//------------------------------// // S2 E12: Family Appreciation Day (What If?) // Story: My Little Pony Friendship is Magic What If?: Volume 4 // by SuperPinkBrony12 //------------------------------// It was night time at Sweet Apple Acres, and everypony was fast asleep. But all of a sudden, the peace and quiet was interrupted by the sound of howling far off in the distance. And then there came the sound of pots and pans banging over and over again, that was enough to get everypony to wake up. The source of the disturbance soon revealed itself to be Granny Smith, who was running about shouting, "The timberwolves are a-howlin'! The timberwolves are a-howlin'!" over and over again. "The zap apples are comin'! The zap apples are comin'!" She shouted at the top of her lungs. Applejack, Apple Bloom, and Big Macintosh all cheered. They knew what Granny Smith was talking about, zap apple season had arrived! "Yay, the zap apples are comin'!" They happily shouted. "That's what I said," Granny Smith called back. "And I got a feelin' this is gonna be the best zap apple season yet." Little did Granny Smith know that she was right, it really was going to be the best zap apple season the Apple family had ever known. But not for the reasons Granny Smith thought. The entire Apple family had to pitch in for zap apple season, the zap apples were quite demanding and had to be harvested just right in order to ensure quality. Granny Smith knew all about this, so she began to boss around the other Apple family members. Before long you could hear her starting to shout out commands such as "Hey, silly goose! Quit your gawkin' and move your caboose!" whenever she noticed Big Macintosh starring at the zap apple trees instead of helping out. Big Macintosh and Applejack, as they had been doing for the past several years, did most of the hard work. They tended to the trees and moved crates of jars to and from the orchard. As for Apple Bloom, Granny Smith decided she Apple Bloom was finally ready to start learning how to make zap apple jam. "Zap apple jam is one of the most important products we make here at Sweet Apple Acres!" She was fond of saying to Apple Bloom. "Without it we Apples wouldn't be livin' here. Heck, I don't know if there'd even be a Ponyville at all. I remember that this place used to be forest land once upon a time." Apple Bloom didn't pay any particular attention to this, Granny Smith was fond of telling stories but many of them sounded too outlandish to be true. "So, what exactly do I have to do to make the best zap apple jam possible?" Apple Bloom asked her grandmother. Granny Smith chuckled and patted her granddaughter lightly on the head. "I can tell you're eager to learn, that's good. 'Cause what I'm gonna teach you is probably gonna seem really out there and crazy. But I tell ya, I've been doin' every one of these steps for years and they've always produced zap apple jam of the finest quality. You understand what I'm sayin', youngin'?" "Yes, ma'am. I can't wait, ma'am!" Apple Bloom eagerly replied. "Darn tootin'!" Granny Smith cheered, and gave Apple Bloom a broom. "Here, get to sweepin' whilst I get to figurin' out where I left my bunny costume." "Uh, what was that, Granny Smith?" Apple Bloom asked, as she began sweeping the floors. "Oh, nothin'. Nothin' at all. You'll see." Granny Smith replied, and disappeared. As Apple Bloom soon found out, she hadn't been hearing things when Granny Smith mentioned a bunny costume. And not only did Granny Smith put one on for herself, she also had Apple Bloom dress up in one. "Just follow me and do what I do." Granny Smith instructed to Apple Bloom, and she began to hop over a bunch of watering cans while singing the alphabet. Apple Bloom followed, already feeling a bit uncertain about repeating Granny Smith's actions. "Is all of this really necessary just to make zap apple jam?" She thought to herself. Granny Smith didn't stop singing, until a voice familiar to her but unfamiliar to Apple Bloom spoke up. The voice's owner soon revealed itself to be an earth pony stallion with a well groomed black mane and tail, a light brown coat, blue eyes, a red neck tie combined with a blue collar, and a cutie mark consisting of three money bags. Shedding her bunny costume, Granny Smith trotted up to the stallion. "Well, howdy-doo there, Filthy Rich!" She greeted. "Always a pleasure to see ya." Filthy Rich smiled. "Hello, Mrs. Smith," He greeted. "So, did I hear right that there's a zap apple harvest comin' in a few days?" "Absolutely, four days to be exact." Granny Smith replied. "Good, good," Filthy Rich said with a smile. "That's excellent news. And as usual, I get your first hundred jars, right?" "'Course Filthy, same as always." Granny Smith said, shaking Filthy's hoof. Filthy seemed to be blush at the comment. "Uh, Granny, you know I prefer Rich, don't ya?" "Sorry, old habit," Granny Smith apologized. "So, how's your pappy doin'?" "Doin' fine, thanks for askin'," Filthy Rich warmly replied. "I take it everypony here's doin' just fine too?" "Absolutely, we're all as fine as a fiddle," Granny Smith boasted. "Ain't nopony got time to be sick, not at a time like this!" While Granny Smith and