My Little Pony: The Last Twonicorn

by No1MporXant

(serious voice)Let's Get Serious, (singing voice)Mon-tage Ti-i-i-ime!

Then we return to Canterlot, and we see the dark clouds are getting more sinister looking, we then go to a staircase and the Mane 6 are running down the stairs.

"So why are here exactly?" asks Rainbow Dash.

Twilight(who is carrying the Magic Tablet that contains the almost complete history of the Twonicorns with her) then reminds Dash "Remember what Celestia said about the Twonicorns having a magic forge that they used for crafting various weapons & armors to use in battle?".

"What about it?" asks Rarity.

Twilight then reminds her friends "Celestia said that the forge was placed in the basement of Canterlot Castle", finally they reach the castle basement and they come upon the Magic Forge, and notice that there is still a pleathera of various smithing materials, Twilight then tells the others "OK everyone, bring out all of the iron & silver you could get from back in Ponyville(which is actually a scene that was skipped to help save time)", they then set down their saddle bags of various iron & silver objects, then Twilight takes out the Magic Tablet & then says "Alright, it's time to kick things up a notch".

We then see a montage where we see Rarity taking measurements of her friends, then Twilight lights up the forge with her Alicorn Magic(feeling a little tired after successfully lighting it of course), then the Mane 6 plus Spike starts melting down materials, and smithing a bunch of pieces of armor, and Twilight constantly checks with the Tablet to see if they're doing things right, the Tablet also shows how the Twonicorns made various types of weapons & how to use them, so using the Twonicorns engineering, and modern day methods, our heroes make special weapons built to each of their own individual skills & styles, soon the ponies each try testing & practicing with their weapons, of course at first they don't use them 100% correctly, but that's what testing them is for, and using the Magic Tablet's history of the Twonicorns, the Mane 6 & Spike also try learning a few of the Twonicorns basic fighting techniques & combat moves, not getting them right the 1st time of course, but practice makes perfect, and they keep helping each other out with moves that seem difficult for the others to perform.

Now for their weapons, I though of some that I feel befit each character's individual traits:

~Applejack receives a pair of Hoof Gauntlets on her front hooves, each containing a retractable metal Whip, with her Roping skills a set of whips seems to fit her just fine, she does great with the wiping, but when she retracts the whip, it smacks her right on the nose(OUCH!), then Twilight shows AJ a holo-display on the tablet depicting a Twonicorn winding it's fore-limb around when pulling back an old-fashioned whip, AJ then takes that technique into account.

~Rainbow Dash gets a pair of High Density Hoof Gauntlets that have a very spiky texture like a horned lizard, these give her enhanced punching power, and with her Flying & Cloud Busting skills, it just seems like a good idea to give her some super hard boxing gloves, RD tries throwing some punches, but then she ends up getting one of her gauntlets stuck in the wall and has trouble getting it out, Rarity makes a notice to make RD's gauntlets have shorter spikes.

~Spike gets a pair of Gauntlets that each have 3 knuckle mounted retractable claws similar to those of Marvel's Wolverine, but they also have a special built-in mechanism that allows Spike to coat these claws with a flammable liquid at the push of a button, this allows him to set these claws on fire & do more damage to enemies, this idea seems befitting to Spike since he's a fire breathing dragon & all, Spike tries the fire-thing, but forgets to take his thumbs off the buttons to the flammable fluid containers and they end up exploding, Rarity tells Spike not to leave the containers open when he does the fire-thing.

~Rarity builds a special suit of armor for herself, that has a secondary armor layer containing a set of a couple dozen removable shuriken-like platelets shaped like her Diamond Cutie Mark, these platelets are small & light weight but very sharp & durable, they stick to her armor through a form of Magical Magnetism, and she controls them with her Unicorn Telekinetic Magic, the Platelets can be used for a variety of things like used to form a bunch of small shields, or one big shield, or be used like daggers for attacking, or be able for Rarity to stand on them to use like flying discs, and other stuff like that, leave it to Rarity to have battle armor that's both fashionable & functional, however while testing them out, she ends up doing something bad to something off-screen, then Twilight walks in from off-screen, then uses her magic to pluck off one of Rarity's platelets from her butt(OUCH), and hands it back to Rarity, who just smiles with a blush of embarrassment(in other words Rarity accidentally poked Twilight in the butt with a shuriken, just something to make Twilight the Butt of the joke).

~Now Since Fluttershy is more of a pacifist, her weapon is simply a long, light-weight but durable metal bow staff, it wouldn't fell right for her to wield something that's pointy, complicated or anything, so she gets one of the oldest & simplest weapons ever, a Big Stick, but she also has a pair of Hoof Gauntlets that are magically magnetized to specifically only attract that metal bow staff & nothing else, this will be so that she doesn't simply drop the staff or has it slip out of her grip in the middle of combat, and makes it so that if she loses the staff anyway, the gauntlets will respond to her will, and the staff will fly back into her hooves like a lightsaber returning to the hand of it's wielder through The Force, of course during her combat training, she accidentally trips herself & falls on the ground, so Twilight uses the Tablet's holo-display to show Fluttershy the correct movements.

~Pinkie Pie receives a set of retractable Numb-chucks, which are a pair of Hoof Gauntlets that each releases a chain with a single metal chuck attached to it, for Pinkie twirling a set of numb-chucks would be similar to using party favors you can twirl around, only these are for combat rather than a show, but for Pinkie it would be both at one time, and with her never ending talents she could also use them like helicopter propellers to float in mid air & a whole lot of other things, but during her training, she has one of her chucks accidentally hits herself on top of the head, giving her a big lump on her head, with the other chuck still spinning around, and then it hits her right in the face, knocking her down to the floor, Twilight then tells Pinkie to keep her chucks twirling away from her head & body to avoid hitting herself.

~Twilight decides to go with a pair of Hoof Gauntlets with simple retractable short swords, this is so she can try to mimic Claymore's "Energy Swipe" technique, where Twilight will channel her Alicorn Magic into her swords, and then unleash it as an energy swipe like Claymore's, she tests it out on a training dummy, naturally at first she doesn't get it correctly and the swipe poofs right in her face, but she keeps checking the technique on the holo-display and she improves with practice, she tries again & the swipe doesn't even go far enough to reach the dummy, she tries again & the swipe hits the dummy but doesn't damage it, and soon enough after a few more tries, she concentrates hard enough, and manages to pull off a small but effectively damaging swipe, and splits the dummy completely in half.

Later on we see the Mane 6 & Spike pulling off all of their weapon handling techniques perfectly, and successfully pulling off basic close combat moves exquisitely, then we see each one of our seven heroes putting on their pieces of armor, and taking hold of their weapons, we then see them all wearing their fulls suits of Iron & Silver-infused armor, with them all geared up for war, our heroes head out to Dream Valley.