//------------------------------// // Time and Consequences // Story: Time Problems with the Sun // by KingJoltik //------------------------------// "Timeline 47.382?" a certain gruff voice asked as he walked up to individual under him. The voice's owner was a large dark skinned humanoid creature with a long brown scaly tail. The individual under him was also dark skinned but had a slightly smaller tail. Together, they were located in a room filled with monitors, all showing different statistics, profiles and other data. "100 percent on track sir," the other responded, tapping a few buttons on his keyboard. "Timeline 47.383?" "99.87 percent on track sir." "Any reason why it is not 100 percent?" "Not sure. Inspecting now." A few taps on the computer later, he quickly found the source. "Odd. Seems to be a small discrepancy in a certain time space pocket within this timeline. It seems that this timeline started to go off its path due to irregularities of multiple beings trying to control time in short spurts." "How short?" "One week." "One week? How many suspects?" the superior asked as he raised his eyebrow. "Just one. Someone is trying to alter the events of one week. However..." he rambled before giving his commanding officer a slight glance. He knew where this was going and let out a groan. "Let me guess. They're about to make a closed loop without realizing it." "Yes sir." The other nodded. "Even so, according to our readings, the ability to use the time travel device will still be available after the loop." "Here we go..." the captain said as he walked away. He rubbed his forehead as he went up to another machine, quickly typing in several commands. A picture of a scroll then appeared on the main screen, causing the other officer to raise his eyebrow in skepticism. His boss didn't notice and continued, "Time to do our job. I'll setup the extraction point. We need to remove that device without any problems, understand?" "Of course...but is that scroll the time device?" "According to the readings you gave me, yes." he replied, a small frown popping onto his face. "I'm a bit skeptical about it too, but we've seen crazier time traveling devices." "Very well. Should I inform the other magisters?" "No. This is just a routine removal of a time device. I'll fix it myself." He shook his coat as he typed one last command into the computer. "I am a Magister of Time after all. I can easily handle one time device removal." "Understood." the other nodded. "Any other commands?" "No...unless we can get some cake after this. I would love some triple decker chocolate fudge right about now." "I hope so sir. We've been at this for four days straight." "Eight days. But who's really counting?" "Agreed." the other replied as he pulled up another screen. "I'll check the last timelines and then order us some." "Sounds good to me." And with that, he began to leave the room. He grabbed a set of equipment, quickly putting on several devices on his persona as he whistled to himself. "Hum de dum de dum. Here's to time and time is me." With that, he left the room. Welp, here's hoping nothing goes wrong. He thought as he walked into another room. In this room was a large cylinder like device along with a small touchpad machine outside of it. He went up and typed a few numbers in, quickly scanning for his destination. Let's see...huh. Never been to this planet before. Surprised it isn't the usual Earth. There's always some time traveling problem going on there. Then again, it's definitely a nice change of pace. Tapping a few more buttons, the device in the room lit up like a thousand lightbulbs. A small smile popped onto his face as he put the final coordinate in. "Let's see...ah! Here we go!" he touched one last device, which pulled out a small microphone. "I'll be back, so keep things settled here. Remember, if something happens to me, follow protocol. I have to fix it myself. Do not interfere with the timeline." "Understood sir. Safe time travels." "Indeed. And here's hoping we can get a good snack after this." and with that, he walked into the device. A bright light devoured the room as the captain disappeared within it. It was here that a small spark of electricity filled the room, causing the other officer to give a look of concern. "That's not good." Meanwhile, near the time magister's destination... Why me? That was the thought of one white rainbow-haired alicorn named Celestia. She was currently flying home after what was apparently one of the worst weeks of her life. She had just got done with a master of chaos escaping from his stone prison to her protégé going insane because she couldn't figure out what letter to send to her. Celestia could only facehoof at this fact as she got closer and closer to her castle. It's gonna be one of those months, isn't it? she thought as she reached the balcony. And knowing me, something is gonna happen right before I lower the sun and- "Your majesty! Welcome back!" her secretary exclaimed as she ran up and bowed before the alicorn. Celestia quickly flew inside as let out a long winded sigh. "Hello Raven. Do I have any more meetings today?" "Well, you do-" "Cancel them. I'm done for today." Celestia groaned as she sat down on her throne, her wings falling to the floor from overwork. "I am so done. I need like...three hundred cakes. Now." "Um...your majesty? Are you alright?" Raven said, concern obviously in her voice. "No Raven, I'm not." Celestia replied as she rubbed her forehead. "This week has been the worst. First Discord got loose and decided to take my tail again. Then I lost the poker game to Luna last night. And now, I had to tell my student that it's okay to not have to send me letters all the time so she doesn't think I'll send her back to magic kindergarten. Magic kindergarten Raven! Can you believe that?" "Er...maybe? This is Twilight we're talking about, right?" Celestia wanted to reply, but found nothing. Instead, another groan escaped her mouth. "Alright, you have a point there. I just wish I had somepony who was more like me sometimes..." "Well I think-" BOOM! A resounding explosion pierced the throne room, making Celestia and Raven jump from the sound. Hearing this, Celestia could only say one thing, "Aw great, here we go again." She rose from her throne and went up to the local window. There, she saw a large amount of smoke coming from the castle's garden. "Oh no...please don't tell me Discord has already escaped again. We just got him sealed away again!" "Should I summon the guards your majesty?" "Yes." Celestia nodded as she turned around, quickly going to the exit of the throne room. "I need to get down there as well. I just hope Discord hasn't escaped again." "Understood your majesty." Raven replied as she ran in another direction, making sure she informed every guard she could. Celestia soon found herself at the main Canterlot garden, the pillar of smoke was still there, though it was slowly dissipating. There, she found several guards arguing with each other. There were mainly saying, "What do we do?", "I don't know!", and "What do we tell the princess?!" Seeing this and one other sight, Celestia let out a sigh. Her eyes had seen Discord, still sealed away. Confirming her worst fear had not come true, she decided to confront the guards. "Alright boys, what do we got?" "Ack! Your majesty!" one of the guards yelped, quickly bowing as the others followed suit. Celestia then let out a slight cough, causing the guard to speak up again, "Um...we don't fully know your majesty. We've never seen anything like it before." "Really? Let me see." Celestia walked between her guards and lit her horn. Magic swirled around the smoke, lifting the fogging air. There, she saw a truly different sight. It was an unconscious alicorn colt inside that crater of smoke. He had a white coat, a fire red mane, no cutie mark and his wings were a bit big for his age. He would definitely have to grow into them. "Now this is interesting." "What should we do your majesty?" "Hmm..." Celestia rubbed her chin before responding. "Get him inside the castle infirmary for now. See to it that the doctors examine him immediately. His health will be first priority, everything else can come later." "Yes your majesty!" As they carefully lifted him up and ran inside, Celestia examined the crater. She couldn't find a point of impact or any sort of sign of blood, injuries or anything. Instead, all she found was just a small crater of dirt. Seeing this, she turned around and began her trek back inside. Huh. An alicorn colt? This should be interesting. Here's hoping this will be my bright spot of this month.