//------------------------------// // Chapter two. The unexpected Guest. // Story: A Story yet to be told // by Thestoryteller //------------------------------// I'm glad the sun's rays can't reach the Great Library. If they could that would be annoying. However, those on the earth aren't as fortunate as I am. Due to it being winter time, the sun isn't shown as much as it is during the summer. Because of this, schools started later in the day than they usually did, this caused sleeping ponies to get more comfortable in their beds and made them not want to leave. In fact, Stardust himself is currently refusing to leave his bed right now. Stardust gripped the edge of his bed, holding on for dear life as his mom used her magic to pull on Star with all of her might. "For crying out-loud Star!" Twilight yelled. "It's time to get up!" "But I don't wanna go to school!" Star yelled back. "I just want to sleep in my bed for the rest of the day!" The two were at a standstill, Twilight was using what little self restraint she had to make sure she didn't rip her son's legs off and Star refused to even loosen his grip on the bed. As the two were in their struggle Dusk happened to be passing by, eating a piece of toast. He walked into the room still munching on his toast. "What's going on in here?" Dusk asked. "Your brother is being difficult." Twilight grunted. "Leave it to me mother." Dusk said, swallowing his last piece of toast. His horn glowed purple and the entire bed was covered in a purple aura. The bed was levitated up and flipped upside down, Stardust hanging from the bed. Dusk shook the bed, tossing and turning Star with it till he let loose and dropped. Dusk sat the bed back down and Star tried to grab it again, but his brother had trapped him in a purple aura. "Come on brother, you're going to make both of us late." In the middle of the Everfree Forest was the Great Tree, and in the Great Tree was the room of Rosebud. A simple room with a dresser, closet, bathroom, mirror, desk, and a small piano along with a queen sized bed. The sun's rays entered through the window and gently tickled Rosebud's eyelids. She smiled kindly at the sun, getting up from her bed, she walked to the bathroom. She closed the door and locked it behind her, she looked to the clock to see she had more than enough time before school. With that she drew herself a hot bath, filling it with bubbles. Once the tub was high enough she closed off the water. She moved the tip of her hoof into the water and instantly recoiled back in pain from the hot water. She took a deep breath and very slowly dipped her entire body into the hot and bubbly water. A slight blush washed over her cheeks as her whole body heated up. Her muscles became relaxed as the water melted away the tension. She laid her head against the edge of tub, enjoying every second of warmth from the tub. *knock, knock* "Miss, Rosebud." A voice came from the other side of the door, "may I come in?" "You can enter." Rosebud answered. The lock on the door became undone and the door opened. A doe with brown eyes entered the room, closing the door behind her and locking the door. "I see you've drawn yourself a bath." The Doe said, walking up to Rosebud. "It also seems you've made it to hot, are you alright?" "It stinks at first." Rose admitted. "But once you get used to it it feels like heaven." "I see, and how long do you plan on staying in this bath?" The doe asked. "You mustn't waste your time." "Time is limited. It will wash away all things at a certain point. It is meant to be enjoyed, not rushed." Rosebud quoted, sinking deeper into the tub. "I see you've been keeping up with your studies." The doe smiled. "It makes me very proud." "I have a great teacher." "And I have a great listener." The two slightly chuckled. Rosebud's smile flattened for a second. "I wish Cloudy would at least try to learn about Nature. Both of our parents learned it, so why doesn't he?" The doe's smile grew. "Do you remember what I told you when I first met your father?" "Of course, you and dad were close friends after all." Rosebud sat up in the tub. "You said that he was the only one in your class who didn't want to believe in our religion. You said that he was as stubborn as a mule." Rosebud giggled, imagining her dad as a donkey. Her expression became confused. "But you never told me what changed his mind." "That's because I never knew. No one does. One day he just started to seem more interested." The doe said. "Do you think something like that might happen to Cloudy?" Rose