//------------------------------// // A whole new world (Edited) // Story: A past long forgotten and Hope for the future. // by zero504 //------------------------------// Mysterious Location/Time: 3:00 PM CST The Mane 6 step out of the portal with Princess Celestia, Luna and Discord in tow. They find themselves high in the sky and they look as they are just a tad bit chameleon like. (blending in with surroundings) Celestia looks around at the surroundings and notices tall infrastructures as well as man made signs, and many Humans down below. Discord chuckles as Celestia is watching... Discord then speaks to the group and says. "Welcome everyone to Earth, there is a huge population here and of course all sorts of amazing things to see, do, eat and of course play with." "I have some of my fondest memories here and it is quite amusing! Ah the tales I could tell with the amount of chaos I caused here, but I digress." Discord then turned to Twilight who obviously was so excited she was fit to burst. "Well Twilight what do you think of this place?" said Discord who looked quite amused at Twilight's wonder. Twilight then said, "Ohmygosh! This place is everything I imagined it would be! I heard so many stories but never expected it to be so vibrant!" Applejack let out a low whistle. "Hoo-we! now this is something else, Nevah expected to see something like this before." Rainbow Dash said "I'll say! These buildings look pretty awesome! Though they don't compare to Cloudsdale." Fluttershy said, "I wonder where all the animals are?" To this Discord replied, "Many of the animals are at a place called the Zoo. And we can go there soon." Fluttershy smiled at the prospect. Pinkie Pie said, "OOOOO, imagine the parties I could make here and they would make me even more awesome friends!" Pinkie smiled. Discord smiled also at the thought of the pink party pony, making several parties for the Humans here. Rarity looked at the people below and was surprised at some of the fashions that were there. She couldn't wait to wow them with her Artistry. "I have so many things I can come up with here, I will wow them all with my amazing skills!" said Rarity. Celestia then spoke up, "Well everypony, I am pleased that you all are excited to explore this new world with all of us, perhaps we can find somewhere interesting to go? She then turned to Luna.."What do you think of this place my dear sister?" She asked. Luna then spoke up and voiced her personal opinion. "It is indeed a fine wonder, and I am most certain am eager to see more." "Perhaps Discord can lead us somewhere interesting?" She looked at Discord with curiosity. "Very well!" said Discord. "Let us head to a good place to study Humans in their natural habitat, The Mall!" Discord chuckled. Everyone's eyes lit up at that one. Discord snapped his fingers and they found themselves at The Galleria Mall. To make everyone a bit more comfortable, he decided a change of wardrobe as well as a change of form was required, So he transformed all of them into Humans. Needless to say this was a little confusing to say the least, but they weren't complaining. This also meant they could move around freely without being invisible. "Thanks to your new forms you can all blend in with the others and enjoy the sights and such. This mall has anything you want to shop for and could even learn about Humans in general. It's a one stop shop for Humans." He then turned to Celestia and Luna and said "Where we are now is the food court, here is where we should all meet up at an appropriate time." He then showed everyone the appropriate currency and then explained it to them. "These are the currency here in America. This is known as the U.S. Dollar. Each bill has different Denominations, and each of these bills has a former U.S. president." Twilight spoke up and asked, "So who are these Presidents and what did they do, Also, what is the U.S.?" Discord laughed at the question. Celestia also smiled at her former student's questions. Luna also smiled warmly but also seemed curious about it. "There is a lot to say about these president's but as much as I would love to answer all the questions you have Twilight I fear we will be here forever and a day to satisfy your curiosity. But I can at least give you some answers. The U.S. stands for the United States of America. It is similar to how many places in Equestria are like their own city-states. Keep in mind.." As he turned to Celestia and Luna. and then spoke to them. "Here on Earth there is a President, it is not a hierarchy such as the one we have in Equestria, my Dear Princesses. They are governed by a unique way of living, As the Government here is different. The Humans here have a different way of running things I'm afraid." said Discord. Luna and Celestia seemed a tad bit