//------------------------------// // Chapter one. ''Tis the season // Story: A Story yet to be told // by Thestoryteller //------------------------------// The castle of Friendship was beaming with joy. Literally. Bright, colorful, lights were emanating from the castle and could be seen all the way to Canterlot. The reason for the castles light show? Why, the joy of all the ponies of course. Yes everypony, from the smallest filly to the tallest Stallion was filled with happiness upon seeing what was outside. Snow. Yes snow. The white frozen water, with other stuff in it, dropped from the grey sky and collected itself on the ground. There was snow everywhere, from the rooftops of homes to the dirt roads that trailed throughout Ponyville. Everyone was enjoying the snow. Everyone that is, except for one. Back in the castle of Friendship, in the Far East wing, was a room. And in that room we're the common things. A bed, a dresser, a desk, a window with curtains, a mirror on top of the dresser, a door leading to the bathroom, a closet, and a door leading to the hallway. In the bed, sleeping somewhat soundly, was a Pegasus colt with light orange fur. A blue mane with a violet stripe on the right of his mane. The front of his spiky man covered his entire forehead while the back of his mane was spiked up. The young colt snuggled deep into his covers and pillow, unaware of the wonder outside. The temperature in the room dropped as the window to the young colts room was opened from the outside. A Pegasus colt flew into the room and quickly shut the window, causing warm are to re-enter the room. The Pegasus colt who had just flown in had a cyan fur coat, had emerald green eyes, wore a grey scarf around his neck, and a grey snow cap over his head from which some of his rainbow mane stuck out in the front. The Pegasus colt who had just flown in turned to the bed, where in the middle was an object buried in covers. The colt flew up to the bed and nudged the object. "Come on Stardust, get up." The colt continued to nudge and push the lump under the covers. But to no avail. A wicked, evil, smile spread across the colts face. He thought that something like this would happen, so he came prepared. The colt lifted his right wing and a snowball fell out and into his hoof. The colt grabbed the top of the covers and warned, "last chance Star, better wake up." The colt said, hoping to receive no answer. He lean his ear closer, and sure enough, he got no response. With a smile the colt reared back his right hoof and yanked back the covers back. The colt froze. What was supposed to be a sleeping Pegasus was actually two pillows shaped to look like a sleeping Pegasus. The colt scanned the room for the Pegasus. His examination was cut short as something cold and sloshy hit him in the back of his neck. The colt whipped his head around to see the orange coated Pegasus with purple eyes laughing on his back. The colt gave the Pegasus an unhappy look, "Oh ha ha Star, very funny." The colt sighed. "Oh lighten up Blitz." The Pegasus sat up. "It only hit most of your scarf." The colt brushed off some of the pieces of snow on the back of his scarf. He then looked to the snowball he still had in his hoof. His evil smile returned as he looked to the Pegasus. "Uh-oh." The Pegasus bolted out of the room the instant he saw the snowball in the colt's hoof. "Get back here Star!" The colt shouted, dashing off after the Pegasus. "An eye for an eye. You hit me with a snowball, so it's only fair that I hit you with one." The Pegasus ran through the hallway at blurry speeds, turning at any corner he could find in hopes of the colt losing sight of him. But no matter how many twists and turns he took the colt would still be hot on his trail. Left with no choice, the Pegasus decided to try a new approach in ditching the colt. He opened up his wings and took to the air. The colt did the same, spreading his wings and flying after the Pegasus. "Give it up Star." The colt said, slowly beginning to close in on the Pegasus. "If you surrender now I'll be sure not to aim for the face." The Pegasus flew out of the hallway and into the center of the Castle of Friendship. Hanging from the ceiling was the trunk and roots of an oak tree with strings that had several gems attached to them. The Pegasus was heading straight towards these gems and was about to crash into them. Knowing the punishment he would receive if he were to even give one of the gems a tiny crack, the Pegasus dived down towards the circular table. The Pegasus landed and folded his wings back up. The Pegasus looked up at the gems to ensure that none of them sustained any damage. After a thorough observation with each gem the Pegasus gave a sigh of relief upon seeing that none of the gems had been harmed. But because the Pegasus landed he was now wide open for the colt to hit him with the snowball. The colt reared back his foreleg and threw the snowball. The ball of slush sailed towards the Pegasus at tremendous speed. But before