The Lost Legends of Equestria: Star Swirl the Bearded

by Silver Inkwell

Meeting King Cosmos

And it took him a very long while to find the King’s Castle, but he did find eventually by (get this) traveling East of all things (how very odd and unusual and strange and mysterious, it’s almost like the author planned it that way).

And then he entered the plain castle (and he used plain because he couldn’t decide what color it was, one moment it was one, and then the next it changed to another, but the ones he did see were white, blue, gold, yellow silver, gray, red, orange, sky blue, green, black, white, forest green, night sky blue, purple, pink, turquoise, brown, and even many more other various random colors).

And with that in his mind he entered the large wide vast regal castle and went to the throne room (which literally just stood right there in the room right at the end and was aligned down the very center and middle with a pathway).

“Well hello there King Cosmos and greetings to you, I am Star Swirl the wizard, one that is very wise and powerful and great, so how may I help you out?” he said walking up to the front and kneeling before him out of a sign of respect and loyalty and nothing else, it was only a fake mere gesture and custom after all and it really didn’t mean anything if there was no idea attached to it at all.

It would also mean nothing if there was no pony to enforce that idea too.

“Please,” the King said very casually, “There is no need to be formal in this court, and you also don’t need to call me by my full name or royal title, Cosmos will just work out fine, regality has its cost sometimes, did you know that?”

“Yes, of course I did, I do, I know many things King-, I mean Cosmos.”

“Thank you for coming to me as stated by my request sent to you by my letter, but may I ask you how did you ever find out about this place or come so far?”

Star Swirl smiled, “It’s a very long story, one that I might tell you later, but will if you wish me to, but come, I want to learn and know everything there is about this very large vast wide lands of yours, who are the nobles, how you are born, how you can become an alicorn if it is not natural and instead artificial, how large big wide and vast it really is, how regal and noble and royal it really is.

And finally all the other boring stuff and things, and also how I can help you out in any way that you can think possible, even in ways you can’t think of.”

“Well that’s quite a lot that you want to know, but do not worry, I will entertain your wild crazy stupid notions and humor you, and if you will tell me and my family your story over dinner tonight then I will tell you ours tomorrow.

Is that quite an acceptable agreement of terms and conditions or is it not?” he said holding out his hoof waiting anxiously for the deal to finally be made.

“Yes,” he said, “And you can call me Comet for short, that’s my nickname.”

“I see that great minds with simple desires and passions and dreams and ideas think alike,” he said with a smile shaking his hoof, “But that we also have great and good ideas and dreams and hopes for making the world better by always and constantly improving it, it’s really nice to see some pony like you here.”

“Likewise,” he said, “I was first surprised and shocked to hear your description from a guard, but he seems to have done quite very well about all of you.”

“And what did this guard, what did he say about me exactly?”

“That you didn’t think of yourself above any pony else, and that’s all you really need to know, he seemed
loyal enough to me, although I do detect and sense that some are not so much this way, is my assumption in this correct?”

“It is indeed,” Cosmos said with a slight but very heavy sigh, “Many would wish to take my place on the throne for many various random reasons, but all would not be as loyal or loving or kind or caring towards the citizens as me and my family are. For you see we have ruled this land and all the kings under us for many countless generations, and considering that we are immortal unless killed by another, well that’s a very long time to wait for your place or position.

I do not know who is opposed to me exactly, but some have made their position quite clear in the matter, and that’s just one of the many things that troubles and worries me at night when I try to sleep and finally have some peace.

The list could go on for quite some very long time and I do not wish to trouble you with all my burdens that I bear on a daily basis, it’s not your concern or place, but I still do appreciate your concern nonetheless however.”

“Please continue, I didn’t come here just to learn and sightsee you know, I also want to help other ponies out, it’s my destiny, kind of, sort of, some, a little bit.

Okay, I guess by technicality it is in my contract and job title since I am a wizard, but do tell me more, for if I am to help you out I first must understand what problems that you face here on a daily basis exactly.”

“Well there is also the matter of my children, they need some help.”

“Yes, but with what in exactly? Please do elaborate the details.”

