//------------------------------// // Oh Boy Did I ever Goof Up this time // Story: My Little Pony: The Last Twonicorn // by No1MporXant //------------------------------// "Wait" says Shining Armor, "So Princess Amore found the Dark Soul Bell & had it hidden in this room all this time?". "So then that bell was the source of the Umbrum's power?" asks Cadence. "You could say that" Claymore says as he starts to explain, "The Dark Soul Bells were created so that those who do not wield magic would be bestowed with incredible dark magical powers, but for those who can already wield any kind of magic at all, such as Unicorns or Crystal Ponies, if they were to embrace the Bell's dark influence & allow that darkness to consume them, the Bell can corrupt & enhance their own magic to match the power levels of the Bell itself, enabling them to be able to wield all of that dark power without having to keep the Bell in their possession, but at the price of warping their personalities to be more like that of Grogar's, most likely the Dark Soul Bell was hidden within this land long before the empire stood here, and since the Crystal Ponies evolved from the unique minerals deep within this land, some of those minerals were probably corrupted by the Bell's Dark power, causing them to form the Dark Crystals that gave birth to the Umbrum as well as King Sombra, creatures that due to the Bell's influence became a bizarre cross between Crystal Ponies & Dark Goblins, who then waged war against the Crystal Ponies & their Empire, until Princess Amore found the Dark Soul Bell & removed it from the Umbrum's possession, then she used the Crystal Heart to imprison the Umbrum beneath the Empire, and tried to make sure that no one else could wield that Bell's power to endanger the Empire again". Everyone is in a state of shock after hearing that explanation, then Twilight says "And just think, the Umbrum were THAT powerful because of only 1 of the Dark Soul Bells, if Grogar gets the complete set of those Bells, he'll be at least 13 times as powerful as they were!". "Over my Cold Shedding Hide" says Claymore, then he uses his Twonicorn Magic to raise the same wall Princess Amore used to seal away the Dark Soul Bell, revealing the Bell in it's protective bubble shield. Then Rainbow Dash(pumped-up and super-eager to keep the Bell safe from Grogar) runs towards it while saying "Come on let's get it". Claymore then stops her while saying "Don't, it's in a protective shield". But unnoticed by anyone until the last second, Pinkie Pie pulls the Bell out & says "No it isn't, see I got it out easy-peasy". Claymore then gets frustrated & says "(Grr) that's because it's not a Force Shield, it's a Clocking Shield, to keep the Bell's dark aura concealed, you just let the Dark Goblins know it's here!". "Oopsie" says Pinkie. Then Dark Goblins start coming out of the walls, floor & ceiling, trying to get the Bell, Pinkie screams in terror & runs with the Bell, only to be tripped by a Goblin's hand coming out of the floor to grab her by the hoof, then Shining Armor takes the Bell, Twilight then blasts the Goblin that's got hold of Pinkie, then Claymore tells everyone to "Get Out!" of the room. Then they all leave the room, then the Dark Goblins swoosh around like shadows, and fly into some rows of old empty suits of Crystal Armor, then the suits begin to morph to look more evil & spikier, then we see growing red eyes in the helmets, meaning that the Goblins have possessed the suits of armor. "They've taken over those Antique Armors!" says Cadence. Then our heroes have to battle the possessed armors, the armors can be knocked apart, but they almost instantly reassemble themselves. "Hey No Fair!" says Pinkie "Stop getting back up!". After a few minutes of our heroes knocking the armors apart & having them constantly reassemble, Claymore says "Enough!", then he takes out one of his swords, and unleashes an Energy Swipe at everyone, with proper control of his Magic, he can make the Energy Wave completely harmless to the Ponies & Spike, but it knocks all of the Armors down with just one big attack, everyone is impressed with what he just did. "Now why didn't that hurt us at all?" asks Applejack. "Precise Control" replies Claymore. Naturally he had hoped that That attack would finish them all off, unfortunately the material that the armors were made of protected the Goblins from that Held-Back Attack, then suddenly all of the armors start glowing black, then all pieces start floating & gathering around. "I don't think it's over just yet" says Cadence. Then the Armors all start attaching themselves together to form one big thing, our heroes watch as the pieces keep coming together getting more worried by the second. "It just keeps getting bigger" says Spike with concern. Finally the last few pieces come together, then the big thing's eyes light up big & red, then we see that the armors have combined to form a dragon-robot-like creature that resembles Preda-King from Transformers Prime: Beast Hunters in his Bestial form, then the Armor Dragon lets out a big roar. "A Dragon?!" shouts Fluttershy, "Why did it have to be a Dragon?!". "Oh come on no pony said they could do THAT!" says Rainbow. Then our heroes have to battle the Armor Dragon, it battles similar to Preda-King with it's claws, tail & even breathes fire as black as shadows(because when Dark Goblins combine, they form something much more powerful & possessing greater dark magic). Applejack comments that by saying "And of course it breathes fire!". "More like Shadow-Flames!" replies Rarity. During this fight the Armor Dragon whacks Claymore with it's tail so hard that he's sent flying into a wall, causing him to lose the shrunken safe containing their first Dark Soul Bell, the Armor Dragon unintentionally steps on the safe crushing it, causing the Bell to pop right out of it, when it notices the Bell another Dark Goblin comes out of the floor to get it, then Shining tries to get it back, but the Armor Dragon hits him with it's head, causing Shining to lose the second Bell, which is grabbed by yet another Goblin. Once Claymore comes to & sees this he's like "NO!", then tries to stop them, only