//------------------------------// // Chapter 1.1: Impractical Magic // Story: Initial D: First Equestria Stage // by SixShooterOutlaw //------------------------------// Twilight Sparkle woke up one summer morning, stretched her legs out, let out a yawn and got out of bed. She headed into her bathroom, picked up her hairbrush and brushed her mane and tail, then she picked up her toothbrush, put some toothpaste on it and proceeded to brush her teeth, she rinsed her mouth out then headed downstairs to prepare breakfast for herself and Spike, since Starlight was on an extended visit to the Crystal Empire, it was just the two of them. Once she was in the kitchen, she started thinking about what to make for breakfast. "We just had waffles the other day since Spike wanted them, so today I think pancakes sounds like a great idea." she thought to herself as she got out the cookbook, she then flipped through the pages to find the pancake recipe and then proceeded to get the necessary ingredients and started baking. Once she had a few pancakes it made the kitchen smell of them, she knew that soon a certain dragon would awaken from his slumber. As if on cue, Spike came walking into the kitchen, rubbing his eyes sleepily. "Morning Twilight." he said. "Good morning Spike, would you like some pancakes?". "Yeah!" Spike said happily. "Would you get some plates, forks and knives and set them on the table?". "Sure!" Spike then got some plates out of the cabinet and some utensils out of a drawer and set them on the kitchen table. Twilight then brought the pancakes and some syrup over too. They both then sat down, got some pancakes and started eating. "So Spike, read anything good lately?". "Yeah, I was reading the latest Power Ponies comic, it's about Zapp's evil brother trying to take over the world". "Oh Spike, you and your comic books." Twilight said giggling. "Says the mare who has a huge collection of Manga and Graphic Novels". "Touche". After a little while, they finished their breakfast and were in the living area of the castle when there was a knock on the front door. Twilight trotted over to the door and opened it, she then saw Rainbow Dash standing there. "Hi Rainbow" Twilight greeted her friend "What brings you here?". "I was heading out to start my weather duties for the day and saw you left your copy of Daring-Do and the Griffon's Goblet on the table in my living room. You must have left it there the night when you came over to see if I found a copy with spelling errors in it at that yard sale" Rainbow explained and gave Twilight the book "Oh and I also wanted to let you borrow a Manga series me and Scootaloo read, it's about a kind of cart racing called Drifting". "Sounds interesting" Twilight said "If you'd like we could do a trade off, I have a series about video games and sword fighting you might like, it's one of mine and Princess Luna's favorites". "Is it the one that caused you to nearly freak out when Neightendo announced they were starting development on virtual reality gaming?" "I did not 'nearly freak out'!" Twilight exclaimed. "Suuurre you didn't, Twilight." Spike said from inside the castle. "Anyway, sure I would love to read it, just bring them by my house later, gotta dash" Rainbow said then took off to the sky, then suddenly came back "I almost forgot to give you the book, it's the first one in the series" she then gave Twilight the book and was off once again. Twilight went inside, shut the door and gave out a long sigh. "That's the fourth thing I left at a friend's house this month" Twilight said out loud as she set the books down. "Yeah, you seem to be forgetting little things like that" Spike told her, "too bad there isn't a spell to be able to get things you have from other places if you've forgotten them". Twilight thought for a moment, "I think I saw one in a book at the Castle of the Two Sisters, let's go and try to find it!". "Alright, I think it might be fun to go back there, it's been awhile". "Then let's go!" Twilight said enthusiastically, Spike climbed up on Twilight's back and they headed out the door. Once they were at the Castle of The Two Sisters, the two began searching through the castle's library, hours went by as they went through book after book, not having any luck. "I know I saw one" Twilight thought to herself as she finished looking through an entire shelf of books, "having any luck, Spike?". "Nope, sorry". "Uggh" Twilight groaned and continued searching, then she came across a book entitled 'Summoning and Teleportation for Advanced Magic Users'. "Spike, I think I found it!". "That's great Twilight, how about you see if it's in the before we go?" Spike suggested. "Good idea" Twilight then flipped through the pages until she came across a spell called 'summoning an object to you'. "Here it is." she said showing Spike. "Great, now let's head back home, it's probably lunchtime by now and all this searching has made me hungry". Twilight chuckled "Alright let's go home". After they got home and had lunch, Twilight and Spike were in the library looking at the spellbook they brought home. "Alright, it says for the spell to work I need to focus on the what I want to summon to me" Twilight said. "Why don't you give it a try with something nearby before you try using it for something that's a long ways away?" Spike suggested to her. "I think I will" Twilight told him, she then started to think about things she could try to summon, then she remembered the book Rainbow gave her and that she left it in the living room. "Alright, let's do this." she thought in her head. She began focusing on the book, like what the book was about and what it looked like. Suddenly the was a huge flash of light and a minor shockwave that sent Twilight and Spike flying backward. Once Twilight stood up again, she looked around the room for Spike. "Are you okay Spike?" she asked. "I'm fine, Twilight, what happened?". "I don't know, I cast the spell, then there was that flash of light and then we were thrown across the room". Twilight then looked for the book, her eyes then fell on the center of the room and she let out a huge gasp when she saw what she had summoned. "That's not what I excepted at all." she said with a worried look on her face.