asked. "Remember what your mother said, 'Nature is not meant to be forced upon anyone, whether they be pony or deer or any other creature, they were created by Nature. A plant does not know that Nature has created it, it only knows how eat and grow. That is because that is all Nature wants it to do, and she knows that it might hurt the plant if it knew of its existence'." "You're right. I shouldn't force my brother down any path, I should let him walk the trail himself as Nature intended." Rose said. "True, but that doesn't mean that your paths will not cross some days." The doe said, "and when that happens be sure to give him a good noogie for me." Rainbow Dash's day mostly consisted of sleeps and naps. She slept all night and took a nap whenever she could. She wasn't lazy per-say, just really really tired. Twenty-four Seven. So she was very curious as to why Blitz, her own flesh and blood, was thee most energetic pony she'd ever met. Every morning he'd have already made himself and his parents breakfast, made his bed, got himself washed and cleaned, and would be out the door before his parents even had the chance to hit the snooze button. Rainbow didn't know how her son did it. Today was the end of Winter break and yet here was her son who couldn't wait to go back to school. The thought blew her mind. There had been a change in Ponyville's education system. At first there was only an elementary school. Now there was a middle school and high school capable of teaching more advanced forms of education. Currently Stardust, Dusk, Rosebud, Blitz, Cheese Cake, Bubblegum, Party Animal, Gemstone, and Appleseed were all attending middle school. The school building was nearby the elementary school. The middle school was a single story building with many rooms connected to every hallway and in every hallway there were sets of lockers. Stardust and Dusk carried saddlebags full of their books and other school stuff as they walked down the hallway. "They changed our lockers again." Star groaned, a strand of paper with writing on it in his hoof. "My locker hasn't changed." Dusk stated. "I suppose they only changed yours because of all the trouble you've caused." "Says here that there welcoming a new student, and that they want me to help him out so they've put him in my classes, and they want me to help him out." Star read off of a strand of paper. "Wonderful...this day just keeps on getting better." He groaned. "Good luck brother." Dusk gave Star a pat on the back before walking off to his own classroom. Star looked at the strand of paper once more. On the other side of the paper was his new locker number. He sighed once more, knowing that there was no point in fighting against the system. Star walked to his new locker, put in the combination, and opened it up. Inside the locker was empty. Star removed this emptiness by putting his books on the top shelf, hanging his scarf and hat on the hook, and setting his saddlebag on the floor. "Um, excuse me." Star slammed his locker shut, he knew that the one behind him must've been the new student. He spun around and put on a kind and warm smile, "Hello and welcome to P.M.E. which stands for Ponyville Middle school East. My name is Stardust, what's yours." "You mean you don't recognize me?" Star got a better look at who he has taking to. The pony was an earth pony colt with a tan fur coat, blue eyes, and a yellow mane with the front part being a cowlick. Star's eyes widened upon recognition of the colt. "Lemon? Is that you?" Star asked. "Yeah." The colt named Lemon rubbed the back of his head while giving a sheepish grin. "Nice to see you again Star." "What the heck are you doing here? I thought you were homeschooled by your mom and mom?" Star asked. "They decided that they'd enroll me here. Said that it would be better for my social health." Lemon stated. Star wrapped his foreleg around Lemon, "and here I thought I was gonna have to spend the entire day with some loser. You and I haven't talked in years, how've ya been?" "Good I guess...how about you?" "Meh...not much cool stuff has happened in my life yet either." Star shrugged. "Come on, let me give you the tour of my school." "But don't we have class?" Lemon asked. "...oh right. We better get going, First Hour's my favorite period." Star ginned. "First Hour?" Lemon tilted his head. "Yeah, each class takes an hour long, and we have five classes, and we identify each class as an hour. Like First Hour, Second Hour, Third Hour, and so on until fifth." Star explained. "Well...my classes are the same