the snowball could hit the Pegasus, he leaped to the right, successfully dodging the snowball. *biff* The Pegasus did a somersault and turned to the colt with a triumphant smile. "Ha! Ya missed." The Pegasus tilted his head in confusion looking at the colt's expression of fear and horror, his eyes glued to where he had thrown the snowball. The Pegasus turned to the direction the colt was looking in to see what had made him make that face. What he saw caused him to share the colts emotions with a look of fear and horror of his own. The two Pegasi were staring at the throne belonging to Twilight Sparkle, famed Princess of Friendship. It just so happened that the throne belonging to her was currently sitting her this very moment. The princess had been reading her favorite book whilst drinking a hot cup of cocoa which was sitting next to her book with steam rising from it. However though, the reason for the two colt's look of fear was because of where the snowball had landed. The snowball the colt had made was engineered to not fall apart upon impact with something. He made sure to had the right amount of slush and snow to make it so the ball would stick to whatever it struck. The reason that the snowball was designed this way is what caused the boys a look of fear. For the snowball had hit Twilight Sparkle right in the face, and it covered pretty much her entire face, and it was stuck. The snowball began to lose its suction and started to slowly slide off Twilight's face. Once the snowball completely lost its suction it fell and was caught in Twilight's forehoof. Now that the snowball was no longer covering her face the two colt's got a good look at Twilight's unamused face. "Star." Twilight spoke, her tone sounded calm with a hint of agitation. "What have I told you about snow in the house?" The Pegasus swayed his foreleg back and forth against the table, "that when snow gets inside it heats up, which causes it to melt, which will cause the house to flood, which will ruin the books." "Very good, now can you tell me what this is?" Twilight asked towards the colt, holding up the snowball. "A snowball." The colt gulped. "Correct." Twilight sighed, "honestly you two, I know it's Hearth's Warming today, but you need to learn some self control." The two colt's lowered their heads in shame. "Oh chin up you two. I didn't mean to scold you." Twilight said, using her magic to summon a jacket, scarf, and snow cap. The clothing flew at the Pegasus and wrapped itself around his body. The Pegasus slid his forelegs into the jacket's sleeves, the zipper zipping itself up, the scarf wrapped around his neck comfortably and the cap sat on his head, leaving the back of his blue mane to be visible. "Your friends are outside, waiting for you two. You best not keep them waiting." Twilight gave the two a friendly smile. The two Pegasi were out of the castle in a heartbeat. Introductions seem to be in order. The orange coated Pegasus is named Stardust. Son of Twilight Sparkle and Flash Sentry. The cyan coated Pegasus is named Blitz. First Cousin once removed to Stardust and the son of the infamous Rainbow Dash. Stardust is eleven years old where Blitz is only ten. The two were the closest of friends ever since childhood. Now that they've been properly introduced, it's back to the scene. Stardust and Blitz burst through the castle doors, running to put as much distance between the castle and them. Once they were considered a safe distance away the two Pegasi colt's collapsed onto the snow, their hot breath visible in the cold. "Did we make it?" Blitz asked out of breath. Stardust sat up and looked to see how far they were from the castle. "Yeah, were safe." Stardust replied. Blitz stood up and shook off the snow that had collected on his back. "Why is aunt Twilight so scary Star?" "Because she's an Alicorn with the power to turn you into an orange, then cut you in half, squeeze out your juices, and drink you while she eats her toast." Stardust answered. "Thanks for the image Star." Blitz grumbled. "She said that our friends were out here. But I don't see anyone, do you Star?" Blitz asked, looking around. "Star?" "Was that snowmare always there?" Star asked. Blitz looked at Stardust with a puzzled look. Star pointed past Blitz, who turned around to see a snowmare comprised of three balls of snow stacked on top of the other with the smallest on the top. The snowmare wore a scarf around its neck and a black top hat. It had two branches shoved into its middle ball, an assortment of pebbles arranged into a smile and two pebbles for eyes, along with a toy wooden pipe sticking out from underneath its smile. Blitz turned away from the snowmare, "you probably just didn't see it. Come on let's go find our friends." Blitz said, walking off. "oof!" Blitz blurted, numbing into something. "S-sorry." Blitz stumbled back a bit. Blitz looked up to what he had bumped into only to find out that I was another snowmare, only this one didn't have a pipe and it wore a rose red bowler