Filthy Rich chatted between themselves, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle stopped by Sweet Apple Acres. They had hoped to see if Apple Bloom was available, but were quite surprised to see her in a bunny costume. "Apple Bloom? What are you doing in that get up?" Sweetie Belle asked, drawing Apple Bloom's attention. "Oh, this?" Apple Bloom replied, suddenly wishing she was invisible. "Granny Smith says it's part of makin' zap apple jam, and I've been lookin' forward to makin' it for years." Scootaloo eyed Apple Bloom's costume suspiciously. "Uh-huh," She nodded slowly. "Look, don't take this the wrong way or anything, but your grandmother's weird. Like really, really weird. She's even weirder than my parents, and that's saying something." "At least your parents are always home," Sweetie Belle complained. "Seems like I spend more time with Rarity than I ever do with Mom and Dad. I keep begging for them to take me on their vacations but they keep saying I'm not old enough. I love spending time with Rarity, but would it really kill my parents just to spend a bit more time with me?" "Hey, I'd take parents who are away all the time over parents who embarrass me any day," Scootaloo replied. "That's why I don't like talking about my parents too often. I love them, but they seem to have a tendency to embarrass me way too often. It's bad enough Diamond Tiara teases me for being a blank flank, I don't need her getting any more ammunition to use against me." Apple Bloom silently pondered what Scootaloo had said earlier for a moment while Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle seemed to focus their attention on Granny Smith and Filthy Rich. It was only when Apple Bloom cleared her throat that they turned back to her. "I suppose Granny Smith can be a bit embarrassin' at times, but I don't see what the big deal is." "Hasn't Granny Smith ever embarrassed you in public at all, even unintentionally?" Scootaloo asked. "You know, now that you mention it, there was this one time." Apple Bloom recalled, and flashed back to a scene from the previous zap apple harvesting season. Granny Smith had allowed Apple Bloom to accompany her to the center of town, and the older mare was currently busy exploring some of the booths that had been set up by local merchants. "Shake a leg there, slowpoke! We got a gaggle's worth of goods to gather before the harvest," Granny Smith called to Apple Bloom, and she began to sing. "Gonna make zap apple jam, hoop-dee-hoo! Gatherin' my goodies now, hoop-dee-hee! Singin' and dancin', diddley-hoo, flippity-floo, my darlin!" She didn't stop singing, until she laid eyes on one of the newest pots ever made. She eyed the creation quite suspiciously, before she remarked. "They don't make 'em like they used to." And bit into the pot with her teeth. The store merchant was, needless to say, not thrilled with Granny Smith's behavior. "Hey! You bite it, you buy it!" She complained. "Now pay up!" Granny Smith didn't seem to be bothered by what she'd just done, she happily hoofed over the bits required to pay for the pan and took it with her. A short time later, she stopped at a stand being run by a bee keeper that was selling honey. Surprisingly, Granny Smith let the bees come out of their hive and swarm around her, rather than try the usual approach for honey gathering. In fact, she started talking to the bees as if she could understand them. "Whoo! Why, hello, Bea, Beatrice, Beecher!" She greeted, her voice being almost drowned out by the sound of buzzing. "Ooh, you've all been busy little bees, haven't you?" She asked, and the bees replied with a series of buzzes. "Uh, Granny, isn't there maybe a less... silly way to get the honey?" Apple Bloom asked. She really didn't like the fact that her grandmother was drawing attention to herself. Granny Smith didn't hear Apple Bloom, or if she did she payed no attention. She just said outloud. "Oh, isn't this just precious?" "Please stop, I'm beggin' you!" Apple Bloom pleaded. Granny Smith didn't acknowledge Apple Bloom's plea. "This is perfect! It'll be just the thing for makin' our zap apple jam!" Apple Bloom quickly realized Granny Smith wasn't going to listen to her pleas, but she wasn't about to let herself be embarrassed anymore if she could help it. "Are we done shoppin', Granny?" She asked, hopefully. "'Cause I'd like to get back to the farm, and fast." Much to Apple Bloom's surprise, Granny Smith actually acknowledged her this time. "All done, smellybelly. Thanks for accompanyin' me, next year I'll let you help out with the makin' process as well," She said to Apple Bloom, and she trotted back to the farm singing happily to herself. "I got my honey, gooey-goo! Got my honey, gooey-ooh! Got my honey, iddley-hoo!" Apple Bloom thought for sure she was going to die of embarrassment. "I guess I never really thought about it until you brought it up," Apple Bloom realized. "I'm sure Granny Smith means well and all, but I think her age is gettin' to her. If I ever start actin' that way when I have grandkids, knock some sense into me." "Yeah, grown-ups can be so weird sometimes," Scootaloo commented. "I just hope I don't grow up to become one of