My Heart's Content

by Doctor Disco

12 - Not My Division

I can’t help but wonder how Rarity can even tolerate Rainbow at this point.

I also can’t help but wonder why she insists so much on making me a dress. At this point of trying to goad me, it has come to ludicrousy how much she persists. It’s almost as if she’s obligated or forced to act that way. Weird.

Well, at least the obstacle course or whatever they wanted to call it was fun. Rainbow Dash and I, we practically trampled everypony else, the only real competition being Applejack, who kept being held back by Rarity’s whines. If there was anypony more worried about getting dirty than friendship (or possibly even getting hurt), it was Rarity.

Twilight and Spike were fine for the most part. Twilight wanted to take it easy while Spike urged the duo to move faster and keep up, but Twilight insisted. I think Spike really wanted to win or at least be on par with Rainbow Dash and me, but sadly, Twilight was a real sloth. They really took their time.

As for me and Rainbow, well, that’s a whole different story. We basically completed the course in, quoting Rainbow Dash here, “ten seconds flat”. Nothing too shabby, a few hills and some pony parkour which I was surprised to see. Then again, some things always manage to creep up in society, dangerous tricks and awesome stunts being some of them. Or just plain being a monkey. That works too.

Getting back on track, the hills actually surprised me. As Rainbow Dash flew, I was able to keep up just fine, running up a hill no problem. I looked down at how far I had ran and was surprised to see a, well, to put it lightly, a long winding hill. And I wasn’t even winded. Maybe a few stray strands of hair, but that was really it. Rainbow began to pester me almost immediately about winning; and what could I do but sigh?

Yep, we passed with (sorry, but this one is too good to pass up) flying colours and we both cheered. Rainbow was surprised that I even managed to run as fast as she could fly, and I shrugged, no less confused as she was. As I looked back the way we came, I could see Twilight and Spike slowly making their way while Applejack was edging Rarity on, trying to get her to quit whining. After a full blown minute of my insistence and annoying speech about going back to help, Rainbow agreed it was a good idea and we accompanied the remaining four ponies and drake to the finish line.

And now, here we are, sitting in a hot tub.

In a spa.

With Rainbow trying to hide the very fact that she even existed.

Rainbow had flat out refused to take a wing massage, if only to protect her projected image. Applejack, Fluttershy, Twilight and Rarity both smirked and whispered sweet blackmail into my ears about times they saw Rainbow at the spa, and I couldn’t help but giggle. Rainbow glared at us every few seconds, suspecting what we were talking about but never actually knowing. As for Spike, well, I asked him about going for a massage, and…

Well, he basically widened his eyes in terror, vaguely saying, “Never again,” before bolting out of the spa, leaving a comical windy outline of him before it blew away. I stared at that spot of dusty air for a second before shaking my head. This world still managed to amaze me.

We then all got massages, courtesy of Rarity and Twilight (well, mostly Twilight, thanks to her being a supposed Princess and all) and Rainbow seemed to stay away from this one, opting for a simple ‘Deluxe Preening’ of her wings. Did I simple? It sure doesn’t sound that way. In my opinion, I think she asked for a full body massage, but specified so that she wouldn’t be in the same room with us.

Case in point when she walked into the scene of us lying down with facial masks on our faces and I saw her whole posture seemed to have relaxed. We all shot her a knowing look, and she met us with an equally intense glare. Giggling to ourselves a little, we finished up before we finally headed to the tub.

“That was fun,” I say, relishing the steaming water and my rejuvenated features. These spa ponies really hit the spot. “I think we should do more team-building games, and end with a well deserved spa treatment. Or at least, a nice warm bath.”

“That certainly sounds like something that would help us get to know each other more,” Twilight pondered, “Good idea, Melody! See, you’re getting the hang of having friends. It’s not that hard, is it?”

A lot harder when you’re best friends are gone because of you. “Yeah…” I trail off, not really starting or finishing a complete sentence.

“And then we can see just who’s the real best pony.” Rainbow smirks as she chops one hoof on the other, emphasising her point.

“Not everything is about seeing who’s better, Rainbow,” Fluttershy uttered, and I smiled at her. “Wasn’t the purpose of that game to help get to know each other a little better? Even though I know I didn’t really join in…”

“Yep. Definitely learned something,” I smile, closing my eyes and enjoying the water. “Rainbow’s a sloth and has an insane wing-massage fetish-”


I continue as if I have not heard her. “Rarity whines about getting tiny specks of dirt on her that could be washed away in an instant, Applejack is just as competitive as Rainbow but much more lenient, and Twilight loves taking it easy. As for Fluttershy… well, I can’t really judge her. I know I would’ve been in her position if I was suddenly pressured into joining a competition, and not really wanting to do it. I mean, I love that kind of stuff, but I get where she’s coming from.”

“You’re going to pay one day, Melody,” Rainbow growls. Though I can’t see her face, I can imagine the pure annoyance and red on her face.

“Now now, Rainbow, let’s be civilized,” Rarity ushers, “But I must say that I do not think I whine that much.”

“Sugarcube,” Applejack immediately pipes,”You whine if you even think about getting your mane wrassled up.”

“It takes a long time to get my hair like it is, okay?” Rarity snaps.

“Well, you’ve got me there,” Twilight says. I finally open my eyes again to see everypony’s faces and I see just what I was expecting. Rainbow’s flushed face, Twilight’s smile, and Rarity and Applejack arguing. “There was this one time where I participated in the Running of the Leaves and I thought it would be nice to just take an easy pace and enjoy the scenery, but Applejack and Rainbow just had to make it all about who’s faster. Naturally, they came in last all because they kept one upping each other…”

All their voices are beginning to blur with one another, giving me a slight headache. Seriously, why? With Rainbow trying to egg me on, Applejack and Rarity arguing, Twilight telling me a story and Fluttershy… well, I have to silently thank her for not adding to this chaos right now.