hat with a bow wrapped around its top. "What the-" Blitz questioned, taking a couple of steps back. "Um...Blitz." Stardust spoke up. Blitz turned to where Stardust was pointing to see another snowmare. This one, just like the last, didn't have a toy pipe, and wore a white fedora. Blitz looked back to the first snowmare they saw and just as Blitz had thought. It moved. Or it had moved. A trail of plowed through snow was behind the snowmare, giving away the fact that it had, without a doubt, moved. Stardust looked to the snowmare with the bowler hat, and sure enough, it too had moved. "Okay...we should leave." Blitz said walking forward. Only for the snowmare with the top hat to block off his path. The snowmare began to advance towards Blitz, so did the other two. Blitz and Stardust backed away from the snowmare's until the two backed up so far that they bumped into each other. The three snowmare's had completely surrounded both Blitz and Stardust, staring them down with their cold dead eyes. Stardust's eyes lit up, "ooh, maybe these guys are here to send us on a magical quest to turn them into real pony's." The snowmare with a fedora now held a switchblade in its branch. The snow mare activated the switch blade, causing a blade to spring out. "Your wallets." The snowmare demanded. "Or their mugging us." Stardust sheepishly smiled. Stardust's instincts kicked in as he quickly grabbed the switchblade out of the Snowmare's branch, and used it to express his anger. With the blade in his hoof he drove it into the snowmare wearing the top hat's chest. Stardust then gripped the snowmare's head and braced his forelegs on the snowmare's middle ball and with a mighty heave, ripped the snowmare's head clean off. He then jumped off of the snowmare's body, did a backflip in the air, and landed on top of the snowmare with the bowler hat. Stardust then repeatedly struck the snowmare's head, turning the solid into a thin slush. Stardust plucked an icicle from one of the roofs edge and tackled the snowmare wearing the fedora, repeatedly stabbing it with icicle. "Um...Stardust." The voice had managed to bring Stardust's bloodlust to a stop. With the icicle still in his right hoof, Star looked behind him to see his cousin Blitz along with three earth pony's standing next to him. The earth pony colt with pink fur, a short flat brown straight mane, green eyes, and a pair of square glasses was named Cheese Cake. The earth pony filly with pink fur, a pink poofy mane, and green eyes was named Bubblegum. The earth pony with a light orange fur coat, a brown poofy mane, and pink eyes was name Party Animal. These three earth ponies were the son and two daughters of Pinkie Pie. The three earth ponies and Blitz all looked at Star with a shocked expression. "Oh hey Party, Cheese, and Bubblegum." Star smiled innocently at his four friends. "What's up?" "Um..." the four said, unsure how to respond after seeing Star brutally murder three snowmare's. "Um...uh...do you wanna build a snowwwwwwwwww-" Party trailed off, trying to think of something else to say other than snowmare. "wwwwwwwwwww....fort?" She finished. Star looked at his friends with a blank expression before lighting up. "That's a wonderful idea!" He exclaimed. "But we have to be smart about this. Our fort must have heavy and powerful walls. Onward comrades, to victory!" And so, Stardust, Blitz, Party Animal, Bubblegum, and Cheese Cake all started to construct their fort. It wasn't anything special really. Just four walls of snow made into a square. The walls were about the size of a normal pony's height. They were able to mold at least fifty snowballs which they had then placed in the corner of their fort. Stardust went inside his home and came back out with a metal pole. He shoved the pole into the ground where it stood upright in the center of the fort. Star then attached a yellow cloth that closely resembled a flag. "From this day forward we shall forever be know as the 'Brotherhood of Snow'." Stardust declared. "But what about us mares?" Bubblegum asked, Party nodding in agreement. "In that case we shall be known as the 'Hood of Snow'." Star declared. "Yeah!" Everyone cheered. Stardust leaned against one of the walls and yelled for the whole town to hear, "OUR SNOW FORT IS IMPENETRABLE!" Stardust ducked down, awaiting a barrage of snowballs to be fired towards him. After a moment of silence Star peeped out of the fort to wonder why there were no snowballs. That's when he remembered that he lived in Ponyville, the most peaceful town in all of Equestria. He looked back to his friends and asked, "Well, since there's now way that our fort will be attacked what should we do now?" Stardust asked. "How about we all go to your house, and wait for everyone to show up?" Cheese suggested. "Cheese has a point." Blitz added. "I mean, all of our family's are gonna meet there today anyways." "Then to my house we go." Star declared, marching towards the Castle of Friendship with his friends in tow. The large doors