to be cut off by the Armor Dragon's shadow-flames, the 2 Goblins holding the Bells escape through a nearby window, Claymore then angrily says "That Tears It!", then he takes one of his swords, he then lights it up real intensely like a Star Wars Light Saber set to OVERLOAD, then he grabs the sword with both his front hocks showing that he's dead serious this time, and he makes a stand off against the Armor Dragon. Claymore then runs in charging towards the Armor Dragon while letting out a warrior's battle scream, then Claymore raises his sword and in Samurai Jack style, we see the screen go black and see a white slash go diagonally through the black screen, then we see Claymore on the opposite side of the Armor Dragon with his sword no longer raised, then the Armor Dragon has one half of it's body slide downwards a little bit, then a white light appears within it's huge cut, and the Armor Dragon explodes in a huge blast destroying all of the Goblins possessing it, leaving nothing but a pile of scorched & bent-up pieces of armor. When everyone else saw this they were impressed with how awesome that was. "Sweet Merciful Molasses!" says Shining Armor, "He Totally Annihilated that Big Thing in just One Attack!". "Told ya he was Tough" replies Cadence. Then Claymore rushes to the window and sees the two Goblins with both of the Bells are nowhere in sight, then his hoof glows with magic, and he bashes his hoof on the window-still denting it with a few cracks appearing beneath the dent, then he says "Gone!". Then Twilight comes over to Claymore trying to apologize by saying "Claymore I-", but before she could even finish her sentence, Claymore magically takes out his chain, wraps it around Twilight super fast, slams her against the wall, then takes out his swords, and places them through the holes of two of his chain's links, pinning Twilight on the wall like a fur coat placed on a wall-hook, this all indicates that Claymore is furiously ticked off with Twilight right now. Claymore then walks up to Twilight saying in an angry tone "I hope you're Happy! Thanks to you and your little Entourage, the Dark Goblins have the Final Missing Dark Soul Bells and are going to bring them to their master!". "I'm Sorry", says Twilight with fear in her tone. "SORRY, is not going to stop Grogar from bringing forth the end of the world as we know it once he's restored to his full power!" says Claymore. "I was only trying to help" says Twilight with a sympathetic tone. "You would've HELPED a lot better if you just stayed Out of this and left me Alone!" says Claymore. Twilight's eyes then start to tear up as she says "I just wanted you to have a friend" with sorrow in her tone. Claymore then gets right in Twilight's face and uses a booming voice so loud it rivals Luna's Traditional Royal Canterlot Voice as he says "I DON'T NEED ANY FRIENDS!!!!!!!". Claymore then backs away, and takes all his weapons off of Twilight, and she ends up tossed right on the floor, Claymore then puts away all his stuff and walks towards the window while saying to Cadence & Shining "Inform Celestia of this outcome". "Where are you going?" asks Cadence. Claymore replies "The place where Tambelon will appear at, Dream Valley", then his hooves glow as he leaps out the window ninja style, we then see Twilight with her eyes watering in sadness. "Are you alright?" asks Shining. Twilight says in a sad tone "I'm not hurt, but I'm a long way from alright". Cadence then wraps her hoof around Twilight's shoulders and says "All in all, I think Claymore has a point, maybe you should just go home and leave this to him", then Twilight, Spike & the rest of the Mane 6 walk to the exit. Outside the castle Twilight is slowly walking while crying & her friends are right behind her, Spike then runs up to her side and asks "So Twilight, what now?". "Nothing" says Twilight, "I'm just going to go home to my castle, and not come out for a really long time". Applejack then comes up and says "Aww Come on Sugar Cube, don't be so hard on yourself". "I screwed up big time, bad things are happening and all I did was make them worse" says Twilight. Pinkie then comes up and says "Well technically I was the one who took the Bell out of it's Bubble Shield Thingy". "But I was the one who dragged you all into this" says Twilight, "All because I was a fool to think that I could get Claymore to make me his friend, some friend I turned out to be, I'm just going to quit before I do any more damage". "Hey now wait a minute" says Spike "This doesn't sound like you Twilight, you're the Princess of Friendship, the one who taught us all that Anything is possible when you have the Magic of Friendship on your side". "Oh give it up Spike" says Twilight, "That's what I plan to do". "Twilight!" says Spike "Did you give up when you tried to show Princess Luna that everypony Does Love her? NO!". "Did we all give up when the Flim Flam Brothers tried to run Sweet Apple Acres out of business?" says Applejack "In A Pig's Eye We Did!". "Did I give up when I tried to get Cranky Doodle Donkey to be my friend?" says Pinkie Pie "Abso-tootly-lootly-NOT!". "Did I give up when I tried to get Discord to go from bad to good?" says Fluttershy, "Not Even Close!". "So you made a mistake" says Rarity, "It happens to the best of us darling, it's best to never give up and just keep on trying no matter the outcome". "But Claymore doesn't want to be my friend" says Twilight "Right now I think he hates me!". "Hey, This situation is WAAAYY Bigger than just Claymore" says Rainbow, "Grogar is the real problem around here". "Yeah, he's planning to bring that Armadrudgen..Armegludon..Arm..(groan)..that End of the World thing!" says Pinkie. "And when the world is in trouble, you always answer the call" says Applejack to Twilight. "And we'll always be right there along side you no matter what happens" says Fluttershy. Twilight then cheers up and says "(Sniffle)You're right, I won't give up, not here, and definitely now, it's time to get serious". "So oh brilliant leader we all know, love & trust" says Spike "Do you have a plan?". "Hmm, I think I know just what to do" says Twilight "Come on, we have plenty of work ahead of us".