A Crash Course on Harmony

by Cuber Snuggles

You've got mail

Highschooler Matthew Dashel, or simply known as Matt, and his friends Terrance, Rina, and Harry would go to school everyday with John Radderson and Kurt Smith. They still go, despite the fact that John and Kurt were both turned into anthropomorphic versions of cartoon ponies from the TV show called My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. Twilight and Applejack, respectively. So they went to school, received a couple of weird looks, got called into the principal's office, collected a shark's tooth, confront a bully and somehow not get a visit from a government agency. To his knowledge anyway. Needless to say that Matt had a crazy last couple of days.

And his life was about to get even crazier.

Matt had just gotten home from school and was ready to unwind from the day's events by taking a nice long shower and going on his computer to browse random sports related stuff. But first before he did anything else, he was hungry, so a snack was needed. He headed towards the pantry for a nice bag of generic brand chips. As he opened the door and started looking around he couldn't seem to find it. So he did what any sane person his age would do, ask his mother.

“Hey Mom, I can't find the chips,” he said calling out for her. “Mom?” he asked, hoping for a response

He waited, and got no reply.

“Strange. Hmm, maybe she's out buying more chips. Yeah, that's it.” He said to himself. More to reassure himself that she's fine than anything. “But still she would've left a note…I should probably go look for that.” ignoring his hunger, he decided to search for the note that may or may not be there.

After spending a half-hour searching for the note left by his mother with no results, he decided to give up and wait for her return and ask her where she's been then. she's fine. She's got to be...right? he thought to himself. Sighing to himself he went upstairs to his room and turned on his computer and received two email notifications. Checking his inbox he saw two messages waiting patiently for him to open. One from his mom (which he was relieved to see, and confirming she was alright) and one from an unnamed user. Clicking on the mysterious email, a blue glow started to come from the computer's screen, temporarily blinding Matt and forcing him to cover his eyes with his hands to prevent himself from going permanently blind.

After the light from the computer went back down to a tolerable amount, he reopened his eyes, only to see a picture of a white cloud with a lighting bolt colored in rainbow on his computer screen.

“That was...weird…” Matt said with a hint of suspicion in his voice as he closed the email “Whatever it was, it's done now.”

Little did Matt know, a set of changes was happening across his body. Starting with tiny blue hairs growing on his legs. Slowly creeping up his entire body. But to Matt it just felt like a small itch around his ankles, so he ignored it. Deciding it was nothing.

Regardless, he proceeded to gather the things necessary for a shower. After getting the required clothing (a white tank top, a pair of underwear, and a pair of black sweatpants) and a towel, he stepped into his bathroom. But before he could even finish removing his pants, he noticed that both of his legs was covered in a cyan blue fur. Thinking he's just seeing things, Matt did a double take just to be sure.

“Yup, that's fur alright,” he said with a suspicious tone. The fur looked and felt real, as if it belonged to some unknown animal.

The strange symbol from the computer, a white cloud with a rainbow lightning bolt appeared on his outer thighs as if it were meant to be there. It blended into the cyan fur nicely.

“Meh, could be about 20% cooler.” Matt said, unintentionally making a reference from the episode Suited for Success, spoken by Rainbow Dash herself.

Next, his hair started getting longer and different strands of it appeared to develop into red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and violet; the traditional colors of the visible light spectrum, or better known as the rainbow. A similarly colored tail burst from his backside, swishing back and forth.

“I-i guess that's what the rainbow portion of the name means, hehe...” He nervously said, slightly startled by the tail’s sudden appearance.

As soon as Matt’s new hair and tail grew in, his face was covered in the same cyan fur as his legs. His eye color shifted to a bright magenta as his face feminized into a muzzle, his teeth shifting into that of the equine/human hybrid he was becoming. Eyelashes appeared around his big eyes.

As Matt adjusted to these new changes, his body began to take on a more athletic but feminine appearance. A pair of cyan pony ears appeared on her head, twitching in response to every sound in the room. Eventually, a pair of cyan feathered wings sprouted from his, or rather her back as the final changes left Matt standing in the bathroom covered in cyan fur, complete with back hooves for feet. When she looked at the bathroom mirror, the reflection of the new
anthropomorphic Rainbow Dash stared back at her. When she tried to talk or breathe, the new voice sounded higher pitched and with a natural rasp.

“Oh my...this is so awesome!” Rainbow Dash flapped her new wings experimentally as she admired her new rainbow mane in the mirror. "A shower can wait. I have to tell Ashley and Twilight about this!"

Quickly reapplying some clothing, she grabbed her phone and opened her contacts, selected 'Ashley J Smith' and started texting. Explaining in grate detail about what just happened to her. But before she could finish, her battery died.

"Oh well, I guess I'll meet up with them in person."