them." "And I hope I won't grow up to be like my parents, always leaving my kids behind with somepony else," Sweetie Belle added, and changed the subject. "So, I take it you're going to be busy for the next couple of days, Apple Bloom?" Apple Bloom sighed and frowned. "Yeah, unfortunately. I won't be able to attend any Cutie Mark Crusaders meetin's or anythin'." "That's a shame," Scootaloo replied. "I was hoping for something to take my mind off the fact that Diamond Tiara got her dad to come in for Family Appreciation Day tomorrow. I still can't believe your family's business partners with him." "He doesn't seem to be as bad as Diamond Tiara, though that's not really saying much considering how much of a brat she is," Sweetie Belle commented. "I just wish his presentations weren't so boring, I can never stay awake for them." "Same here," Apple Bloom agreed. "Guess it's a good thing Diamond Tiara's next turn isn't for a long time after that. Anypony's better than her dad." But little did the farm filly know that she was going to come to regret those words, and sooner than she might have expected. The very next day, Filthy Rich came in and talked to all of the colts and fillies in Cheerilee's class. But like always, they all found his talk about his business boring, and many of them quickly fell asleep. Even Silver Spoon couldn't fake interest, business was part of the reason why she almost never saw her father these days, and why her mother had moved to Ponyville shortly after her birth. Filthy Rich didn't seem to care that almost nopony was paying attention to his presentation, he just kept droning on. He'd come to talk and that's exactly what he was going to do. In his mind it was never too early for children to start learning about business. "And so, by capturin' the whole sale market, purchasin' in bulk and slashin' all prices, we outperform every other gift market in town, and that's why Rich's Barnyard Bargains has become the cornerstone of retail in Ponyville," He explained in great detail. "And we're always lookin' to expand. I reckon it ain't long before shares of Barnyard Bargains are sold world wide." The only pony who bothered to clap when Filthy Rich had finished his presentation, was his daughter, Diamond Tiara. If any of her classmates were still awake, they would've wondered how she could even "pretend" to care about what her father had to say. Cheerilee, who had remarkably not dozed off during Filthy Rich's presentation, came up to the stallion and said to him in as polite a tone as she could. "Well, thank you, Mr. Filthy—I mean, Mr. Rich. What a wonderful day of sharing! And thank you for being a part of Family Appreciation Day!" In her mind she was thinking. "It's so much easier dealing with you than it is dealing with your wife. How a pony like you could marry a pony like her I'll never know." Of course, Cheerilee knew not to say this outloud. Part of being a teacher meant keeping some of your more personal opinions to yourself, if you didn't you typically didn't last long. "Now, uh, let's see who will be bringing in a family member for next Monday's Family Appreciation Day," She announced, looking at the list. After careful examination of it she declared. "Oh yes! Apple Bloom, you're up next!" "But Miss. Cheerilee, Monday is zap apple harvest day, and Applejack and Big Macintosh will be too busy to come in and speak," Apple Bloom protested. "Can I switch with somepony else? Like what about Scootaloo, hasn't it been a long time since she brought either of her folks in?" "Hey, my parents just happen to be busy every time my turn comes around," Scootaloo protested. "I can't help that!" Quickly breaking up the discussion before it could escalate, Cheerilee cleared her throat and suggested to Apple Bloom. "Well, is there anypony else in your family that could spare some time?" "Uh, nope. No idea what you're talkin' about." Apple Bloom quickly replied. Cheerilee raised an eyebrow at Apple Bloom's statement, she knew the truth. "What about your Granny Smith?" She suggested. "I know she doesn't work the harvest. Surely she can come in and talk to the class." "Oh!" Apple Bloom realized, before she remembered what that was sure to mean and began to protest. "But, uh, no, that wouldn't–" "-Apple Bloom, you shall bring in Granny Smith on Monday," Cheerilee interrupted, trying not to sound too forceful. "Is that clear?" "Yes." Apple Bloom sighed, admitting defeat. "Good, make sure she knows," Cheerilee replied with a smile, before the bell rang to announce the end of school. "Have a great weekend, everypony!" She called, as the colts and fillies all rushed out the door. "Hey, Apple Bloom," Diamond Tiara whispered. "That's right, I'm talking to you." "Whadya want?!" Apple Bloom asked through much gritting of teeth. "Can't it wait 'til Monday?!" Diamond Tiara did not acknowledge Apple Bloom's comment and simply whispered back. "Best of luck to you and Granny Smith, it'll be interesting to see what kind of tall tales she'll spin. But don't get your hopes up, nopony's gonna be able to top my father's presentation. No way, no how." She then slipped out the door without another word. Apple Bloom was slow to leave