The Lost Legends of Equestria: Star Swirl the Bearded

by Silver Inkwell

Epilogue: Afterwards

Epilogue: Afterwards

Sometime after all the parties and celebrations and died down and out he came out of the shower with a bath robe on and then looked at the screen.

“You’re still here?” he said, “Look, I don’t know what to tell you, the story is over, the lesson has been taught and the moral clearly stated, I don’t know what else more that you could want other than this ending scene or an Epilogue or Afterwards of some kind… Oh… wait… that’s already happening now. Well anyhow you can go home now if you want to unless you are and then in which case you can stop reading now, there’s nothing else left here.”

And with that said he turned around and went to his room and then turned back around once more
again, “I don’t know what you’re waiting for or possibly could be expecting, because there’s no cameos, no special guests or any kind of shock or surprise for you at the end of this, although you probably don’t believe me now that I have said that, but anyhow goodbye, go home, stop reading now, I mean that’s all I literally have left to say to you here.”

And with that said he went into his room leaving the hallway empty.

“Oh come on!” Discord said suddenly popping up, “I wasn’t even mentioned in this story at all, barely if you count my defeat, but seriously, how could you ever possibly forget to include someone as awesome and cool as I am?”

“DISCORD!” Star Swirl shouted from his room very loudly.

“Oh, I better go now,” Discord said looking at the screen, “But before I do I have one last treat for you since you have been a good audience for me and us today, and now I proudly present Discord’s Finale Puppet Theater!”

And with that said a little tiny puppet stage popped up and then suddenly burned away, “It seems like the puppet theater is having some problems so I guess that I’ll just have to do it myself,” he said pulling his face into a very famous cartoon character pig, “That’s all folks!!” And with that said the screen suddenly went pitch black leaving the audience in the darkness all alone.