//------------------------------// // Another Interruption // Story: The Lost Legends of Equestria: Star Swirl the Bearded // by Silver Inkwell //------------------------------// Meanwhile Back in the Royal Canterlot Library… “WAIT, WHAT?” Twilight asked in a very loud voice of shock and surprise, “THEY KISSED EACH OTHER? I CAN’T BELIEVE THAT THIS IS ACTUALLY TRUE, I CAN’T BELIEVE THAT THIS ACTUALLY HAPPENED EITHER!” “Twilight,” Princess Celestia said, “Please calm down and lower your voice.” “I’m sorry Princess, it’s just that I was so shocked and surprised by this.” “I know, and you had better believe that this actually really happened, now if you will allow me to, I will continue on with this story in peace now. But I am starting to doubt your capability to remain completely quiet and silent during a story, or at least one of great interest to you, perhaps maybe we can continue this another time that would be better for the both of us, would that work for you Twilight? I know it would most certainly work out for me.” “No, please continue, I’m sorry that I interrupted, I promise that it won’t happen again while you continue on talking about your story, I swear.” “Good then,” Celestia said knowing that if Twilight promised to do something for her or to any pony else that she would keep her word even if it meant the risk of death, or even if it meant that she would have to face danger and peril all alone or even with her friends, she was loyal to her until the very end. “Alright then, I shall continue on with this story, now where was I again?” “The part where the two of them were kissing each other,” Twilight said. “I know that, I was just asking myself that in a rhetorical sense.” “I’m sorry, I didn’t know that, I thought that you had forgotten your place.” “Well don’t be sorry, it’s a very common mistake, any pony could have made it, you included, and now I think it’s just about time that I get back to the story that I was telling you, as I was saying before I was rudely interrupted, again…”