saddened and a tiny bit angry too. They preferred their way of rule as it was more fair then what was on Earth. Twilight and the others remained quiet as Discord had went through his explanation. However that didn't last too long as Discord then spoke to the group. "Well everypony, I can imagine I am boring you with all sorts of details. So how about We all have some fun!" "Now we're talking!" said Rainbow Dash. Discord spoke again to the group. "As you have most likely noticed by now all of you have watches on your arms. This will help you know what time it is here. Similar of course to our clocks in Equestria they work the same way except they are on your 'wrists' as Humans call them. We shall meet here in 3 hours. Which is more then plenty of time for you to sight see. Also, please do not leave the mall, even though it might be tempting too. This way we can keep track of you all. My magic bounds you to this world but also you must be aware of your surroundings." He then proceeded to give them $50. "This is your Allowance girls, this should be something to at least get something interesting here. However dont use it all at once or you won't be able to do anything else. Keep in mind prices can be a tad steep here then what you all are accustomed too. Ponyville is much more cheaper." "You will also need these!" Maps of the mall appeared in his hand. "These maps are for seeing all of the mall. they will be a good guideline for you. Don't do anything I would do.." Discord chuckled. Everyone laughed at that. After that speech, Everyone left eager to see what this place had to offer. Max's House/Time: 3:30 pm CST I was reading some more fanfic's on the computer when I happened to notice something rather peculiar, an image of Discord had somehow appeared on my computer screen. Normally, I would have just ignored it but for some reason the image gave me a wink.. No sooner had i registered this strange appearance when a bright flash happened. Discord was now standing by me. I turned around in my chair to see what made the bright flash and that's when I saw Discord. "What the heck? Discord? No freaking way!" I said. Discord looked upon me with amusement. "Oh come now, Max you should already know I am all too real, and Also Equestria is too. I mean just look at me, I am quite a marvel don't you agree? Hmm?" said Discord. I stood there dumbfounded. Well can you blame me? Here was Discord showing up in my bedroom, Talking to me and of course I had to think this could have been a figment of my imagination, but nope, I pinched myself. "Ow!" Geez, that hurt. "Figures!", I grumbled. Discord chuckled at me again with amusement. Come to think of it, why was Discord here?, I wondered. It seemed a tad odd for this guy to just show up out of the blue, He was the God of Chaos after all. He technically could do whatever he pleased. But this wasn't exactly standard, at least I didn't think it was. Still I was a tad bit leery. Discord may be reformed but that didn't make him dangerous. "OK, Since I do realize this isn't a figment of my imagination, I have to admit you piqued my curiosity." I said. "So why exactly, are you here anyways?" Discord smiled. "Why, I have come to give you what you have always wanted Max, A chance to go to Equestria. That is if you want too." He mused. "Of course, This particular trip won't be so easy. It might be a tad hard since Twilight and her friends are here on Earth, As well as the Princesses too." I swear if this was a cartoon my jaw would have dropped all the way down. "Wait, Wait you are saying that Princess Luna, and Princess Celestia are here as well as the Elements of Harmony? But why??" I said in wonder. Discord responded and said "They have come here seeking information on Earth, and the Princesses thought it would be a good idea to bring Twilight and her friends along for the ride. Besides who am I deny a request from the Princesses." Discord however, knew why he was here, and that was to find me and bring me to them. But Max had no idea about that. "Huh, That is quite interesting and I am very excited that they decided to come here. Even if it is for educational purposes. They can definitely learn a lot about us Humans." I said thoughtfully. Discord felt he needed to get the ball rolling so to speak. Speaking of, He was rolling on a ball in front of me which I had to stop and laugh. Discord's antics never failed to amuse me. Discord chuckled at my delight. "Well then, who better to educate the actual ponies then you Max?" " You are a credit to your species, which is no small feat. After all your quite a person." He said. It felt odd to be praised by Discord, yet in the light of certain events, He had to admit what he had said did resonate within him. Max smiled and said, "Well it's nice to hear a