//------------------------------// // Pest Control // Story: Tales of the Battle Foals // by Sirdubya //------------------------------// The colts rushed towards the source of the light, which to nopony’s shock was Spiral Galaxy. The torrent of cosmic energy pouring from her horn produced so much light that it was difficult to see what she and Shadow Shroud were fighting, and it didn’t help that whatever it was moved very quickly in the dark. Shadow Shroud suddenly appeared in front of them. “About time you got here!” she said just as something jumped out of the dark from behind her. She would have been hit had Kickback not quickly shot it. Multiple roars and hisses of the same nature could be heard, indicating there was more than one of whatever was attacking them. The colts looked down to see the corpse of a bizarre creature the size of an alligator. It had the head and paws of either a mole or a gopher, but the rest of its body was scaly and green like some kind of lizard or gecko with some patches of fur, and thin membranes spanning from their back legs to their fore legs. It had a forked tongue, cat-like eyes, and buck teeth that were shaped like snake fangs with what appeared to be dirt caked on them. “What in tarnation!?” Kickback exclaimed. Suddenly, another one of the creatures pounced towards Kickback from the dark. “Yo, mah boy!” Turf War shouted as he shield-charged the creature. It staggered, but managed to grip the rim of his shield, and pulled its head over it. “WHOA!” Turf War exclaimed. His head would have been bitten off had Air Slash not thrust his sword into the creature’s skull. Turf War shook its corpse off of his shield. “What are these things!?” Fire Fight said. He had his horn ignited, but aside from Spiral’s, it was the only source of light any of them had, so tracking their fast attackers was anything but easy. Spiral and Fire Fight stood a good distance from one another to provide adequate light in a broad area for their comrades to combat in. Fire Fight raised a wall of flames around himself to deter the creatures away from him while Spiral just caught them in her orbit and threw them into walls and coaches; some of them would be able to jump in quick enough to almost bite her before they were sent into orbit. Air Slash floated in between the two light sources as he fought off an ambush. Two of the creatures pounced from either side of him, so Air Slash quickly spun around once, and managed to slice their noses which caused them to stagger and fall. But another snuck up behind him, and pinned him to the ground. Air Slash headbutted its fangs in an attempt to agitate it off of him, but it barely did a thing. It wasn’t until a series of lightning-quick slashes to its head and neck finished it off. Air Slash got up to see a pair of gleaming amethyst eyes staring him down for a brief moment before vanishing into the darkness. He brushed it all off as he grabbed his swords, and ascended once more. Turf War was confronted by one of the creatures as it eyed him viciously. His hammer-axe and shield were poised, and ready to smack it silly. “Where yo’ boys at, b****?” he taunted. He was answered with a bunch on eyes opening in the dark behind his opponent accompanied by hissing coming from each. Turf War was suddenly sweating bullets, and he creased a very nervous smile as his eyes widened in horror. “…..How y’all doin’?” he asked aloud trying to hide his fear. The mass of eyes stared him down for a brief moment before they all jumped towards him at once. Turf War quickly put his shield, and suddenly heard a short series of loud bangs. When he looked back up, all but one of the creatures were dead on the floor. Turf War looked over to see Kickback holstering his guns, and drawing his whip. “Now let’s see if Ah was payin’ attention.” Kickback hissed. He cracked his whip right onto the creature’s forehead, causing it to recoil back a good distance. Kickback continued to whip its face and paws whenever they raised them with about as much precision as his marksmanship. He then managed to coil his whip around its neck, and reload his gun in the opposite hoof. He forcefully pulled it towards him until their faces were barely a foot apart, and shot it point blank with the barrel of his gun pressed against its forehead. Just as he was uncoiling his whip from the creature’s neck, another jumped out from behind him, but Turf War slammed his axe down hard onto its neck. Kickback tipped his hat just as he finished fully retrieving his whip. “Much obliged, partner. “Yeah, bruh.” Turf War said. Another one of the creatures then suddenly bit down onto the head of his hammer-axe. Turf War wrestled it with it for a moment, but managed to pull it towards him, and