were pushed open and the group entered in. Star quickly closed the doors tightly shut and took of his hat and scarf. Everyone else did the same, removing their warm winter clothing. Star walked down the halls and into the kitchen. He opened up one of the cupboards and pulled out five coffee mugs. He then opened up another cupboard and pulled out several packets of chocolate dust and sat them next to the mugs. He then opened the fridge and pulled out the jug of milk and poured a reasonable amount of it into a large bowl. He put the bowl of the stove and let the milk cook for about five minutes before taking it off the stove. Star then mixed both the milk and chocolate dust together before pouring a balanced amount into each cup. He placed each cup on a tray and sat the tray on his back. Star balanced the tray on his back as he walked down the hallway towards the family room. The family room was the largest room in the entire castle, more than double the size of the center room. The family room was decked with holiday decorations all over the walls, pillars, and ceiling. There had been furniture laid out across the room such as red cushioned couches and chairs that matched the holiday decor, and in the very back of the room was the biggest pine tree Star had ever seen. It's size was so big that it's tip was just inches away from the ceiling. Sitting comfortably in the chairs were Star's friends, Blitz, Bubblegum, Cheese Cake, and Party Animal. He walked up to them all and gave each of them a cup of hot chocolate. Star took the last cup and sipped it quietly. *knock, knock* Stardust grinned, "showtime." Almost instantly the castle halls were filled with ponies from every corner of Ponyville and other parts of Equestria. Everyone was socializing, drinking cocoa, and having a good time. Once someone had entered they had with them two key things. The first was a wrapped present, the second was a custom ornament that they hung on a special part of the tree. It wasn't long before the large tree began to look well lit and more festive. Whilst everyone was enjoying themselves, Star was tasked with making sure everyone's hot chocolate was replenished. He had filled a large canister with hot chocolate to make things easier. When he was heading back to refill one of his thermoses, something grabbed him from behind and lifted him up into the air and squeezed him very tightly. "How's my favorite cousin doing?" Star's attacker said, dropping him back down. Star gasped for air before scolding his attacker, who had the body of a pony with white fur, but had a red dragon claw as his right foreleg, a dog's arm as his left foreleg, his two hindlegs were normal, his tail was shaped like a lizard's, his right wing looked like a bird's, his left looked like a bat's, he had a combed down black mane along with a white horn jutting out from his head, his right eye was blue while his left was grey, and he had two sharp fangs sticking out from his mouth. "Nice to see too, Havoc." "What? A cousin can't hug his other cousin?" The draconequus shrugged. "When he's crushing my lungs he can't." Star winced, rubbing his chest. "Oh please." Havoc lightly punched Star's shoulder. "You're part Alicorn aren't cha. You'll live." "Yeah, and as long as I live I will remember this day, and you will rue the day you crossed Stardust." Star said dramatically. "The day you become a threat to me is the day when your brother becomes social." Havoc said, scanning the room. "Speaking of which where is Dusk anyways? Is he still looking at that book?" Stardust sighed. "There's no doubt about it." Stardust sat the thermos on the table. "Come on Havoc, let's go get my brother." Introducing Dusk Shield. Son of Twilight Sparkle, older brother of Stardust by three minutes, and a total shut-in. Dusk Shield was a unicorn colt with a purple coat, a deep dark purple mane with strands of mane on top of other strand of mane, he had blue eyes, and, unlike his brother, had a cutie mark of a six pointed star with a blue shield behind it with two lightning bolts crossing across the center of the star. Dusk was currently sitting in his room with the window curtains shut, his door shut, and his room was lit with candles. He sat at his desk, observing the book in front of him. The book had a mysterious history to it. The book was a hard cover with a golden circle in its center with the number "3" crudely drawn on it. The book appeared to Dusk by a crack opening up in the air and the book thrown at him before the crack was sealed up. Ever since then Dusk had spent days studying the book. It's pages were filled with drawings and notes of things that did not exist in Equestria. Dusk had the book opened to a certain page and was following the instructions for making a potion. Dusk had the potion almost complete, all that was left to do was to add two drops of a liquid to it. Dusk carefully levitated a dropper into a test tube with a lime green liquid inside. The dropper sucked up some of the liquid, Dusk