everypony else spoke their ideas aloud of what to do. By the time she decided it was better to wait the meeting had finished and everypony was getting up. "So what now?" Dash pretended to have been paying attention as she hopped down the little stairs in front of the throne and headed towards the doors.
It was Twilight who replied, "We are going to walk around town and try to relax for today. With our guards of course!" She hastily added the last bit as if the thought of walking around without their guards was the worst idea ever. Dash nodded in understanding and followed the purple unicorn outside. They walked in tense silence, the only sound being the strange squeak that always comes from Pinkie when she bounces instead of walks. It was rather awkward since everypony was on high alert and constantly expecting a random pony to come out of the shadows and try to kill them.
Rainbow decided enough was enough and spoke her mind, "If you keep acting like you're gonna be attacked at every corner then you're never gonna relax! Just chill out and enjoy the day like we planned." The purple unicorn that currently looked like a walking anxiety attack turned to glare at her colorful friend. She opened her mouth to retort, but then seemed to realize that Dash was right; she needed to calm down.
"Fine. I'll try to calm down. Besides, with our guards that mare can't do anything to us!" Twilight didn't sound very convinced at the last part, and Rainbow would hate to tell her that she could get rid of the guards in ten seconds flat (with her wings tied and eyes closed if she wanted), so she just nodded and continued trotting along side her friends.
"Does this mean we get to explore the entire empire?!" Pinkie asked with a huge grin.
"Uhh... I don't think that's what Dash meant by relax Pinkie..." Spike replied from her seat on Twilight's back. "We're just walking around town, right Twi?" The purple and green dragon turned his attention to the mare he was currently sitting on.
Twilight nodded in agreement, "Right! So let's get started on our relaxing day." Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes with a small grin. She followed the two mare and baby dragon into the heart of the empire.
Relaxing is the last thing on my mind... was her final thought before she banished everything bad from her mind and tried to have a good time with her friends.