//------------------------------// // The Colt and His Monster // Story: Tales of the Battle Foals // by Sirdubya //------------------------------// The Battle Foals entered the Everfree forest with their new companions in tow. Zebota said that he wanted to pack a few things from his camp before setting off, to which the foals agreed. He got to witness the capabilities of his new friends when monsters got in their way as they made good use of their upgraded arsenal coupled with the combat experience that they already had. Zebota was surprised to see that he and his pet could have so easily bested such capable warriors……Then again, he did ambush them in the dead of night. “I am impressed, Battle Foals. Your strength serves to prove your conviction. That is most admirable.” Zebota said. Shrapnel then grunted. “He says, ‘Meh, they could be better’.” Crazylocks said. Air Slash chuckled as he sheathed his swords. “Even the beast has a warrior’s spirit. I like that.” “All things that live have the will to survive, Air Slash. Even a simple leaf fights for its life despite that it is sessile. You must never forget that.” Zebota said. Shadow Shroud giggled. “You’re beginning to sound like one of my masters.” Zebota looked at her. “Then your masters have learned to respect life itself. I would get along with them.” “Don’t be so sure about that. My entire order is very reserved and rarely if ever makes contact with outsiders.” Shroud said. “Your association with all of these other ponyfolk says otherwise.” Zebota said. “Yes, well….They have found comfort in the type of world you and I live in. I’m simply here to guide them.” Shroud said. “And you’ve been doing a great job from day one too. We can’t thank you enough, Shroud.” Fire Fight said. She replied with a simple smile. “Then we shall do no less, won’t we, Shrapnel?” Zebota said as he looked up at his monster. Shrapnel grunted again. “He said ‘I serve as your guardian’.” Crazylocks said. Zebota looked at her curiously. “It….still surprises me that…..” “Zebota, just expect anything and everything from her. It’s easier that way, trust me.” Spiral Galaxy said. “Ehh…..very well….” Zebota said. Crazylocks then snorted some dirt from the ground beneath her, and then blew it out into a nearby bush. “I CAN SMELL THE UNIVERSE!!” ***** The Battle Foals reached Zebota’s hut. It was pretty much as they had left it except for the restraints that he used to tie them. They were torn down for scrap. “I simply wish to pack some of my herbs and rocks for my sling. I will only be a moment.” Zebota said. Quantum Tech couldn’t help but to notice the out-of-place plastic bucket still in Shrapnel’s shed. “A moment, Zebota. Where did you attain that bucket from?” she asked. Zebota looked at it. “Oh…..yes….I think Shrapnel took that from the village you call Ponyville. It had some food in it. I’m sure he meant no harm.” He turned to his beast and his brooch glowed. “Shrapnel, return this to where you found it.” He said as he pointed to the bucket. Shrapnel’s eyes seemed to glow in response and he walked over to the bucket. He picked it up in his jaws and ran into the brush beyond. “He should not take long.” Zebota said. He pulled out his bladed boomerang and began harvesting some of his strange herbs. Zebota called Shrapnel his ‘friend’, but it was clear that he had some kind of control over him, probably for the best just for the risk of Shrapnel suddenly going on a ravenous rampage. “Zebota, how did you meet Shrapnel?” Fire Fight asked. “Furthermore, how did you tame him?” Air Slash added. Zebota stopped his harvesting and looked gloomily at them. “If…..you cool talkin’ ‘bout it.” Turf War said. Zebota sighed. “It is…..complicated. I do not know if…..I could explain it well enough for you to understand.” “Humor us.” Air Slash said. “Honestly, Air Slash!” Spiral reprimanded. “Zebota, you don’t have to tell us if you’re not comfortable with it.” “Y-Yes….Forgive me, friend. I meant not to intrude.” Air Slash said. Zebota sighed. “For all intents and purposes, I should. After all, you told me your stories. It is only fair that you know mine.” He took a deep breath and cleared his throat. “I am an orphan.” The foals all gasped in shock. No wonder he was so reluctant to talk about it earlier! Crazylocks ran up to him. “Me too! Let’s be orphans together!” She was then surrounded by a magic field that actually came from Quantum’s railgun and pulled back. “Honestly…..” Quantum sighed. She looked back at Zebota. “Darling….” “I used to live peacefully