levitated the dropper to another test tube with a pink solution inside it. Dusk carefully squeezed the dropper and two drops of green liquid was mixed with the pink solution, causing its color to turn brown. After confirming that he did it right, Dusk Shield put a cork in the tube. He gave himself a minute to admire his handiwork. Before it was interrupted by his brother Stardust kicking the door open. The sudden force caused the entire room to shake. Test tubes, paper notes, and pens shook. Luckily Dusk was able to grab his potion before it rolled of his desk and shattered onto the floor. Dusk glared at his brother and said, "are you crazy?! You could've killed everyone in this castle!" "Well we didn't, so that's a plus." Havoc pointed out. "Why are you cooped up in your room Dusk?" Star asked. "It's Hearth's Warming for crying out-loud. Spend some time with your friends and family for once." Dusk did an eye roll. "Is that was this is all about?" He asked, putting the potion in a secure metal briefcase. "Dad already came up here and specifically told me that I wasn't going to spend the whole day in here. And I told him that I would be down there to attend the ceremony." "But that's just it. You're hardly around for anything. Being there for the ceremony isn't enough. You have to be there for the whole event." Stardust tried to explain. "There are more important things to do." Dusk stated. "Are you telling me that book is more important than spending time with your family?" "I'm not answering that." "Listen Dusk." Havoc spoke. "That book isn't going anywhere, whereas your family and friends and friends are only gonna be here for a little longer before they leave. Besides, the ceremony is gonna start soon anyways." Dusk sighed, closing up his book. "Alright...I'll go." "See? Was it that hard?" Back in the family room the chairs and couches had been moved aside for a long big wooden table that stretched from the pine tree all the way to the end of the room. Chairs with names assigned to them were seating their assigned pony. When Star, Dusk, and Havoc entered the room Havoc took off to where his family was sitting. Star and Dusk walked to the end of the table where there were four seats on the end of the table. The seat on the far left was a chair with a purple frame that had light purple cushions sewn into its back and base. The seat on the middle left had a dark purple frame with light cushions sewn into its back and bottom and it had a six pointed purple star with six smaller stars around it, symbol that was built on top of the chair. The middle chair on the right had a golden frame with blue cushions sewn into its back and bottom. The chair on the far right had a golden frame with light blue cushions sewn into the bottom and back of the chair. In the middle left seat sat both Star and Dusk's mother Twilight Sparkle and in the middle right chair sat the boys father, Flash Sentry. Stardust pulled out the far right chair and sat in it. Dusk used his magic to pull the far left chair out and took his seat. Flash leaned to Star and whispered, "I can't believe you actually got him out of that room." "I'm just lucky that we didn't have to drag him out. That would've caused a scene." Stardust joked. Stardust scanned the table for ponies he knew. To his left sat Blitz's family Rainbow Dash and Soarin. To the right side of the table next to his sat his aunt Fluttershy, his uncle Thorn, his cousin Rosebud, who was a yellow coated Pegasus with a pink mane and green eyes. His other cousin, Cloudy Skies, a buck with brown fur, brown Pegasus wings, teal eyes, and tiny stubs for antlers. Next to Blitz's family was Pinkie Pie and Cheese Sandwich, along with their three kids, Bubblegum, Party Animal, and Cheese Cake. Parallel to Pinkie Pie was Rarity and Silver Platter, along with their daughter Gemstone, who was a unicorn filly with a white fur coat, Sapphire blue eyes, a long deep blue mane that she had styled herself. Next to Rarity was Applejack and Ranger, along with their daughter Appleseed, who had a orange coat, a long blonde mane that she had tied into a ponytail, and she had blue eyes along with her wearing a cowgirl hat. They also had a three year old colt named Buck, who had orange fur, a short blonde mane, blue eyes, and freckles on his muzzle and cheeks. Down the line Star saw Discord and Celestia, along with their son Havoc. Across from the family was Luna and her family. Atlas, an Alicorn Stallion with dark blue fur, a light blue mane, and yellow eyes with black slits for pupils and bat wings. Next to Atlas was the younger daughter of Luna, Crescent Moon. Crescent Moon was a filly with dark grey fur, long light blue mane, Batpony wings, and she had red eyes with black slits for pupils. Next to Crescent was an empty seat. Their was a soft ring as Twilight tapped her glass with a metal spoon, grabbing everyone's attention. "Friends, Family, and local citizens of Ponyville." Twilight spoke to everyone sitting at the table. "We are proud