//------------------------------// // The Surprise // Story: Chaotic Odds // by PsychoNerd //------------------------------// The silence was broken. Discord spat out his drink in utter shock. He coughed violently, completely blindsided by what he just heard. “Discord! Are you all right???” “I uhmm - y-yes… Pardon my incursion b-but… what did you say?” “Plus one!… Yes!… I meant plus one…,” she announced in a nervous tone, hoping he ignored how she just referred to him. “Ah-hem, Discord… would you be interested to be my plus one for the Grand Galloping Gala?” Discord gave her a blank expression. The silence was so thick, the sound of a pin falling can be heard in the room. Celestia blushed and waited for his response. The expression he showed only made things worse for her. Discord on the other hand had lost his train of thought. But mustered enough courage to show his answer. As he slowly opened his mouth to respond, a flying badger hit the window, making enough force that turned Celestia whiter and something escaped Discord that not even he knew what it was. It slowly slid away through the door as the badger flew off. “Uhmm… well… ,” he stopped his words. Discord sorted out his thoughts, just like Celestia did in the gardens before. He had no plans to attend the Gala. Part of the reason was due to him not being formally receiving an invitation. Another issue was no pony invited him in the first place. But Celestia invited him… on the spot… She personally made the effort to ask him herself… She could have sent one of her royal guards to offer him the request… She could have sent another mail pony to deliver the invitation… She even could have used her horn and send the invitation magically… But she was here… At his home… and offered him to be her plus one… “Now that’s… something,” he thought to himself, smiling. “Do you agree?” “Hmmmm…,” he gatehred his thoughts with a weird expression. “Well?” “Well, I didn’t say yes… “ Celestia looked down with disappointment. “But I didn’t say a noooooo…” She looked up, her raised eyebrow bidding to continue. “So I don’t know!” His laugh could be heard miles away. “DISCORD!!!” “You were like… Wait, what?… hahahahahah priceless!” Celestia looked at him with anger but the corners of her mouth slowly turned back up. She could never stay mad at him for long, especially with that adorable laugh of his. “Oh Discord…,” she sighed, smiling and closing her eyes. “But if you’re looking for an answer, Celestia…. it’s a yes,” he replied as he looked at her. “Wait…what?” she asked surprised, her eyes as big as salad plates. “I accept your invitation as… your plus one…” he slowly blushed as he looked away. “R-really?…” asked a starstruck Celestia. “Why of course… better for me to go out there rather than loaf around in here all evening… I’m sure I’ll have fun,” he said with a warm smile written crossing his face. “O-oh… I do apologize on such short notice… I was jus-…” “No need to apologize Celestia, it’s perfectly fine.” “I’ll just get ready in a few minutes, say no more…,” he raised his paw and claw up as he zipped closed her mouth. A smile slowly crept at Celestia’s face. She was happy for not only getting somepony to be her plus one, but somepony who was her friend, a special one at that. She sighed happily, knowing her mission was accomplished. Everything she needed to do was done. She couldn’t help but feel good for herself as Discord went upstairs to get dressed. Nothing made her happier. While Celestia was happy, Discord wasn’t exactly quite the same though… Pretty much the opposite He was nervous. He didn’t expect that Celestia would ask him to be her guest to the Gala. He wasn’t even prepared for something as special. True, he was somewhat prepared at the previous gala, but that was due to a different reason. He could care less on what the ponies there would think of him, he only cared for the attention of his friend. But this was different. This isn’t some low call mission to get one’s attention or to cause mischief. It was something more, Discord knew this. Nevertheless, he consideredto accept her invitation, discarding his plans for peace and quiet. After all, he was going with a friend, how bad can it be? Pretty bad… Discord was in a state of panic. He was used to chaos, as long as it went his was, not the other way around. His wardrobe practically exploded, trying to find a suitable suit to wear. He can’t just pop something up that’s utterly screaming chaos, literally. Celestia was wearing a beautiful dress, Discord on the other hand wore broken jeans, a hawaiian shirt, a clown nose and a fez. It rivaled his naked form, but not really a plausible option at a formal event. Discord let out a groan in frustration. He couldn’t find something suitable to wear. He preferred a formal style of clothing that had a touch of chaos. He wanted a suit that not only made him look nice, but it also screamed chaos, not literally. His only option was to make one out of his magic. Despite it’s awesome power, he didn’t really liked using it for things formal. He had no trust it’ll create him something suitable. After all, it’s chaos. But despite his doubts, he used his magic. With a snap of a finger and a white flash, it gave him something he wasn’t expecting at all… Celestia waited patiently. She had the nerve to wait. She didn’t expect him to be done given the surprise invite she offered him. She didn’t care if they were late… She didn’t care if it took him hours to prepare… She didn’t care if he wore something horrid… She didn’t care if the ponies would be shocked… All that mattered to her was that she wasn’t alone. That’s all that mattered, She wasn’t alone… At that moment, she heard steps, she slowly stood up. She knew it was Discord, who else could it possibly be? It meant he was done and ready. But Celestia wasn’t… She wasn’t ready for what she saw… Her face, which was white as snow, slowly went crimson red. She gazed at what she saw. Discord was wearing a charming white suit that was paired with a white pants as he changed his mane from pure black to black that was covered with white stripes. His suit was spectacular. No smears, no smudges, no cuts to show any sign of distress on the condition. “Di-discord?…” “I know Celestia… I look ridiculous.” “No no… you look… amazing.” “Th-thank you…” Both were staring at each other, undeniably blushing. Discord hasn’t moved on from Celestia’s beauty in that dress, it made him blush every single time. Celestia returned the response, she always though Discord’s appearance was somewhat attractive, but it was a different story for tonight. Never has she witnessed such… Charm. “Uhmm… shall we go? “Y-yes Discord… let’s go.” "Is this some kind of magic?  eyes dangerously shiny  this world is made of candy  Don't mind us we are just two"