//------------------------------// // Preparation for the War and The Vision // Story: The Lost Legends of Equestria: Star Swirl the Bearded // by Silver Inkwell //------------------------------// Thirty Years Later… Star Swirl was resting in his home when the message from the Princess arrived and while he was slightly annoyed that he was disturbed he was even more concerned with what he read in the letter glancing over at it and noticing key words and phrases like ‘Peril’, “Danger’, ‘The Lands are in Trouble’, and of course the most common one of all, ‘We need your help (right now/ right away) please (come and assist us in this great time of dire need)’. He sighed and put on his cloak ready to travel, and while he was more than willing and ready to help other ponies in need he sighed because it was becoming… well… boring (at this point). There was nothing really new that could be explored, no dragons, no griffons, or other various random monsters to fight off, and he just wished for once that something new and dramatic would pop up, but little did he know that his wish would be granted and that it would also eventually end up backfiring on him in the end. He went to the castle of the Two Sisters and saw them and greeted them. “Thank you my friend for coming on such short notice,” Celestia said. “You’re welcome,” he said, “I’m available anytime, but what seems to be the trouble around here anywhere? Politics? Geography? Friendship Dispute?” “None of those actually, this case… it is… well… different… special… unique.” “Go on, I’m listening,” he said with great interest in his voice. “You see we have only been recently made aware that in our land this threat has passed by with some… unusual and strange and odd consequences and results, no pony knows who or what this… ‘thing’ could really be at all. And that’s where you come in, we believe and think that it may target us here in this land, and we need you to help us protect it and prepare it for war.” “Surely it will not come to war, will it?” he asked with some slight fear. “Hopefully not and never,” Luna said, “But that is why we need you, we have no idea how powerful this being, this ‘thing’ may be, but it has enough power to where it completely wiped out an entire village off the map without trying.” “That sounds impressive, but where did the village go exactly?” “According to our sources,” Celestia said, “Everywhere, but mostly up.” “Interesting,” he said and he had a slight suspicion of who or what this might be, “Tell me,” he asked, “Were their cotton candy clouds over the village?” “Yes, but how did you know that?” Celestia asked with some slight surprise. “Don’t ask,” he said, “But tell me, did the village look like it was… well… chaotic at all?” he asked emphasizing the word 'chaotic'. “Yes, that is how the ponies who escaped from it described it, but how did you know that?” Celestia asked once more again of the wizard. “I will answer your question, I think that I may know who this ‘thing, this being, this entity is, he is a powerful spirit of Chaos known only as Discord.” It was right then at that moment that Luna shook and shivered along with Celestia, “Is everything all right?” he asked, “It looks like you saw a ghost.” “Not seen,” Luna said, “But heard his name, we have had an encounter with him before in the past that has left us… well… broken to be quite honest.” “I have had an encounter with him too, in my visons only of course, but I did know that there was still a very good chance that he might come along too.” “You knew that he would come and you said nothing?” Celestia asked angrily. “Yes, and that was only because my visions are uncertain and I did not wish to worry you, and also more importantly so that I would not change the future by influencing your decisions before you even making them changing many events that would otherwise have been left normal without any intervention at all.” “Alright then, fine, but will you help us out now?” “Yes of course, but do you think that he would really attack us here?” “I don’t know,” Celestia said, “But if he does then we must be ready, but I only wish that there was some kind of weapon or spell that we could use against him in case things got out of hoof, he is after all the spirit of chaos.” “Actually there is such a thing,” he said, “But it is not easy to reach.” “Where is it located exactly?” she asked “The Everfree forest,” he said, “In the most dangerous part filled with peril and danger, not that you can’t handle that, oh, and did I mention the Timberwolves already or did I forget about that? Eh, who cares about that anyway?” “This is no joke, this is serious” she said, “Show us where this weapon is.” “I know that it is serious,” he said, “But there is always time for humor!” Celestia sighed, “Sometimes you remind me of my sister’s foolish actions.” “Foolish? No, never, not ever likely. Fun? Yes, many times in fact,” he said. She sighed once more again putting her hoof up to her face very slowly, “Very well then, say your words if you must, but do it kindly and fast please.” “Thank you,” he said, “But how close is he to us anyways?” “Very close,” she said, “If he comes any closer he will be in our lands.” “Well that’s a problem,” he said, “But come, let me show you the weapon.” “Very well then,” she said, “Come sister, let him show us the weapon.” And with that said the two sisters walked out from their castle very slowly following his lead, and as they walked he reflected and thought upon the strange thing of their size, they had grown so quickly to become even taller than him when they