My Little Pony: The Last Twonicorn

by No1MporXant

This is the Redefining Moment of your Life

Then we see Claymore trying to get up, but Grogar pins Claymore down with his front hoof, Grogar deep breathing from exhaustion then says "I'll admit you have proven yourself to be a formidable adversary, but you were a fool to think that you could defeat me".

"I didn't need to defeat you" says Claymore "I just had to distract you".

"Distract Me?" asks Grogar.

Then we see Rainbow Dash reaching the Light Soul Bell, and she rings it by hitting it like it was a cloud, then we see Grogar hearing the ringing, then he says "The Light Soul Bell!".

Then while Grogar is not looking, Claymore levitates one of his shurikens to swipe across Grogar's neck, not harming Grogar, but more importantly cutting off his collar containing all of his Dark Soul Bells, Claymore then levitates the collar away from Grogar, Grogar then shouts "My Dark Soul Bells!".

Then Claymore levitates his sword, lights it up, and slashes it through the collar, slicing all 13 of the Bells apart, then the pieces of the Bells fall to the floor of the rooftops, then all of the Dark Magic within the Bells spouts upwards like an oil gusher, and heads back deeper into the Dark Dimension where it all came from, Grogar then has his front legs positioned at a 90 degree angle and shouts "NNOOOOO!!", as he says that, we see the red glow in his eyes extinguish, leaving him with dim-red eyes(much like how his G1 counterparts eyes appear).

Then we see Twilight still being swamped by Dark Goblins, when suddenly the Goblins eyes go from being a glowing red to a shiny purple(like a fish's eyes), then they stop attacking Twilight and start looking around confused, indicating that they are no longer under Grogar's control, then Twilight takes advantage of this opportunity and unleashes a Magic Blast to decimate the band of Goblins, then she starts flying to Claymore's position once again.

Then we see Grogar mourning over the loss of his Dark Magic powers saying "NO-ho-ho, My Bells, My Power!", then Claymore takes advantange of this by using his front hoof to Sucker-Punch Grogar with an Uppercut right to the chin, Grogar gets hit so hard that he's knocked backwards and falls on his back unconscious.

Then Claymore while breathing heavily from exhaustion, gets up & limps over to Grogar's position, he magically attracts one of his swords, and takes hold of it in his hock, then he stands up on his hind legs, taking his sword in both of his front hooves, then he pulls his sword back over his head, and prepares to stab Grogar right in his cold black heart and end him once & for all.

But before he does it we hear Twilight's voice as she says "No Claymore!", then we see Twilight flying right behind Claymore as she says "Don't do it!".

"Stay out of this!" says Claymore, "It's what this Monster rightfully deserves" .

"Claymore, you don't have to do this" says Twilight, "The Twonicorns have all been successfully evacuated, they're all safe, the battle is over, we've won, Grogar lost, look at him Claymore, he's completely powerless now, there's nothing more he can do to harm anyone, he's no longer a threat, if you end him now, you'll only prove that you're no better than him, you'll just be showing everyone that you're no less of a monster than he ever was, I know that in your heart you're more than just a living weapon, you ARE a Hero Claymore, so do what a True Hero would do, take the highroad, be better than this, just leave him, and return home, to your friends, please", and close to the end of her speech Grogar regains consciousness and sees Claymore about to stab him, but after Twilight's speech Claymore makes a frustrated face, then he calms down & lowers his sword away from Grogar, Twilight finally managed to reason with Claymore & touch his heart.

Claymore then levitates all of his weapons, and puts them all away in his pouches while saying "You will get what you deserve Grogar, but it won't be dealt by me", then he walks over to Twilight and says to Grogar "Enjoy your next 500 years, they won't be pleasant", then he teleports both himself & Twilight away.

Then Grogar gets up, and then looks behind him to see all of the Dark Goblins staring at him while hissing & growling, it's clear that the Goblins are no longer under Grogar's control, Grogar then says "W-what are you doing? Wait, Stop, I'm your master, I command you", then the Dark Goblins all swoop in on Grogar, and Grogar shouts "NOOO!!!" as the Goblins overwhelm him, and all we see is the Goblins swamping him until the screen turns completely black(guess this is what Claymore meant when he told Grogar that he would get what he deserved, taken down by the very monsters he once controlled, what an ironic way to go).