her desk, she still couldn't believe her luck. "Granny Smith? Come Monday, I'll be the laughin' stock of Ponyville!" She complained to herself, as her slumped onto her desk. As soon as she finally left school and came home, Apple Bloom immediately ran out to the zap apple fields to talk to Applejack and Big Macintosh, in the hopes that one of them might be spared from the harvest so she could use them in place of Granny Smith. Applejack was quick to shoot the idea down. "I'm sorry, Apple Bloom. But I already told you that we just can't take a break from harvest to come to your school. You know what'll happen." She said, trying not to sound annoyed. Apple Bloom sighed, she'd heard the reason several times already. "I know, I know," She complained. "After the fifth day, the zap apples disappear." "Exactly, we only get a small window of time to harvest them apples before they're no good anymore," Applejack replied. "It's just unfortunate that this year it falls on the same day your school's havin' Family Appreciation Day." Just then, the wind began to blow, and a flock of crows began to caw. The zap apples (which had recently obtained their rainbow colors), began to sizzle with electricity. It crackled and popped, as the rainbow colors grew brighter and spread to every apple in the orchard. The entire Apple family was amazed! "Look! The third sign! And right on time too! Hot diggity!" Granny Smith cheered. "I was a little worried when the electricity and color were slow to come yesterday, but it looks like I'll have nothin' to worry about. This is gonna be our best zap apple crop yet! Now then you lazy daisies, move your caboose!" She ordered, and Applejack and Big Macintosh went right back to tending to the zap apple trees. "I'm really sorry, Apple Bloom," Applejack repeated, then she added. "But don't you fret. Granny Smith's got no shortage of entertainin' stories to tell. Just you wait." "I know," Apple Bloom replied, and under her breath she added. "That's exactly what I'm worried about." Unsure of who else to turn to for help, Apple Bloom complained to her fellow Cutie Mark Crusaders inside their clubhouse the next day. "I'll be embarrassed, shamed, disgraced, mortified, humiliate–" She began, before she had a hoof placed in her mouth by Scootaloo. "What are you, a dictionary or something?" Scootaloo interrupted. "First Sweetie Belle and now you, Apple Bloom." Sweetie Belle gave Scootaloo a stern glare before she said to Apple Bloom. "Snap out of it. We're here to help you!" "After all, we are the Cutie Mark Crusaders. And a crusader in need is a crusader in deed! So we'll figure out a way to postpone your presentation." Scootaloo boasted. "But how are you gonna do that? You've only got the weekend to stop it," Apple Bloom whined, and began to shake a bit. "Ugh! All this worry is makin' me sick!" She complained. That comment seemed to spark an idea in the minds of Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo, as they exchanged glances before Sweetie Belle spoke up and said. "Sick, huh?" "That's it! That gives me an idea!" Scootaloo exclaimed, jumping up in excitement. "C'mon! This is gonna work, I know it!" While Scootaloo prepared to put her plan into action, Granny Smith had assembled a collection of jars and placed them on the kitchen table so that they were all lined up in a row. "Attention!" She cried out, having dawned a solider's hat. She began to walk back and forth, eyeing each of the jars like a drill sergeant would eye a line of recruits. "Now listen here, troops! And you listen good!" She bellowed. "I don't want to see any whinin' or cryin' or crackin' under the pressure! Do I make myself clear?!" She pounded the table, causing one of the jars to start to crack. "Cadet J-4!" She shouted at the cracked jar. "You've got six seconds, exactly six seconds, to uncrack yourself! Do you understand?!" Of course, the jar didn't reply. Granny Smith wasn't phased. "Fine, have it your way. You are officially court-martialed!" And she threw the cracked jar into the trash, it landed with a clang. Unbeknownst to Granny Smith, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle were already working on their plan. And when Granny Smith wasn't looking, they had slipped a thermometer into a kettle of hot water, leaving it there until the inside had turned almost completely red. "Stay still, Apple Bloom! You have to look sick!" Scootaloo complained. She had already applied some make-up so that Apple Bloom's face would look a sickly green, and she now slipped the spiked thermometer into Apple Bloom's mouth. "Aaah!" Apple Bloom complained, nearly spitting out the thermometer right then and there. "Hey, this is hot!" She whined. "It has to look convincing or Granny Smith's not gonna buy it!" Scootaloo complained and explained. "Now hold still, Granny Smith's coming!" Sure enough, just seconds after Scootaloo had spoken, Granny Smith came trotting up to Apple Bloom's bedroom. "What in the hayseed is going on in there, silly billy?" She asked, surprised at how different Apple Bloom had looked compared to just a short time ago. "Oh, Granny Smith! Thank goodness! We were just about to come get you!" Scootaloo