compliment Discord, still are you sure they are ready for me? The last thing I want to do is upset them or the Princesses after all." I shuffled my feet a bit. It was then Discord came up with an idea that would work for me and even possibly put me in good graces with the Princesses and the Mane 6. He spoke to me and said, "Well, Max it's no coincidence that you strike me as one who would be so formal. You must be nervous then." He chuckled. "However, I believe I can assist you in this endeavor." He pulled out a snow globe and said, "This is a way to keep track of what the Princesses and the Girls are up too. I brought them to the Galleria mall. I thought they deserved a fun trip, So I allowed them to observe humans in a gathering place. Also the Girls happen to be looking for interesting tidbits or gifts." I was suddenly wide eyed when I realized what Discord suggested. To be honest, I could have hugged him right there. I suddenly had several ideas to do for them. Thanks to the snow globe I realized what each of them where looking at. All out of their price range. I had money saved up for an occasion and this was a perfect opportunity. "Discord I don't suppose you could get me to that mall could you? I mean it would take me a few hours to get there." I said. Discord laughed and said "Of course Max, all you had to do was ask!" He snapped his fingers and I appeared instantly at the mall. He also appeared next to me and said, "I will keep the girls busy while you shop." "Also, Max we are to meet at the food court at exactly 6:00 pm CST." "So be prepared before then." said Discord. I nodded. Then I noticed something unusual, I had new clothes on that I had never seen."Odd, I never had these clothes before, ah well, no complaints here." I shrugged. "Once more! Into the Breach!" I shouted. Discord chuckled inwardly, his plan worked quite well and it seemed that Max would have a good time finding interesting things for the Girls. Discord had already changed into a Human disguise..He looked like Q from Star Trek: The Next Generation. "Perfect!" thought Discord, As he prepared to look around the mall and find some unsuspecting Humans to play a trick on.. Well, he was a God of chaos after all! Galleria Mall/Time: 4:00pm CST I made my way to Barnes and Nobles, I knew this mall like the back of my hand. I frequented it a lot especially while I was homeless. (don't judge) Humans have always been a fascinating subject and yet i knew that Twilight would be very interested in books about humans in general. Well why not a book on human anatomy. (I know what your thinking, perverts..lol) That wasn't all though. Since I knew she was into Astrology, I decided to get her a book on constellations. That technically wasn't the only thing I would get for her, but I would kill 2 birds with one stone at a jewelry shop. Princess Luna and Celestia I respected just as much as Twilight, so I took the opportunity to get them beautiful necklaces of the sun and moon respectfully. Then I made my way to the Disney store. Fluttershy was someone who I knew loved animals of all kinds, so I figured it wouldn't hurt to buy a few plush toys for her. (Tigger and friends) Then made my way to Build-A-Bear and got her a stuffed teddy bear which i made personally with love. After this I chose to go to Victoria's Secret (hey, don't judge me like that it's for Rarity...sheesh) Rarity was a very hard mare to please in my opinion but I knew she would love one of the latest fashions to admire and possibly make a new dress for. I had seen in the snow globe what she had been eyeing. The price tag was a tad pricey, but I didn't mind, totally worth it to see how happy she would be. Rainbow Dash was also a tiny bit difficult but I had figured it out after walking inside the collectible shop. all sorts of cards and sports memorabilia was here to see and behold, all for the right price. I immediately saw what Dash was looking at. I couldn't help but grin. It turns out she was looking at a Babe Ruth Poster with signatures from the whole team. I thought to myself I wonder if they had a famous Baseball team in Equestria. I shrugged a bit letting the feeling pass. It wasn't that expensive and I knew Dash would love it. Off to find Pinkie Pie something interesting. She was a party animal and I knew her parties where the stuff of legends! The problem is what to get someone like her? Well, Turns out there was a lot of party supplies here as well and everybody needs those for a party, I chuckled. I remembered of course one TV episode where Pinkie got some Confetti from her sister Maud, talk about a thoughtful gift. So I got her some party supplies, and even of course a special balloon which said Party time! It was then I noticed a joke shop and I was grinning like a maniac. Heh heh, crazy