Meanwhile outside of Tambelon, we see the entire city is beginning to fade away the exact same way it faded back in, everyone else is on the edge of their seats hoping for Twilight & Claymore to come out(including Rainbow Dash who managed to get out of the city earlier), finally right before the city finally fades out for another 500 years, Twilight & Claymore teleport right out of the city with only about 2 seconds to spare, Spike & the rest of the Mane 6 are happy to see that they made it.

"Cuttin' it a little close there weren't ya?" says Applejack to Twilight.

"Hey you know me" replies Twilight, "Always with perfect timing".

Celestia comes over to see Twilight & Claymore and says "I'm glad you made back safe & sound, but what became of Grogar?".

"Don't worry" answers Claymore, "I destroyed all of his Dark Soul Bells, so even if he returns in 500 years, I doubt he'll be of any threat at all".

"Wait a minute" asks Rainbow, "If the Dark Soul Bells could be destroyed that easily, why didn't you just destroy the Bells you already had before?".

Then one of the Twonicorns who apparently is their leader says "Because if the Dark Soul Bells were destroyed in our world, then without a proper vessel, all of the Dark Magic contained within them would just roam around out of control, and just cause many cataclysmic disasters for our world, but if they were destroyed while in Tambelon, then their Dark Magic would just go back into the Dark Dimension where it all came from, of course our ancestors knew of this, but couldn't risk having Grogar recover the Bells & regain his true power, so they had to hide them where they had hoped Grogar would never reclaim them, and back when Tambelon was here the last time, we had to be willing to make the ultimate sacrifice for the greater good, so after we rang the Light Soul Bell to send Tambelon back into the Dark Dimension along with all of us, we all used our magic to conjure & seal ourselves within stasis pods that would keep us all in a hibernative state of suspended animation for countless moons, we also made our pods both invisible & intangible so that we could not be seen nor felt, those pods protected us from the harsh environment of the Dark Dimension, and only a powerful enough revealment spell could make us visible & tangible again, and we made it so that only silver, a metal that no creature bond to the Dark Dimension's magic could touch, would be able to break our pods & awaken us, and now at long last, the threat of Grogar is no more, (then he walks over to Claymore and says)and we appear to have you to thank for that, what is your name anyways?".

Claymore then says while feeling kind of awkward "Oh-uh, I forgot my true name long ago, but my-uh, Friends, call me Claymore".

"Well, you have our eternal gratitude Claymore" says the Twonicorn Leader.

"I-uh, just did what needed to be done, that's all" says Claymore.

"So what happens now?" asks Fluttershy.

"Since ancient times, we twonicorns have remained hidden from the rest of the world, I suppose we must now return to our isolated way of life" says the Twonicorn Leader.

"Wait" says Twilight, "Listen, a lot has changed since ancient times(as she's saying this we see the screen panning to the side showing us Spike, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Celestia, Luna, Shining Armor, Cadence, Discord, The Canterlot Royal Guards, The Crystal Guards with Flash Sentry among them, then it pops back to Twilight), we've all had some awful tragedies and wonderful experiences, sure back then Ponies couldn't handle the truth, but we've all grown wiser & more mature, we've all learned to adapt to new roles, and become more accepting of others, so even if were all different, we always help each other through the good times & the bad, and no matter what obstacles come our way, we all stand together, united by the Magic of Friendship, the Twonicorns don't have to be separated from the rest of the world just because they think we'll be safer, you can join us all, live amongst us, and if something bad comes along, we can all work through it together as friends".

"I'd listen to her if I were you" says Claymore, "She is very wise beyond her years".

"Perhaps you're right" says the Twonicorn Leader, "A lot has changed, and we have missed out on a lot, especially over the last 500 years, maybe it is high time we Twonicorns stop being a secret tribe, and amalgamated ourselves with the rest of society, under the Magic of Friendship".

"Well you are all more than welcomed to make your home throughout Equestria" says Celestia.

Then Pinkie Pie butts in and says "And do you all know what this calls for.....".