exclaimed, sounding quite concerned. "Apple Bloom's sick!" Sweetie Belle anxiously added. "Like really sick! Looks like she might have to stay home all week! Can't risk her passing it on to her classmates!" "That so, huh?" Granny Smith asked with suspicion, as she examined Apple Bloom carefully. Nopony dared to say a word, and an uncomfortable silence fell over the room. At last, Granny Smith chuckled as she said. "Ooh! Perfect as a Piccadilly pear!" To Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle she added. "You fillies didn't think I wouldn't see through that 'fake bein' sick routine' did ya? I used to do that all the time with my folks when I was your age, and eventually they started gettin' wise to it. If Apple Bloom really were sick, you fillies wouldn't be hangin' around her the way you were, not unless you wanted to get sick yourselves." And with that, she went back downstairs. Apple Bloom removed the thermometer from her mouth and washed off the face paint that had been applied to her. "Well, so much for that," She said with a sigh. "Now what are we gonna do?" "It's already almost sundown!" Apple Bloom complained that evening, sulking to herself in the clubhouse. "Tomorrow is Sunday, and I only have one more day to figure somethin' out before Granny Smith embarrasses me forever!" "Hey! Look! Something's going on in the orchard!" Sweetie Belle cried out, attracting the attention of both of her fellow crusaders. Electricity began to crackle loudly, as the zap apples grew brighter than ever, their rainbow colors shining brightly amidst the setting sun. Apple Bloom knew what that meant. "That's the fourth sign! The zap apples have appeared!" "And that gives me an idea," Sweetie Belle smiled, and whispered her plan to her friends. "We'll do it tonight." Indeed, just a short time after the sun had set on Sweet Apple Acres, Sweetie Belle put her plan into action. Emerging from a bush with Scootaloo she explained to Apple Bloom. "I figured 'Since we can't move Family Appreciation Day, then let's move harvest day instead!'." "Uh... I don't know about this," Apple Bloom nervously commented. "They don't look... quite ripe." "Well, harvesting apples early never hurt an apple. I say it's worth a shot." Scootaloo suggested. Apple Bloom couldn't shake the bad feeling she was having about Sweetie Belle's plan. " I don't know... Zap apple trees aren't exactly like normal apple trees. They're magical." She said, as she looked up at the tree. The electricity seemed to crackle ominously. "They're still apples, how different could they possibly be?" Sweetie Belle asked, as she bucked one of the trees hard with her back hooves. But much to Sweetie Belle's surprise, the tree trunk not only absorbed the energy of the kick, but responded by giving the filly a nasty shock that sent her flying! Her mane and tail became frazzled, as she picked herself up. "Well, since we can't buck 'em, let's just pick 'em!" Scootaloo immediately suggested. The three fillies stacked themselves into a pile to try and reach up and grab one of the apples, but it was impossible for them to maintain their balance long enough. Just as soon as Apple Bloom had grabbed one of the apples off the branch, the pile collapsed! The apple fell from Apple Bloom's grasp and hit the ground with a splat! "Any other bright ideas?" Apple Bloom remarked, as she looked at the smashed apple. "I'd rather not put my family out of business if ya don't mind." "This is the only thing I can think of that'll work. This is our last chance!" Apple Bloom said seriously, as she double checked to make sure Granny Smith was indeed still asleep. If she wasn't, the entire plan would fall apart. Just as Apple Bloom determined that Granny Smith was out like a light and wouldn't be waking up anytime soon, there was a knock at the door. "Granny Smith, it's Miss Cheerilee!" Cheerilee called. "Apple Bloom said you wanted to speak with me?" She waited for a moment, but there was no reply. Cheerilee found this most odd, but she didn't suspect something might be up. "Hello? Granny Smi–" She called again, only to be amazed when Granny Smith suddenly seem to rise from her chair and talk to her! "-Well hello there! Howdydoo!" Apple Bloom spoke, throwing her voice to try and sound like her grandmother. All the while maneuvering Granny Smith's sleeping body around with a series of levers to (hopefully) make it look like Granny Smith was awake. Cheerilee was a bit disturbed by Granny Smith's actions, but she tried her best to keep her composure as she asked. " Hi... uh... Granny Smith... is, uh, everything okay?" "Of course it is! I mean, why wouldn't it be?!" Apple Bloom replied, before Granny Smith let out a rather loud snore. Quickly trying to cover for it, Apple Bloom added nervously. "Oh, er, excuse me. So sorry about that. Uh, pickles always give me the hiccups!" This was it, time to deliver the message Cheerilee needed to hear! "I called you here, 'cause I need to tell you that I can't make the presentation on Monday after all! Terribly sorry to back out last minute like this!" "Oh no, is that so?" Cheerilee asked. Her tone and facial expressions seemed to convey that she believed she was actually