//------------------------------// // Chapter 1: An Assassin's Account // Story: A Long Way to Fall // by Cinders of War //------------------------------// Snow fell around Morning Blade as she saw her contact, a lavender-skinned girl, standing by the school’s statue. She had met her once, though very briefly, a week ago, after they had defeated Sombra and saved both their worlds. The wreck of his auditorium was still there, though it seems like cleaning efforts had already taken place. There was considerably less debris than before and the Templar's machine was nowhere to be seen. “Thank you for meeting me, Morning Blade,” the lavender girl said, shaking her hand. She had long purple hair with pink and purple streaks in it. Morning Blade had on a white jacket over a black tank top and her usual pink skirt with its wing icon on it. She had also replaced her eyepatch, getting one that seemed less conspicuous, since her old one was made in a rush. She let her fringe down on that side, blocking most of the eyepatch from view, just in case some people were a little too curious about it. “It is my pleasure,” the ex-Assassin smiled and followed the girl into a place that brought warm memories back. Canterlot High School. This was a place that Morning Blade held close to her heart. She had spent four years of her life here. Four unforgettable years. “I’m Twilight Sparkle,” she greeted as they went down the halls of Morning’s old school. “Did Sunset mention that?” “Yes, yes, she did,” Morning replied. After Sunset Shimmer had finished explaining everything that had happened in detail, the princess called Twilight Sparkle had asked to talk to Morning, though the white haired girl had no idea what for. “May I ask, princess, what would you like to know?” The younger girl led her towards the music room, passing the many classrooms and corridors that Morning had used when she was still here. “Just Twilight is fine. This may sound strange, but… I’m from the another world. Equestria, just like Sunset.” Normally, she might’ve found all this a little far-fetched and crazy, but now, she’d seen some of it herself. “Go on, prin- Twilight.” “Your world is like a mirror of mine, only… You aren’t ponies like us. You’re humans.” “Morning Blade?” a voice called from behind. Morning knew that voice well. “Principal Celestia!” she greeted with a happy smile, throwing her arms around the tall principal. “It’s so good to see you!” “Likewise, Morning,” the principal patted her head. “How have you been? We didn't get to talk much the last time I saw you.” “It was a little… tight the last time, Principal Celestia,” she put a hand to the grey patch, partially hidden behind her hair. “But I’ve been alright.” “I see you’ve met Twilight?” she looked to the lavender girl, who gave a wave. “She’s a lovely acquaintance.” “I’ll bet. Well, we should be going. It was nice meeting you again, Principal Celestia.” “Anytime, Morning.” the principal turned around to leave, but stopped once more. “If you’re still around later, perhaps you’d like to catch up?” “That’d be nice,” Morning Blade nodded. “I’ll keep that in mind.” The two girls waved goodbye to the principal as they continued down the hallway. “You know Principal Celestia?” Twilight asked as they walked. They soon arrived at their destination, with Twilight closing the doors behind them as they entered. Morning Blade nodded her answer, finding a spot to sit. “I was from CHS before I joined the Assassins. She’s such a nice person. There’s no way I can forget her. This school has given me memories I will never forget. Just like how… like how Frigid has done for me…” “I’m sorry about him, Morning,” Twilight placed a hand atop Morning Blade’s shoulder. “That’s why I’m here. To have him remembered. So as I was saying, my world has a renowned Frigid Night as well, seeing as it's sort of a mirrored version of yours.” “Y-yes, I recall something like that…” Morning replied, picking back up on the conversation with Twilight, remembering shreds of information of her talks with Sunset Shimmer and Mentor Steel Shine, along with seeing the other world’s Satin Breeze and Dewdrop. “Ponies, humans. It’s still strange.” “Well, because it’s like a mirror, you’re there, Morning Blade. You’re in my world.” Now, this part, Morning had trouble taking in. “I-I’m… There’s another me too?” “Yes. Lieutenant Morning Blade of the Royal guard,” Twilight smiled. “And there’s probably another Twilight here somewhere, but I have yet to meet her.” “Woah…” Morning put a hand to her forehead. “And is this why you wanted to meet me, princess?” “Partially,” the lavender girl