to welcome you all once again to this year's Harths Warming. Every year family's all over Equestria gather and spend time with their loved ones. But here in Ponyville we're all family. It doesn't matter if you are a pony or some other creature, if you can make friends, learn to love one another, and live equally among everyone else, then you can call Ponyville your home." Twilight raised her glass. "To friends and family." "To friends and family." Everyone repeated, raising their glasses and drinking. Once Twilight sat down Flash looked to Discord, "Discord, would you please do the honors?" Discord grinned back at Flash, readying his fingers. "Dinner-" *snap* "is served." In an instant the table was filled with dishes of various foods all over. Toy train tracks fell from the ceiling and snapped into place. A small toy train appeared on the tracks, towing toy cars behind it with food sitting on top of it. The train blew its tiny whistle as it raced down the tracks that circled the table. Everyone dug into the dishes of food, scooping up some of it, putting it on their plate, then passing it down to the next. When someone asked for a specific food it was placed on the train and picked up by whoever requested it. Everyone went back to their conversations while eating their foods. Star wished that he could've chat with his friends, but there would be time for that during presents. For now though Stardust's stomach rumbled, demanding that it be fed. When the time came Star made himself a plate of food which consisted of mash potatoes with sprinkled cheese on top, green beans dripping with mushroom sauce with dried onions on top, and his favorite, stuffing. Star licked his lips with delight upon seeing the deliciousness in front of him. He wasted no time scooping up some mash potatoes and shoveling it into his mouth. The taste was wonderful. Star loved mash potatoes, but he loved cheese more. But when he ate both mash potatoes and cheese, his mouth exploded with its taste. Everyone enjoyed themselves as they ate and conversed with each other. Once the majority was finished it came time for dessert. Discord snapped his talons and dishes of desserts appeared. There was Apple pie, and pumpkin pie, and a fountain of chocolate with which you could dip strawberries in, a circular cake with strawberries in a circle on top of white frosting, a fancy bowl of vanilla ice cream with hot fudge on top, a circular chocolate cake on top of another chocolate cake, and ice cream bars. Star only had an ice cream bar, Dusk didn't have anything. No one was surprised when Party took the entire chocolate cake and dropped it on her plate. Discord created another one to make sure that everyone at least got a taste of the cake before Party completely devoured it. Star looked to his father and asked, "now may we open our presents?" Flash looked to his son, ruffling up his mane. "If you think it's time, then go right ahead." "Flash!" Twilight objected. "Dear, look at these kids. They're literally shaking in their seating, awaiting their presents." Flash said. "Their shaking in their seats because Discord's filled them with at least forty grams of sugar." Twilight pointed to Party, "especially her." Flash gave Twilight a 'are you serious' look. Twilight sighed in defeat, "Fine, but only as long as all of you do it in a calm and orderly-" "Whatever you grab is yours to keep!" Star shouted, bolting from his chair he dashed towards the tree. "No fair cuz, your chair is closer!" Blitz shouted, chasing after Star. "Oh no you don't, I called dibs on that present cuz!" Cloudy yelled pushing back his chair and running towards the tree. "Wait up brother." Rosebud said quietly. Hearth's Warming history isn't entirely clear. No one truly knows where it originated or who started the whole thing. But everyone celebrated the Holiday their own unique way. Twilight used to celebrate it by opening the presents a day early. But Star didn't like that tradition because it meant he couldn't get to open his presents with his friends. Thus a new tradition was born. Every year, everyone would gather in the castle and bring with them a gift and an ornament that would show that they've attended this year's hearths warming. However, since everyone brought a gift and once it was time to open them it became a free-for-all. Everyone was put into a mad dash to grab a present before anyone else. While the event was chaotic, it was fun nonetheless. Star was the first to make it to the tree, he took a quick glance over his shoulder to see how long he had before the tree would be mobbed. Star looked back to the presents and began scanning for one in particular. It was the first present to be put under the tree and it was the one Star desperately wanted. He didn't know what the present contained and he didn't care, the only thing that gave the present importance to Star was because of who it was from. It wasn't long before every kid dove into the bottom of the tree and began grabbing presents. There were two simple rules to the present tradition. Rule one, you can only take one present. Rule two, once you've unwrapped it you can't throw it back for another one, you have to keep it. Stardust was now deep in the tree, searching frantically for the present. 