in the homeland of my people far to the west of here with my parents. It is not uncommon knowledge that we practice arts and rituals that many others find strange or even frightening; my family was no exception.” Zebota explained. “Many of the arts our ancestors once practiced are becoming lost to the ages, one of them being Beastcraft. Beastcraft is…..an art that even my own people shun as taboo or unholy, but it is a practice that once thrived in ancient times. Through Beastcraft, one could bind animals as small and docile as squirrels or as big and powerful as an Ursa Major to their will, and befriend them. But they first must fell the beast in battle. It had become viewed as unholy because……well, it would be very easy for one to build an army to try and conquer entire lands. My parents and I are descendants of the one who created and perfected the art, and each generation has since preserved its teachings…..I had begun my training at a very young age…..My parents were very proud of how easily I began to master our art….” Zebota had to hold back tears as he remembered his dearly departed parents before continuing. “Forgive me…..Anyway, There came a day when a great beast was discovered to be dominating the jungles around our village, one stronger than any of its kind. As such, my parents took the opportunity to put our craft to the test. We hunted it for many days before we finally managed to track it down…..You should have seen how brightly they smiled when we laid eyes on it, but…..I was very nervous and could not contribute to the fight……The beast proved too powerful for my parents, and…..” The foals could feel Zebota’s anguish as he finished his tale. While he wasn’t as tragic as Crazylocks, Zebota definitely wasn’t just joining them because he was lonely; he was suffering. Spiral Galaxy walked over and hugged him. “Oh, Zebota….you poor thing…” she whispered. Kickback held his hat over his heart in respect knowing the agony of losing a parent. Zebota let a few tears roll down from his eyes as he received her comfort. “Thank you…..” he muttered. Spiral let go of him after a moment. “So did……did y’all ever smoke dat thing?” Turf War asked. Zebota sniffled a little. “When I saw my parents on the ground motionless, I……My fear turned into horrible rage. Whatever power that came over me gave me the strength to defeat the monster…..” “Did ya finish it off?” Kickback asked. Zebota shook his head. “No. I spared it so that I may successfully bind it to me.” The foals exhibited some shock. “Hol’ up! Y’all sayin’ you ain’t murdered dat b**** fo’ killin’-” “TURF WAR!” Quantum interjected. “Sorry, sorry. It just…..What up, bruh?” Turf War said. “My parents taught me better than to be vengeful , you see. The ways of my people not only respect nature, but the right to life itself, and we view revenge as an infringement on that right to other things that live.” Zebota explained. “Instead, I granted this beast the mercy of its life in exchange for its service to me. I would honor the memory of my parents by taming the beast that they sought to tame themselves.” Zebota explained. “Wow…..Zebota, you have way more honor than I gave you credit for. I very much respect you.” Shroud said. Air Slash drew his sword and held it over his heart. “As do I. I’m honored to have had the opportunity to cross blades with such a worthy opponent.” Something then crossed Shroud’s mind. “Wait….This beast….” “It’s not…..” Fire Fight caught on to what she was thinking. Zebota nodded. “Yes, ponyfolk. That beast was Shrapnel.” Jaws dropped hard enough to thud on the ground with considerable force. The monster that orphaned him….BECAME HIS PET!? “Zebota…..are you quite serious!?” Quantum asked. “I am. In the beginning, I was resentful of him. I wished that I could end his life without regrets, but….I could not.” Zebota said. “Did….any of the other zebras offer to take you in?” Spiral asked. Zebota sighed. “No….they feared my family, always have. So when I became an orphan with a monster at my command, I was shunned and forced to live in the woodlands beyond with my only company. As time went on, I….strangely began to find comfort in Shrapnel’s presence. He had become my only friend, and…..I ended up befriending the monster that destroyed my life.” Spiral hugged him again. “Zebota, that’s just awful….” She let go of him. “I’m guessing you eventually decided to come here?” Zebota nodded. “Yes. I would sometimes be confronted by hecklers who would seek my banishment for practicing a ‘dark art’, so