continued. “You see, I’ve always wanted to know the differences between our worlds, and there are many. Like my friends here at Canterlot High. They’re similar to my friends back home, but they’re not identical, you know? “But continuing on… I knew one great guard back home that you might recognize. Captain Frigid Night.” Twilight noticed Morning Blade’s sudden change in expression. That name still haunted Morning with memories, of things she could have done to save her friend and mentor. The princess patted a hand on the ex-Assassin’s arm. “I’m sorry, Morning. I must’ve brought up painful memories. In my world, Captain Frigid was an excellent pony, putting duty above all else. I… I was hoping you could recount his story for me? I wanted to record how different he was here, and everything he did, if it’s okay with you? If you don’t want to do it, it’s fine. I understand.” Morning wiped a single tear from her eye but nodded. The princess wanted to record his story. That’s what Morning Blade wanted for her old partner. For others to remember him. “You’ve found the right person, Princess Twilight. I had wanted to know about him long ago. I asked around and wrote everything in a little book I had. Actually…” The white haired girl pulled her backpack from her shoulders and rummaged through its contents, eventually pulling out a book with a red backing. The words ‘Frigid’s History’ were written on the front, along with the ex-Assassin’s name at the bottom left corner to indicate that it was hers. “I even have a little bit about the others, like High Noon and Dewdrop.” Talk about her friends made Morning miss them. But the princess wanted information, and Morning was going to be sure to give it to her. The others deserved to be known. “Where would you like to start, princess?” Twilight took a pen and notebook from her small blue bag. “From the very start of what you have, Morning Blade.” Frigid Night hung on the railing as he stared down into the darkness. This was going to be his first leap of faith outside the bureau. No matter how much he trembled, this was the experience he was waiting for since he started learning the basics. For months, he had trained with the others, learning how to pass unseen to most, how to kill without being seen, how to jump off high places, and plenty more skills that an Assassin needed to survive in the world. Taking a deeper breath to steel himself, he got into position, ready to take the leap. Stepping off the platform, he spun once in the air, facing his back to the ground, ready to test his skill. As expected, he felt something soft cushion the impact as he landed. Stepping out from the dumpster, Frigid Night continued down the alleyway, searching for the entrance his target had used. His first assassination was to take out a high-profile target in the Templar Order, Oak Wood, responsible for the deaths of four Assassins. Frigid had suggested he was not ready for a mission such as this, but the Mentor had told him otherwise. Walking over to a grey garage door, Frigid put his ear to the cool metal. He listened carefully, but could hear no sound from within. He stepped back and examined the door. There was a smaller side door on the garage door itself. He walked forward and examined the handle. There was but a single lock sitting inside the door knob. “Huh...” he muttered. It all seemed too easy for a target like Oak Wood. He pulled out his lockpicks and got to work on the door knob. In less than five minutes, he had cracked the lock. “Too easy,” he said. “Way too easy…” Before twisting the doorknob, Frigid Night pulled out his sword. It was a double-bladed piece of steel, resting above a fine carved hilt. He wielded it in his right hand as he turned the knob with his left. Careful not to make too much noise, Frigid made his way inside the room. It looked just like any other garage. Piles of metal on wooden workbenches, tools hanging off a rack, and a dimly lit lightbulb. There was no sign of the target as he searched the room. Secret entrance was his conclusion. He searched the walls, searching for anything that might seem out of place. Walking over to the tool rack, he saw something that didn’t belong there. A book. “Okay,” he speculated. “This is definitely too easy. Something’s up…” Giving the book a pull, he heard a mechanism click as a segment of the wall next to him began to open. The sound had probably given away his intrusion. Dropping his silence, Frigid Night readied his sword in both hands, ready for any traps to spring. He started towards the open room, ready for the Templar to ambush him at any moment. The next room was