beat it off with his shield. He bashed its head in with his hammer. “D’ese things don’t play!” “They’re everywhere!!” Spiral shouted. She created four bigger congregations of light into star-like masses within her orbital galaxy shield. The mini stars then fired a series of laser blasts towards a horde of the creatures. The ones that didn’t get seared by the nova lasers scampered away to avoid them. Fire Fight finally had enough room to bring down his flame shield, and launch it as a huge fire disc at the cornered horde. “HRRAAAAGHHH!” The mass of blazing light made the dark tunnel light up as though it had finally once again seen the light of day. When the disc hit the front row of the horde, it dispersed as a wave of fire that all the other creatures ducked under, but the ones that got seared fell to ground smoking. Some of the area around where the blaze had burst was still flaming Another huge mass of eyes suddenly appeared behind the remainder of the horde, and the now huge crowd of creatures hissed and roared as the foals back away. “Seems we crashed quite the party!” Shadow Shroud said. As the hissing horde crept towards the foals, Kickback suddenly noticed that there was fire burning around what looked like an oil drum just off to their right that the horde was just beside. Without thinking any further, he fired one of his guns at it, and the drum violently exploded onto the horde. They recoiled greatly, and retreated into the dark, disappearing. “Kickback, a fair warning would have been prudent before pulling a stunt like that.” Air Slash reprimanded. “Well Ah’m awful sorry, Air Slash. Sound, Fury and mahself just had a quick idea, and we acted on it. Didn’t mean any harm none.” Fire Fight used his magic to smother all the residual flames to prevent any further catastrophes. “It was still a good idea nonetheless, but…” Fire Fight looked down at a corpse of one of the creatures that happened to be at his feet. “What are these things?” Shadow Shroud examined it with him. “It has the attributes of a burrowing mammal and some kind of reptile. These wing-like membranes make me think of bats, which use echolocation; perhaps that's how they were able to perceive us even in this pitch-darkness.” She hypothesized. “Are you sure it wasn’t just because we were being kinda loud to begin with?” Spiral inquired. “Do it even matter d’ho? We can’t stay down here. D’ese m************ just gonna keep comin’ fo’ our booties if we don’t bounce.” Turf War said. “And just where do you propose we relocate?” Air Slash asked sternly. “Man! I ain’t said we gotta bounce right freakin’ now! I know dis joint kinda the only damn place we can hide right now.” Turf War retorted. “Ok, ok. Calm down, guys.” Fire Fight said. He and Shadow Shroud examined the corpse further, and some others around it. All of them had one more common trait that they found rather odd. “What’s with all the dirt in their mouths? Are they….eating it?” “I would think that they’re merely chewing through the dirt to burrow through it, but I’d presume that’s what their claws are for, so…..perhaps?” Shadow Shroud said. “Maybe their clawing and eating through the dirt at the same time to dig faster, and smaller burrowers just get eaten if they’re in the way?” Spiral thought aloud. “A fair assumption, but really, we ought to-” Air Slash started to speak, but was cut off by something he suddenly remembered. “Hold on! The clerk at the bakery said that Fillydelphia’s farming soil has not been fertile as of late, so they’ve had a negative influx of wheat supplies! Could perhaps……these creatures be responsible!?” They all looked at him with shock. “Are you serious right now? How much you pay fo’ dat?” Turf War inquired. “Five bits.” Air Slash answered. “Fer one loaf o’ bread!? Well butter mah buns and call me a biscuit!” Kickback exclaimed. “You bought some bread?” Spiral asked. Air Slash nodded. “I did. It was nothing more than an act of survival for our group.” He answered. “Well it certainly served more of a purpose than even you could realize, now didn’t it?” Shadow Shroud sneered. Air Slash rolled his eyes in annoyance. “No matter which we look at it, these creatures are indeed eating through dirt for one reason or another to survive. That kind of damage to the soil is sure to affect its fertility- I’m no expert, so don’t quote me.” Shadow Shroud said. “Yer not too far off, Ms. Shadow Shroud. Mah pa told me a couple stories from when he was a foal, and how he and his pa had rooted up so many weeds one time that the wind just started blowing soil everywhere, and their crops just wouldn’t grow since there was barely anymore good soil to grow out of.” Kickback explained. “Varmints like these’d loosen the soil too so it’d still