finally earned their cutie marks so very long ago. They stood towering over him almost like giants, their wings were almost like eagles, probably, perhaps maybe, and their horns were very long as well too. He sighed as he thought of this memory and reelected upon just how not so very long ago how so very little they were and how they were not so very wise of the world around them and what dangers and perils it held, but now they were wise, and they were tall, they were strong, they were smart, they had power, they had knowledge as well too, and they had love and respect for their citizens as well too, they were good leaders indeed, and he couldn’t be any prouder of them even if he tried to, and with that he smiled in remembrance of the past. “What are you smiling about?” Celestia asked as they walked. “Nothing,” he said, “I’m just remembering the past.” And with that said they walked the rest of the way in silence. Star Swirl lead them very slowly to the Tree of Harmony where they found the Elements of Harmony waiting for them in their rightful and respectful places. “Here it is,” Star Swirl said, “The Elements of Harmony, brought to you here today by the courtesy of the Tree of Harmony, and me too of course.” “It is simply beautiful and divine,” Celestia said looking at it, “But how do you use it? How does it work? What does it do against others exactly?” “Well,” he said, “What it is exactly is still a mystery even to me, I know that the representation of the power and energy that they hold from every pony is in that gem or crystal, but I also know that you don’t need them to defeat others, all you need is just a representation, even if it is not in a physical form or shape, the mysteries of this tree and what it holds is great and many, but if you do take away the Elements from where they are right now, eventually the tree will grow weak and be able to defend the growth of this strange and mysterious and powerful large forest, but that probably wouldn’t happen for many years so you should be fine taking them out if you will return them.” “Alright then,” she said, “We will return them, eventually, we can promise you this, and that is all we need to do, right?” “Not exactly,” he said, “You need to pass a test or trial to get them.” “Why?” “I don’t know, don’t ask me, I’m not the one who made all the rules.” “Then how come you know the rules?” “Please don’t ask.” “Alright then,” she said, “Fine, but what is the test or trial must we pass?” “Touch the stones and you will see, answer their questions and you will pass.” “That makes absolutely no sense at all,” Celestia said. “Exactly,” he said with a laugh, “But I can’t help you out this time girls, this is something that you must do on your own, you can have no help from any pony else especially me, do you understand and agree to these terms and conditions, please say that you do, I do not wish for these lands to fall.” “Of course we do,” Celestia said, “But if you cannot help us will you at least stay with us to watch us even if you cannot guide or teach us?” “Yes, of course,” he said, “It’s not like I have anything better to do.” And with that said he summoned a chair to sit upon and a table to write upon in his journal so that he could record any thoughts or brilliant and creative ideas that he had, and he never knew when he would have them which is why he always carried supplied around to write with wherever he went. He smiled and sat down and said, “Begin when you are ready my students.” And then it was their turn to smile, he always said that to them right before they had to figure out a very challenging or difficult problem without his help, usually and generally it involved what they had done wrong and right. This time however it was being used in the context to try to figure out what something meant exactly without being given any clues or hints. The two sisters examined the statement that he had given them very closely, and then they couldn’t help but to ask one question to gain a hint or clue. “Comet,” they said, “But what your statement plain and simple or did it hide a double meaning within it? I mean please tell us at least that.” “My statement was both plain and simple, yet deep and complex and hidden as well too, but don’t you know by not that it is better not to ask me this stuff?” “Well thanks a lot,” Celestia said, “That sure helped out a lot.” “It did? Oh no, if that is true then I have violated the rules of the game and have lost, oh well, I guess it doesn’t matter that much anyways, carry on.” And with that said he remained silent as the two sisters continued working on the problem and riddle. Eventually however Luna sighed and said, “Come on, why don’t we just rest and relax for a bit and go home, please?” “No,” Celestia said, “We’re not giving up on this.” “I never said that we should give up on this, I just said that we might need some sleep, that’s all,” Luna said trying to reason with her sister. “I heard what you said sister, I am just not willing to listen.” Star Swirl cursed under his breath, “You should not have said that.” “What was that?” Luna asked to both of them. “Nothing,” Star Swirl said, “Just a cough,” and then he faked one and gave a slight fake smile as Luna turned her gaze back to her sister. “How dare you say that you will not listen to me, your one and only very same sister, how dare you say that I am to be treated with any less respect or love than you, how dare you say that I am less than you ever will be!” “I didn’t say that,” Celestia said. “OH YES YOU DID!” Luna roared with rage and fury spewing her wrath