Pinkie would love some of these things. So I bought them too for her. Hope I am not spoiling her too much. Applejack was a down to earth Country pony, and it made sense she would want something decent for the farm and something that would remind her of home. Welp, they had a lot of western wear here. To be honest I kinda felt fond of the hat that she always wore. So I bought me one,(I placed it a separate bag) and a couple of amazing knick knacks and a lasso for her. Though I had bought some necklaces for Celestia and Luna I wanted to do something more special. The thing is the two sisters had a wonderful bond and to me it felt like the bond needed something more to make it feel even more special. So I purchased a painting that signified both the sun and moon sisters persona's together. It filled me with such a thrill that I had really thought so fondly of them that way. I realized that Cadence and Shining Armor wasn't here, but I wanted to see if I could find something interesting for them anyways. So glad I possessed some of the properties of friendship, I thought. I saw some beautiful crystals and it immediately made me think of their wonderful home. So I bought those for each of them. To be honest, I never really counted Discord as a friend, But I thought the guy deserved something nice for what he had done for me. I know it was hard to come up with something, but i found a Figure of him as someone would have created him, so I bought it. With that my shopping spree had ended. And my pockets were lighter, but my heart was fuller. Food Court, Galleria Mall Time: 5:45pm CST I got to the food court early, ladened with a lot of gifts. I was glad I came early, since I knew those girls where most likely going to be hungry. Especially the Princesses. I knew for the most part that the girls ate vegetables a lot, but to be honest, their technically wasn't a place that just served veggies. I then realized that I could get them some veggie pizza! It had all sorts of veggies and cheese. And I wouldn't mind partaking of some. It's Universally delicious lol! I had made a table setup for everyone to sit down in. This meeting was going to be a bit nerve wracking but I hoped that I could get through it and be a proper Human diplomat. Funny, never really thought of me as one though. I had bought 2 extra large veggie pizzas to the table. They were quite good looking and knew would be perfect for them. The gifts were next to me, but I felt a bit inadequate. I also amused myself by buying some cake for them all. I knew Celestia had a love for cake. Nothing too big of course, just a small one, just so they could enjoy some of our sweets. Though to be honest, I doubt this cake tasted better then the ones on Equestria. Now I didn't know what the girls might like to drink. I knew soda was different so I bought them all lemonade. Chik-Fil-A had the best lemonade in my opinion. I made it light lemonade so they wouldn't have too much sugar. We didn't Pinkie to be super hyper. I mean she loved all sorts of cupcakes and such, but I knew she didn't need too much sugar, It would be a disaster there if that happened. She was already a pretty hyperactive pony. She was Pinkie Pie, after all. Discord had easily noticed me at the table, and He smiled at the small spread I had. It was like it would a nice get together and not a party. (Sorry Pinkie) I noticed Discord's disguise and I couldn't help but be shocked. But I guess it made sense, since after all The actor who voiced Q, Was Discord's voice, so it made sense. Finally, The girls had arrived in view. It was exactly as I imagined them to be in Human forms. Just like Equestria Girls. Same as well for Celestia and Luna. But just a tad different. Celestia seemed surprised by Discord's suggestion on where to sit, after all they would be sharing a table with a Human after all. It wasn't until Discord politely nodded at Celestia then She grinned and gestured everyone to sit down. I was stationed at Luna's left. This encounter, This whole Affair, would either make or break me. Discord then spoke up. "Before we begin this wonderful meal, I feel that I should introduce to all of you a new friend. His name is Maximilian, and I have taken the liberty of arranging this meeting so you all can meet Him." Max waved nervously. "Max, I think it's about time, we go ahead and introduce ourselves." Discord then introduced all of the ponies and of course the Princesses in turn. The other Ponies seemed to be surprised that Discord had given away their secret. They were about to interject, when I politely raised my hand in a small gesture of silence. They noticed this and then they quieted down. Silence did fall, as I spoke to them in the kindest voice I could. "I am already familiar with all of you, Discord came to me