//------------------------------// // Celestia Narrations II - It all started with the discovery of the Second Horn // Story: My Little Pony: The Last Twonicorn // by No1MporXant //------------------------------// The legend of the Twonicorns began many millennia ago, back when wielding magic was still relatively new to Pony-kind, with a single unicorn stallion known as Satyam Tatha Indriya(roughly translated it means "Truth And Control"), like other Unicorns Satyam could use Magic, but he wondered What exactly Magic was, what Magic was supposed to be, and why Unicorns could use Magic, Satyam then began a long, perilous journey to figure out the truth about Magic Itself, to understand why Magic exists, he had been through many great hardships, and accomplished many wondrous feats along the way, but his thirst for knowledge seemed unquenchable, so he continued his journey to try and learn the secrets of Magic Itself. Until one day he climbed to the very top of the mountain known as Kangchenjuneigh, by that time his long journey had taken so much out of him, that it seemed like he would never even make it back down that mountain, just then appearing before Satyam was the three-eyed deity known as Shiva, Satyam's determination, perseverance and willful sacrifices had greatly impressed Shiva, so Shiva had decided to generously bestow upon Satyam the gift of Magical Nirvana, from that point on Satyam had gained heightened enlightenment to the point where he had a perfect understanding of everything about Magic, he had learned how to perform incredible feats of powerful magic, as well as everyone known form of Magic that was both known & unknown at the time, and had even gained a link to the Hidden Magics. A Cosmic Force that lives within everything in existence, a Primordial Form of Magic with virtually limitless power, and goes beyond all other comprehensions of what Magic truly is, under normal circumstances the Hidden Magics can not be seen, felt, nor sensed, only through a truly enlightened mind could this form of Magic even be noticed, and with Satyam's awareness of the Hidden Magics, he could sense it, feel it, control it, gain power from it, he could even sense any shifts within the Mystic Continuum, and could sense many other things that no other pony could, and as evidence of his newfound enlightenment, Satyam ended up growing an additional Unicorn Horn upon his forehead, with this Second Horn, Satyam had become the World's first Twonicorn. Before leaving, Shiva had told Satyam to share his newfound enlightenment with the rest of the world, and from that moment on Satyam became the acolyte of Shiva, with his new wisdom & powers, Satyam traveled around the world, bringing the offering of great enlightenment to all others, he even developed a new method he dubbed "Path to the Second Horn", a way to awaken the Ultimate Magical Potential that exists within all Ponies, through intensive meditation techniques, and hardcore discipline of the Mind, Body & Spirit, and surely enough many ponies of all kinds had followed Satyam to find enlightenment, and proved that they were worthy of unlocking their Second Horn, soon enough so many Ponies had earned their Second Horns, that the Twonicorn soon became a whole species of Pony itself, and when the Twonicorns had babies of their own, their children were somehow already born with their Second Horns unlocked, how exactly this was possible, no-pony truly knows, but with so many Twonicorns being able to just have babies born with the Second Horn, the newer generations of Twonicorns began caring less & less about bringing in followers to find enlightenment, and eventually the "Path to the Second Horn" was lost to time. But when other beings from around our world, and from many other worlds outside of ours as well, learned of Ponies becoming able to wield Magic, they wanted to use our magic for their own selfish ways, many beings even saw Ponies as a threat to their wicked ways and wanted to destroy us, many of these beings proved to be too strong or too powerful for other Ponies to handle, even the Alicorns had trouble facing these threatening beings, but the Twonicorns had magic powerful enough to handle these threats with few problems, and because of their heightened awareness, which many have nicknamed "Twonicorn Sense", the Twonicorns could easily sense these dangerous threats, and be able to warp straight to the source of said threats. To make it so that they didn't have to rely solely on their Most Powerful Magics, the Twonicorns learned self defense through training in the martial arts, and constructed a special Magical Forge that could melt any material, and use it to smith armors, weapons, and various valuable crafts, since the forge was magic, it's fire could only be lit through magic, it would only take a tiny amount of Twonicorn magic to ignite it's flame, but it would take a moderate amount of Alicorn magic to lit it, and an enormous amount of Unicorn Magic to lit it, the Twonicorns used weapons & armor made using this forge to help them better