as yours, so let's go to First Hour I guess." Lemon said nervously. "Splendid!" Lemon, full name Lemon Heartstrings, is the son of Bon bon and Lyra, and childhood friend of Star. The two would arrange play dates when they were younger and would have the best of times. The two still kept in touch but Star hardly saw his friend due to his parents deciding to have him homeschooled. But then his parents worried that their decision for their son may have greatly affected his social health. So they enrolled him into middle school. Stardust walked with his friend to his first classroom. The room had shelves pushed against the side and back walls and desks with chairs in the middle of the room. Ponies who had already taken their seats were conversing with others. In the front of the room was the teacher's desk and behind the desk was a chalkboard. Star recognized his friends Blitz, Bubblegum, Cheese Cake, Party Animal, Appleseed, Rosebud, and Gemstone. Star took his seat and Lemon looked around the room before asking, "where do I sit?" "Anywhere's fine, our teacher doesn't really mind where we sit." Star answered. Lemon took the seat next to Star. The bell rung and the teacher entered the room. "Good morning class." The teacher welcomed, sitting his notes and paperwork on his desk. "Good morning Mr. Nightwing." The class all said in unison. Nightwing smiled at the class. "As many of you might've noticed, we have a new student. Would you please stand up and say your name?" Lemon shifted in seat as all the eyes in the room locked on him. His legs wobbled as he stood up. "H-h-hi everyone...m-m-my name, is...Corn..." There was an awkward silence in the room before everyone bursted out laughing, even Nightwing. Lemon slumped down in his chair, ready to cry. Nightwing wiped away a tear. "Whew, good one. But in all seriousness, class this here is Lemon Heartstrings. He is our new student, so I expect you all to treat him like one." Nightwing said, using his Crystal to levitate a piece of chalk and began writing on the board. "Now then, can anyone tell me what this word means?" Nightwing asked pointing to the word he wrote. 'MAGIC' Star raised his hoof. "Yes Stardust?" "Magic is an energy used by modern machinery and unicorns all over the world." Stardust answered. "Very good Stardust. Now then, can anyone here tell why this is important?" Nightwing asked. Rosebud raised her hoof. "Yes Rosebud?" "Magic is important because we see it in our everyday lives. Almost everyone has magic and knows how to use it." Rosebud answered. "Very good, know can anyone tell me why we might be talking about this?" Nightwing asked. "It's because today we're gonna build robots!" Party shouted with joy. "Well...kind of, yeah." Nightwing said, using his magic to levitate a mechanical bird from his desk, sat it on the table, and with a spark of magic and the sound of gears turning, the bird came to life. Chirping and hopping around the table. Everyone was fascinated with the bird, especially Lemon. "Today, you yourselves are going to experiment with building your own...robotic bird, I guess. You'll be able to work in groups of two and remember, this is a school project, not homework. So there's no need to stress anything." With Nightwing giving everyone the okay, all of the students set off to find someone to be in a group. Lemon turned to Star, "you and I can be a group right?" "Well normally I would, but I think it would help if you could partner up with someone else." Stardust suggested. "But everyone here's a stranger, and mom said not to talk to strangers." Lemon said. "If you don't talk to strangers then how are you gonna make friends?" Star asked. Lemon was about to protest but he couldn't help but admit that Stardust was right. Lemon scanned the room for anyone who wasn't already partnered up. Sadly he couldn't find any, for everyone was partnered up. Lemon looked at Star with a pleading face. "Why not ask Rosebud?" Star suggested. Lemon didn't know who Star was talking about until he pointed to the yellow Pegasus, who was sitting at her desk drawing something. Lemon didn't want to but he knew what would happen if he didn't. With a defeated sigh Lemon stood up and walked over to the Pegasus Rosebud. Lemon cleared his throat, getting Rosebud's attention. "Um... you wouldn't happen to have a partner...do you?" Rosebud gave Lemon a quizzical look before looking at Stardust, then back to Lemon. "I don't have a partner yet." "Really!" Lemon blurted, a bit to excited before recoiling back and clearing his