earlier that day and suggested I come to speak to all of you. I realize that you are mad, but please don't take offense at me or Him, He did this for everyone's benefit, I did not wish to bug you all, but I thought it might be good for us to meet. And to be honest, I feel I can be of some assistance to all of you." "The only thing I want from you all is your time and of course, hopefully your friendship." The Mane 6 then mumbled an apology, and then proceeded to thank me for taking out the time to spend with them. The Princesses smiled at the scene. "Now why don't we enjoy this tasty meal first, then we can chat OK?" I said. Rainbow Dash said, "I like this guy already!" as she started to scarf down some of the food. I smiled appreciatively after that comment. After a short while, everyone was patting their bellies appreciatively. They thanked me kindly for the awesome meal. I waved them off about it. Besides, I couldn't just let them starve, Though I was pretty sure Discord would have taken care of them. I decided now would be a good time to give my gifts. "Everyone, I know we all just met and such, but being this is a special occasion I thought maybe I would make this meeting much more pleasant for you all. I definitely wish to give you a memento of this occasion also in light of our new friendship and time together." I said. I then proceeded to hand out gifts to everyone at the table. Their eyes grew wide as I gave them their gifts. I then said, "Applejack, would you be so kind as to open yours first?" So Applejack, opened her gift bag and was amazed at the things she saw. I definitely guessed right, she loved it. "Max, this is amazing! How very thoughtful of ya!" She said. Fluttershy was next. She squealed with delight as she saw the beautiful stuffed animals I had bought for her. Everyone awwed at the cute teddy bear I got for her. "Thank you so so much Max!" she then hugged me. I thanked her for the hug. Next up, Pinkie Pie. Pinkie Pie absolutely loved my gifts, She winked slyly at me when she saw the joke stuff. I chuckled about it. I knew she would have a lot of fun with it. "Thanks a lot Max, I was running out of supplies at home!" She giggled. Next was our favorite Fashionista, Rarity. I was a tad bit apprehensive when she was about to open my gift. As I mentioned earlier, she is a very hard Mare to please. Her eyes grew wide at the dress she saw. I had been correct this dress was what she was looking forward too. "Darling! Oh Heavens me, I can't believe you thought so highly of me when you bought me this! Oh this is perfect! Thank you!" She then leaned over to give me a kiss. I allowed the brief contact. But I was a tad bit embarrassed. Rainbow Dash snickered. After that, I technically would have loved to snatch away the gift from Rainbow Dash but I allowed the small sleight to pass and gestured to Rainbow. Rainbow then opened her gift and see that She was amazed. "Ohmygosh, Ohmygosh Ohmygosh! You got me this Max! Wow, I wasn't expecting something so awesome!" I high hoofed her. (you know what i meant) Everyone was all smiles at the table. I then told Twilight. "Your gifts next, Twilight. Your gifts are twofold." She seemed confused at that. She opened one bag and she saw books, and she squealed with delight. "Books on Human anatomy and Astrology! How did you know I liked Astrology Max?" I chuckled. "Now, if I gave away my trade secret, then how would I attain such a mysterious wonder?" I said. Everyone laughed as I pretended to place a cape over my face for effect. (Courtesy of Discord). "Go ahead and open the second one." Twilight opened the case, and found the beautiful ornamental necklace. She was mystified at it's wonder and beauty. Everyone at the table was very surprised at the necklace I gave her. After all, why did I give her such a piece of jewelry? I then spoke up. "Twilight, This piece of jewelry reminded me of something in your world. Something I thought might be of use to you and hold symbolic meaning. I hope you enjoy the beautiful piece." Twilight smiled then gave me a big hug. "How incredibly kind of you to give me something like this. You certainly have a knack for finding things of Beauty. You should give Rarity a few lessons." She said jokingly. Rarity said, "Really? I know much about Beauty Twilight, and I admit it does have some Beauty to it, I doubt Max has an eye for fashion though." Then everyone laughed, including myself. I was quite in mirth at that time. But I told Rarity then, "Undoubtedly, I know very little of Fashion Rarity, But I am certain that if you teach me this, I think I could learn a lot." This made everyone smile. Finally, I turned around and handed The Princesses their gifts. I deliberately waited till last for them since I wanted them to enjoy everyone's reactions. Also, I