//------------------------------// // So you're name is Claymore, haha you're named after a Sword // Story: My Little Pony: The Last Twonicorn // by No1MporXant //------------------------------// At the end of the opening title sequence we see a slash effect that returns us to right where we left off with Pinkie Pie, who then takes her hooves off her face and says "Wait, what's a Dark Goblin?". "I don't think I wanna find out" replies Applejack. The Stranger then starts blasting some Goblins with his horns and says "Get out of here now!". The Mane 6 try to flee, but they're completely surrounded, "There's nowhere to run!" says Rarity. Rainbow Dash then clops her hooves together and says "Then we'll just have to make a way!". Then our heroes try to hit the Goblins, but they move too fast, and keep shifting from solid to shadow to solid again & again, "It's like trying to buck against the wind!" Applejack states with a bit of frustration in her tone. Then suddenly one of the Goblins phases into Spike's body then possesses him, Spike then grows twice his size, becomes very dark shaded, has a black aura emanating from his body, gets longer claws, fangs & spines, and his eyes are glowing red, then Spike turns to his friends & starts acting like a wild, feral beast, Twilight says "Spike?! What happened to you?!". The Stranger then says "He's being possessed!". The Stranger then leaps into the air & then punches Spike with his hoof, knocking the real Spike out of the possessed Spike, then the Dark Goblin that was possessing him evaporates into nothing, the girls then gasp at what they saw, then Spike gets up, rubbing his nose and says "Ow! How did you do that?". The Stranger then punches another Dark Goblin behind him, then holds up his other hoof pointing at Spike & says "Iron & Silver Laced Horseshoes". "Iron & Silver?" asks Rarity. The Stranger then pulls out a special chain from one of his pouches, then magically unhooks seven of the links, and places each link on the tails of the Mane 6 & Spike while saying "They're vulnerable to those two minerals, as long as you're wearing either one they can't possess you", He then levitates out his two swords, makes a serious pose & says "Now stand back!", we then see his hooves glow with his own platinum colored aura, then he charges in with both swords swooshing around too fast for the eyes to follow, galloping around at ninja speed, leaping around with superb agility, slashing Goblin after Goblin with an incredible display of acrobatics & magic handled swords-pony-ship, leaving nothing but a trail of evaporating smoke in his path, whittling down dozens of Goblins, as the Mane 6 plus Spike watch all of this, Twilight then makes a slightly angry face. Then as the stranger slashes the last of the Goblins that were currently in his path, Twilight magically pulls the stranger by the tail towards her, then she says "Are you out of your mind?! You just sliced & diced those guys!", then another Dark Goblin starts coming towards Twilight from right behind her, but she doesn't notice because she's too busy lecturing the stranger by saying "You can't just go around turning living things into a tossed salad!", then the stranger takes his sword & plunges it towards Twilight, but Twilight dodges the sword just in time to have it stab the Goblin that was right behind her. The stranger then pulls back his sword & lectures Twilight by saying "These are Shadow-Forged Avatars, Physical Manifestations of Pure Dark Magic, They were never ALIVE to Begin With", then he channels his own magic through his sword to light up the blade(like a Star Wars style Light Saber), then he swipes the sword to unleash a huge & powerful energy wave(based on the Sword Beam/Razor Wind trope) that devastates everything in it's path, and takes down even more Dark Goblins right behind himself without even moving a muscle or looking away from Twilight's face, Twilight managed to see that despite still having the stranger intimidatingly looking at her face, then he says to Twilight "And don't ever pull me by the tail again, got it?!". "Yes" Twilight says in a frightened manner. Then as the others gather around Twilight, the stranger says "More are coming", then as more Goblins rise up the stranger then says "Got to get them into a confined space", he then tells the others what they have to do, he splits them in teams of two to herd the goblins in a certain