//------------------------------// // The Creed of the Knife 03 // Story: The Many Destinies of Sunset Shimmer // by ratedoni //------------------------------// The sounds and lights marching through the night were magical for many ponies enjoying the festivities on such a spectacular way and great event just like the one of tonight. Not every night had seen a royal wedding, and unless Blueblood had finally tied the knot -the probability of that was 0- Sunset knew that all Canterlot was riding the high of not only meeting the darling new couple, but also to celebrate the victory that all Ponykind had achieved by defeating -probably permanently- the dangerous creatures known as Changelings, a whole race that many believed they were simply tales. Through the whole night everypony, or at least those that had a modicum of an idea of what had happened, including those inside the hall where the original wedding was happening, turned their heads and whispered about the appearance of the mysterious mare that had literally drop from nowhere and ended the life of the Queen of the changelings. Sunset was used to people watching and pointing at her from time to time. The way she looked with her scar and the deep red and yellow mane of hers were a combination that made it difficult for people to forget her. It had been used plenty of times as a tool; let people see her on a public place, then change into her assassin attire and suddenly everyone would swear that Sunset had been there at the time of the execution. She was numb to all the whispering, the words and the pointing; she could see it in their eyes. How could she have killed someone? What kind of monster was she? There must be a good reason why Sunset had been exiled from Equestria by their perfect and beautiful Princess Celestia. Here was the savior of ponykind and she was nothing more than a stranger on a sea of colors and music. The worst part was the she just couldn’t leave, because if she did it Cadence would be hurt. No matter if she tried to disappear among the shadows Cadence will know that she left and it didn’t matter if their relationship was over -for pony’s sake, she was married to a stallion, that was a clear indication that their relationship was done- if she left Cadence will know and the last thing she wanted to do was to hurt her that way on her happiest day. It didn’t matter that the only thing Sunset wanted to do was to jump on the heads of those self-centered and useless royals who thought that they were better than the common pony and stab them on the heart. Maybe even try that with Celestia to see if the eternal Sun could be extinguished. Sunset shook her head to try and get the idea out of her head. No matter how much she hated every single noble pony in the town that was no way to think about her former teacher, even if she was still angry at the way Celestia did things. Only when it was convenient for her she went in search of Sunset and only in a way that was advantageous to the princess. Only one day job and then goodbye, good luck with your life, don’t let the door hit you when you leave. Even now Celestia had ignored her former student as if she didn’t exist. It was obvious that she was miffed at Cadence’s decision of forgiving Sunset, but that’s what you get when you were used to having absolute power and suddenly you find out that there are others with the same level of power as yours. It was cathartic in a sense to see sweet little Cadence put in place the taller alicorn. Finally it seemed that the wedding and its guests of honor were ready to depart on their honeymoon because the elements of harmony all said their goodbyes and Sunset had to fight back laughter. It seems that the crazy fashion pony was desperate to get married by the way she threw herself at the bouquet. For a second, Sunset and Cadence’s eyes met and there was a smile and a promise to see each other. The two didn’t need much words considering most of the times the two had their muzzles busy doing something else to waste time talking. Besides, it couldn’t count as cheating when the wife is seeing another mare on the side, right? With a final chuckle Sunset turned around in the direction of the very little used mirror. She knew that the piece of heaven that she currently owned was strong enough to keep the portal open, but she wasn’t going to bet on something that was as strange as powerful as those things. Sadly for the young assassin there were other ponies that had different ideas than her own, just like in the case of a certain student of Princess Celestia much to the distaste of Sunset. “Excuse me, Sunset Shimmer?” “Right, the replacement, what do you need?” “My name is Twili-.” “I know your name, that doesn’t mean I will say it aloud, you are still the replacement for Celestia,” If there was one thing Sunset had mastered beyond the different ways in which to quickly end someone’s -or somepony’s- life was the way to be snarky and get on everyone’s nerves. Watching the way Twilight frowned at those words she had done it already. “Do you have to be so difficult? I just wanted to know about you, I mean, Celestia never mentioned you before, I mean, no offense,” Twilight realized the way in which she had said that and quickly tried to apologize, but Sunset simply chuckled at what she already knew. “Yeah, no wonder, I mean, how do you explain your greatest student that the previous one had been expelled from the castle and is now a professional assassin?” Sunset took a long look at the other mare and couldn’t find it on herself to hate Twilight. The mare seemed to wear her heart on her metaphorical sleeve and she was truly hard to detest, but Celestia was still open game “look kid, you are not that bad, but you heard Celestia and I talk, we still have many things that we need to air before we are even civil to each other. One advice for free? From one student to another? Leave things be because things could get ugly quickly between the princess and I. You saw her; she is ashamed of me and between you and me? Maybe it would be better for you to keep your distance, only bad things happen around me,” Sunset finally told her piece and put her hood back, hiding her face from the world. “I don’t know if what you said is true, about the Princess and you, but one thing I know and that I have found about many ponies and creatures around Equestria is that everypony deserves friendship. So, Sunset Shimmer, would you like to be my friend?” Hearing the words of Twilight, how honest and earnest she could be truly made some of Sunset’s walls crumble. With an exasperated sigh and a smile on her face Sunset looked at the younger mare. “Geez, you don’t give up right? Fine, have it your way, take care… Twilight Sparkle,” Just the mention of the name made Twilight smile brighter, but of course, this was Sunset Shimmer, she couldn’t let things go like that “by the way, the door of your balcony needs some oil, also, the next chapter of the book you are reading, oh boy, does it get steamy,” Sunset truly enjoyed watching the way Twilight’s face morphed into one of surprise and slight fear. “H-How did you-,” “Oh Twilight, I am the best at what I do.”