did this out of respect as well. "Don't think I haven't forgotten you all as well Princess Celestia and Luna." They seemed surprised. "I took the time to come up with thoughtful gifts for you all. You should not go without something to remember this occasion by." I said. I handed them their gifts, except for the one gift I would give them afterwards. They opened the bags and found just like Twilight I had bought them jewelry. Their jewelry was the sun and moon respectfully. These necklaces shone quite beautifully around the princesses necks. They had smiled very warmly at this. The others at the table where amazed and smiled warmly at the thoughtful gift I gave them. Rainbow was a tad bit pouty. I had noticed this however, and I spoke up. "Rainbow Dash, are you jealous that I got them jewelry and not you? Don't feel slighted, I wanted to get you the coolest gift, not the girliest. Besides I know how athletic you are, So I knew sports was your favorite." I said. Rainbow Dash chuckled. "Sorry. I just noticed the necklaces where a tad bit much for me." She said. I thanked her for opening up and letting go of the petty jealousy. I had also pulled out a gift that nobody knew about. I then spoke to them all and said "While I do realize that I have gifts for all of you, I wanted to also have something for Princess Cadence and her Family." I then pulled out the crystals that I had bought and they all had admitted they were quite beautiful to look at and knew I had put a lot of thought in the gift. Everyone at the table was pleased Rainbow Dash had gotten over the situation. I then gave the Princesses one more gift. "This is part 2 of your gift Princesses. I wished to honor your sisterly bonds and came up with something that I hope you both shall appreciate." I said. I then pulled out the Painting. The painting showed both the sun and moon directly across from each other and in the middle was a line separating both faces. One was the sun and the other the moon. Both sides had beautiful stars all around them, to signify the love for each other. The Princesses and the girls were very solemn and beheld it's amazing beauty. I then spoke and said. (Rather emotionally, I might add) "This reminds me of the harmony of you and your sister share. Also, how much love you have for your subjects and kingdom. I hope that it is a friendly and beautiful reminder for all that you do." Now, I hardly ever wept, to be honest, But I couldn't help but cry at the situation. The Girls were surprised at how much emotion went through me at the time. It was as if they felt that I had been lonely for a long time. They realized how much I meant to them. The Princesses smiled at my heartwarming surge of emotion. They knew how I felt and what I did for them, was not an easy task to accomplish. The princesses then gave me a hug and thanked me warmly for the gifts i had bestowed. Soon, the moment was over. Everyone was preparing to go. Princess Celestia then spoke and said.. "This has been a wonderful occasion. However, We must make our leave now." The girls awwww'd. "It would be a shame though, if we had to leave without a proper sendoff to our guest." She then turned to Luna and said, "So, my dear sister, what do you think we should do in this situation?" Luna smiled warmly at her sister. She then spoke and said "Well, I don't see why we can't keep this moment forever." "Aha! I know, perhaps we should allow Maximilian to accompany us? What do you think my Dear sister?" The girls were cheering for me. I was amazed. Celestia then spoke up and said, "A fine idea my dear sister, Max would you care to come with us?" she smiled. Pinkie Pie spoke up excitedly! "Please say yes! We can have an awesome party, I can introduce to you all sorts of friends and we can be besties!" She squealed. Applejack also spoke, "I know you would love Equestria, Max and I feel that it would do you some good. Plus you could meet mah Family, and I know they would love ya." Fluttershy spoke. "I can introduce you to all my animal friends and you would love to visit my quaint home." Rarity then said. "I speak for all of us when I say, It would be in quite bad manners to not thank you for all you have done for the day, And I know Sweetie Belle would absolutely adore you!" Rainbow Dash said, "I know you would love seeing my place up in the clouds, Max. Also, we have the most awesome place called Cloudsdale, where all the Pegasi live! And you can even meet the Wonderbolts!" Twilight smiled warmly at her friends and said to me, "There is so much we can learn from one another and I know for a fact that you have a certain curiosity around you. I really hope you say yes." They were all on tenterhooks waiting for my answer. I was overcome with emotion right now, each of them looked at me