I took Shrapnel and left. When I had heard of this forest that ponyfolk feared, I sought this place out and have lived here in seclusion so that I may not be a bother.” “And it wasn’t until much later that you met us, huh?” Fire Fight said. Zebota nodded once more. “Wow…..you’ve had it rough, dude…” Fire Fight might have been a little too quick to trust the zebra that sought to harm them, but now he couldn’t regret taking Zebota aboard if he wanted to. This was another foal that needed his help, and he was going to do so. Though he certainly wasn’t expecting circumstances like this. “Are you gonna be ok being the only zebra with us? I honestly never thought we’d get one.” “Yeah, this totally came out of left field.” Spiral said. “I can understand if you think that I am strange. Sometimes I wonder if our kinds were ever meant to exchange words, but I am willing to give it a try. Please pardon any actions I take that you would find odd, and know that I value my upbringing as well as your lives.” Zebota said. They suddenly heard a consisting thudding noise approaching them. As it did, Zebota’s brooch began to glow. “Ah! There he is.” Sure enough, Shrapnel jumped out from the overgrowth and went to join his master. He gently nuzzled the zebra colt in greeting. “Good boy, Shrapnel!” Shrapnel loudly purred as Zebota scratched his chin. The other foals looked on at their display. It was unbelievable to think that an act of rage born of a deep transgression could lead to a…..strangely beautiful friendship. Fire Fight wondered just what Zebota and his wooden sentinel would bring to the table. “Zebota, I’m quite curious about the jewel adoring your neck. Am I to presume that’s where your magic comes from?” Quantum Tech asked. “In a way, it does, but in another way, it does not. You see, my culture is greatly centered around communing with and respecting nature. These jewels are carefully forged in a ritual that asks for the spirits of the land to bless us with their favor. The catch is that a jewel can only be allowed to do so many things, and the blessings that it may grant you are finite and vary depending on where you are.” Zebota explained. Quantum pondered over his explanation, but…. “I’m…not quite sure I follow.” “Remember when I said earlier that I only take from nature what she offers me? That same principle applies to this jewel. Depending on the kinds of spirits around, I can only use some of whatever power they choose to bestow unto me.” Zebota said. “So….if we were in say….a desert, you wouldn’t be able to use any magic that makes trees grow since there likely wouldn’t be any?” Spiral inquired. “That is a fine example, yes. Tree spirits do not reside in such places, so I would not be able to receive such blessings.” Zebota said. “And they’ll only give you so much?” Fire Fight said. “That is correct. Spirits of nature will only grant you what they feel you should have, and asking for more would greatly offend them, and believe when I say that offending nature in such a way is that last thing you want to do. As such, when I have used all that has been given to me, I must rely on the survival skills taught to me.” Zebota said. “And that’s where Shrapnel comes in in case it’s not enough.” Fire Fight guessed. Zebota looked up at his beast. “Yes. Because of my upbringing in the realm of beasts, Shrapnel is nature’s eternal gift to me, a gift I am forever grateful for…..despite what it has cost me….” Shrapnel whimpered as he brushed his muzzle against Zebota’s neck. “He says ‘You are a strong and worthy master’.” Crazylocks said. Zebota stroked his jaw. “Thank you, friend.” He said. He looked back at the Battle Foals. “In the end, it was a fair contest that he won over my parents, and another where I bested him. It is as nature flows.” They nodded at him. “I have a feeling we’ll learn a lot from each other, Zebota. I can’t imagine what the future will hold for us now.” Fire Fight said. “The feeling is mutual, Fire Fight. Now let us waste no more time. The dark of night draws closer, and nature spares no expense for any of her children.” Zebota said. He gathered the rest of his herbs and some more rocks for his sling. When asked what Shrapnel ate, he said that he prefers meat, but is content with whatever is available, which was good enough for the foals. As such, Zebota gathered some meat he had hunted prior and stored in the refrigerated storage compartment of Quantum’s mech. Once all was said and done, Zebota and Shrapnel joined their new friends on their journey.