A Prank Too Far

by MidnightInkpaw

And she...

Twilight paced back and forth between the same crystal floor she had for the past three weeks. It was past midnight and Spike had went to sleep hours ago, even when she promised him that she would get a good nights rest this time, Twilight had stayed up still thinking about the safety of her friend.

Twilight had sent a letter to Princess Celestia telling her about the incident. Of course the Princess was shocked to hear that one of the Elements of Harmony had been severely injured and was even more surprised that it was Pinkies idea to begin with. After bringing Rainbow Dash to the Ponyville Hospital, Time Turner, or Dr. Whooves, stopped by to pick up an ingredient only for medical purposes for one of his experiments. He heard about Rainbows condition and volunteered to help save her.

"Surely I could do something to prevent her death." Dr. Whooves argued.

"What can anypony do to prevent ones' death? We have done all we can to try to save her. Now all we can do is make the pain more bearable until the time is up." Nurse Redheart explained.

"What are her injuries?"

Nurse Redheart looked at the clipboard in her hooves."Well, she has several broken ribs, both of her wings are broken, her left arm isn't doing well either, and her skull is cracked, badly, which may have caused severe damage to the brain. She lost a lot of blood too, which may affect on how she moves. Oh dear."

"Oh dear indeed." The Doctor sighed. "Could you at least let me try to help her?" He nearly sounded like he was begging at this point.

Nurse Redheart sighed. "I guess things couldn't get worse. Yes, I will let you help. After all, I have heard some interesting things from you doc."

"Thank you, Nurse Redheart." Dr. Whooves smiled.

Yes, Twilight had been informed about Dr. Whooves offer to help Rainbow Dash and after a long talk, she finally agreed. But even when she agreed, there was a voice at the back of her head that doubted The Doctor would fix everything.

Twilight did not notice the footsteps coming from the other room and it sounded like it was heading towards her. She did not notice someone had opened the door to her the room. She did not even notice the comforting claw that rested on her shoulder. She was too lost in her thoughts.

"Twilight?" A voice that could have only belonged to a small baby dragon of green and purple scales. Twilights train of thoughts was broken.

"Gah! Spike, aren't you supposed to be sleeping?" Twilight squealed.

Spike sighed. "I could say the same for you." He shot back. "Come on, you Pinkie Promised that you would get some sleep tonight. Just one night. I'm sure that Rainbow wouldn't want you to lose your sleep because of her, right? If not for her, then do it for me. Please." Spike cooed, giving his best puppy dog eyes.

Twilight hesitated for a while befor finally giving in. "Fine, I'll just keep all these books and scrolls."

Spike mentally cheered and went back to his room.

Twilight sighed again. "I just hope you're okay, Rainbow."

** The Friendship Castle ( 8:00 a.m. ) **

"Twilight! Twilight?!" A voice called through the crystal walls.

"Ughh, a few more minutes." Twilight muttered as her body rolled closer to the edge of the bed. "Gah!"

"Twilight? Twilight, get up! I just got s letter fro- uhh. Twilight?" Spike said as he opened the door to see Twilight laying on the floor, mane unkept and feathers ruffled, rubbing her side. "Are you ok?" Spike snickered.

"Haha, go ahead, laugh it up." Twilight deadpanned as she rolled her eyes.

"Aww come on, I was only joking. Anyway, I got a letter from Ponyville Hospital, they said to come immediately." Spike announced, putting on a serious face


"They didn't say. It just says this." Spike handed over the letter to Twilight.

Twilight read the letter once, then again, and again. She couldn't find anything else. She looked at the back of the page, nothing was written. "Well then Spike, we'll have breakfast later. If this is an emergency, we're going."

"Ok, but what do you think this is about." Spike asked.

"I think I have an idea but hopefully it's good news."

** Ponyville Hospital **

"What!?! What do you mean 'reset'?!"

"I left that part to you! What happened? I already did the hard part!"

"I don't know! A screen just popped up and said that the process had an error with transfering all the information."

"How many percent of information was transferred?"

"Eleven percent."


Twilight and Spike sat in the waiting area and had listened to the ongoing conversation through the doors. She nor Spike knew what any of them were talking about. Finally, both ponies came out of the room and saw the alicorn and dragon.

"Oh uh, greetings Miss Sparkle, I suppose you got our letter." Doctor Stable asked.

"Yes, I did. What is this about Doctor? Although, I may have already guessed."

"Ah, yes. The reason why we called you here is indeed because of your friend. You may see her now." Doctor Stable said. Time Turner remained silent as they both led Twilight and Spike through the hallways.

Time Turner opened the door to let them in. "The staff had also contacted the rest of your friends so they should be here soon." He and Doctor Stable looked at each other worriedly.

Twilight, Spike, and the doctors walked into the room, which was noticed by Dash, who was sitting on the bed. She looked different. Her left wing had a flexible metal case while her right was wrapped in bandages, her left hoof, parts of her body and both of her back hooves were made of metal too, her head was covered in bandages and her right eye seemed... robotic.

Twilight gasped. This is what they did these past three weeks? "Rainbow? Is that you?"

Rainbow looked at her quizzically. "Uhh, hello Miss. How may I help you?" Dash said in a metallic voice.

Twilight was confused now. Why had Dash called her 'Miss'? Or why did she talk like that? "Don't you remember me, Dash?"

"No, I can't, I can't remember anything."

And she lived, but most of her memory was erased.