throat. "Er, I mean...cool." There was a moment of awkward silence before Rosebud rolled her eyes. "Do you have a partner?" "Oh! Um...no." Lemon said. More awkward silence. "Do you want to be my partner?" Rosebud asked. ".......yes." Lemon said. "Okay then, let's go get our materials partner." Rosebud said, putting her drawing in her binder. Lemon looked over to Star and did a hoof motion that said 'nailed it'. Star rolled his eyes in response. Lemon and Rose approached Nightwing's desk where they were given metal pieces that were placed in a plastic case. Rose and Lemon took the case to Rose's desk, Lemon scooted another desk against Rose's. Rose opened up the case and laid out the pieces in an organized fashion. "Now then, I suggest we start with the core and attach the gears from there, then we'll add the smaller cogs so that we can get the legs to function. Now the most difficult part will likely be the eyes which will take extra precision, but once we have the head built we should be okay from there." Rosebud said. "...what?" Lemon asked, his brain felt like it was on fire. Rosebud sighed. "Just hoof me the core Lemon." "Okay..." Lemon picked up a piece and gave it to Rose. "Lemon...this is the tail." Rosebud stated. "Oh...sorry...um... is this it?" Lemon asked, giving Rose a different piece. "This is the head." Rosebud said flatly. "Okay...then...how about this?" Lemon gave Rose a different piece. "This is the core Lemon. Notice how it's much more unique compared to the other pieces?" Rosebud asked, showing off the small light blue mechanical object. "Um...I guess?" Lemon said unsure. Rosebud looked to Stardust and gave him a look that said 'do I really have to work with this doofus?' Stardust's reply was a simple nod. Rose rolled her eyes before turning back to Lemon. "... So you don't know anything at all about machinery, and that's okay, so for right now you're just gonna organize each of these pieces into piles." Said Rosebud. "So...I just take all the pieces that look alike and put them all into piles?" Lemon asked. "Yep." Lemon got straight to work, sorting each and every piece into separate piles while Rose picked pieces from the piles and attached them to their machine. Soon the machine was beginning to take shape, looking almost like the skeleton of a bird. Before anyone could place another piece Nightwing spoke. "Alright class, times almost up so I suggest you all pack up your stuff before you leave." Nightwing said. Everyone in the class took the pieces they had left and dumped them back inside their cases. Once done they sat their machines on Nightwing's desk before leaving. As Lemon walked along the halls his friend Stardust caught up with him. "So, how was your first hour?" Star asked. "To be honest...I didn't understand a single word any of you were talking about." Lemon responded. Stardust sighed, "well you were thrown into this whole thing just like that, so maybe Mrs.Bloom will be easier on you than uncle Nightwing." "One can only hope." Lemon sighed. The classroom belonging to Mrs.Bloom was nothing at all like Nightwing's. Instead of multiple desks, there were lab counters up against both sides of the wall with a pathway cutting down the middle. In the front of the room was a teacher's desk, along with a chalkboard behind it, and there were lab coats hung on the side of the wall across from the doorway. Lemon didn't know what to expect, but everything was a complete surprise to him. He looked to Stardust for assistance. "Just pick a lab table and wait for the teacher." Stardust answered Lemon's non spoken question. Lemon gulped, nervously scanning the room to see which lab table was open. That is until Stardust lost his patience. Grabbing him by the foreleg, Stardust dragged Lemon over to the lab table where the mare known as Appleseed was sitting in a tall metal stool while wearing a white lab coat and plastic goggles along with her cowgirl hat. "Hey Appleseed, do you have a partner yet?" Star asked. Appleseed removed her goggles and placed them on her hat before looking to Star. "Hiya Star, can't say I do." "Great. Here's your partner." Star said, sitting Lemon in the stool next to Appleseed. "Don't crush him." Lemon looked at Appleseed with a sheepish nervous smile, extending his hoof. "Hi...my name is Lemon Heartstrings, what's yours?" Appleseed took a step further than a hoofshake and instead embraced Lemon in the tightest bear hug ever, crushing his ribs. "Mighty fine meetin' ya Lemon. Folks call me Appleseed, you can too." Appleseed greeted, releasing