//------------------------------// // Chapter 14: The Welcome Party // Story: My Story // by Richer19 //------------------------------// This was originally going to be part of the previous chapter but I kind of lost some motivation and I wanted to get something posted. Chapter 14: The Welcome Party Checking out of the hospital prove to be a lot easier then I had hoped for. After a quick check over and the okay from the doctor, I was already out and on my way towards the library with Twilight. As we were walking along, we started having some small talk about various topics that were of intrest to us and a bit of town gossip. Occasionally, we were return our attention back on the strange marks that were surly getting covered up from the dirt road. Twilight was certain that there had to be a book in her library that had some more information on it but the only thing we could be able to say with certainty was that the marks and my weird freak out at Fluttershy's house were somehow connected. What it all means, I had no clue but with the prospect of attending an official Pinkie Pie party in the near future; my concentration was somewhat lax. We eventually reached the library and Twilight made a gesture to suggest that I should be the one to enter first. Noticing her rather difficult time trying to hide a fit of laughter, I gave a brief shrug, or as much of a shrug as a unicorn was capable of, and opened the door. I was surprise to find the library so dark but before I could even think about turning on the lights; they suddenly exploding in a near blinding flash and the word "Surprise!" shouted from the mouths of all the ponies who gathered their. Of course the loudest was Pinkie Pie herself to which she was now happily bouncing in front of me with her trademark grin. "Were you surprise? Huh huh huh?" Pinkie asked in her overly hyper tone. I did feel a strange sense of deja-vu from the whole experience but I decided to ignore that in favor of enjoying the party. Of course Pinkie had everything planned out from the snakes to the music. Of course the first thing that she wanted to do was play some party games. I should have expected that something was going to happen that would make this night a little more interesting. As I was busy talking with Spike and Twilight off to the side, I felt a shiver run down my spine. At first I thought it might have been a slight chill in the air but it was persistent and starting to bug me. Twilight noticed the way I was acting and asked "Is there something wrong Gamer?" I looked around and said in a mumbled tone "I don't know...it feels like somepony is watching me." Twilight gave a small giggle and replied "Of course there are ponies watching you. You are the guest of honor." I return the chuckle and replied "Yeah, I guess your right as usual." Still, that strange feeling was still present. However, before I could focus on it again, I felt a sharp pain in my head which caused me to which a bit. Twilight gave a gasp of surprise but before she could ask what was wrong, I said "Somepony trying to get into my backpack." I took off before Twilight could say anything. I moved as fast as I could admits the crowd of ponies. I knew where my backpack was because Twilight had told me on the way here that she had Spike bring it back to the library for her. He had placed it inside the room I was staying at and somepony was trying to get into it. If they managed to succeed, who knows what might happen to them or to the rest of the ponies in the library. All it would take was just one game and it would begin poisoning the innocents of this world. All those thoughts served to push myself further along, apologizing to anypony that I bumped into. I managed to reach my room and almost smashed through the door and the scene that I saw almost gave me a major heart attack. My backpack was opened and the soft blue light was emanating from the inside. The T.V was out in addition to my PS3 and two controllers. My gaze moved away from the equipment towards the ponies that were in the room. It was the Cutie Mark Crusaders in addition to a few of what I assumed to be their classmates. All of them had either a shock or guilty look on their faces and I saw that lying on the floor was a game that I was surprise to even be their in the first place. The cover of the game should a picture of a shadowy man holding two scythes riding on a black horse. In front of the man were the words "Darksiders II" with the 'II' being in dark purple. My eyes widen in horror as how close it was before these children had their minds corrupted. "Are you alright Gamer?" Applebloom asked but I was most certainly not alright. Waves of various emotions were coursing through my body. I could feel relief at the crises being adverted but anger that these fillies would think it was alright to just go ahead and mess around with my stuff. Part of me was even curious as to how they managed to get it set up this far but curiosity and relief were pushed to the back of my mind. I shook my head and said in a louder voice then I might have intended "Do you fillies have any idea as to what you were about to do?" Scootaloo replied "We just wanted to play on your totally awesome machine." I turned my head towards her and replied "Did I give you permission to use my stuff?" Scootaloo lowered her head which was enough of an answer for me. I walked over towards the game and opened it up to find, to my relief, that the game was still inside. "What's going on?" a voice asked from outside the room. I turned my head and saw that Twilight, Applejack, Rarity, and Rainbow Dash were next to the door. I gave a tired sigh and sweep my hoof as I said "These little ones were about to experience something that they...or anypony for that matter were not ready to see." Twilight was a bit curious and asked "What might that be?" I held up the game and said "They were going to play an M-Rated game." Naturally, that only caused them to have blank stares so I added "It means that this game is intended for mature audiences." "Well I'm mature enough!" Applebloom rebutted but quickly backed down when I gave her a rather cold stare. i return my attention to the older girls and said "Maturity is not solely based on age. Remember when I said that the realm of video games are only limited by your imagination." They of course nodded their heads and I continued "Well...you would be surprise as to how far that imagination will take somepony." I turned over the box to see the back and said "This game contains strong violence and gore, strong language, explicit content, and blood. and you young fillies were about to experience it all." Of course they had no idea what a few of the items that I had listed actually mean but the ones that they did know caused them to let out another gasp of surprise. Slowly, they started to realized my reason for the way I was acting and started to give the young ones a talking to about respecting sompony's property and the dangers of curiosity. Applebloom and Scootaloo got the most of it from what I could tell but Sweetie Bell, who had remain quiet through the whole thing, did not escape a talking to by her older sister. I gave a tired sigh before I heard Twilight say "It was a good thing you sense them messing around with your backpack. I don't know what might have happen if they managed to start that game." I gave a small smile and replied "Well...If it was me, I might end up having nightmares for the next few weeks; but in all seriousness, it was a little close for my taste." Twilight was silent for a few moments before asking "So do you think I'm mature enough to play that game?" The question surprised me but I had a feeling that was coming. I gave it some thought before replying "Well...the recommended age for playing an M-Rated game is seventeen..." I saw Twilight's eyes widen in happiness and I quickly added "But it really depends on how you handle the experience." Twilight asked "The experience?" I nodded my head and explained "One of the biggest things you have to keep in mind when playing any game is just that. It is a game, not reality. It is nothing more then lines of code combined with art and music for the single purpose of entertainment. It is very hard to maintain that understanding as games, especially some of the newer ones, do a fantastic job of making it look real. As long as you don't lose yourself, you will be just fine." Before we could have a chance to continue the conversation, we heard the sound of the front door opening followed by a gasp of surprise. Decided that it might be best to see what was going on, we made our way back to the main room. When we got their, we saw that five Royal Guards had entered the library although only four of them were wearing the usual gold armor. The fifth one was wearing armor that was colored in a deep almost midnight blue armor. Only his head was visible in addition to the curve sword that was attached to his back. As Twilight made her way over to them to see what was going on, I remain glued in placed by both complete surprise and fear. My eyes were glued to the pony in the midnight blue armor and the only thought in my head was "This is impossible. There is no way he should be here right now." However, no matter how much I tried to find an alternate explanation, there was no mistaking those pericing blue eyes with the black irises that glowed with intense fire. I was almost face to face with my own OC Moonsaber. I do hope you enjoy this story and I do appreciate any comments you have to say about it as long as it is civilized.