Tales of the Battle Foals

by Sirdubya


Shadow Shroud had at last returned to the crystal caverns with their new friend in tow. Quantum Tech had a somewhat difficult time traversing the rocky terrains due to not being in physical condition on the level of the other foals, but Shroud was able to help her through it. When they passed through the hole in the wall, Fire Fight immediately greeted her once more.

“Hey, Quantum.” Fire Fight said.

Quantum Tech fixed her glasses. “Good evening, Fire Fight.”

Fire Fight turned to the others. “Guys, here she is. Meet Quantum Tech.” he said. He was still a little hesitant about bringing her.

Air Slash fluttered towards her, and held his sword over his heart in a greeting pose. “Welcome, friend. I am Air Slash of the clan Bladerunner.”

Quantum Tech gasped. “A Bladerunner!? Oh, how exciting! I don’t believe I’ve ever actually met one before. Tis a pleasure.” Something crossed her mind just then. “Wait…..aren’t the two you supposed to be rival clans?” she asked as she pointed back and forth between Air Slash and Shadow Shroud.

“I’m surprised you know even that much about the Shadewalkers.” Air Slash said as he sheathed his sword.

“Well, the Shadewalkers are spoken of in Equestrian folklore. Many believe the idea of their existence to be utterly ridiculous, but the proof is right here!” Quantum Tech said.

Air Slash couldn’t help but to snicker at the idea of his rival family being nothing more than a myth, causing Shadow Shroud to glare. “I’d be happy to remind you of just what makes us so ‘mythical’, whelp.” Shroud hissed.

Air Slash chuckled. “Forgive me, forgive me. Worry not, Quantum Tech. Shadow Shroud and myself are on….reasonable terms….by some miracle.”

“Oh, come on, Air Slash. I think you two get along better than you realize.” Spiral Galaxy commented.

Quantum Tech looked her. “And you are?”

Spiral walked up to her. “Hi! I’m Spiral Galaxy, and I swear I won’t accidently bring forth the end of the world!” she innocently introduced.

Quantum Tech cocked her eyebrow at the strange statement. “Er…Why do you- huh?.....Oh my word!” she suddenly got a reading from her glasses.

“What?” Spiral asked.

“Your magical output is approximately…..let’s see……42.587% higher than a normal filly! It’s practically on level with the princesses!......Don’t ask how I know that.” Quantum explained.

“Yeah, Spiral Galaxy here is our cosmomancer. She can summon space anomalies like gravity, little stars, black holes, even a meteor this one time!” Fire Fight explained. “But don’t worry. When she has a roof over her head like this, her magic diminishes and becomes easier to control. Besides, she’s a nice filly anyway. You too will be good friends.”

“Is that so? Well! Cosmomancy has always been a particular interest of mine anyway. I’ll have to make a point of monitoring the behavior of your magic.” Quantum said. She reached into her satchel, and pulled out one of her hornbands. “In the meantime, take this.”

Spiral was understandably hesitant. “Umm….I don’t really think that’s such a good idea. Fire Fight told me what that does, and…..”

“Nonsense, darling! So long as you are wearing this, your neuromagical activity will have a much easier time stabilizing itself. If anything, consider this a form of treatment.” Quantum Tech said.

“O….O-Okay….” Spiral muttered. She took the band, and slipped onto her horn. She experienced the same sensation that Fire Fight, and……she liked it! “Wow! I actually feel like I can control my magic now! Thanks, Quantum Tech!”

“You’re quite welcome, Spiral Galaxy!” Quantum said. The two giggled. “I suppose I should go ahead and put mine on” she said as she donned her own hornband. “And I managed to finish a third one, so here you go, Fire Fight.” She handed him her final band, and Fire Fight joyfully took it.

“Thanks!” Fire Fight said as he slipped it on.

Turf War then walked up to Quantum. “What am, homegirl? Name’s Turf War d’ho. I be bashin’ monsters an’ all d’em wit d’hese m- uh, big guys right he’e.” he said as drew his hammer-axe, and showed off his shield. “So if somethin’ comin’ through talkin’ ‘bout ‘I’m a crush you d’ho!’, I come though and be like ‘Really now? How ‘bout y’all watch me crush yo’ damn day!’. Ha! See what I did there?”

Quantum Tech was…..a little more than slightly off put by his…..unique mannerisms. “Er….y-yes, uh……Hello, uh……Turf War.”

Turf War suddenly felt a little awkward. “Ehh….my bad. I kinda f***** dat up, huh?”

“Excuse me!?” Quantum Tech exclaimed.

Turf War’s eyes widened as he realized what he just said. “Yo! My bad, fo’ real! I been workin’ on not cursing, and I stay be doin’ dat, trust!” he frantically said.

“Ehh, sorry about him, Quantum. Turf War really is a good guy at heart. He can just be a little……impulsive.” Fire Fight said.