combat many of the beings & forces that threatened our world, the Twonicorns could sense that many of these threats involved Supernatural & Paranormal creatures/forces, which they could sense had 3 common weaknesses, Sunlight and the 2 minerals Iron & Silver, so the Twonicorns would smith iron, silver and other various materials into many of their armors & weapons. At one point a few Moderate Level Alicorns tried to stop a powerful demon that wanted to destroy Pony-kind and failed miserably, until a nearby High Level Twonicorn Stallion named Udaar Abhineta(meaning Generous Performer) came along and used his powerful magic to obliterate the demon with just one massively powerful blow, but when many ponies saw how Udaar defeated the demon so easily, where as the Alicorns had failed terribly, they began to question the fallen Alicorns' worth, so instead of just taking all the credit for that victory, Udaar tricked the Ponies into believing that the Alicorns gave him most of their Magic a while earlier, and Udaar then performed a special light show to disguise a simple Healing Spell, but acted as if he was returning the Alicorns full power to them, which in turn made the Ponies have a greater respect for the Alicorns, but at the cost of making himself look like a fraud, and ruining the possible reputation that the Twonicorns could've had long ago. From that moment on, due to Udaar's generous trickery, the Alicorns had gained a great respect for all Twonicorns, but because of the Twonicorns' massively powerful magic, they believed that it would be for the best if the Twonicorns were the one's that handled impossibly difficult challenges that no one else could handle, and since Alicorns were the combination of Earth Ponies, Pegusi & Unicorns, it was decided that they were perfect for leading the other Ponies through the hard times, and making sure the innocents were safe, so that the Twonicorns wouldn't need to worry about harming them with their powerful magics(In other words the Alicorns basically became Crowd Control while the Twonicorns did the death-defying work), and any known accomplishment that the Twonicorns achieved, the Alicorns would get the credit for it, so that the Ponies would have enough respect for the Alicorns to follow their lead, truth be told the Alicorns actually owe most of what they have to the actions of the Twonicorns. One such event was when a Twonicorn Mare named Aasha Ankurit(meaning Hope Sprouts) had spent many decades developing a special purification spell, made specifically to purify the Cursed Necklace of Harmonia, once the necklace was cleansed of all evil forces, all that was left of it was a single gem stone filled with extremely concentrated pure Good Magic, Aasha then planted that gem stone in the ground within a cave, and after words that gem eventually grew into the Tree of Harmony, and produced the Elements of Harmony, which we all know have saved Equestria several times in the past. So from then on the Twonicorns took on the responsibility of protecting our world from impossible threats they knew no one else could handle, but because the Twonicorns were always handling such dangerous forces & had such unimaginably powerful magic, they were often being targeted and hunted down by monsters, villains, demons & evil entities of all kinds, so the Twonicorns decided for the betterment of all the innocent bystanders, they had to isolate themselves far from civilization, to not only live in peace & serenity, but also to keep others safe from Evils beyond their control, and from getting in their line of fire, taking nearly all evidence of their very existence along with them, ultimately the Twonicorns became a fairly secret race of magic equines, very few even realized they were still around, those who did know of their existence would simply describe the Twonicorns as Powerful Equines that could use Strength without Muscle(meaning that they could use Magic to perform incredible physical feats), achieve Flight without Wings(meaning they could use Magic to defy Gravity), and wield Magic Beyond Magic(simply meaning feats of powerful Magics that ordinary people/ponies couldn't even imagine was possible), for a while the Twonicorns all lived & trained together in tranquil solitude. Until the day Grogar became an apocalyptic level threat that the Twonicorns just couldn't ignore, for the future of the Earth itself, they had to leap into action, and take on Grogar & his endless army of dark goblins, the Twonicorns fought long, hard, and valiantly, soon enough they managed to deliver a tactical blow to Grogar that made him lose 8 of his 13 Dark Soul Bells, the Twonicorns then confiscated those 8 Dark Soul Bells, with his power greatly diminished, Grogar had no other choice but to flee into the abandoned city of Tambelon, once there Grogar got to the center of the city, where he made a last stand & used the power he still had to continuously summon army after army of Dark Goblins, the Twonicorns knew they couldn't get Grogar out of the city, so they decided to leave