warmly. I was incredibly blessed right now to see the love they had on their faces. I was more happier then I had ever been in my life. I then spoke to them with a slight tear in my eye and said. "I am thankful for all your kind words and the fact that you would even consider me to be a friend and someone who treats me with much respect. I would be honored to join you all on this journey." If anyone had managed to hear us, it would have been a huge amount of cheering and shouting. Not to mention, very rude and distracting. But Discord prepared for this situation and made us all invisible and also put a spell of silence around us to make sure we had not been interrupted, or heard. Discord smiled at the whole scene. He was glad to been of help to the Princesses and the girls found a very special someone to spend time with. He spoke to them all. "While, I am glad things have worked out, I believe Max has some packing to do. I hope you all don't mind that I bring Him to his home for a moment." Twilight wanted of course to come and see what my place looked like, But I felt a tad bit sheepish, I apologized to Twilight but I needed to do this by myself at the moment. After all, My place wasn't unfortunately up to snuff for anyone to see. Twilight was a tad bit disappointed at this. The girls were a bit as well. They were curious what my place looked like. It was then I told them their wouldn't be enough room for them all to come, and I was also worried what my 'roommates' would think. Even though we could turn invisible there just wasn't enough room in my room. Not to mention, I would be horrified if they saw the state of mess it was in. I resolved to myself that I would make sure I didn't make such messes and such, especially since I knew Rarity would kill me, if she saw how my room was. Afterwards, I was given an hour to make sure I had enough time to prepare. Discord came along with me to my house and used his Magic to clean up my room and such. Heck, He even washed all my clothes for me! I was a tad surprised at his thoughtfulness. I found my old dufflebag and began to pack. But Discord beat me to that as well. He chuckled. He then spoke to me. "Think nothing of it, Max. I am glad to help a friend in need. Also, I am pleased that you are allowed to come to Equestria. But I might as well warn you. You most likely will never leave it." I thought about his words. Though it was somewhat of a chilly thought, I didn't worry about it. I knew that I was in good hands..er hoofs. Twilight and the others would be incredibly happy to help me get adjusted and of course welcomed in Equestria. I then asked, "Do you think my cell phone would work in Equestria? I don't need it to make calls, but I figure I could at least use the internet on it." "I wanted to be able to listen to my music and such." Discord thought about my request. He then spoke to me and said "To be honest, Max, I am not certain it would be a wise idea. Besides there is much to do and see in Equestria so I doubt you will be too bored. I know you like to listen to music but I think you will find many similarities between music here, and music in Equestria. So I am afraid the answer is no..Sorry Max." He looked at me with a twinge of sadness. I was a bit afraid of that, But I understood. Also, I doubted it would work properly over there since there was most likely a high concentrated amount of Magic on Equestria. Still I sighed, it's good to dream. Discord told me though. "You can still bring it if you want. But don't count on it working and such. I am sure Twilight would love taking it apart and putting it back together again." Discord mused. I laughed at that. "I can imagine. Twilight would go gaga over all this technology. Still..." I looked my computer. Nah, I thought. I knew it couldn't come with me. Besides I would hate it if Twilight took that thing apart. I mean I did love my computer, but I knew there was limits. I then brightened up since I had a few things i wanted to take that might make a certain Dragon happy and excited a bit. I wasn't sure there would be room for most of my stuff I had but Discord chuckled and then told me, "I can make a small pocket dimension for your things Max. After all, I am the God of Chaos after all. I can do pretty much anything!" He then created a small dimensional hole in my room. I was shocked to see it, it was crazy looking but I tore my eyes away from it. With only less then 30 minutes to go, I needed to hurry. It wouldn't be good to keep them all waiting. I smiled again at the thought. Finally, I took a small shower. Discord had already had a fresh deal of clothes for me ready. They weren't as fancy as the ones I had, but they were very functional. (I may not no fashion, but I know what I like.) Once more being transported by Discord