“They need help… with… raising and lowering the sun and moon and stars.”

“That?” he said, “Well that’s easy, I bet a child of yours or any alicorn else could do it, in fact I think that I could do it all alone, not that I have ever tried before, but I know that a great number of unicorns can do all
these feats and tasks if they will only work together and unite in harmony.”

“Well that’s just the thing you see,” he said, “They can’t do it all, and I am very worried for them, I mean think about it, what will happen to the kingdom if and when they can’t prove or show that they can handle all the royal tasks and responsibilities, and what if they fail in just one simple little tiny demonstration of all their powers and knowledge? My throne and kingdom will be ruined for sure and probably won’t ever recover, but if it ever did it would take many generations if my family line was ever so lucky. I can’t allow this to happen, so I request and ask you to try to teach them this before I pass away.”

“You sound like you could die any day now,” he said with some slight worry.

“I could if some pony else tries to kill me, but they probably wouldn’t ever dare with all my security and
protection and guards and advisors who are all loyal to me and would give up their lives in a moment or instant to save me.”

“Careful what you say and claim, and don’t ever say it unless it’s a fact or unless you know it to be true without any doubt, so I must ask you this, do you have doubts about any of them in even the slightest way possible?”

“No, never, just like they don’t have doubts about me and whether or not I will eventually fail them in the end, they know that I will not at any cost or price.”

“Well I would highly suggest that you reconsider that and cross examine and check your sources and ponies because I still feel and sense that you have a traitor hidden somewhere deep down inside you vast wide complex and yet still simple system, and you better find them fast before it’s too late for you.”

“How dare you accuse one of my loyal subjects of such acts, the very thought if it alone is most heinous and punishable by the extents of the law.”

“Well then,” he said, “I guess that I’m lucky not to be a citizen here then now?”

“Yes, I suppose so, but I am considering making you an honorary one just so I could possibly punish you in the right way, but for now you are still my guest here and as such deserve to be treated as such, come
now, rest, for surely you have had a very long journey, rest, for you probably surely need it.

Take one of the many guest’s rooms and beds and furniture.

And then tonight you may come dine with us and eat, for surely you must be hungry after such a long journey and voyage, and after we have eaten then you can tell us your very long story and tomorrow I will tell you mine and let you explore the kingdom with whomever you want to that day.

Come guards, take this stallion to a guest room where he can rest and relax and get some sleep and unpack his things, and when dinner time comes you must go back to get and retrieve him, do you understand this?”

The guards nodded and with that they took him to a guest room where he had to wait until dinner time before he could even get the chance to speak with the king once more again, “Well this is just great,” he said letting Felicia out of the bag and free to stretch out her very sore wings in the small tiny little room.

She squawked, “Yes I know it’s tiny and little and small, but the king here likes to save and be conservative, he doesn’t use any more than he has to.”

She squawked again, “Yes I know that I shouldn’t have put you in the bag when I saw that wall and the pathway, but what could I do? I was worried that other ponies not might not know what you were or are when they saw you and would possibly try to attack you, and I couldn’t put your safety and life on the line, it was just too much of a risk for an unknown danger and peril to take.”

She squawked some more, “Yes I know that you were very uncomfortable in there, and no, you won’t get any snacks until dinner time so will you please just shut up and stop whining? And no, I won’t let you go fly out through the window either, I don’t want you to get lost out there in the big wide open vast world and this new different land, besides, some pony could see you, and you know what I just said about other ponies seeing you out there alone.”

She squawked, “Yes, I know that we have some kind of deep personal connection because I named and found you and put a spell on you so that we could always find each other again in case we ever got lost or separated.

But still I do worry about your safety out there, please be careful.”

And with that said he went over to the window and opened it, “Go, be free, fly away if you will, but make sure to come back before night time, okay?”

She squawked her agreement and then flew away into the distance.

“Females,” he said once she had flown out of sight and distance but not out of mind, “Why do they always have to be so much trouble and pain to me?

Why do they always have to be so much trouble for us stallions?”

But no one was there to reply and respond and so he instead sighed heavily and deeply and decided to try to get some rest in before nighttime came.