//------------------------------// // A New Nickname // Story: The Lost Legends of Equestria: Star Swirl the Bearded // by Silver Inkwell //------------------------------// -Before the Age and Time of Equestria… “So, Star Swirl, I have been thinking a lot ever since we met a few weeks ago,” “Well that’s a very dangerous thing to do in your spare time; an idea without a reason or direction can become very dangerous and spread like a wildfire from one spark of a small ember, so I hope that you’re going to elaborate for me.” “I will, I have been thinking that you need some sort of nickname, after all, I can’t keep calling you Star Swirl, it’s a bit too long and too formal to use.” “What ideas or names did you have for my nickname for me to use?” “Well I’m glad that you asked, I went through a few names before I came up with something final, I got the inspiration for the name from your cutie mark, since your cutie mark is a shooting star I thought to myself, what other names are there for a shooting star? And then I finally came up with the perfect answer, Comet. And that’s when I knew that I had come up with the perfect name, nothing else worked quite as well as that did, but tell me, what do you think of it? Do you think that it’s good, or do you want another name instead?” “I’m fine with it,” he said, “In fact, I think that it’s just perfect, you did well in choosing it from your inspiration, and I think I’ll grow quite fond of the name. It fits, for my name and accomplishments will be like a shooting star soaring across the sky leaving a blazing trail of fire and ice and of bright glory too.” “Well that’s good, but tell me Comet, what are your parents like? You keep saying that you have to go home before your mandatory curfew, but you have never mentioned your parents before, can you please tell me why that is?” Star Swirl remained silent, he didn’t answer Pearl, he just looked at her with a face of sorrow, grief, and pain for quite some long time, and she looked down at the ground with shame catching the unspoken message that came across between them, “I’m sorry,” she said, “I shouldn’t have asked, it’s not my place.” “Don’t be sorry for asking something that you wanted to know, learning is good, but this matter is a little too close to my heart and mind, but I will still answer your question, I never knew my parents because they died when I was young, and I have been in the care of my guardian, I wish I did know what they were like and who they were, but I can’t even find their names, I don’t even know my parents’ names, how sad is that for a lonely child with only one true and real friend in life? He doesn’t even know his own parents or himself, yet he still expects to make his place and his mark in the world someday in the future, yet he can only hope and pray that someday he will know his parents.” “Well I’m so sorry for you, I wish I could help you to get over the pain of their loss in some way, just name anything and I can do it or get it for you.” “Thanks for the offer, but you’re doing that just by being my friend and talking to me, it’s such a relief just to have some pony to talk about my problems, fears, ideas, dreams, goals, and plans, takes off a lot of the stress that I have.” “Well that’s nice, but tell me, do you always talk in the second or third person when something personal pertains to your past or something like that?” “Well no, I only do that just to confuse others and mess with their minds of course, and I only do it so that they’ll think I’m crazy, which I am, or at least in some small part or way, and in some small part and way we’re all a little bit crazy, after all, what fun would a world of logical boring ponies be like?” And with that said they both laughed and smiled at the silly crazy joke that he told, and that was another one of his talents, he always seemed to know how to make ponies laugh and smile no matter the time, place, or whatever crazy event was happening, even if it was a sad, angry, dangerous, or perilous one, he could always find humor and good in the situation, and that was probably because he had an optimistic point of view about the world and life in general and of other ponies, he thought that given the chance and opportunity, and so long as it was fair and equal, all ponies who did wrong could be forgiven in time, eventually. He also believed that it didn’t matter what you did wrong or how bad it was, so long as you were willing and able to change and repent and be honest, warm, loving, kind, and gentle to others and fix the mistake made. Yet despite all that she had learned about him three weeks ago when they first met, Pearl was still confused about who he truly and really was deep down inside, it was as if some part of him was hidden, or perhaps waiting to be opened and unlocked instead, perhaps after being closed off for so long from others he would only naturally try to hide something or be distant from the other ponies, but not her after so long of getting to know each other, but she didn’t know what it could be or if there was even anything, she felt like he was being completely honest and open with her, yet something still felt wrong and off ever since that day when she first met him three weeks ago when she started asking questions to him after the event at the school playground…