upon her sister, “YOU CERTAINLY MEANT IT EVEN IF YOU DID NOT SPEAK IT!” “Sister, please, remain calm, be reasonable, we can talk this out.” “NO, WE CAN’T AND THAT’S ONLY BECAUSE YOU NEVER SAY ANYTHING TO ME, AND YOU DON’T HAVE TO! YOUR ACTIONS SPEAK LOUDER THAN WORDS MY DEAR SISTER OF MINE, AND YOU HAVE BEEN COLD, CRUEL, AND HARD! HOW DARE YOU CALL YOURSELF A SISTER OF MINE AT ALL AFTER THE WAY YOU HAVE TREATED ME! HOW DARE YOU SIT IN THE THRONE AND CALL YOURSELF THE RULER OF THESE FAIR LANDS!” “Sister, please, I don’t know what to say, but I am so very sorry.” “YOU’RE NOT SORRY ENOUGH, NOT YET AT LEAST!” And with that said Star Swirl saw Luna turn into Nightmare Moon and echo a cold cruel laugh of pain as the sky turned black as night all around them. “Sister, what are you doing?” Celestia asked with panic and fear in her voice. “What I should have done years ago,” she shouted as she attacked her. The Two Sisters then fought each other and it was at this point that he knew that it was not real what he was seeing, not all of it at least, he knew that after the apology of Celestia that it was not a dream or reality, but a vision instead. He blinked in some confusion and then waved his hoof and went back to reality and then saw the real and actual events as it happened. Luna blinked and sighed after hearing her sister’s apology, “Fine then, I accept this statement of yours for now, but we must and will talk about this later.” “Of course,” Celestia said, “Now then, can we get back to the problem at hoof?” “Yes,” Luna said, “But let us start from the start, he said to touch the stones, right? And wouldn’t that in most cases mean to, well… touch them?” “Yes, I suppose so,” she said, “Which one do you want?” “The blue one,” she said, “You can have anything else that you like or want.” “Alright then,” Celestia said, “Let’s do this.” And with that said they touched the stones and entered another world with their own visons, but what they saw is another story for a different day. “That was… interesting,” Celestia said once it was over and finished. “Quite,” her sister agreed, “But at least we know what he means and what he said, but now we have to do this again with every stone that there is.” “Right,” her sister said, “And let us split up so that it is faster.” “Agreed,” and with that said they split up into two working on the many stones that were strange and powerful, and soon enough they got through all of them. “Well done,” he said once they were done, “It appears to me that you have passed all the tests and trials, and now you can and may wield the power of these stones, these gems, these crystals, whatever they are, you can use them against your enemies to defeat them, but make sure that they are always kept safe, they cannot be replaced easily enough exactly if you must know.” “But how do we use them against others exactly?” Celestia asked plainly. “You will know soon enough when the time comes, and that is all that I can say on this matter, I wish I could tell you more, but the bond between me and what you hold now is much stronger than yours or any other pony could hope to be. I know more about what it is and what power it holds than any pony else, yet I also still know so little about it for I still have much that I must and will learn.” “But if you cannot teach us how to use it, then how will we know to use it? What if the right time never comes? Or what if it is late or early instead?” “Do not worry about these fears,” he said, “When the right time comes you will know, and do not ask me how I know that, I just merely do.” “Alright then, fine, I trust you, I just hope that I am not disappointed.” “You won’t be,” he said, “I mean have I ever let you down before now?” “No,” she said, “You haven’t, but there is always room for a first now, isn’t that right?” she asked staring at him with deep intensity of thought perhaps. “Yes, I suppose so, but me disappointing you will never happen just as much as you can never disappoint me, after all, some things may be possible in this life, but they’re not always very probable, so please keep that in mind.” “Alright then, consider it in my mind,” and with that said they reached for the gems when Star Swirl stopped them, “WAIT!” he said, “Leave them there.” “Why?” she asked once more again. “Because you should only have them if and when the enemy comes, but if he does not, then you have no need for them, so please wait, alright princess?” “Alright then, fine,” she said, “But if he does come, then we are taking them.” “That’s fine and alright with me, but anyhow I think that it is time to go back to the castle now, after all, you have duties to attend to, stuff to do, things to finish, just like I do, come now, let us be on our way and not stay here.” And with that said they all went on their way in silence with an unspoken agreement between them, and when they reached the castle they split up with Star Swirl going to his home while the two sisters stayed there in the castle. He sighed heavily, he wished that he could stay with them, but he much rather would prefer to spend it at his real home rather than trouble the princesses. If he did stay with them he would only get in their way since he was no expert on anything political, he only had a basic fundamental knowledge of it. If they ever did need him he was not too far away and they would contact him either directly, through mail, or other methods that could be faster instead. And with that in his mind he went home and decided to rest and relax and sleep so that he would be prepared for what the next day might hold.