I found the Girls and the Princesses waiting for me on top of a roof. I realized it was the tallest building in Houston and had a Helipad. The girls and the Princesses had returned to their Equine forms once more. And they greeted me warmly when I had arrived. Rarity noticed I had a different outfit then before. She noted to herself that it probably made me feel a bit more comfortable. Rarity thought, When I get back to Equestria one of the first things I am going to do is make sure Max has proper Equestrian fashion, I know what would be perfect for him! With this thought gone, Celestia then spoke. "Well my little ponies, and human," she added in a forethought. "It is finally time to return. This world does indeed have many wonders and while I am sad to leave this place, I am afraid there isn't much I can do about it." I had shifted a bit nervously at the thought. "However," she smiled warmly at me then continued, "We happen to have the best this world can offer, and I certainly can say that without a doubt, Maximilian has much He can offer from this world. I am glad that He can come with us." The others smiled at this speech. She then turned to us again and said, "When we arrive we shall be at the Royal Palace. Due to the fact that it is night there, I feel that everyone should stay for a few days. So of course be prepared to be comfortable everyone." She smiled. Twilight grinned on that, she knew this was also directed at me, So she couldn't help but grin at the actual true meaning. Her and Her friends came up with an idea for that night. With that being said, She turned to others and Everyone focused the Elements of Harmony in front of them. The Princesses lent their power as well and the portal appeared. I had managed to catch a glimpse of the Royal Castle, but not before I was pushed playfully in by Rainbow Dash. "Get a move on, Max!" She chuckled. We arrived inside the Royal Throne Room and the guards had noticed our sudden arrival. However when the guards saw me they immediately started to glare in my direction and proceeded to surround me. The Princesses then spoke to the guards in the Royal Canterlot Voice and said "Stand Down! This young man is named Maximilian and He is our honored guest. He shall not be harmed or treated unkindly in any shape or form. Please treat Him as a friend and family." The guards listened and apologized to me and the Princesses as well As The Mane 6 for their actions. My ears had been ringing a bit for them using their Royal voice but I was fine. Then the Princesses smiled warmly at me. Celestia then spoke to one of her guards and requested them to take me and the others to the guest rooms. She then whispered to the Guard and said "Make sure Max is close to all of them." "It shall be done Princess!" said the Guard discreetly. Afterwards, All 7 of us had been directed to the guest quarters of the castle. Each of the rooms were well lit and furnished appropriately. I had been separated from the others and brought to the room in the middle of them all. The bed I noticed had the same color sheets as Celestia's and Luna's colors and was definitely designed with someone of my size in mind. The Bed was huge! More then enough for several ponies to sleep quite comfortably next to each other if they wanted. The Guard then left me to my own devices. I looked around at the room and admired it's detail and beauty. I checked out the Restroom/Washroom (whichever you wish to say it) The bathtub was also quite big as well. Perfect for a long soak and of course for relaxing in. The room was well stocked with hygiene products and of course towels and such. Exactly what you would come to expect in a Bathroom. I was actually quite exhausted from the days activities. I took a nice shower and then after making sure I was properly groomed. I soon got into the bed. Now, let me tell you my sleeping habits. I mainly wear shorts and no shirt when sleeping. After all, I don't like to be perfectly nude. Now if I had pajamas, I would most likely wear them. But that didn't matter to me in the least. So after of course changing into my night clothes, I immediately got into the bed. Oh my God! I thought. This bed is so soft and so cozy! I never ever slept in anything like this before. Needless to say it didn't take me long to fall asleep at all. Little did I know that no sooner had I done so Twilight snuck into my room as well as everyone else. They kept very quiet and got into the bed next to me. They all smiled at how comfortable I was, and they piled themselves gently next to me in a small pony pile around me. Then they feel asleep in wonder and happiness. Needless to say, I could honestly say after all that happened in this one day. This made it the most amazing thing in the world. I truly felt as if I was Home.