Sci Twi and the Spider's Web

by cornholio4





In an apartment one Friday afternoon a young fifteen year old by the name of Peter Parker was in his room busy at work wearing goggles as he was getting to work fixing up an old broken computer that he had. “Flash when he gave it to me told me it would never work again and I was just wasting time, when it’s done I should film a video of it working and show it to him.” Peter said grinning to himself as he recalled what his Uncle Ben once told him about one man’s trash being another man’s treasure.

Then came a knock on the door and entered was his guardian Aunt May, she looked to him working on the computer and told him with a smile “if only my sister was still around to see what a huge tech prodigy her son turned out to be.” Peter then shook his head not thinking much of the compliment and kept on working. “Well I got to go and give the rent to the landlord, I won’t be long.” Aunt May told him as she left.

“Goodbye Aunt May.” Peter told her as she left with a wave which he returned, after ten minutes he figured he was done for the moment took off his goggles and looked at it proudly. “Wonder what I can do now, maybe go on the TV and watch that recording of that episode of the Flash........” Peter thought to himself amazing that comic and TV superheroes were still popular despite the real world now having actual Superheroes in the Avengers and............

“What the......” Peter thought as he jumped hearing some sort of strange sound, “Should I......... well it could be trouble and I might as well help.......” Peter muttered opening up the secret compartment on the ceiling of his room and out came his secret mask, goggles and homemade costume that he used his for secret heroics of Spider-Man (though apart from videos on the internet, so not a lot of people knew about him or the name he picked out for himself). Quickly putting the stuff and his homemade electronic Web-Shooters into his school backpack figuring if it was something he could hide in a closet to change.

“What is it, I must warn you I have super powers....” Peter muttered quietly walking out of the apartment room and had his mouth wide open as he saw some sort of portal out of a science fiction movie in the middle of the hall. “This is so cool.......” Peter could not help but mutter, he then suddenly felt what he called his 'Spider Sense' going off, but before he could react he then found himself being dragged into it, the people around tried to grab him to help him out of it but the force was too strong and pulled him in.

The people stared in shock and a white haired elderly man with glasses remarked “I thought something weird would happen to that kid one of these days.........”


Peter groaned as he woke up on some sort of couch, all he recalled was going through a portal, catching glimpses of what looked like Donald Duck, a racoon wearing an orange suit, a purple being in golden armor and then passing out hitting something solid and hearing a car alarm being set off.

“Shining, he is waking up.......” Peter heard a girl’s voice say his vision returned to see that he was facing a girl with glasses, Peter looked freaked out and saw that he was lying on a couch and in some sort of room that looked like some weird cartoon. “Glad to see you are alright but I am surprised to see that you have healed from that quicker than it would be possibly for any human to be after what you just went through, I’m Twilight Sparkle!” the girl told him introducing herself.

Peter wondered if Twilight was some sort nickname, “Well nice to meet you Twilight, I’m Peter Parker.” Peter told her shaking her hand and Twilight gave him a smile when Peter saw an older male enter the room and the look of him made Peter think of how this still looks like a cartoon. “Thank you for helping me but how did I get here, you might not believe me but in the hallway of my apartment I was sucked into some sort of portal...........” Peter told them hoping the guy would not just phone a psychiatric ward.

“Oh we can believe that alright.” The man told Peter which made him blink in surprise that his story was believed and looking back to Twilight he saw she was intrigued. “I can believe it because we were walking to our house when you suddenly appeared screaming out of the portal and landed on my car, still wondering how to explain that to my insurance company.” The man told Peter which made him looked apologetic. “It’s alright, I’m Twilight’s brother by the way Shining Armor.” The man said introducing himself which made Peter blink at the name but just shrugged going with it.

"So where am I, I think I might be a long way from Queens." Peter told them getting up only to see them stare at him with a confused expression. "Queens, New York?" Peter told them only for them to keep looking confused.

"Sorry I never heard of those places, you are here in the city of Canterlot." Shining told them and Peter stared at them in shock wondering if he was sent to another planet or something. Peter then looked down thinking that he was a long way from his home and any minute his Aunt May could get home and realise that he was not there. Looking concerned at his saddened expression Twilight pulled him into a comforting hug which made him lighten up a bit and gave her a grateful smile.

"Thanks for helping me but I wonder how I am going to get home, I have my classes at Midtown Science High and my Aunt May will be worried sick once she finds out that I am not home..." Peter muttered and while Twilight was a bit excited that Peter maybe into science like her she was still feeling sorry for this boy that came here inexplicably.