Lemon. Lemon inhaled before speaking, "Nice...to...meet...you..." He wheezed. "So, how much ya know about chemistry partner?" Appleseed asked. "Well...not a lot actually." Lemon admitted. Chemistry being the worst subject he ever had. "Well there's no need ta fret." Appleseed smiled. "After all, we're all startin' a new unit taday anyways." "O...kay..." Lemon sounded concerned. "Where is our teacher anyways?" "Aunt Bloom is usually late nowadays. What with the little one and all." Appleseed said. Before Lemon could ask what that meant, an earth pony mare with darkened eyes and a droopy expression walked in. The mare was an adult Applebloom with a red handkerchief tied around her neck. She slowly walked to her desk and took her seat. "Good morning class." Applebloom yawned. "Good morning Mrs.Bloom." Everyone in the class responded in unison. "Today we're gonna...experiment...with cool....explosives...yes." Applebloom said before she face planted against the desk and began snoring. "Aunt Bloom?" Appleseed spoke. "Huh?" Applebloom sat straight up, her head wobbling. "I thought taday we were all gonna review?" Appleseed asked. "Right, right...review...yes." Applebloom's head slowly began to dip. "One of you...go hoof out the notes...I'ma take a nap." Once Applebloom was snoring away, Appleseed got up and walked over to the teacher's desk and opened up one of the drawers. Inside she pulled out a stack of papers, which she then distributed amongst her classmates before giving the last two pieces to Lemon then herself. Lemon looked over the paper and the more he did the more confused he became. "The hay is a Pro Element?" He asked. "A Pro Element is the positive component in a chemical reaction, whereas a Non-Pro Element is the negative compound in a reaction, and a Nu-Pro Element is the balancing component." Appleseed explained. "A+ Appleseed." Applebloom said, her head still against the desk. "Pro, Non-Pro...what the hay would I need these for?" Lemon asked. Appleseed flipped over to the other side of the sheet of paper, which contained a table of components each with a labeled Element. "These here are the basic compounds found in pretty much everything, and inside some of them are Pro or Non-Pro or Nu-Pro elements." "What exactly are these elements?" Lemon asked. "Each element has a unique property. But ta create a specific potion ya have ta have the right amount of Pro, Non-Pro, and Nu-Pro elements in the reaction." Appleseed explained. "Okay...so what exactly contains Pro, Non-Pro, and Nu-Pro elements?" Lemon asked. "Well, jus' for taday we're gonna make a neutral potion. Can you guess what something like that might be?" Appleseed leaned closer towards Lemon. "Can't say I do." Lemon admitted, shifting uncomfortably in his seat beneath Appleseed's gaze. "Well," Appleseed went back to her notes, "the answer is water." "Water?" "Water." Appleseed nodded. "Water is the simplest of any compound, with only two Pro's, one Non-pro, and two Nu-Pro's." "So we're making water?" Lemon asked flatly. "No silly, I said we're gonna make a neutral compound. Water is technically considered a positive compound due to it having a charge." Appleseed explained. "But you just said...forget it, how do we make a neutral compound?" Lemon asked, tired of trying. "A neutral compound is a compound with zero Pro's, zero Non-Pro's, and zero Nu-Pro's. Now, naturally such a thing is impossible due to Nu-Pro's having to be the same amount of Pro's and every Pro, Non-Pro, and Nu-Pro can't be at zero. However there is one thing that does have zero in every kind of Pro." Appleseed said. "And, just what is this thing?" Lemon asked. "The sun." "The sun?" "Yep, the sun is giant ball of fiery mass that is so big that it doesn't need any form of Pro's. In fact, there isn't any kind of fire that needs Pro's." Appleseed said. "What does any of this have to do with chemistry?" Lemon asked. "Fire." Was Appleseed's response. The rest of the day was one strange partner in class after the other. In algebra, their teacher was Sweetie Bell, where Lemon had to work with the Cheese Cake, Bubblegum, and Party Animal on their homework. In PE, their two teachers being Scootaloo and Rumble, Lemon was paired up with Blitz and the two had to run a mile. Which ended up with Blitz dragging poor Lemon the entire time. Then there was English with Button Mash, where Lemon didn't need a partner because they were only reading a book. Then for the final class was history, which was taught by Pip Squeak who looked just as exhausted as Applebloom