him there, but under their terms, the Twonicorns then took the city's ceremonial giant bell, and while most of the Twonicorns kept the Dark Goblins at bay, some of the higher level ones tapped into Hidden Magics, and used their Powerful Magic to transform the ceremonial bell into a LIGHT Soul Bell, that would counteract Grogar's dark magic, the Twonicorn's then all worked together to place a curse on the city of Tambelon, upon ringing the Light Soul Bell, the entire city was exiled from our world and sent into the Dark Dimension taking Grogar along with it, thus putting an end to the threat of Grogar for now. After which the Twonicorns vanished back into the shadows as mysteriously as they came, they soon enough disappeared into legends & myths, even Starswirl the Bearded knew very little about the Twonicorns, despite having spent most of his life trying to recover the "Path to the Second Horn" from the ravages of time with no success, the Twonicorns then took the 8 Dark Soul Bells they confiscated from Grogar & scattered them across the globe, hiding them in various places that they thought would be safe, though over the centuries other beings had found some of the Dark Soul Bells & used their dark power to fulfill their own dark desires, but our world had not seen the last of Grogar, it turns out that the curse that the Twonicorns had placed on Tambelon was only strong enough to last for only 500 years, and when Tambelon returned, so did Grogar, he then began sending out Dark Goblins to wreak havoc across the lands, so the Twonicorns were called back into action, they held off the Dark Goblins long enough for someone to ring the Light Soul Bell again, to renew the curse they had first put on Tambelon, thus sending the city and Grogar back into the Dark Dimension, from then on out, once every 500 years Tambelon would return to our world bringing Grogar back along with it, then the Twonicorns would return to fend off against his Dark Goblin hordes, then ring the Light Soul Bell again to renew the curse, and send Grogar and the city of Tambelon back into the Dark Dimension for another 500 years. But the wily Grogar would not take this lying down, and came up with a devious plan, when Tambelon returned about 1000 years ago, Grogar sent a multitude of his Dark Goblins underground, spreading them across the globe, the Dark Goblins traveled to various areas that were already filled with a sublime amount of dark energies, the Goblins then went into a hibernative state that reduced the presence of their dark magic, making them too faint to be detected amongst the dark energies that already surrounded them, making them act as Grogar's sleeper agents, and when Tambelon was sent back to the Dark Dimension, Grogar's Dark Goblin sleeper agents remained in our world awaiting the next time Tambelon would return, and right before Tambelon returned 500 years ago, the Dark Goblins awoken to perform a surprise attack, then they stole the Light Soul Bell and brought it into Tambelon to be guarded by Grogar's forces. Without the Light Soul Bell the Twonicorns couldn't send Tambelon back to the Dark Dimension, this left Grogar ample opportunity to spread more of his Dark Goblins out across the lands, during that time the Goblins were able to recover 6 of Grogar's 8 missing Dark Soul Bells and bring them back to him, with each of his Dark Soul Bells returned to him Grogar kept regaining more & more of his lost power, the Twonicorns knew that they could not allow Grogar to be restored to his full power, so they did the only thing they could do, every last Twonicorn in the world young & old gathered together, they all then went into Tambelon to battle against Grogar's forces, until one of them managed to reach the Light Soul Bell, they then committed the ultimate sacrifice, upon ringing the Light Soul Bell, Grogar and the city of Tambelon was sent back into the Dark Dimension, taking all of the Twonicorns along for the ride. The Twonicorns could not have survived in the hostile world of the Dark Dimension for very long, so it was presumed that the Twonicorns became extinct, but before they even left for Tambelon, they did not leave our world completely defenseless against impossible threats that would rise in their absence, they left nearly all of their vast knowledge of powerful magic, this very tablet containing information about most of their history, and their magic forge so that other ponies could smith weapons & armor for their own protection, but since it takes very powerful magic to ignite the forge's flames, only I had sufficient enough magic to lite it at the time, so for centuries I've had the forge stored in the basement of Canterlot Castle, since that time all other ponies of all types had to defend their world against powerful threats, and Alicorns had to step up their game against many of such threats, and there have been both many victories & casualties along the way, but there was still the matter of what to do when Tambelon would return the next time, without the Twonicorns, all hope seemed lost.