"Don't sweat it Peter, we can help you any way we can." Shining told him putting a hand on his shoulder, "You can stay here in a spare room we have and I can make arrangements for you to be allowed here and be enrolled at Twilight's school at Crystal Prep until we can track down your aunt and get you home." Shining told him and Peter lightened up at the mention that this meant he had a place to stay in the mean time. Twilight helped him up and told him she can show him her room and Peter followed her. "Don't get up to any funny business with my sister Peter." Warned Shining coldly to his ear and Peter gave him a frightful nod as he followed Twilight up the stairs.

They saw a purple and green dog and Twilight told him that was her pet Spike, and Peter gave him a slight clap on the head. "Well this is my room!" Twilight told him and Peter was amazed at all the science books and science trophies there were, he was now meeting a girl who was a science nerd like him. Well there were definitely girls at Midtown but none he could really be a nerd like him and his best friend Ned, well except for Michelle but he didn't talk to her much.

"This is amazing, I am really into science myself as I have studied thesis written by Bruce Banner, Howard Stark, Helen Cho..." Peter told her dropping his backpack (that he picked up from the side of the couch) but before Twilight could ask about the people he just mentioned Spike went into his backpack and the stuff inside fell out.

Peter panicked as Twilight picked up his Spider-Man suit and asked "where you about to go to a costume party or something?" Peter let out a grateful sigh as he was about to use that excuse when Twilight dropped the costume also noticing his Web-Shooters and then a scrapbook marked "WORLD'S SUPERHEROES".

Peter especially panicked as he realised it was his scrapbook of newspaper articles about superpowered incidents in the world, his Uncle Ben helped him get it started when Tony Stark first became Iron Man. Peter was about to take when he accidentally dropped it and it opened up at an article. Twilight's eyes widened at it and then picked it up to have a look inside before Peter could stop her. "Twilight I can explain..." Peter told her softly not sure that he actually can as Twilight looked through the headlines:












Twilight's face went even more shocked as she went through the articles in the scrap book, "Men turning into giant monsters, guys in suits of armours, a guy with a shield and someone based on the Norse God of Thunder, killer robots..." Twilight muttered as Peter got freaked out wondering how to explain all this. "Wait I think I have it, you were sent from another Earth!" Twilight said with a stance apparently proud of herself for figuring this out as Peter just looked dumbfounded.

"Another Earth, you mean like that episode of that really old science fiction show where the crew goes to another world where they are evil and the pointy eared guy has a goatee?" Peter asked taking this easy and thinking he can believe it since he did go through a portal and ended up here. Twilight and Spike shared a disbelieving look but Twilight just shrugged.

"I don't believe another human appeared from out of nowhere, a world where superheroes exist like in those comic books that Shining Armor reads..." Twilight muttered excited at the prospect and Peter was weirded out by how well she was taking this. Twilight then blinked and then showed him a shrine she had made of the weirdness going on at Canterlot High and Peter wondered how he missed that. "A lot of stuff has been going on at this school Canterlot High and I am not talking an incident where an online user called Anon A Miss caused some tension there; I believe it might be responsible for that portal that sent you here." Twilight told him but Peter blinked again.

"So you are saying this School is Hogwarts?" Peter asked and Twilight blinked and he responded by saying "Never mind..." Peter did not think that simple school could be responsible unless there was some sort of powerful alien artefact there. "So even if there is something going on there that sent me there, how do we find out?" Peter asked and Twilight smirked.

"Crystal Prep and Canterlot High have a competition called the Friendship Games that is being held there, once Shining arranges for you to be sent to my school we can go there together and investigate together, we might find a way to send you home." Twilight told him holding out her to shake and Peter thinking he had no better ideas he shook it.

Twilight then realised somethign and mumbled out "oh my gosh, sorry for going through your book without you even saying anything. It was rude and I am sorry about that." Peter laughed telling her that they can move past it now and he can even show it to her in more detail later to which Tailight smiled. Twilight and Peter then jumped when she saw a web go past them and they turned to see that Spike was now beginning to play with Peter's Web-Shooters. Peter took them away as Twilight gave Peter a question face as she then pointed to Peter's costume and Peter realised what she was asking.

"Yeah though no one knows of me outside of a few sightings caught on videos online but I call myself Spider-Man." Peter said jumping to the ceiling and was now hanging on it with Twilight's jaw opened up.

"That's not scientifically possible; you're not scientifically possible..." Twilight muttered with a look that was adorable to Peter, Peter laughed as he jumped down laughing at the still dumbstruck look on Twilight's face. He hoped his stay here would lead to him going home and seeing Aunt May again so that he can see if it was like Narnia where he was only gone for a few minutes. Still at least he had a friendly face here to help him get home.