My Little Pony: The Last Twonicorn

by No1MporXant

Be on your gaurd, there's danger a foot, I mean Hoof!

When we get to Dream Valley(which is located in a huge U-shaped canyon somewhere with a dried up river, so it's surrounded by enormous cliffs), we see Claymore, Celestia, Luna, Cadence, Shining Armor, Discord, and the entire Royal Guard(consisting of all of Celestia's guards, and Luna's Bat-Pony Guards, as well as the Crystal Empire's Guards, including a cameo of Flash Sentry, and if you're wondering who's protecting Canterlot & the Crystal Empire, well if they don't stop the threat of Grogar there may not be a Canterlot or Crystal Empire left for them to protect at all, so Tambelon's return is currently priority number 1 for the Royal Guard) each armed with Spears laced with Iron & Silver, all of them are getting ready for Tambelon's return.

Celestia relay's to everyone on what they are supposed to do, everyone else then starts doing as Celestia tells them and go get prepared to take their positions, but when Celestia addresses Claymore he just says "Stow it Celestia, I know what to do", then he leaps off the cliff, then takes a sword in hoof, then stabs the cliff & slides down it, then leaps off right before he gets to the bottom, and lands safely on the ground.

"I seriously do not like his attitude" Luna says to Celestia.

"Attitude or not, he his still our first line of defense" replies Celestia, "And we must be ready to be the second line of defense should he fail".

Luna then complies by saying "Right", then Luna takes half of all the Royal Gaurd Forces into position on the opposite side of the valley.

Suddenly in the style of Doctor Who's T.A.R.D.I.S., Tambelon begins to fade into the Pony's Dimension, once Tambelon has fully appeared Celestia then tells Cadence and Shining Armor "NOW!", then the 2 of them place their horns together, and cast their combined Protective Dome Shield spells on all of Tambelon(so that Grogar and his forces can't escape), and the Dark Goblins that have the 2 missing Dark Soul Bells burst out of the ground from the opposite side of where Claymore is, and enter the city right before the Dome completely conceals it all, then Celestia tells Discord "Eyes in the Sky", then Discord flies right above the dome covered city & morphs himself into a multi-headed satellite-like thing to keep watch over everything that's happening from above, and provide aid wherever needed.

Shining Armor then says to Celestia in a stressed out manner "Wow, This is some Very Powerful Dark Magic".

Cadence then adds in the same stressed out manner "I'm not sure how long we can keep this up".

"Just keep going as long as you possibly can" Celestia tells them, then Celestia shouts to Claymore "Claymore, it's up to you now!".

Claymore just says "Yeah Whatever", he then illuminates both his horns, then some transparent river-like streams of Magic appear all over the empty space around him, and flows right into Claymore's horns(this is the way he draws in and absorbs Magic from the Hidden Magics to help power himself up, a trait that can only be done by the Twonicorns due to their heightened awareness & link to the Hidden Magics), once he's stored up as much Magic as he can hold without overdoing it, he then walks right through the shield and into the city.

"Be on your guard" Celestia tells everyone else, "Nothing gets out of that dome!", Celestia and many of the guards watch over the right side on one cliff, while Luna and the rest of the guards watch over the left side on the other cliff, and everyone gets ready as though they're going to attack the first thing that comes out of that dome.

Then Twilight and the others arrive WAY behind the spot where Claymore entered the dome, and hiding out in a small cave so no one else can see them.

Fluttershy has her doubts about this & says "I have a bad feeling that this isn't going to work".

Twilight reassures Fluttershy by saying "Don't worry, it will be OK, and if nothing else, if we do encounter Grogar, we can just call upon our Rainbow Power to beat him"

"And just how are we going to get in there without being seen?" asks Applejack.

"I have just the spell for that" says Twilight, then she makes a big bubble come out of her horn that engulfs all 7 of them, then they all become nothing but white outlines within the bubble, then they begin floating around completely unseen by anyone, Twilight then says "Bubble of Invisibility Spell, so long as this invisible bubble remains in tact and we stay inside it, we can't be seen or heard by anyone outside the bubble", then they go through the dome at the same spot Claymore entered.

Once they get in the city, the bubble then pops, making them all visible again, then they look around the city, and notice that things look so much different from inside the city than outside the city, Twilight then says "Incredible, it's like some kind of bridge between worlds, outside the city is Equestria, but inside is the Dark Dimension, if we weren't trying to save our world from a great evil, I would do a full-scale research project on this phenomenon".

"Enough with the sight seeing" says Rainbow, "Let's just find Claymore & kick Grogar's rump so we can get out of here".

Twilight says "Right", then they all get moving.