'Maybe somepony's already picked it up?' Star shook that thought away. There was no time to think things like that, the present was still here, he could feel it. Then Star spotted it, in the corner of his eye, he saw the present. A simple white box with a blue bow strapped to each four sides, the bottom, and the top. There was no doubt that it was the present he was looking for. Star flew over to the box and grabbed it. He tried to pick it up but something prevented him from doing so. Something was pulling the box away from him. Star refused to give up the present, and with a mighty heave he pulled the present back along with someone else. Star landed on his back along with someone landing on top of him. Star shook away his daze to see what had tackled him. He admitted that he was surprised to see Crescent was on top of him. "Um...h-hi Star..." Crescent lightly blushed. "Hi Crescent. Could you please get off of me?" Star asked. "Oh, right...sorry." Crescent apologized, getting off of Star. Star sat up and dusted himself off, he then closely examined the box to ensure it suffered no damage. Once he was sure he let out a sigh of relief. "That present seems really important to you." Crescent stated. "May I...may I ask why?" "It's a present from uncle Nightwing." Star answered, beginning to unwrap the present. Crescent's eyes lit up. "It is?" "Sure is, he came by earlier to drop it off." Stardust said, slowly removing the lid. "How come he didn't want to stay? Did he say why?" Crescent asked. Star paused, pondered the question, and answered, "not really. He just dropped off the present, said 'Happy Holidays', and left. But you know how he is, always secretive." Star sat the lid next to the box and lifted out the gift inside the present. The gift was a pair of steampunk goggles with a brown leather strap. The goggles were made with a type of metal that gave them the color of dirty gold. The lenses could be adjusted with some of the knobs and dials on the goggles sides. "Those are for you?" Crescent tilted her head, confused as to why Nightwing would give Star something like that. "No, these are for Dusk." Star said, setting the goggles in the lid. "This is for me." Star said, pulling out a dirty gold gauntlet that fit his right foreleg perfectly. "What is it?" Crescent asked. "It's kinda like a Swiss Army knife on steroids." Star answered, a sort and thin golden blade extended from the gauntlet. "This baby has all of the coolest things ever." "Is there..." Crescent hesitated. "Is there anything for me?" Star looked back into the box. "No...just a note." Star said, pulling out the note and reading it out-loud. "Dear Stardust and Dusk Shield, it brings me great sorrow that I am unable to attend this year's Hearths Warming with you, but I what I am doing is something very important. I hope you can understand. Although you should be very happy with the two gifts I've brought both of you. I hope you enjoy them as much as I did during experimentation. Happy Hearth's Warming you two. Your Uncle, Nightwing." "And that's it." Star said. "I see." Crescent sighed sadly, her eyes looked to the floor. "Oh wait, there's more on the back." Star said, turning the page around. "Star, you don't need to spare me with lies. I understand why he's not here. Well actually, I don't understand why he isn't here, but I'm sure he has a good reason." Star put the note and goggles back in the box before putting the lid back on. "Come on, let's go see if we can find you a present before they're all gone." "Thanks Star." Crescent smiled weakly. While everyone was enjoying their holiday in Ponyville, they were not aware of what was happening in the in the Everfree forest. Deep within the forest a pack of Timberwolves were resting peacefully underneath a makeshift shelter of large rocks. Their slumber was disturbed when an orange crack in midair appeared in front of them. The crack confused the pack of Timberwolves. None of them knew how to respond to the crack, until something walked out of it. It was a small looking creature with red skin, it had claws, a lizard tail, dragon wings attached to its right and left foreleg, the entire back of its head was spiky, and its muzzle was pointed like a wolf's. The Timberwolves didn't take to kindly to the small intruder. They slowly stood up and growled at the creature, beginning to circle it. One of the Timberwolves leaped at the creature with its mouth opened wide. But before the Timberwolf could sink its teeth into the small creature, the creature grew five times it size, grabbing and crushing the Timberwolf with its claw. The other Timberwolves ran in fear from the creature, whimpering like dogs. The creature growled, sniffing the air as it began to seek out its next prey.