//------------------------------// // So under that rough exterior beats a true heart after all huh? // Story: My Little Pony: The Last Twonicorn // by No1MporXant //------------------------------// "So now you know the truth about Claymore, and what is really at stake here" Celestia says to our heroes. Everyone remains quiet for about 2-3 seconds until Spike says "Wow, No wonder why that Claymore guy is such a jerk". "Ohh, poor Claymore" says Fluttershy, "Can you imagine having to go through All of That as a mere foal? It must have been just horrible for him". "Yeah, I don't blame the guy" says Pinkie, "I'd be a Meany-Mc-Grumpy-Pants myself if I never even got the chance to just be a kid, have fun & make some friends". "Indeed" Celestia adds, "Claymore has never had any friends growing up, and I doubt he'll ever Want to have any friends at all, he may act like he doesn't care about anyone at all, but the truth is, he cares far more about others than he cares about himself, that's why he's always putting his own life at risk, so that we all may be safe from unspeakable threats, I just wish he could be more open to others & be willing to accept their friendships". Then Twilight makes a look in her face like she has something on her mind, but doesn't want to talk about it right now. "So if this Tambelon place is returning, when's it supposed to get here exactly?" asks Applejack. "Tonight at Dusk" replies Celestia. Everyone else gasps in horror. "Exactly" says Celestia, "That is why we must locate the other Dark Soul Bell before the Dark Goblins find it, so we can keep Grogar from obtaining it, and prevent him from regaining his full power". Everyone then realizes the seriousness of the situation and then Twilight asks "Where's Claymore now?". Celestia then shows them, she takes them to a balcony and points to the highest roof at the highest point in all of the castle, where we see Claymore lying on all four of his knees, and is in a zen like state of meditation, and he's sending out these transparent waves from his horns, Rarity asks "What ever is he doing all the way up there?!". "Since Claymore has already identified the form of magic from the Dark Soul Bell recently recovered, he is most likely using his Twonicorn Sense to try and find the only other one left" says Celestia. "So why is he doin' it way up there?" asks Applejack. "The bell is most likely well hidden, and giving off only a very faint magical presence, so the higher the elevation, the less interference from other forms of magic he can detect" says Celestia. "But can he really pull of something like that?" asks Twilight. "If anypony can, it's him, hopefully he'll find it soon, for time is of the essence" replies Celestia. Then Claymore heavily exhales through his nose, then he gets up, then leaps around the rooftops ninja style, then lands on the balcony with Celestia & the others, he then says "I found the final Dark Soul Bell, it's in the place now known as, The Crystal Empire". Everyone then let's out a "Huh?". "What would the Dark Soul Bell be doing in the Crystal Empire?" asks Spike. Celestia replies "You have to remember, the Twonicorns scattered the Dark Soul Bells across the globe millennia ago, most likely the Empire was build right on top of the Bell's location without anypony even knowing about it". "If they didn't before, they're about to find out once I get there" says Claymore. "Well the next train heading to the Crystal Empire is leaving in a few minutes" says Celestia, "If you hurry you can just make it on time". Then Claymore doesn't say a word, he just makes his hooves glow with magic, then leaps off the balcony and keeps leaping on & off and running on rooftops, until he reaches the train & lands on top of it, riding on the roof of the train so he can skip getting a ticket, then we see the others having seen that through the balcony telescope, then Rainbow says in a surprised manner "So, Awesome!". Twilight then says "Don't worry Princess Celestia, we won't let you down". "No Twilight" says Celestia, "This is no longer your concern, if I had known that the Dark Goblins had already returned I never would have gotten you and your friends involved, this is something you must let Claymore handle alone". Everyone then shouts "WHAT?!". "Uh, no offense Princess but Come On", says Rainbow "You're talkin' to the team that down Lord Tirek of all beings here". "I'm well aware of that" says Celestia, "But you were not my first choice to stop him, the truth is, that once I learned that Tirek began making trouble, the first one I would have turned to for help was Claymore, unfortunately at that time he was busy in the Hippogriff Nation trying to prevent the Evil other worldly entity Gla'aki, from reawakening and turning every one in this world into his undead zombie slaves, long story don't ask(namely someone in the Hippogriff Nation tried to use the grimoire known as the Necronomicon, to try and summon forth Gla'aki from his slumber, and Claymore had to take care of that before Gla'aki awoke & started using his venom to turn everyone in their world into his undead zombie followers, so he was too busy to handle Tirek, because let's face it, trying to stop a being that can start a Zombie Apocalypse sounds way more important than stopping a Demon that simply Eats Magic, but I'm getting off topic here), so for the next best thing, I had to go with Discord, but when that didn't work out, I had no other choice but to get you involved Twilight". "Wait, so, I was your THIRD choice to handle Tirek?" Twilight says with a shocked expression in her tone. "I'm sorry Twilight" says Celestia, "But Claymore is the best choice for this, it's what he was trained for in the first place, now if you'll excuse me, I must prepare for Grogar's imminent return", then Celestia walks out the door. Twilight then tells the others "Come on everypony, follow me". Then they all run out of the castle as fast as they can, as they're running Rarity asks "Where ever are we going in such a rush Twilight?". "We're going to follow Claymore" says Twilight. "Huh? But didn't Princess Celestia just tell us to not get involved in this?" asks Pinkie. "I know what she said" replies Twilight "But this is one time I Have to get involved". "Uh Twilight, I think that Claymore is more than capable of handling this all by himself" says Fluttershy. "Look, I'd hate to admit this, but Claymore & I are actually a lot alike" replies Twilight. "What in tarnation are you talkin' about Twi?!" asks Applejack. Twilight explains "Back when I was just a filly growing up as Celestia's prized student, I became so obsessed with learning about magic, that I refused to be social with others, I wasn't in the least bit interested in making friends, heck back when I first came to Ponyville I was much more interested in researching about The Elements of Harmony, and I didn't think making friends was all that important, but that all changed when I realized that Friendship was the most important form of magic there is, it's basically the reason I became a princess in the first place, but the big difference between me & Claymore, is that back then I chose to be A-social just so I had more time to learn & study, but Claymore was never given that choice, he was forced to become A-social against his will, just because there was no one else who could take on all of the responsibilities of the Twonicorns". Everyone just looks at Twilight wondering if she's trying to make a point, Twilight then says "Look, no one should have to go through the things Claymore went through, no matter what the circumstance, everypony deserves the chance to make friends, and I vow by my title as the *Princess of Friendship*, that's exactly what I'll give him". "And just how are you going to do that exactly?" asks Rainbow Dash. Twilight then answers "By making Claymore except ME as his friend(Twilight is convinced that if she can get someone as A-social & bad-ass as Claymore to embrace the Magic of Friendship and except her as a friend, it would be one of her greatest accomplishments since earning her Princessly title yet, like it would be a true test of her Friendship-Problem-Solving abilities, so she pretty much has her work cut out for her, but hey if Twilight could convince Starlight Glimmer to go from foe to friend, then she can do this). "I don't know Twilight" says Spike, "Don't you think you're aiming a little high here?". "Of course not Spike" answers Twilight, "If I've learned anything, it's that nothing is impossible when you have the Magic of Friendship on your side, and right now Claymore needs that magic more than anypony else". "Well if you're planning to accomplish that, then we'd better get on that train immediately" says Rarity.