did, Lemon had to work with Stardust during that one. Finally the school bell rang and everyone was dismissed. Students flooded out the main entrance in a frenzy as everyone made a mad dash to put as much distance between them and the school. Lemon was doing the same, but instead of trying to put as much distance between him and the school, instead he was trying to put as much distance between him and Stardust's friends. Once he was sure he was the clear Lemon slowed down to a casual pace. "What was mom and mom thinking?" Lemon said out-loud. "Everyone in that school was a nut job, especially those three triplets, and maybe Blitz." Lemon shook his head and sighed, "They put me in too soon. I don't have enough time to adjust to this kind of lifestyle. I need time, time to think, time to understand, time to adjust, time to-" "Pop quiz!" Something had hit Lemon in the cheek and knock him down. He cringed, rubbing the red mark on his cheek. "What the hay was that for Star!" Lemon demanded, identifying his assailant. "...you weren't ready." Stardust stated the obvious. "Why did you follow me?" Lemon groaned, sitting up. "Because you and I haven't had enough time to chat." Said Star, "so, how's your day been?" "You don't have a lie detector do you?" Lemon asked, skeptical. "No, why?" Star tilted his head. "No reason." Lemon turned away from Stardust. "My day was fine, there wasn't anything wrong with it." Star frowned and crossed his forelegs. "Lemon, come on, this is school we're talking about." Lemon sighed and turned back to face Star. Upon doing so his eyes drifted upward and his face looked horrified. "Look I get it." Star said, oblivious to the large silhouette approaching towards him from behind. "School is tough, it always has been, and nothing we do is gonna change that." "Star." Lemon tried to warn his friend. "But that doesn't mean you can't have fun." Star continued. "Star." Lemon started to slowly back away. "I mean sure, school is a lot like a prison, but the students are more than friendly." "Star!" Lemon raised his voice. "You just gotta give everyone a chance you know. Be social, be fun, be ready to run when I say, be funny." Star hinted. "Sta-wait what?" Lemon said confused. "Duck!" Stardust flared his wings and leaped just before a set of jaws closed down on where he once stood. Stardust grabbed Lemon underneath his forelegs, tossed him onto his back, and took to the sky. Lemon looked back to the creature which was five times the size of him. The creature had the appearance of a dragon, but it had a dragon wings on its forelegs, and had a muzzle that bears resemblance to a wolf's. The creature growled, spreading its wings and flying after Stardust. "What the hay is that thing?!" Lemon yelled. "The hay if I know! But right now it's trying to eat us, so I don't want to stick around if that's fine by you!" Stardust yelled, dodging the creature's jaws once more. "How is something that big that fast?!" Lemon shouted. "Please hold your questions after we're both done trying not to get mauled!" Stardust yelled. Stardust flew as fast as he could, doing weaves and turns trying to lose the creature. But whatever Star could do, the creature did it better. Star's wings began to tire, he knew that they were doomed as long as they stayed in the air. Star changed course and flew over Ponyville, towards the Castle of Friendship. Star landed somewhat gracefully in front of the doorway. The two boys scampered inside, once there they both ran to one side of the door and pushed with all their might. The door was slammed shut just in time as the creature crashed against the door. The creature roared and growled on the other side, clawing and biting at the door. Lemon and Star walked back. "Do you think it will hold?" Lemon asked, the creature's noises terrifying him. "Lemon, this is the Castle of Friendship. There's no way that thing could possibly-" *KA-BOOOM!!