“And vulgar by the looks of it.” Quantum said. “I…..suppose I’ll learn to tolerate you however. It’s better than staying in Canterlot.”

Turf War rolled his eyes, and just looked away. Crazylocks then suddenly appeared in front of her. “THEY SAY THAT THE FIRST STEP TO FREINDSHIP IS A BIIIIIIIG HUUUUUUUG!” she exclaimed. She thrust her arms around Quantum Tech, and began nuzzling her neck while making animal-like noises.

Quantum Tech was understandably freaked out. “AAHH! UNHAND ME, YOU CRETIN!!” she screamed. She forcefully shoved Crazylocks off of her, and Crazylocks assumed a normal standing position as she……rolled away from her without her body position changing at all. Not even her hair moved an inch as her completely stiff form just tumbled away a good few yards.

Crazylocks came to a stop lying on her back, and held still for a moment before quickly correcting her form. She stood right back on her hooves. “A tumble a day makes the spiders pay their rent!” she said. She then sprouted her wings, and began fluttering around randomly.

Quantum was completely frazzled by the whole charade. “Umm…..where to begin?”

“Sorry, Quantum. She……” Fire Fight said.

“She’s a victim of some horrific…..such and such that bestowed upon her the ability to morph between the three pony tribes. However, it may or may not have been the cause of her insanity. Not only that, but when she’s an earth pony, her hair becomes hard enough to be used like a bludgeoning flail.” Shadow Shroud explained.

Quantum immediately caught interest at that. “Is that so? My word! Well, I’ll certainly have to study her….somehow.”

“Y’all think maybe you could help her too? She a li’l too crazy d’ho, I’m just sayin’.” Turf War said.

“I suppose I could try. Psychology is well within my realm of understanding, but if what Shadow Shroud said is true, then understanding the exact nature of her polymorphic physiology is crucial in understanding the nature of her current psychological state.” Quantum Tech said.

“Uhh…….cool.” Turf War said. He barely understood any of what she said.

Kickback finally walked up to her. He politely removed his hat before introducing himself to a filly. “Pleasure makin’ yer acquaintance, Ms. Quantum Tech. Why, Ah’m Kickback. An’ these here are mah two compadres, Sound and Fury.” He looked at his guns as he introduced them.

Quantum Tech’s gaze was not on the pieces of rare technology that he possessed, but on Kickback himself. She held her hoof to her face as she blushed, and smiled. “Oh…..Oh my!” She pranced up to him. “Well aren’t you just a doll!” she cooed.

Kickback was caught way off guard. His mannerly smile was quickly replaced with the face of foal who forgot to bring their homework to school when it was due. He put his hat back on, and slowly backed away from her. “Uhh, m-ma’am?” He stammered. Spiral was snickering while Fire Fight, Shadow Shroud and Air Slash just looked at one another in mellow surprise. Turf War was just nodding at Kickback while giving him an ‘Atta boy!’ expression. Crazylocks was too busy discussing sandwich politics with a stalactite to care.

Quantum Tech flirtatiously flipped her mane. “Aww, don’t be so shy! I swear I haven’t accidently irradiated myself in any experiments…..thankfully.”

“Uhh….That’s…..That’s all well an’ good, but…” Kickback was becoming flustered. He’d been quite popular back in Dodge City, but he’d never met a filly that was so….bold.

“You’ll protect me in case some big, ugly monster tries to come and devour me, won’t you?” Quantum Tech said.

“W-W-Well, Ah….Ah-Ah reckon we all rightly oughta, s-so…” Kickback was beginning to lose his cool.

“And just how did you get your mane to be so-”

“That’s enough outta you!!” Kickback exclaimed at her. He’d finally lost his patience. Quantum Tech recoiled back as the others exhibited a little shock at seeing Kickback without such a level head, and express that to a filly no less. Quantum lost a little color, and pouted. It was then that Kickback regretted his outburst. “A-Ah’m awful sorry, ma’am. Ah didn’t mean to holler at ya.”

Quantum Tech almost immediately regained her luster. “Oh, I forgive you, Kickback!”

Before she could say anything else, Shadow Shroud got between them. “Ehh, yes….well…why don’t you just wait here for me while I grab what I can of your lost materials…..assuming any of them are still intact.”

Quantum Tech sobered up from her little flustered state. “Oh! Why, yes. Of course…Thank you, Shadow Shroud.”

Shroud donned her mask before setting out into the night once more. “Try not to get bored while I’m gone.”

Quantum Tech walked over to Kickback, and sat right next to him. “Oh, not to worry. Kickback will keep me company, won’t you, darling?” She fluttered her eyelashes at him.

Kickback just lowered his hat over his face in frustration and embarrassment. “Lord, have mercy….” He muttered to himself.