talking to Granny Smith. "No doubts about it!" Apple Bloom affirmatively spoke. "I gotta shear the flowers and water the sheep! Er, I mean, I have to water the flowers and shear the sheep! Sorry, got things mixed up for a second there! Happens all the time!" "Oh, well, that's too bad," Cheerilee said, sounding a bit disappointed. But she quickly switched back to her usual cheerful self as she suggested. "We can reschedule. Thank you for telling me this. A shame though, I was really looking forward to having you come in." Apple Bloom, thinking the coast was clear, let Granny Smith's body go with a thud! The thud was so loud that it caused Granny Smith to stumble awake! "E- whut- hai- where am I?" She asked, the older mare taking a moment to realize where she was. Once she did, she spotted Cheerilee who was just about to leave, and called out to her, seemingly unaware of the levers attached to her. "Well, howdy, Miss Cheerilee! You window shoppin' or somethin'?" She asked. "If you want some zap apple jam, you're gonna have to wait for it just like everypony else." Cheerilee was surprised to see Granny Smith talking to her again, and quickly turned around. "Uh... no? You asked me to come here to tell me that you wouldn't be making it to Family Appreciation Day this Monday?" She asked, trying to piece together what was going on. "Fiddlesticks!" Granny Smith replied. "I wouldn't miss it for all the tea in Canterlot!" Cheerilee was quite confused by Granny Smith's sudden change in opinion. "But didn't you just say...?" She began. "You heard what I said. I'm gonna be there on Monday no matter what, you can be sure of that!" Granny Smith said seriously, and she waved to Cheerilee as she added. "See you Monday!" Apple Bloom had all but given up after that, despite her best efforts to stop Granny Smith, it seemed fate was determined to make her talk at Family Appreciation Day and embarrass Apple Bloom forever. Thinking there was little she could do to change what seemed to be an inevitable fact at this point, Apple Bloom was sulking to herself in the clubhouse. Come Monday, she was sure it was the only place she could even hope to hide in without being reminded of the life changing event. "I can't believe she woke up from her nap. She never wakes up from her nap!" She complained, and in a muffled voice the farm filly added. "I wish I could just run off and hide somewhere! Preferably forever!" Surprisingly, despite the dire circumstance, Sweetie Belle still managed to get an idea. "Maybe you can't run off... but somepony else can!" She suggested. "It's a long shot, but if it works you shouldn't have to worry about Granny Smith coming to school tomorrow." The very next day, the wind began to blow across Sweet Apple Acres, accompanied by the sound of lightning cracking, and electricity crackling. Granny Smith recognized it at once as the fifth sign. "Yee-haw!" She cheered loudly! "The zap apple harvest has begun!" Applejack chimed in, setting some crates down with a thud. "I gotta say, Granny Smith, I think you're right about the crop this year. It looks like the best we've ever had!" "Darn tootin'!" Granny Smith said happily. "And tomorrow we will be makin' up some zap apple jam!" But just then, a pegasus that looked to be about the size of a filly with a suspiciously familiar looking orange coat came trotting up to Granny Smith. In a deep voice, the pegasus said to Granny Smith. "Granny Smith Apple? I have a telegram with your name on it." Granny Smith accepted the telegram, opened it, and began to read it. Pretty soon she exclaimed! "Well, bust my buttons. Uncle Apple Strudel wants me to pay him a visit. Funny how that's happenin' the same day as the zap apple harvest." "It's probably just coincidence, you're thinkin' too much about it, Granny Smith!" Apple Bloom hastily replied. "You can just make the 8AM train if you hurry. I even already packed you a bag!" "Well, that was considerate," Granny Smith commented, before she looked at the telegram delivery pony and asked. "By the way, I didn't catch your name. What was it?" The telegram pony flinched, as if she hadn't been expecting that answer at all. "Uh, that's not important. You should get going!" She encouraged. A rather odd smile found its way onto Granny Smith's face as she replied. "You don't have to lie to me, I know it's you, Scootaloo. You didn't really think you could fool me with a costume and a deep voice, did you?" Scootaloo gulped. "Uh, maybe?" She nervously answered, slowly backing away. Granny Smith turned to Apple Bloom. "Consarn it, this has gone far enough! Apple Bloom, what's got your goat?! Why you keep tryin' to avoid goin' to school or lookin' for ways to get rid of me?!" "Because, you're gonna embarrass me, like you always do," Apple Bloom confessed. "I don't want to become the laughin' stock of the entire town because of you." "Is that all?" Granny Smith asked, sounding rather surprised. "Apple Bloom, I can't believe you. Did you really think you could keep that concern a secret from me? I'm your grandmother for Celestia's sake, I practically helped to raise ya ever since your folks passed on. I have ways of findin' out when my grandkids ain't happy." "You