be easier to blow around.” “But what are they doing here? We’re still pretty far from Fillydelphia, so either they’ve exhausted their food supply there, or there really is just that many.” Spiral thought aloud. “Well, we’d better figure out where their nest is, and clean house. Imagine what would happen if they decided to surface!” Fire Fight declared. “Y-You sure we really should?” Turf War asked nervously. Fire Fight looked at him with a determined expression. “Take a good look at our flanks and tell me we’re not the ones for the job!” he said. “Indeed. Unless you want to return from whence you came?” Shadow Shroud affirmed. Turf War shook his head, and any hesitation he had left out of it. “Hell nah! I’m down!” he said. They all put their hooves in, and set out to follow the creatures. Fire Fight and Spiral Galaxy lit their way through the dark as they carefully searched for wherever the strange creatures’ nest might be. Shadow Shroud listened around carefully for any further sign of their presence while Turf War, Kickback and Air Slash had their weapons at the ready in case of an emergency. Trails of dirt that were likely left by the creatures were the only physical clues of where they had disappeared to; everything else was just instinct. Shadow Shroud was suddenly able to feel their presence from far away in the direction of the dirt trails, and it grew more prominent to her as the foals carefully neared wherever they were going. After what seemed like an eternity, the foals came across a huge hole in the wall of the subway that looked as though it had been dug out. When the unicorns shined their light down into it, it seemed to go on forever. The dirt trails ended at its entrance. “Ah reckon we found their little hideaway. Sound and Fury are just about to jump outta their holsters.” Kickback said. “Well keep those two in check before they do anything rash…..and make my ears ring again.” Shadow Shroud said. “Ok….let’s be really careful.” Fire Fight whispered. He and Spiral dimmed their horns so nopony was blinded in the somewhat narrow tunnel. The creatures could be heard hissing and digging from every direction as they crept through the darkness. As they trekked further into the dark tunnel, a strange smell could be detected in the air. The smell was something akin to some kind of smokey or spoiled pickle juice. Whatever it was, it certainly didn’t belong in an underground environment. The smell became more and more prominent. After a series of little twists and turns through the dark tunnel, a strange light could be seen emanating from around a corner the foals were approaching. They stopped for a brief moment to confirm that they weren’t seeing things. “What’s that?” Spiral whispered. “We’re about to find out. Stay quiet.” Shadow Shroud whispered. They all carefully crept over to the edge of the corner, and peered around it. What they saw was nothing short of shocking. A massive laboratory containing a great assortment of machines and measuring tools filled the large pocket in the ground. It was then that the foals figured out what that strange smell was: it was formaldehyde! Amongst the equipment were artificial embryos containing fetuses of the mole-lizard things that they had followed within huge glass containers. “These creatures are not of nature!?” Air Slash whispered. He got his answer when he looked further into the large room. At a series of computer monitors and a keyboard was a unicorn stallion that was typing as furiously as his expression looked. He looked as though he hadn’t slept in weeks, and was foaming at the mouth and panting like a madman. “They’ll see! They’ll ALL see! My research is anything but laughable! I’ll show them just what science is capable of! My science! Once my precious beasts render Fillydelphia’s soil infertile, they’ll be begging me to fix it! Who’ll be laughing then, huh? Me! THIS GUY!” he declared. He laughed maniacally for a moment before sputtering and coughing from so much of it. He took deep breathes, and calmed down. “Maybe I’ll finally get around to locating and recapturing Subject CL afterwards…” The foals looked on in shock at what they had just heard. “The hell dis b**** smokin’?” Turf War whispered. “I’d rather not know. But I would like to stop him if that’s cool with you guys.” Fire Fight said. Shadow Shroud drew her kunai. “Oh no. Not at all.” She sarcastically sneered. As the foals readied themselves, they suddenly heard hissing coming from right behind them! They looked to see a horde of the artificial monsters crawling towards them. “What is it, my darlings?” they heard the scientist call out. “Uh oh…” Spiral muttered. The foals knew that they’d already crashed a party, but ‘party’ was just the beginning…