//------------------------------// // A little far from home // Story: Code Equine // by Olivine Ellva //------------------------------// “Nunnally!” Lelouch, exasperated and franticly running to the place he had saw his younger sister just a moment before continued to cry out. “Nunnally!~~ Nunna- Lelouch was complete taken aback, he had been running down a hallway in Ashford Academy, now to find himself in an unfamiliar room built of wood. Lelouch tried to process what was happening, he just witnessed his sister Nunnally vanish into thin air but a moment ago, and now finds himself to be someplace he has never been before, and he arrived there just as quickly as Nunnally had vanished. “What the hell is going on?!” Lelouch thought to himself, “Is this the work of another Geass user, if so, did he also take Nunnally?” Lelouch, calming down a little, took a moment to look around the room. At closer examination, it appears to be a storage room of some kind, filled with boxes, crates, shelves, and appeared to have nothing but food and drink scattered throughout them. “If this is the work of another Geass user, what limits are there to his or her ability?” Lelouch took a pause. “Perhaps we aren’t that far away from Ashford Academy, maybe the user is also ne-“ Lelouch’s train of thought was suddenly interrupted by a scream he heard through the door, and it wasn’t just any scream, he recognized this voice. “Nunnally!” Shouted Lelouch as he bolted for the door, he gave the knob a sharp twist and swung the door open. “Nunnal-“ Lelouch gaped, and was bewildered by the events he was seeing in front of him. Nunnally, his little sister, was lying on the ground, her wheelchair knocked over, and there was blood seeping through a gash on her forehead. To make matters even more confusing, he saw evidence that he was in a tavern of some kind, and to his astonishment, there was 5 equines surrounding his sister. Lelouch didn’t know what to make of the situation, why was his sister lying on the floor, bleeding like that?! Why are there 5 ponies in a tavern?! As Lelouch took a step out of the doorway, one of the ponies took notice of him and said “Hmm… It looks like another one of these strange creatures is here.” Lelouch did a double-take; he just witnessed a pony talk, and even called him a “strange creature”. “What the hell is happening?!” Lelouch began to think. “None of these events that are occurring in front of me make sense! Where in the world am I?!” Lelouch just couldn’t make sense of what was happening, but now found that, regardless of the situation, all that mattered is that he got his little sister someplace safe. Lelouch took a charge over to his sister, after trying to nudge her awake, he realized that she is unconscious. “What is it doing?” asked another one of the five ponies. Lelouch took a quick glare at them and bellowed “WHAT HAPPENED TO HER?!” To which the five ponies jumped, startled that they were being shouted at. “It’s shouting at us!” Started another one of the five ponies. “Perhaps this one is also dangerous.” As Lelouch watched the five ponies all nod their heads in agreement, he sensed danger, and quickly buried Nunnally in his arms, hoping that these five equines will no longer hurt his sister. “AAAAAAAGHH!” He felt a painful blow to his side, which dislodged him from his sister and sent him rolling across the floor. “Ugh!” Lelouch, now coughing and saliva running out of his mouth, took a glance at the five ponies; they were all approaching him, no longer paying attention to his sister. Then Lelouch looked up, he realized that he was laid up against a door. He stumbled to his feet and quickly opened the door. He was about to make his way out, only to feel a powerful blow on his spine. “AAAAAGGHHH!” he cried out, as he went flying out the door, into a back alley, and smashing into a pile of trash. With the stench of garbage in his nose, and the pain of being beaten up by a pony, he began to reflect on his situation. “What a ridiculous situation?” He thought. “I’m being beaten up by five talking ponies and my little sister is lying unconscious on the floor of some unfamiliar tavern.” Lelouch took an unsteady turn, laying his back against a trash bag, he saw through his dreary eyes that the five equines were getting closer. “Ha ha!” Lelouch began to laugh. “AH HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!” Lelouch was laughing like mad as he staggered to his feet. The five ponies were confused by this sudden change in his behavior, and took