* A light blue beam of pure energy shot through the door. The beam moved, slicing the door into pieces. The creature rammed its head against the door, throwing the door off its hinges. The creature's body had changed. It's tail split into six smaller versions with a blue fire on each of its tip, holes in both of the creature's teeth from which steam poured out, two horns jutted back from its skull, and its pupils were now shaped like X's. The creature growled, more steam poured out of its holes as it lowered its head to both Star and Lemon. Then the creature bumped against something purple. The creature lifted its head to find itself trapped in a purple bubble. Both Stardust and Lemon became covered in purple magic and vanished. A shaken Stardust and Lemon appeared in Dusk's bedroom, where Dusk Shield stood before them. Dusk was tapping his hoof while wearing an unpleasant look on his face. "What did you two do?" He demanded, assuming that what had happened was somehow their fault. "Nothing!" Star protested to bring the culprit. "That thing followed us here and is trying to us!" "Dusk, please tell me you know how to stop that thing?" Lemon pleaded. Dusk said nothing for a minute before slowly shaking his head in disappointment and levitated the book with the number 3 crudely drawn on it towards him. "You two are lucky this book has information." Dusk said, opening the book and flipping through its pages. Dusk stopped on one of the pages and showed both Star and Lemon. On the page was a drawing of a smaller version of the creature, in the middle was the larger version, and on the next page was the version that the creature was now. There were notes scribbled all over wherever there was room. Dusk read the first notes out-loud. Do not let this creature's size fool you. When threatened, the Toaka grows five times its normal size. It's key strengths are its smell and hearing. The Toaka is capable of tracking down its prey when its fifty miles away just by its sent. Inside its belly is an interesting organ that generates a type of plasma that burns through anything it touches, this includes arua constructs. As far as I know, the only to defeat this creature is by cooling the beast down to prevent it from using its plasma. "So all we have to do is cover it in snow, and there's plenty of that stuff outside." Stardust stated, looking out the window. "That would be a good idea." Dusk closed the book rather loudly. "If it wasn't in our house. Thanks to you two, we have a rampaging Toaka in our house that's probably already...do you hear that?" Star perked up his ear, trying to get a better bearing on whatever Dusk was hearing. "I don't hear anything." He said. "Exactly." Dusk pointed. "I trapped that Toaka in a bubble made out of magical energy. The Toaka should've already broken out of the bubble and would be wrecking our house." "So?" "So why is it silent?" The three shared a look of concern before scampering out of Dusk's room and back towards the entrance of the castle. They ran to the edge of the railing where they saw the reason as to why everything became quiet. The Toaka, once a towering beast, was now half the size of a colt and sleeping soundly inside a black metal looking bird cage. The door, which had been shattered, was being rebuilt piece by piece by the light blue magic of Nightwing. "Uncle Nightwing!" Stardust cheered, leaping from the side of the railing he propelled himself towards Nightwing. Before Star could collide with Nightwing his body became engulfed in light blue magic and he was sat gently in front of Nightwing. "Hiya buddy." Nightwing grinned, rustling Stardust's mane. "Uncle Nightwing...did you...capture the To-I mean, the creature?" Dusk said in disbelief, teleporting himself and Lemon down, and he began observing the cage. "Yep." Nightwing answered. "How?!" Dusk shouted, completely at a loss for words. "Oh it was easy. All I did was trap it inside a magical bubble, released all of the air inside of it, and with no air the beast slowly lost consciousness and shrank. When it was harmless I put it in that cage." Nightwing said, using his magic to levitate the cage next to him. "Now if you'll excuse me, I need to put this little guy in a suspense chamber." "But uncle-" And just like that, Nightwing, along with the cage and creature, vanished in the blink of an eye. Nightwing had requested a house to be built for him in an isolated area. The house was a two story house with a triangle roof and a chimney sticking out. Nightwing teleported inside the house, in the kitchen. The only thing that split the rooms was the walkway that had the dining room, living room, kitchen, and stairs leading up on its sides. Nightwing walked into the center of the house and used his magic to black out all of the windows. Once he was sure that no one was watching he walked over to the stairs. His complex Crystal glowed and the stairs slid to the left, revealing a hidden metal door with a keypad behind the stairs. Nightwing walked up to the door and typed in a code. Air pressure was released as the door slowly creaked open. Nightwing entered and took a cautious glance behind him before closing the door shut.