direction, so they can drive the Goblins into a small alley in the nearby town, he says to R.D. & Fluttershy "You two, keep them grounded, don't let any of them fly away", then says to A.J. & Spike "You two, herd them in from the Right", then says to Pinkie & Rarity "You two, herd them in from the Left", and says to Twilight "And you, stay close to me and don't do Anything unless I tell you", so while everyone else is busy herding the Goblins as instructed, Twilight is stuck watching the stranger's back as the Goblins follow them, then as Twi & the stranger come to the dead end of an alley, the stranger places a spell on the walls & ground to make it so that the Goblins can't just phase through anything, he then grabs Twilight at the waist with one of his fore-limbs, and high-jumps them both up onto the rooftops, then places an invisible barrier over the alley so the Goblins can't fly out. Then as they get all the Goblins together, the Ponies barricade the exit to the alley, trapping the Goblins within the alley, then Twilight asks the stranger "So what now?". "Now this!" the stranger replies, he then uses his powerful magic to very quickly raise the sun into the perfect position to destroy all of the Dark Goblins at one time(at least for now), then when the last of those Goblins evaporate, the stranger then sets the sun back down just as quickly as he raised it. After which the Mane 6 & Spike gather around the stranger, and are all seriously surprised by what he just did, then Twilight asks "Did you just Raise & Set the SUN?!". "Claymore" says the stranger. "Huh?", says everyone else. "My Name, it's Claymore" says the stranger as he finally reveals his name. "Claymore? Like as in the Sword: Claymore?" Rainbow Dash asks. "What tipped you off?" replies Claymore. Then Pinkie starts blabbing on & on about ways that would have tipped them off that his name refers to a sword, then Claymore uses his magic to close Pinkie's mouth & says "I was being Rhetorical!". "But, How could you control the Sun like that?" asks Twilight. "Practice, this wasn't my first time" Claymore replies. Then Twilight Groans in exasperation & says "That's not what I meant, What makes You Capable of such a feat?!". Rarity then butts in asking "Um, Don't take this the wrong way or anything, but could it possibly have something to do with the fact that you are a Unicorn with TWO HORNS?!". Claymore then shows his teeth in frustration, gets in Rarity & Twilight's faces and says "It's Twonicorn!". "eh, TWO-NICORN? Because of your 2 horns?" Applejack asks. "Do you always state the obvious?" says Claymore. Fluttershy then butts in and says "oh um, sorry to interrupt, but, why exactly did those things attack us?" Claymore then opens up one of his pouches and levitates out a small round bell that's black and emanating a black aura, and shows it to the others while saying "They were after this". "A Bell?!" Rainbow says in an annoyed & disappointed manner, "We went through all of that, just 'cause of A BELL?!". "Not just a bell" Claymore says as he starts explaining "A Dark Soul Bell, one of a set of 13 that if all brought together will bring forth, Armageddon". "Uh, You're-A-Gettin' what?" Pinkie asks. Spike then says "No Pinkie, Armageddon, it means the end of the world". "I wouldn't need to explain that to you if you were the Elite Guards I told Celestia to send" says Claymore. "Oh, so then that's the delivery she sent us to retrieve?" asks Twilight. "Retrieve?!" says Claymore in an angry tone, "I specifically told Celestia this was an escort job!", then he puts the bell back into his pouch while saying "This bell doesn't leave me until I'm looking her right in the eyes". "Wait, seriously what's going on here?" asks Twilight. "Tambelon is returning" says Claymore, "And with it, The Necromancer". The others look confused & Rainbow says "Neck-what?". Then the scene transfers over to Canterlot early the next morning when the sun has barely even risen, where we hear Celestia angrily saying "How many times have I told you not to take control of the sun without my permission?!". Then we see Claymore saying "When You're up against a Swarm of Dark Goblins you don't have Time for asking Permission!". "You know I have obligated responsibilities that I can not take lightly" says Celestia . "You should have thought of that before you sent a bunch of kids to meet me" says Claymore. "Hey we're not kids" Rainbow butts