knew all along?" Apple Bloom asked, her eyes widening. "From the moment you faked bein' sick it was pretty easy to guess why you didn't want to go to school," Granny Smith explained. "I kept waitin' for you to tell me, but instead you kept tryin' to find ways to stop me from goin' to school. I know what it feels like to think the ones lookin' after you are embarrassin' you. I went through the same thing when I first learned how to make zap apple jam. But you know what I learned? I learned that there's a reason why we Apples always do what we've done when it comes to harvestin' the zap apples. It may seem silly and way out there, but it works." "Really? But, that can't be! Talkin' to jars and singin' to waterin' cans?! That's crazy!" Apple Bloom remarked. "Trust me, once I tell the story I'm goin' to tell at that Family Appreciation Day, you and everypony else will understand," Granny Smith said firmly. "Now come on, time's a wastin'. You and your friends better get to school, and I'll meet ya there!" Apple Bloom reluctantly made her way to school alongside her friends, but she was still unsure if she was making the right decision. Was it really true what Granny Smith had told her earlier? Could she really trust her grandmother not to embarrass her in front of the entire school? The farm filly didn't have long to wait, not long after she'd taken her seat Cheerilee cleared her throat and announced. "For today's Family Appreciation Day, we are pleased to welcome Granny Smith." "Howdy, y'all! I'm as happy as a pig in a fresh mudpile to be here!" Granny Smith greeted, as she trotted into the classroom. A few ponies waved and greeted her, but most remained silent. They had no idea what Granny Smith was going to tell them, and while most of them thought it would be better than the previous Family Appreciation Day Celebration, that didn't necessarily mean they thought it would be interesting. Diamond Tiara in particular muttered under her breath. "There's no way Granny Smith's going to top my daddy's story. But it'll interesting to see what kind of crazy story she makes up this time." Normally, Apple Bloom would've resented such a remark about her family. But she was so nervous about what Granny Smith was going to say that Diamond's comment flew right over her head. Granny Smith cleared her throat, attracting the attention of all the school ponies. "Long ago, when I was a little pony, things were very different here in Ponyville, 'cause there was no Ponyville!" She narrated, that immediately drew everypony's attention! "That's right, my little ponies. Me and my family were pilgrim pony folk, back when I was a little filly," Granny Smith narrated, while recalling the events in her head. "My pa was the finest seed collector in all of Equestria, he'd travel far and wide in search of new seeds to collect and sell. Then, one day, my family found itself in the most brilliant, most grand, most magnificent of all cities. A place called... Canterlot. And it was in Canterlot that we met her majesty, Princess Celestia herself. I still remember how elegant she looked back then, and I tell ya, even to this day it looks like she ain't aged a bit. Anyways, Princess Celestia saw that we were plumb-tuckered and hankerin' to find our forever home. And bein' a royal Princess and all, she knew exactly the place for us to lay down our stakes. A patch of recently cleared land near the Everfree Forest. So we packed our bags, moved onto the land, and built our first home." "Is that it?" Diamond Tiara interrupted. "Sounds boring." "I ain't even close to bein' done yet, whippersnapper! In my day we youngins' were taught to respect our elders," Granny Smith protested. "So save your comments til my story's done, if ya don't mind," She then resumed her story as if nothing had happened, she could still remember the details of it very well. "Soon we planted our first orchard. But an orchard don't grow overnight, and we were gettin' mighty short on food. Now mind you, we were cautioned about the forest, and we knew that it was not fit to enter," As Granny Smith spoke the next line she could still vividly remember the howl of the timberwolves. "But I knew there was critters livin' there. So's I figured there must be somethin' to eat. It was dark and musty, and I won't lie, it was scary. But every inch was covered in plant life, and before I knew it, I was standin' in front of the most incredible apple trees I'd ever did see. I had never seen anythin' that bore that kind of colorful fruit! Oh I started pickin' apples quick as a whip! That's when I heard the most frightenin' growl," Granny Smith could still picture the growl in her mind as if the events had only happened yesterday. "I turned, and there before me stood the timberwolves! I'd never run so fast in my life. I ran all the way back to my house, and I did the only thing I could think of." All the colts and fillies gasped and listened intently. Some of them felt tempted to ask what happened, but they all decided to keep their mouths shut (though Tiara did so reluctantly). Granny Smith continued. "I started bangin' on some pots, and it did the trick! It scared them timberwolves half to death and