a step back. “No matter where it is ha ha…” Lelouch, began to say, no longer laughing. “No matter where we go, it’s always the same, people being trampled on because they are different, it’s no better than Britannia!” “Aha… Ah… I-“ Lelouch began, now completely upright. “I, Lelouch vi Britannia, command all of you to ‘DIE!’ he called out as he Activated his Geass. All five of them took a pause, and began to raise one of their front hooves. “Understood!” They all cried out, and lunged their hooves to their throats. All at once, they used their powerful hooves to punch a hole in their own throats. Blood began to pour out of the wounds, blood came out of their mouths, and they all fell over, making coughing and gagging sounds. As the ground became a pool of blood, and the sounds of the dying ponies began to quiet down, Lelouch decided to head back inside the Tavern to get his sister. Lelouch, now inside the Tavern, picked up his sister, placed her on the wheelchair, and began to wheel her out to the back alley. As he continued to wheel her out of the alley, he began to notice that it was currently night time and that the place he was at was a rather small village of some sort. He continued to wheel his sister down an empty main road, and after a while, he began to hear shouts and screams in the distance. “Probably not a good idea to stay around here much longer” He thought, and began to move faster, as he neared the exit to the village, he noticed a sign. “This place is called ‘Ponyville’?” Lelouch began with a bewildered look. “Just what in the hell is this place?” As Lelouch walked down the long roadway, he began to recall what had just happened before arriving here. “Lelouch… did you hear about it?” Nunnally began to ask. “Our brother, Prince Clovis was killed.” “Yes I did and it is rather unnerving to say the least.” said Lelouch in reply. Looking up at Nunnally’s face, who looked rather upset, Lelouch continued with “But you shouldn’t worry too much about it, we can’t change what happened.” “How about this Nunnally, let’s take a stroll around the Academy, and try to put it out of our minds.” Seeing her expression change, he saw that she liked the idea. So as they went about the Academy, talking about funny things that Lelouch’s classmates do, Lelouch began to feel a little guiltier about his murdering of Clovis, but quickly put it out of his mind. From around the corner he heard someone say “Hey Lelouch, Nunnally, what you doin?” Nunnally, recognizing the voice of Milly Ashford replied “We are taking a stroll around the Academy, it was big brother’s suggestion.” “Yeah, we are trying to put the death of Clovis out of our minds.” Lelouch continued for her. Milly, noticing that Nunnally began to frown, decided to pull Lelouch around the corner. “It would seem that it isn’t a good idea to bring up the subject if you intend to put it out of your minds.” “Indeed.” Lelouch replied. After a pause, Milly came up with an idea. “How about this, later on, how about we all do something together, that should cheer Nunnally up.” Suggested Milly. “That sounds like a wonderful idea, I will help you prepare for it in a little bit, after I finishing my stroll with Nunnally.” said Lelouch with a happy expression on his face. “Oh my… you are right, I best go and start preparing for it, see you later!” As Lelouch waved goodbye, he replied “Yeah, see ya.” Lelouch walked around the corner, and as he began to walk down the hall, to his utter shock, he witnessed what he thought was impossible, Nunnally just disappeared right in front of his eyes. “Nunnally?” he called out, not quite sure how to react to what he just saw. “Nunnally!” “NUNALLY!!” he cried out as he began to run. Lelouch shook his head and sighed. “No matter how many times I think it over, it just doesn’t make sense.” He thought to himself, as he continued his stroll pushing Nunnally along the empty road. Lelouch was worried that perhaps using a torn shred from his shirt as a bandage for Nunnally’s wound wasn’t enough, but he couldn’t think of anything else he could do at the moment. As he continued to walk, he noticed another sign. “Sweet Apple Acres?” he read off it. “I think I see a barn of some sort down the road, perhaps we can hide over there for the night.” As he reached the barn, he noticed no one was around, so he went in. After he found a place with lots of cover, laid Nunnally down on a soft patch of hay, and he leaned against the barn wall. And feeling exhaustion take over, he drifted off into a deep sleep.