something different. White panels of light lit the floor around him, and expensive machines took up most of the room. “Welcome,” a voice came. “I’ve been expecting you.” Frigid Night steeled himself, ready for a fight. “Where are you? Show yourself.” The man walked out from behind one of the alcoves. He now wore a combat vest over his brown suit, and held a sword of his own in his hands. “By the way,” he continued. “I knew you were following me since the beginning. You aren’t very good at your job, are you? New, perhaps?” Frigid remained silent. He didn’t want to give the Templar a chance to catch him off guard. “Very well. Let us finish this, then.” Oak Wood took a few steps towards the Assassin. Before Frigid could raise his sword in defence, the Templar had swung his blade towards him. He rolled back, dodging the blade by a centimeter, and got back into position. As he rolled up, Frigid Night dashed forward, swinging his sword in a wide arc. Oak Wood formed a smirk on his face as he parried the attack easily. “That was too predictable, Assassin.” Frigid swung again, trying to get the Templar’s legs, but Oak Wood deflected his blade again and stabbed forward. Frigid blocked with his sword, but with a twisting motion and a swing, Oak Wood tore the sword out of his hands and sent it flying onto the floor. “Pathetic,” Oak Wood voiced. “I’d thought you Assassins would send better against me after what I did to the others. The other Assassins I’ve killed were much better at fighting than you are.” Frigid Night knew the odds were against him, but there was nothing he could do. I knew I wasn’t ready. Before Oak Wood could attack again, two knives appeared in his right leg, crippling him. “Agh!” he shouted. That was the chance Frigid needed. He moved forward, bringing out his hidden blade and with a jump, he plunged it deep into the side of Oak Wood’s neck. “Of course,” Oak Wood sighed. “You weren’t alone. I should have guessed. You Assassins are all so sneaky, but you cannot… stop us now… it is too late.” “What’s too late?” Frigid asked. “What are you planning?” “There’s no point… telling you… Assassins. You don’t have honour. You don’t fight fair… I wish you all the worst…” With that said, he slumped down, dead. Frigid Night pulled his blade out and turned around. Standing by the entrance of the room, a familiar figure in grey robes waved to him. “Dust Fencer!” Frigid exclaimed. “What are you doing here?” The older Assassin laughed. “I was tasked with watching over you. Mentor wanted to see what you would do against a stronger target, but if you needed assistance, I was to provide it. You did well, rookie. Except for your attacks. I thought I taught you better than that?” “Guess I’m still not too used to the sword,” Frigid said, sheathing his blade. “That just means you need more training!” the grey-skinned man laughed. “Let’s head back. I’ve got to tell Mentor how your evaluation went!” Mahogany Wood sat at his table, reading through the data off his side job as the chairman of the Board of Education. “Students these days…” he muttered as he shook his head. As he worked, he realized there was a little buzzing noise coming from his left. Turning, he realized it was his phone. Unsure how long it has been ringing, Mahogany immediately picked it up and answered. “Hello? This is Mahogany Wood.” “Sir,” the other voice said. “Sorry to disturb your work, but your brother, Oak Wood, was found dead in his lab.” Mahogany paused for a while, before uttering the word, “Assassins.” “Most likely, sir.” “You failed to protect him?!” Mahogany shouted. “What good are you then?” “Sorry, sir. Your brother told me to leave him. He needed to do something alone.” Mahogany rubbed his face with the palm of his other hand. His brother knew better than to wander off on his own. Unless he had figured something out. “Tell the others to go on high alert! We don’t want anyone else getting assassinated today.” “On it, chairman,” the voice confirmed. Mahogany stopped for a while, before finally deciding what to do. “High Noon.” “Yes sir?” “Save all the research. And make sure nothing is missing. We can’t have the Assassins figuring out what we’re doing.” “I’ll get right on that, sir.” Mahogany Wood hung up after making sure High Noon recovered the research. The Assassins didn’t find out. “Perfect…” the man smiled as he put his hands together. His brother’s bodyguard might have failed, but perhaps he had found out something. Mahogany Wood just had to wait for High Noon to return with his brother’s data to find out. He put his finger to the intercom button. “Crescent Wing. I have a job for you.”