Anyways, there’s nothing I can do but groan, putting my hooves into my face. “Girls, girls! We’re at a spa right now. Can we just enjoy it, please?”

“Ehehe, sorry, Darling! Just, uh, got a bit carried away…” Rarity says.

“I’ll say. Sorry, Melody.” Applejack tips an imaginary hat at me. I’m sure that if she had her stetson with her and not on a hat stand somewhere, she would totally tip that.

Rainbow just humphs and grumbles something that sounds like “It was her fault”. Shaking my head at that, Twilight apologises as well.

“You didn’t do anything, Fluttershy, you’re good,” I say, seeing her mouth open as well. She nods and smiles at me thankfully.

“Well, I think that marks the end of our spa trip. That was certainly lovely, wasn’t it?” Rarity asks, looking like she was ready to leave the water at a moment’s notice.

“Worried you might stay in long enough to look like a shrivelled prune?” Applejack joked and Rarity shot her a glare.

“Well, she’s not wrong, I think,” I say, not really having been here long enough to know whether osmosis worked on pony skin just like human skin. You know, when your fingers’ skin looks all shrivelled up when you take a long bath? Yeah, those.

Rainbow shoots out of the water like a bullet. “Finally! I was wondering when we would be done.”

“I think it was nice,” Fluttershy says, and I nod in agreement.

“That did relieve some aches I’ve been harbouring,” Twilight nods, propping herself out of the water. Rarity was next, and soon we all were walking out of the spa, completely refreshed and ready to face the day.

“I have one more stop for my turn of this little journey, and that’s the Boutique!” Rarity announces, beginning to walk one way and everypony following her.

“Hey, why does she get two turns and I only get one?” Rainbow complains.

“Rainbow, that’s not how this system works. The spa was just so we could all have some well deserved R and R before doing anything else.”

“Your goldarn right, Twilight,” Applejack began, turning to Rainbow, “And once we’re done with Rares and Flutters, we’re gonna hit my place for some apple fritters and the good ol’ apple cider. How does that sound, hotshot?”

With Rainbow’s sudden odd gurgling sound, I turn to her in confusion and scrunch my brows at the oddity. Rainbow is now wearing a very dreamy expression, with her mouth open and what I assume to be drool almost leaking from her mouth. With my lips pursed and not wanting to pursue the matter further, I look forward again.

“Cider…” I hear Rainbow mutter, and I look to Applejack for some help.

“She just really likes my cider,” Applejack shrugs, “I honestly don’t know what she thinks is so good about it. It may be the best cider in the industry, but it’s far from perfect.”

“I’d hate to see what I’d become if I tasted your cider, then,” I chuckle and Applejack joins me in our little joke.

“Yes, Applejack’s cider is quite the marvel, isn’t it?” Rarity states more than she asks.

“I think I can side with you girls on that one,” Twilight agrees.

I see Fluttershy nod quietly beside me and my smile turns to a half smile and half frown. I know for a fact introverts aren’t able to shut up if put in the right environment… Question is, what would her favourite environment be? It’ll probably show itself when it’s her ‘turn’ to, uh, what’s the word, treat me? Host me?

Whatever the case, I want to see a happy and talking Fluttershy, not a shy and inward Fluttershy. I guess I can’t really blame her, a piece of her personality is literally in her name. Literally.

“We’re here, girls!” Rarity declares, and I look at the building we’ve stopped at in mild fascination. Intricate patterns weave in and out of the building, complementing the colour scheme and the many elliptic windows. Not saying that I like the colour scheme, though. A lot of the colour clash, in my opinion. The windows themselves have some form of mini-roof hanging over them, coloured orange and yellow in alternating strikes. The roof itself seems like it’s made to look like a tent, with fringes hanging off. Long wiry candy-cane pillars hold up both roofs, which causes me to question just how it can support the weight of the roof if it’s basically like a flipping stick.

A stick, guys and gals. A stick. Magic is probably the culprit, but I still want some answers. Come to think of it, it’s beginning to look like a carousel. Odd.

Like how a giant city seems to be clinging onto a mountain for dear life on the range a distance away from here. Seriously, what? “This is Carousel Boutique, Melody. Where everything is chic, unique, and magnifique!” Rarity states, and I smile at her slogan.

“Oh goddess, you still use that?” Rainbow groans, dragging hooves down her face.

“It’s not like it’s bad, Rainbow. You need to lighten up,” Rarity says as she steps in. We all follow her, and upon seeing the mannequins (or ponyquins since their for ponies?), I widen my eyes.

“Oh no…” I mutter, taking a step back.

“What’s the matter, darling?” Rarity asks me, and I look at all the others for help.

“Please don’t tell me you’re going to dress me up in something,” I say, nearing the door ever so slowly.

“That’s exactly what I’m going to do. We came here specifically to get you fitted and to make a dress for you!” Rarity explains with fervor. I can see Twilight and Fluttershy’s confusion at my expression, but Applejack and Rainbow snickering at me is all that it takes.

“Nope. Out of here. I might be a girly girl but I don’t like being a pin cushion. This is not my division, not my division!” I yelp, nearly making it to the door before it slams shut in front of me, causing me to crash into the door snout first. As I smear down the door I begin to paw at the handle before I hear a soft click, and I widen my eyes. Turning around while still on the ground and pushing myself up against the door, I begin to breathe quickly as I see Rarity’s malicious form nearing me with a gracious smile.

“Now where do you think you’re going?”

With sweat trickling down the side of my head, I laugh nervously. "Ehehe, ehehehe..."

I'm doomed.