in to say, "We've saved the world several times". "And a couple of other worlds as well" Pinkie adds in. Celestia then continues her argument with Claymore as she says "You were supposed to give the package to them at the rendezvous point". "Tambelon is returning Celestia and you need to be ready" says Claymore. "I'm well aware of what the events that are transpiring here" says Celestia. Then Claymore gets right up in her face and says "Well then you need to start Acting like you are and get Serious!". Celestia then pulls away from Claymore, clears her throat and calmly says "Do you have the bell?". Claymore then magically pulls out the bell & hands it over to Celestia, Celestia then locks the bell in a special safe while saying "The bell will be secure within this Magic Dampening Safe(which dampens the powers of magical objects from the inside only)", then suddenly the safe is magically ripped out of the wall, and Celestia shouts "HEY!", then we see Claymore levitating the safe, then he shrinks it down to the size of a Grapefruit. Then stores it into one of his pouches, and says "Your Safe will be safer with Me". But as he starts walking out the door, the royal guards stop Claymore for his actions telling him "Halt You!"(they aren't planning to let Claymore get away with this, but clearly these guards are new, because they haven't got a clue as to just who this guy even is). Claymore then says to Celestia without even looking at her "You Know you can't stop me, so Don't even Try to hold me back". Celestia then takes a deep breath in frustration, exhales her breath through her nostrils and says "Royal Guard, Stand Down". One of the guards then says "Huh, but your Majesty". "STAND, DOWN!" Celestia interrupts and says in a very serious tone. Then the Royal Guard step aside and let Claymore go, and he just walks out saying "That's better". The Mane 6 and Spike then gather around Celestia and Rainbow Dash says "Augh! I can't believe that guy!". Both she and Twilight get all riled up with Rainbow wanting to knock some sense into Claymore, while Twilight wants to force him to apologize to Celestia, but Celestia stops them both with her magic and says "No, let it go, both of you, it's not worth it". "Are you Kidding Me?! shouts Rainbow. "How could you just let him talk to you so disrespectfully like that and just let him get away with it?" says Twilight. Celestia then says "1. He's more powerful than me, 2. It's not his fault he's like this, and 3rd. He's our only hope of stopping the threat of Tambelon". "What's Tambelon anyways?" Applejack asks. "Tambelon is an ancient, disappearing, cursed city that returns every few centuries" says Celestia, "And when it returns, it also brings back the necromancer that was imprisoned within it". "ooh ohh, What's a Ne-cro-man-cer?" Pinkie asks while holding up her hoof like a student wanting to ask a question. Celestia then says "A necromancer is a being that wields powerful dark magic to summon & control Supernatural or Paranormal creatures to do their bidding, such as ghosts, zombies, vampires or werewolves, some are even capable of summoning other worldly demons, and of all the necromancers ever to exist, none have been more powerful or threatening, then the one known as, Grogar!", just the sound of his name makes Fluttershy gulp in fear. Celestia then continues "Those Dark Goblins you faced were but a few of Grogar's Minions, and there's bound to be a lot more of them later on, Only the Twonicorns have ever been able to defeat Grogar & his Dark Goblin hordes, so Claymore has a Very important role to play in all of this". "Forgive me for sounding ignorant Celestia" says Twilight, "But I've never even heard of a Two-nicorn until now". "I'm not surprised" says Celestia "Because the Twonicorns are extinct". "Extinct?" asks Rarity "You mean they're-". "Gone" Celestia butts in and says, "All gone, Claymore is the only one left, the very last of his kind". Applejack then asks "But then, what happened to all the other Twonicorns?". Celestia then takes out a large stone tablet with a big octagon shaped gem stone in the center that has a shard missing from it, sets it on a nearby table and says "This ancient tablet contains nearly all of the known history of the Twonicorn Tribe", she then waves her hoof across it, then the gem starts to glow and it then displays a holographic presentation of the story Celestia is about to reveal.