they ran right back into the forest from which they came.My pa and I planted those special apple seeds, and before our eyes they grew like wildfire. Why, we had full grown trees faster than you could say 'lickety split'. Then each year, I paid close attention to the signs of the zap apples' special harvestin' times. How the weather affects the Everfree Forest, how the timberwolves howl when the zap apples first start growin', and how they zapped away if you didn't pick 'em all in one day! And the fruits of our labor were the best fruit we ever tasted. Soon enough I was mixin' up batches of zap apple jam," Granny Smith then added as she looked at Apple Bloom. "Just like harvestin' the zap apples had their own special rules, and so did makin' zap apple jam. I learned that you gotta be extra friendly with the bees, otherwise their honey won't taste rightly sweet enough to mix in with the zap apples. Who'd'a thought that glass jars needed talkin' to? Or that zap apples like pink polka dots? But magic is as magic does. Just funny that way. Then ponies started comin' to our farm from far and wide just to get a taste of my zap apple jam. Some of them decided to stay, like Stinkin' Rich, Diamond Tiara's great grandfather. Matter of fact, the first thing he ever sold when he opened his store, was my zap apple jam. And before we knew it, we had ourselves a nice little town, bustling with all kinds of ponies. And that is how Ponyville was founded." Much to Apple Bloom and Diamond Tiara's surprise, Silver Spoon was the first one to applaud at Granny Smith's story. But she wasn't alone for long, soon just about everpony in the classroom was clapping their hooves in appreciation. Granny Smith was more than happy to bask in the applause. "Oh, thank you kindly, little ponies. Oh, now now, let's settle down." She replied. "So if it weren't for you and the zap apples, Ponyville wouldn't even exist?!" Scootaloo asked, suddenly having a new appreciation for Granny Smith. Granny Smith nodded. "Darn tootin', little filly! I don't like to brag, but without my family none of your families would've ever settled here." "If it weren't for my Granny Smith, your daddy wouldn't have Barnyard Bargains." Apple Bloom boasted to Diamond Tiara, delighting in putting the rich filly in her place for a change. The rest of the colts and fillies nodded, even Silver Spoon had to agree that Apple Bloom had a point. Diamond was speechless! "But, but!" She protested, before she finally found the words she wanted to use. "But she's just a... kooky old lady! She's making the whole thing up!" All of the colts and fillies gasped, they could not believe what Tiara had just said! Apple Bloom quickly came to her grandmother's defense, leaping out of her chair and standing beside her. "She is not a kooky old lady! She is the most amazing pony in all of Ponyville! And if she says that stuff happened, then it happened! Just ask your daddy, I'm sure he'll tell you!" She said loudly and proudly, that was enough to intimidate Tiara into silence. When school had let out for the day, all the colts and fillies rushed to Sweet Apple Acres. They could hardly wait to try some delicious zap apple jam. "I think this is the best zap apple jam I've tasted yet!" Scootaloo exclaimed, after polishing a spoonful of the tasty jam. "Must be 'cause you had something to do with it, Apple Bloom." Sweetie Belle suggested. "You betcha. Apple Bloom is one humdinger of a zap apple jammer!" Granny Smith boasted. "I am?" Apple Bloom asked, sounding rather surprised at the statement. Granny Smith smiled. "Darn tootin'. It took me years to make the finest zap apple jam I could possibly make, and yet you've surpassed me on your very first try." Applejack came trotting up. "So I take it Family Appreciation Day went well?" She asked with a smile. "Did it ever!" Apple Bloom cheered with delight. "My Granny Smith is super special! I just forgot that for a little while." "Aw, don't fret. I forget things all the time," Granny Smith replied with a laugh. "Now, I'll getcha... er... somethin'," She returned shortly with Apple Bloom's bunny costume and helped her into it. She couldn't resist letting out an aw. Applejack just smiled as she announced. "Who here wants to help Granny Smith sing to the water?" "We do! We do!" The colts and fillies all chanted, and they happily joined Granny Smith in bouncing around the watering cans while singing the alphabet. Suddenly, Filthy Rich came trotting up and cleared his throat. "Got room for one more participant?" He asked. "Diamond Tiara and I had a long talk about her behavior in school today, and I figured she needs to learn a little respect for the pony who's family made us so wealthy. Ain't that right, Diamond Tiara?" Diamond Tiara had a pair of stuffed bunny ears attached to her head, and she was anything but pleased. "But Dad!" She protested. "Ah ah, no buts," Filthy Rich playfully scolded. "Like I said you can either do this, or I can ground ya for an entire month. So what's it gonna be?" He then nudged his daughter forward. Diamond sighed. "Fine, I'll do it. But I won't like it." She pouted, and trotted off. Applejack, Apple Bloom, and Filthy Rich just laughed.